MASUON UNCORD. .PUBUSIIED EVLIlY TIIt'InA "cr-c- tjzt&isiz sr. Cdilcr'atid Prop He Cur. Entered at the rortofRVe 1S Marion as isepond-cbs r..ail matter. The List iif u- of th? State, Capt. Ashe's n?vr pajwr, says : ' The platform of th Democratic party i.' North Carolina han al ways b.-n f r the fn-o coinage of ilvcr vt:C t-inco tNat matter ! rant': a pronoMne-d is-ue, and at the.'a-t meeting of the State on mitie: the vote in re-all!rmun;e if Ihrj. declaration was very fctronir. fit order to !' strictly correct ii ghould ! said that no Pcmocralie Mate platform adopted in N'-rlli Carolina prior to 100 17 .ar.- after the, ''crime of 7.f' demand ed th? free coina'; of silver. It wa-i put in the platform of lSi not Wan-,'; there was any special demand for it on the part of the Dt nmcrat.s of the State, hat be cause t!r Alliance, or tliat portion of it which ha-, nitr e become the Popitlbt party, demanded it, and this along with others of their de mands was put into the platform in order to keep them in the part v. ! , , .' . That to an element which there was no :-ati.-hu failed piiuilh', as ini-ii of wisdom saw in udvanto t!at it must fail eve ntual ly. Hut certain nu n inside the iJ '.nocriit:e party'; have insisted ever since, on retaining this plank in the platform under the delusive Idea that hy it these Populists may he hroutrht hack. It failed to keep them in the parly and no man need for a moment think that it will win them hack. Land mark. IIOw E'JiJis Howe :tui;!it Ait Iic:i Iti a Iire::m. It i-; mid that Elias How.-, al most beggared himself hefoi'e he discov-red where the f e d' the newing-mae hine i.edle should he locitted. Hw lie finally hit upon t he right idea is told hy a contri butor, to the The Textile World, as follows : 'Tlis Howe's original i.'ea was to follow the model of the ordi nary needle, and have the eye at the heel. It never occurred to him that it should he plaeed near tin' point, and he might have failed altogether if he had not dreamed ho was building a sewing-machine for a savage king in a strange country. Just then, in his actual waking- experience, he was per plexed about the needle's eye. llu thought the king gave him twenty four hours to complete the ma chine, and make it sew. If not finished in that time death was to be the punishment. Howe worked and worked, and puzzled and puzzled, and finally gave it up. Then he thought ho was taken out to be executed. Ht noticed that the warriors carried spears that were pierced near the head. In tr.n'ly came the solution of ti e difitctlty, and while the inventor was begging for time, lie awoke. It was four o'clock in the morning, lie jumped out of bed, ran to his woil.siiop. and by nine oVh-ck a needle with an eye at the point had Urn rudely modelled. After that it was easy. rl hat is the true blory of an important incident in the invention of the sewing-machine, and worth recording." ' Turn tb'" rascab .n;" t!:t f.imHiar I'-irij cry may be (! it il to microbes us well as to rm-n Tin crtns of tb seae that hirk in tin -bfootl me "tuniel out" by Aytr'ii Sursuj riila as etlt t tiily as the obi j'tK-'nia?! rs arc bucJ ly u new ud Uiwsistrauou. Xo Woman MiITia;r'. 1 am utterly opposed to woman pulVrago. 1 think she is mistaking her calling wken she teeks the op portunity to vote in the national, state and municipal elections, ami goes completely out of her sphere. "The hand that rocks thecrulle is the hand that rules the world." So he must content herself in rais ing t;p true Ptatei-men who will honestly give her justice, without her having to submit to annoy ances attending the ballot box. in her efforts to do good and to ele vate the character of the race, her character shines with the mo-t glorious lustre The last at ti e cress, the first at the grave, she is. instinctively, always on the side cf right and mercy and humanity. Mrs J. II. Carrie. The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of Fast Rrimlield, Mass., been mtVering from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or .avs nor oe-ng ame to sleep or hardly keep shll,when .Air. Hidden, .1 i ... .i . , . u:e mercnani mere sent Her a hot- tie of Chamberlain's Pam Palm, and asked that she give it a thor- ougntria-. Un meeting .Mr. W ells , As a further safeguard Brow li the ner.t :y he was told that she ! mv instructed one of his printers was all right the pam had left heij.ii. R. Lvon, now editor of the within two hours and that the (Ireehville Po publican to walk a boith- of Iain balm was worth ; few tt ps 1 hind him. Thus pro Sa0 n it could not re nad :Ur.,d tiv li;ntv dliol forth in-n-ss. i-or sab at oO cents per hot? tb. .i.,,-i. i v., t,e hy Morphew iV: hite. Drug- - ' fc l3 llUSOi M0UTXL0W ( EI'; IIAI A I.fYi:,Y CAREEH I ;VSALli'(E EX JOXt:-'- Ue am- L.wm-x C. jIaynx-, Ax oth nit .liNi-ri:K. Vki:k Editors or Rival N.-AsrAi::!::--. a.i Fou Two Ylva ya t;v Mojial Ml.v Thkv Manv.o;;i vo Kkm TiiiNii- Wki.l Sr:i::.i:n V.v. Thr.-e are many people in j .j... j., c, -itiii-; tl.ot once, in get-tki.-t town v. lio r.-Mwiiitr the live- ' tin:: hot ::l an imi: finite numb r ly uay. wie-a two Method i-t J f tij;; ai.d in raising more ex prvacla :rs edit"d oppo.-ition papers citemcn?, r 11 in a moral way, than for it." benefit. rihe-o men wen any otl. r ten men w ho ever lived William (t. Urownlow, aftr-rwrrd m aV.n!,.ro. hut he had not shc u"!veri.' r f ti e .V.ate, and Laiuion , creded in making morey. His C. Jlayii'-s.' I i,r"f ' ai id household goods wr-re Urowid' .w is hotter know: to f-hipp-d down the river on a llat fame as I'arFwn Iirownlow th:.n ! h,at, ar.u his horse3 were sspirited hv any oth'r title, lie had f-nyajj- j ollt ,,f town by his printers at din i'. pillar work as a minuter from li'O to 1830 and was a h eal ; prcaeht-r all the rc-t of liis life, j His career as editor and politieinn was such 1 hat he n-ems to have . iKtr (i laai m cinaa L:iaitlci' ii woull be lost higut oi, ana so in his autohiograpy he set down the following facts : "I have never 1 e n arraigned in the church for any immorality. J have never olaved a card, I never " lr.fai. swearer. I never tasted a dram of liquor. I never , , , ? i.,, ;. had a cij;ar t r chew of tobacco m ny m,JutjK n,,v,.r Wus in atten- dance at a theater. 1 never court ed but one woman, and her an 1 married." . It will be seen that he gives himself a pretty clear moral char acter. Moreover, it is doubtful if any one could be found to ques tion any of his statements unless it be the one in regard to profane swearing, and if such epithets as '(Jo.i forsaken scoundrel-' and ''hell d ..-erving villians,?' arc not ch'.s.-eil as pioianity j rownlow could clear himself efoven this accusation. His contemporary, Havre's, was only a iriiie less fortunate in min isterial standing. It is true that liayner1 quarterly eonlerence had taken his license away on account of some slight irregularity against him, but after it had investigated matters more fully it offered to r. '.-lore the license and would have done so had not Ilaynes himself re I used to take it. The Jonesboro people were aware of the good ministerial standing of ihe edi tors. This was fortunate, for they certainly could never have inferred it from their editorial columns. brownlow, who edited The Whig was as fearless as a wildcat, about as pugnacious, and a masterof the art of invective and vituperation. Ilaynes, who edited The Democrat, is considered by many the most eloquent nian the State of Tennes see eer produced. If his editorial columns were hardly as strong as llrownlow's, the spell of his per sonal magnetism was greater, so that the two were pretty well matched. For two perfectly moral editors they managed to keep things a. round the old town lively. Ilaynes printed t-emething that reflected on Hrownlows wife, and Brownlow thought that was carry ing things too lar.The next morn ing he eaine down the street with a big pistol in cue hand and a heavy walking cane in the other. As hejurucd the corner he sudden lv came face to iac with Havnes. "Are you armed?'' asked the Whig editor. ''No,'' rcplh-d the Deinociat man. Hrownlow then changed his pis tol to his left hand and his cane to his right lie was jus! on the point of giving his opponent a tremend ous caning, but he was not quick enough. While Urownlow was changing his w eapops Ilaynes pull ed a pis'ol from his own pocket and shot Urownlow in the thigh.. Urownlow tired, but missed his aim. Ilaynes ! ad told a lib m denying that he-was armed, b'it he had saved himself from a thrash ing. Ilaynes was generally mild in his editorial utterances, and hence was rarely involved in any diffi cult v except with Urownlow. The latter was so impartial in his un pleasantness as isa chestnut bur, and had more personal difficulties than an ordinary man would know what to do with. The nor mal condition of his intellectual weather w as that of a toinado. On- of his most serious affairs occurred while an annual cunfereiM' of his church w as in session at Jem sboro. Due night during the session lie invited eight or le.i . tin1 visiting preachers to laki -upper wiih him. Alter -upper, ju.-t as they were all getting; readv to .-tart for church. ! h astonished Ids ministerial breth ren by putting a large pistol un der his cloak and taking a sword cane iii his hand. Yhy, Rrow nlow!" ex- ' claimed one "Can it he possil h ! that a minister of the -espc 1 needs I ' tUch weapon- as these?" ! i 1 nwi.-.,! ir..-t.,. The ! minister doesn't m ed them, but the editor does.'' ,.i,,rM. m-,rvii,;,, x. ,. .,it " - l.lMilllll, "'111 "ill, .UlU ..t 1 In Cone lNlnn tf llui t:.rriii .u?3 lSr&r.0r Agricultural Column. ( voting hidv. Rrownlow walked arm in arnt vvmx tne llev. Air. C it'.ett a v.-31 known Methodist j Rome one-, slipped uj; in the; hehind hmi and htt m l: 1:3m on the head with a en,;vbnr. Th'; t-knll was fractured j and partial paralysis from which J he st'lTV-red m th.- latter years of his ine was attributed to this j In ISil IThrt WJ:i R r o w n I i ) w trans fe rre d fr. la Joncsbom to i.i:ovv;i:-. lit? ru-.d ivf-n siicces.- ul in w-ji-kinir t a lanre eircula- unhi in order to avoid a no.sihlo ' oncount. - r with the fcheritf. His ;!hs nuent career mav he cited as ilh; - ;t ration of the fact that a man II1C r j.nve the ahilitv to l.ecome .rovvriior ot a reat s-tatu and tnen . lo represent that i-.t in the Ln a..icffr.,. , ... , i.:..r.if i iuu ;uii.b r natf, iu H - H""-'1 known in one-half of a great na tion as the incarnation of all that is good and the other half as the incarnation of all that is evil; that he may have the ability to do all this and a great deal more, and yet net have ihe kind of ability needed to make money by editing a newspaper in a little country town Jonesboro (Tenn.) Cor. New York Sun. I low lo I'levciil Cronp. SO.MK HEAD I NO THAT WILL I'liOVK IN TERESTING TO YOUNG MOTHERS. HOW TO CUARI) AOAIVST THE DI SEASE. Croup is a terror to yt ung moth ers and to pest them concerning the cause,f:rst symptoms and treat ment is the object of this -item. The origin of croup is a common cold. Children who are subject to it take cold ver5" easily and croup is almost sure to follow. The first symptom is hoarseness; this is soon followed by a' peculiar rough cough, which is easily recognized and will never be forgotten by one w ho has heard it. The lime to act is when the child f rst becomes hoarse. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given all ten dency to croup will soon disappear. Even after the croupy cough has developed it will prevent the" at tack. There is no danger in giv ing this remedy for it contains nothing injurious. For sale by Morphew t'i: White, Druggists. Good advice: Never leave the house on a journey without a bot tle of Chamberlain's, Colic, Chol era anil Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Murphew & White, Drug gists. 'Consistency, Thou' Ait a Jewell." Ti o Democrats of the city of Albany, New York., have recently elected James C Matthews, colored, Recorder of Deeds at Washington in President Cleveland's first i dmiuistration. Judge of Recorder's Court, of that city. He was elect' d by a large irajority. Yet the Democratic party claims to I o the white man's party. Is a negro any less a negro '.eeauso he is a Democrat? Ian Lti tiS Aa'iuca ' a've. The btl Salve in the wcrb! ferCnts, bruises, St. res. I'Vers. S:.U lMictnr, Fever S ri s. Tetter, ('b:tj; -l Jiantls. ( hi blains, ( ms, and a I sin Fi uo tioos. and po-it ive'y cures Files i-r no pay required. It i? guaranteed to give perfect sal isfaet ion r money refunded. Price -5 cent ? .t box. For sait by Morphew .v White. Excellent Clothing 1 Reasonable Prices. Wl.di we say excellent, we mean excellent, where clothes are mule and trimmed properly. ir'u.OO to ,'J.(K buys a fair suit, .flfTto .f 17 a nice one. OYKRCOATS for men, boys and children. Kv" ery grade except the trashy ones. Ladies', Misses and Childieus' Clo Jts A cry larp- assortment embracing all the desi rable novelties. DRESS 0303, SiLKS, cATlNS, VELVETS, &C. A department in which, w-d a big husirv -ss. (he reaion being that we d s-r-.- Our stm-k would be a credit to a city much larger than Ashevilie. Gciioral Iny Goods, Fancy Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Small wares and lUiUcrieks Patterns 1. IiU'je fririlt-gs f SiiLscilht-rs : . rj'j-Ftior.3 about Ajrrif. ulisrr in r-.v 3cj.5 jtmeot. All wi!ile'aa3vr?red by f:.- --cs. 11. Cr-rrf sponderts are arg'd io antici- . y.'e tle f'dsor. Cut-stion receive J Lv nit :r.- orihe wfk will probably be au swere'i in tl.e pox? iirue. 3 Rf j.lies to inquiries are rqrietc ! fro'B our readers. Io answering plve tie riora hrr rffquestiu ht.J yuur aJJres? not for publication, unless dfsirel. t. V.'rite only on one silt of t!" P:,rcr i Aii JrPss, Kuwin A." Taylor. Agricultural Editor, Marir n. N. C. arIcn !es. Peach 2nd plum trees arel?s liahle to ui-ea-e when rrowinir in a poultry iard. Anthin? in the nature of a lye will destroy the apple tree borers before they penetrate the barK. A tijrht sod around pr.nvinz; trees j does not give them a proper chance to j develop. This is especially the rase with peach trees. Keep the sod loo-e clcse up around the trunk. rt is very poor economy to buy cheap inferior tool, or t'- work with those which are out of condition. The Preservation of Fruit. After sound truit of the rirht varieties is ob tained, the essentials for i reservation are a temperature only a few decrees above the freezing point, even and not subject to change,' r ml j ure air, net too dry. These (ondi'ions are to be bad rarely outside of a house built for the purpose. Km its will not beep long in good condition after having been in such a room any considerable length of t ii.'ie. Six weeks ago I suh'erul with a very severe c: ld; waa almost una bhto speak. My friends all ad vifA d me to consult a physician. Xotici .g Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertise' in the St. Paul Yolk--. Zeituug I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short wnile was entirely weli. I now most heartily recommend this remedy to anvono suffering with a cold. V'mKeil, Gs Selhy Ave., St. Paul, Minn. For sale by Murphew & White, Drueeists. lJcisciaiiiia::oi?aI an:es. The JJuddlests took'their name fn.ui F.uddha about COO li. B. The Presbyterians took their name from a Greek word, meaning "Elder " Calvanistsare named from their lead er, John Calvin, born died 1 ' j . The puritans were so named in deri sion at their profession of being purer than other people. The Jesuits, or better, "The h'eciety of Jcsm-,"' was called by Ignatius I.ej-;.-, who died in l."l f. The Covenan ters were so called be cause they fo" meu asol.-a.n U-a:!:e and covet ant against the designs of Charles-1. The Lollard sect of reformers, we-re named from V.'; It -r Lo'lard, who was burned lo-her-;-y in 1 t-J. The baptists had their name from John ti e F.sptiM. Tic. y elaimed to per forin the rite of baptism in the man lier that he did. Tl.e Fnitariaiis were Ihasramed be cause they denied the doctrine of tie Trinity. In theory they are opposed U the Trinitarians. Protestants were at first so called be came t heir repre.-eitatives prote.-tcd at the Diet of Spiers, io I ""J'a, agaiiot the action of t he empcr.or. TieArians had their name from Arius, w l.o died A. 1. Their main doctrine was a disbelief in the divine nature of Jesus Christ. The Armenians tool: their name fiom tbt ir leader, Arniinius, born i:i 1 readied in l'ft. Their doctrines aie still held b several Methodist bodies. The Pai theist takes his name from two Greek words, praetically signify -' tied every where." The Panthi.-t stes in evervthinir a manifestation cf I Deity. ! The Fpiscopalians were so ea.l-d j from their belief m an episcopal form of church government that is. a s s- asxii:vili.k x. ;- toai provided r r Li?hrps and arch- j 'i I t,r :T;r'.,T o :rJi?JsIi."u - Vcir name ' f:-: ::: ti ir J ctriiie each corre- j i;.r: wis a tin't. shots'.! Ik' iiiuVpen- j i- ut i" nTl othiTf ar''1. man aire it.- ivn sliairs in its own fl.r. Cure for Slranclsr. As ?i r?-n3r for f i; ftrir.s t Ilea 1.h !.c Elec'rir Hit'-T !i-ts frnre : t -s be ll.e r-.-r Ifft. I? re-: a ;!.-t ctito tn-. !te t rr;: -Jreai:-.! Kubitoil sick lrahol.-s! .t''M Oi Us i:.n,JCCf.-'. V.'imi;tc all uh inre j ti'i: so j . on: t l ii'.t.e. immI p:v.- tiii? r-Ri?'y a f:iir tri t! Ir. . of li l.i!i; tl i-fiiistir-.tirn K'ot-ic ':i.t-r rmes by ?iv;n' !!ip i;crt!v- ! I.r r io tin- bovreis. :ii) l few cav !r.rjr nshl be t-. f. t'jis medi cine. Try it o:,.r. O-ilv Fif.v cents at .Morr bew White's Prts .-iore. Siml Out Fiora Ileavru. H:a! cat i-i.rn Heaven! To be tt o 'ae To enter in &t t!ie be g:vrr ; To turn awny w i'h J rp ;(?;. -ir : No !ie: of o'i r r:. taring t'u r-! WJirit woe or j':iin coabl b.- so jr.eui As tlo.t of L -in 4 f r heaven too ;a'. ? Fbui cit from beaten! To tu-n avny From i It e wor.ilti l'ul g'ciiiso? eiidt-.-ss day, Fieiii tiie borne wld n Chi iit has pone t rcj aie Tor these vvlio accept of l:i' love anJ can! Wlu't e.-.itb'y j'iy tun co0'jruatp For tlie lie uLt of being for beaten too bit.? ?!oit out from lioaven! V tb :inni.-!i- l henrt To bno'v t'.at itli C h i it 1 b;el n . pail; N'o ! o; e !or sinking ihe g!al nt w s irg, Ur iiifi-'ltg t,f friends 'r-i i the gkr.lieJ vbiori. ft -ofiorrow '.'ue thought would tie Ue The iuiuwicdgc of b.irg for heaven too late. Sbt ont lre:a heav. i.! 0:ir i'.itlu r I i-o'.y Tb -tt ine tirn.j iiolJ may never str.-.y So away lruia ibe Saviour's fold. As to n: ,s the ir'.o.'us of heave u untold. '1 hy ! o!y iingtla aionn i me vvnit, An i 'r aard ;ne from being tor heaven too land . lected. The grand Jury at this term of Ire dell Superior court brought in pi SMiimenis against 17piiy.sie;aiH and sl.c lawyers for practicing their pro;!j withoiit paying the special ta:-c of 10 imposed by fhelast General A.-sembly, and 12 bearding houses and four livery stab"e for the f?nie ennse. L P Ib.-rry. the c ilored lawyer, is in eluded in the presen'mer t. LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CUBED BY USING )9C Cherry iJ irectoral A FREACHEF.'S EXPEPdENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry I 5-' Pectoral. The first bottle gave mo great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two lit tles more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." E. M. IJnAwi.EY, D. IX, Dist. Secretary, Am. Papt. Publication Societj", Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT THE "WOELD'S FAIB. AYER S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPAR1LLAS. halt: of kstatk. I'.v vinue of .e (.cr. tr cf ?a co-it ; o fJ ir. ti'oi t.-,i' fxce't'e-1 to in by J U. ii.e " i ..-i'i ir . S. A. Hunter, and r-H-.(iice t tb" It -i.-t r of t) i : i ''.i'.'j-x ;:! ,', in IboU No. 1. o: ; , . i wi'I. )-. .-. iv.-;rrs.c-r 'in j "' ; 12 t''c'i 4 'i :'t Co'ir" bns ! . r ; i ''j i.ei.ut ; ib .- Luctici to I i 1 i i.i.-r tor c&;h. ail cf the ii ! J. I !J. ila.tri' interest in t'io folia'-vm-r triet. j or -wrc-! of bir.d, !vir. n )lK i-K c oiintv. n'ij ininiT tb-l:n l of W. A.Corib-v. i T..t i r . ... ,i ...i.-j ,t i a.. .. ' ". ' ' ; s n.-!t d as f-boaa: Ta f.r.-t tr.. t li.-i : on tie ?-e tli si 'eef tl.e Ca!w't!.i l:iv-r ..d is l..:i ie;!ih-d in !er.l ircra i:. W ; bron eo::,r.i.r! to 5eil be !.,-.! v i fs. T. Lur.u t, to ti,e said J. 15. lJmter : wbi. b ib el i Tf-z't' r-f in tb" o'.c? ot j th" I!t-ir-ttr cf iM- ii fur McDowell tcua- ty,in liO'.X 1'2, on pie 141. Th? feccn i tr.ici lii3 on th noriu si K cf tbe fjta-bri. Kiver, contains twelve : ncres : ore cr .5, a'i l mciudeS th John j Vie' !i t :. ro'i an! the Ui Hen 1 of i tb-Hiver, ior it m re specific djcripti m I wbi; !; i efv'ence ii u a"!e to ibe ;ticve Jfed menu i.L;ui to J. l. UaCltr This ibe '21 C::r oi Not. ISiS. J h. KUiolt, Mortg.-jei?. J. C. Lianerj Attorney. r Kw 3f are, Everything New except our terms wliid, are Spot Cash. Pins lc.ip.irer, Needles le. a paper, Tad Pencils 1 and ?c. eacli hf t r pes ic. a pack. Writing Paper 3, 4 and Sc. a quiie, V,ox PaprC,' 7 o y' k" 15.-. a box, School Sponges lc each, Clocks CSaml ;:c each, Col'ar' Hut a dozen, Lamps 12, ir. 2.-,.TT and;-::,e t'.ncli, Safety Pins 2 and a V '1 oread -Je a spool, Ibill Thread le a ball. ' n' ,M 1 ALL.OTIIKI: fiOPHS K(lAbLY AS LOW IX PIIICE. JPST IX v v. LIN K OP JA PAXF.SE fiOO I S. ALSO DOLLS, TOYS. "W x Glass-ware, Crockery aud Tin-ware. PJII C i: A L W A Y S i: I tt 1 1 T A T " .MEDD'S VARIETY STORE. MACDONAIil) WAREHOUSlf STATL'SVILLK, N. C, ' Will be completed and ready for breaks of Tobacco on WYdn, i October ittd, . ' M,a-" As our grounds and buildings are not rented but belong to selves, we shall spare no expense in adopting all the late-t m,.,lT improvements, including telephone, electric lights and superior ' " ctuninodations for planters and their teams. ' ' It shall be our aim to study the interest of cur patrons ai. j strive tomakethe MAC DONALD WAREHOUSE as popular 1 rl liable for TORACCO SALES as any in the State. We enlv' Jt trial. Come and see us. a Macdonald & Latten. References: First National Rank of Statc.-vilie, Oct. 1, 1S05. RE RE TO ALL OTHERS Until you see our line of HATS AND SHOES. The bottom has dropped out on Hats. The STOVER TIES are the leading M -ns course shoes on the market J ry one pair and you will use no other. One Pound package of soda Scents. Visit us at the old Ilyams' stand. Respectfull v, . !fT TP Cl-a'TibDrl2ii?3 Tlyn rid Cbiu C'ntrct Is a certain cure f Jr Chror'3 -cre IZycr, flril;i;nl.-.'! t-'.TX T.!;'. R.TT 1 1 tlltbv. I'll,-?. TriU r Sdr L'boi"n -r.d S bl I'o-i ' A ' , i ' to no:;vj ovoteo. For patting a Lor.3 in a hen!t!iy cc diiion try Dr. CVtyV. Condition Ij-i;.!cr?. i'l.oy tone iiv t a? r-;c-j3, cii ct:r:t-'ir-n, curi of ;;ppci!i.'; i-ciJ'Te ' o.; tip: 1 1 -ti, c:'ir?.'.i ".'W 1 1 nr. c": 1 cr Vo: :..d i.o;:-. ct-3 r.-cr ri"bjr,-. Per s?l$ by Jnih'A "i-rpi:;',v .V lii'i'. l'rosi.-'s REDUCED R.TIIS. Ca tea S ates tm iacrr,:!!: n:l ics'ilcn A1LANTA, CA , Ceptcir.Ler IC Crcer.acr 3:, CC3. Fur t lie above tec isiou the P'-etbtTn bfj!ivnv Co. will sell !u,--!S tc O.-ll tl-tlip t C' et t. ATIANTA, OA., uv.d ic-anii o.i the l li-Av-Ivg basis: i noM- a I r; IIE ;.().... Alexa'i'lri -t.Va... Asli'-via.'. N. '... Iturtin-if n. N. C fairUeviUe. Vu... Pulpep"!-, V:i ( h: en, V: riitrlottfsviilf, V ( !i:o ol Mil!, !:. C Cone rl. N. :.... Cbiirl'.Ite. N'.C... Iiaiu i To, V.! liir!i!ini. N. - .. . Frent lio. n'. fJi-ffrva-f io. N. C !ni!Mjor. N. C n-.if!-s. .Ti'.iiic, : .. ;b:.J--. ... M l .. . . ; (-:.T'S i-iio !-.(-. .. lit.e" i:.o. U..I .. . . ii ; b!.:o .. ") ki.').:i' li.:r. ..i-TJ.r lT '. y.... !: !. .. -rt. i i- i iv..;; .. ,ii.t ..... i i..! ; ..',.- . . 1! I' . i.i.i ."i. ... :;.( II 70 io. .. :: l.l i l.-,.oi K' -Ci .. oi.-.; !!.-,: n.fd .. ir.e i :.; -. :M .. -l ;: r, :.: ll.os.... c. .'; 'x, .... a.:a I -." 1 1 .'S, ;.:;. .. !.;.::. i ;.4"i i s.f ... I!.( i') b ; bTj ... l) ri'i.(-' Vi i; .. r.oi i.j n. : . 1 ; .o'l M.K1 .e-, ... I."... ' !!.:, ... i ;.:-"i !' .i T.i.i Ifie!i.rv. N'. ' Ili-h i'ob.t, N. C... Hoi Sprb.jrs. (' .. Hffi.lTi:i. N" C... I y:vi.ln!rtr. V:i I.'-xiierto'l. ".. ' ' Mor 'l. X. C M;:ri'i.. X.C Newt' n, N . C Or::'ii.'i. V.: OxlV.i-.l. x. c Kirlimo!"!. 'u IM.i V!l!. X. '.' Uai h. X. e' Si.utb I;st!!, V;i .. Str :s-Vir.'. V.i S.-lM.urv. N. C s-;.t.-vi'!.. X '.... Tuv.or.-vi.e-. X. C .. Trir n. X. C W!iiirlo::. Ti. C. W, ( I'..;:.?, V.i WiinoMOTt V: WjiU.-! or. X. f .'. Win..:. !i--u I'.-iu, X. n. ji :-)) .... l :.ii. i'i I", in ii.r -;.r. i; ..... i : ei i ..-f, i ,.)' 'i.'.n ..... !. '."i.oi I'm:. 1'i.Ht res.) :.-.L,ii:).:J lt.'J l ..:,i n..-. 7.-r. 1 . oi 11. -'i 1 ; ' '. l..'.(i s.I'i 7 .', ' 4.!0 .'..--.j-.-ri i 17.:-'. l-'eO L'. l".-.-i H.oi i-!.'.', il :d. ... r.i Af. ; ;.. !.') (Katc?f. :.i inO. rriiedi to pointsiu proi-ortlon.) i:xrLNAT:ox. C- ln:::i A : Tt V.ff will Ik- r's'.'i SV pt'"T.ler 3 !; 1 1 .'. " 'iuily from -'o t-::i; r l.'i t i Ii. r rr.- l.- r li. 1 ', iiiciuiv e, tvi.h L.-- 1 mit J jiiuurj 7, I ; O.hii'ri IT: Tik tiw;il 1m- .oi! d ilr f rn Si ii-c i'C. r 1') to Iiirci.U r I.'., ". inc u-lv-, Willi final l.:u.t 1 went)- vji- tiays f rom bt c of i . Co'.uns'i C: T.c'-et w il b" l 'Lii'ir f ro:n S i .t-?,:i.' r l. tf I Cftiil- r O. 1 '"'t, inclusive, with f-iul 1 -.iiit fl:t -n il; d;3 from dHtof salo. N ticket to lx-ur longer buiit than Janu ary 7, 1 'oii'tiui II : T c !: will lo "o'fi on Tu! ir I ni'd 1 h-ir-days ol r.iu'i wti-k fiosn Sc-jtrnibcr ' ii ieit 1 o.-cen.U' r i. lnciii.-ivfr, witb H.ial iim:t tc it) d.t 8 Itoiu ate t h,!-. '.!tiTn i T.: 'j Uj wit w,; if . .Id dalrfrom Sei-e-'-ix r l.- i -t?ci-ti i ttr .'S. 1m. mc'iisoe, v.nh tin ltd litiit.-ii (7kIjj Irjfn dAleoftalc SOUTHERN RAILWAY 1 Is the only enffilur the Exposition tiround. liav nz a d Ubiv truck, standard- iui7 r;ilw:iv fmm tile tu-i.tfrnt th rttv rt j jl, .,,ra totlu: bip 'oo-i tiiound. For ticets a id full inf-.rmation apply to j rour B'rtt .-nt,or ad Jreaa j J. M. CX'LP, W. A. TURK, Traffic Munayer, Oen"l Paaa. Agt VSM I'ea&a. Arc., Waablcgton. D. C LOUIS WALKER, lluoi nii1 .Shoe 5Iaker Var.KiN, x c Hepniriajr done in the neatest po.i ble !ty!. 1'rii-es ery low. .atisfae- lion uaraiitc-et!. ' Subscribe for Tin: Record. Only H sZ.F' $xt Q BE GET.TSE BEST WhenyotiareatMrattobiiyttSc-Mrlinf M.rWne i do not be deceived by fcllnnn dv.rtiiieroen. and be led to think you van fcet tUe tat Ui.vlt, finest tlnikbcd and Most Popular for a mere Cnr?. See to It that you buy from reliable mniiu lecturers that h.-vva fnined a reputation bvhorcs: wiJcj uaro licabnx, yo i will then ;it n sLi7M ewinj? iac-.:ns oiui la imi n: ii- j the vorll ever for lis dura- fivVl . bibtv. You want the cno that MV. J in easiest to aiaaujje nd is ly Light Running -!$'Y There is rono in ho v.-orM that fsjf.'-J can equal in luethamcr.l wo f 7'rV f?'U smtction, d-trs.b litv of w.rtmr 13 r.X?)T tarts. linen -tf f finish, beauty i7Ii3 n appearnnce, or l a mac New Home It hun AMtoniatlc Tent Ion, Double Feed. on both sides o ncedlt ifatfutfJ),T,r, other m on ad justable centers, thus reducing triclwa W the ruiniuium. WRITS FOR CIRCULARS, THE HEW HOME SEWISG M?.CHI5E CO. OttAo, Mum. lkTO). Mam. H em- fyf I Ciuoiio. tr.L. t;t. Lot ii, llo. bi o.u : Baji i ULrnsou. i u ATI.asi A, I TOR CALE BY J G. MLHJILS U BR0 AI).:fNISTJ.'A'J()nS NOTH h. ! llavii.g- f,t;:dfil ni'ir 'i i-'i."'r ; -f .1 . I'. Li iduraia, ci t : l. M- f i:iel:it,et;d (iiiity, St::te 1 :': '. Il ii-i- to i.etily rll J t r; i - I :.'; -' el;.in : mirel 1 1 -slate rl ?:i-'! '' ' r( :; ! in b il i! 1 1. ii to ll i n ' r ' n'ei (I n i r Idiic li e '. nb ' Oitiltr ls!c,, Ir f is ti;. v i.J ': jib al in 1 :.r t f 1 1 eir jimiiiM. j Oetiter otli lttr. b. VY. Vi!e:ir . i A!n.ine.i""'"r' Rring ytnir Job Work to tl RKcoi:iM.nice. J a M l s moi:i:is. JAUritC us st j j Attfjj luys at Law MA I: ION, - - - S (' Will irartice In Vclicf.rll cr I " joiniri rcunt ies. A II t" ir:'-i ir .r1-.-ttl to tbeir care will rtrrive iiu l and j.aii.s-tnkii' atlentiei). W. C M:U.Mi Lenoir, N. C. M- A. M yl' Marin. " v mm & m ATTOIIAEY.S AM) f OL NJ-KI I AT LAW. MAKIGX, - -vr Practice in tl.e ccnrtB of tie l't II, and-12th districts antl tl jncme court of N. C, and ti 1 ; S. C.urtH of Wefctrrn Diarict cf N. C. GEO IF- JRJ3II VU VSICIAX mid fel'ItGi: Cfftrs his iirofcsional tcrvirrt t the public. Ofiice: Old Fort '.-". j . j i Blind. i i n SI p-r yr-ar. I