1 y VI A IRTn'XI ECORD. a democratic; family newspaper. VOL. 1. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5,1893. NO. 48 HE rya'trant Lech er shot a man i , u of i i-ii": f-t i meal, an J . ": from Ivnebiu,?. the Marion Record. p tLe rij Dea.ocrntlc N ew? paper in .'i.T . . I . a... 4 (iaj u la-Lie L1I- n r. l: iiiinfr counties. It nnh. aju u - - - - - j- - .... !; t'-i news without fear or r -i'.'J h cr"aa of no ricar oi I- :a t!.c - ol i champion cf the peo- l!' I. is, CULCCi t'j uett'-O Ui ICC i irif.is'i oi the county of McDow- . . 1 H. T-3 '.' - i' v n ,jI Jii'-'iun. us aaver ;; r .! : a'e v'm'-hit snd tho sub- If to;. vrir; th5 b'fit newspaper in the : , ; r ii-ir full of chcice rcadin-o r r bu men. farmers tt. ;r i iu Lt e Lruie circlsa cf all c-.,::i. If y u .b.-a't, why Just don't, lib: ji'i'T will be printed evert r . It. rt'.ir'al usual. , vc i hr.-.ti t enough inter st in vom o.-t f:.i:i -!i pcwjpsj.er joa ated n)i l z L Jj imi (imutrv s.otir r ri . ;r c! honrs m Y.xA ! .. I'll') ,f nnv.i.j i n . V - - f . ' -J- .11 vl; ;Tffi .1 iL:ip!i(.E3 to tti . i i hr .':! -i froa cvr Iht Tonsorial, . . ...... ....... ..! I i i. s .tKf-otioa in nil io- i 4'. i" J . ;;,w:':'''1,,:v,:;2 I.', u J !, ;wn! 4 C5.j 4'p i' , It'; .'.'ii h,rl:!j 5 :V. 5fvp ... ! i( ii v .. ! J :S, j 'J i.i.. !d 4 is I 7 4 I ti oJp J .n' i 1 l -in ; j -j .i'i a; ; j-, ; ... ; ' .-..v-ii 4 1 (.l ! ' ' .. '. u-.. 7 ( ! -1 .; t : lU ot'p u ! L !i v !! .1 i ioa u-!. 1 11 J ion ' 1 .. ;. C i'' i o T- j & 5" .' : . rT:.' : !;.! t ill 45 .'".!: -;. ! !-' 1 1IP ; ' ..i i i ;' .'. i 1 ;- -il : ; I 'imI'Vi: .;.';"'' '';y lilii-v . 1' :: U ... r.:.i I il t-:"a ' t-!,.a j . vr 7-M-j J 1 lrp :--a".':!.'! :i i t,!.:::::::. ; ' ' V. 1 f, i 6CC-1 11 4('p ! ... u;.: ;o v.;.' aaia ! .- ' I i s.-p .... j '..ij ... .'j i:.U J ! j - uirj 4 b. a : ':rg. ! i'iT.i iJi.A.j iC.! 5 ' : ' .... 1 .'".Mi 44'p' 6'i:a u- J 1 Kpj ::"'; :4'r-; 7 U'a , ' Su! C.u t! . o - -pt t; f. vCh 7 4 c 9 la 7 4ij C3: S . ' 7 - i4a '-H7; 7. in, 9 4-. S Kxi .ii : p! y 1 -Va i '. .s : o - 'a I 4 Jl . j aUlp! 4!. - -i-i. ' p. m. " ' coon. '"N" nJgtt. " ;.:..l : Wfi-Ovrct" :i jinl Sor.;w,ttni lir..tc4. 'i hr.ii pb l'liliinau bloti ors :i -vtw ,,ric mul Cr'esns. via Wys-h- M'v.;:roi:H'! v, and aNo be-N- v Vl t Mt nu h:f, via Wa-LintOD, - i)i:;ru i!m:a. Csrs. ' i-ti.i : 0 L':: '! i..:ts l-nst Mai:, rulimftn .rs Lct.viCii Ailauia, SiW Orleans acd ; ;.r..i . Fxpcsi-'lon F' or. Through rull ';ir$ i ( i wo n New York ami At'auta via (Ill lln-'d: SH!'ll 'lhlT-JiOS C'Ui- u-:'i U-1. u.U' f iin 1:.-hi..on:l w'lih Nv ; !: t:-e :.-:. l':i::n::ill t : tj il'g l'r u i l..-!w..-:! Huhinu.i.lami AtUnta. ua ; .! .- ii'. r i;yv c. in c.:::o".i from At 1 ::: w ;;li" ; lii'.'U' i s -vpii'.g car ' ' ti:f A I "a-., la t'V V.A.'.i No. "J." 'itu-l 12, rnlhran i-U-i i:. Cur between 1'aavjl.t- a:.d i.ictLiicro. Trr.:c, s. ir. iiAnr.wics. ; : A-t, As't Gcii'l l'as. Ag't, 'A : g .sj.v, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. ,v I' I;VDEI:, Sr.pcri:i;c:.uent, Ciuelotte, NOKTII CAr.O!.'..NA. H ' -I.r.n.v, j. m. CULP, '; ; t , Txaflic M'g'r, THE WAR OFFICE REPORT. Secretary Daniel S, Lanont on Our Defenceless Seacoast. CONDITION OF THE ARMY, Th Forco ia Etco'Jent Conrlltion as 'Uc cardg l:s:ipllao aril Health The Coa-cc.-.tration Plan a S access Cool lla eults o! the Tolicy of AlaaJoin Unuessssary Fosii. Kcerotary of T.ir Layout, in fcj3 Raanal report, devotes cuoh soaa to r2ooiai-;aia-tions for better defiJn'' tha coasi3 aa-1 for roraiizln th? ai-oiy form;itio:i3. Ho h:is, also, several interesting caarter3 de?.!. in? witii coaciQtration of troops, nul tha a lvantasfa of tho unioa or tlia Stale aai National eoliierj. r:rcrriag to lbs n icoisity of coast dfeua?, t'io 3:rj.ui-y q-iotii fro-n tho rasa-s of iVji'd-at Ciovj'.aa I ia 1S?3 a ad pointd out bo w, if t'ao r-3oai jo oalatioss o! Secretary oi War En'licott h ii b-iea ado-jte I the co:.t3 would ba fatly protect'! I uo'v. 1? fatiiro nppropriation-i Tor t'ao mauu'.teture oi fcun?, m-owari iva l carriaires no Iirror th:;u th3 avO'-a-ro aatiiorir.ei lcr tho purpo.-.3 2:a :j 13 j?,ic will r lira treaty two yean n-.orJ to supply t'ao stvra:iai:it of tho -i"htc'jn impor'.an; poi:U :'or v.btca eoiiiplo.e projujt3 ?.n aoprora !. To complete th arm:imio: f.-r thj ports will reqniro $36,3ti.'JJ3. ; c?lii3'v of tho l.Uaac3 Uue to Tho ii;ihlho:a Iro:i Work? or about 5 3,5 '0,000, al :B203.'OJ v.-ai'-'i may V rqaired for rapid-flw caai; ia ciTiaia fori iHeation-. For aiaJa';a:uea,.3 for Tar.s an I T.ort in, flaisha or buil-liajr, i:),521,Oja b -a au jfop:.a'.( i,aai approntia-ions of c'4l,C-3,0&3 will bo nqairid'io c omo'etn this w.r.:. It i'-.'.s with Couq:a3 to cetfriaia by in a; p.opriatious t'ao jrio.l whisin sh.iil .ao.-.a L ;;''rj our coasts shall bs putia a s.i-icfac-tor.v condition oi d'j.'as Tho aiaouat rs q.iire.l for ois'au-ea porta is 'a '.out ;;S2,CD3, COj. :iadtr.9 enliro '.vcrk caa La coaipi'Jied viti'.iu ten y ar3. Tea S:retary riecraaiea !s t!i3 appoint ment o' a boi.r.1 cf- avny ortijer3to su pcrvtSM and dlrwtthis wor. The i-jc.ctary i-ay.s t'aa V.'atorvliet (a. Y.) srn.u fastory caa pr.-Ia in tya yeat- ail tin ar.nam-jiit ic q'i:iv,l '-.nlio i.roi':nt proj' .:c. The iocihj d -part-ut for 1S07 amount to Sil..0i5.C13. Tn'j toi.il of niir.ie.l ricn of a'.l SiM.ls on October 31 va3 '3. 70-;, bat e-uavia : all maa ci Iur:oa.rh, sice aai detailed to tho depart amat, tho i-:f.vtivtj fiehl -tier.i:h of i.il ar'n soa thac d;:f.o v.3 20.&31. Ill-' (iiialily o.' tiio ;aca eau.-.i.i.l Jiai b'ec Kc?atiy improva.l. The h-.-alth rorl of tho at.niy for tho 3-far shor.s a drat l nuo ou'y a fraction higher than th lowest rato reordoJ. Alooho:is;n ao a oa't-sa cf na-efu-.'ioncy has notably d-.jc-li.ua I ia tho past few years. Thi t finis by funeral faurt; martial duria - the year wcra 172?, cooipare:! wi'h '2130 for tho previous yar; t y iui'iirior rourls-martial 10,937, compared with 15,Oi3 last v jr.r. Tim s -eretary rays that by far tin most cssuntiiil noi'.l of the araiy is tho adoption of tho thrce-batialioa formation. No lacroaso ju the rav ilry is propose J. To ratke th-eso changes will raqaira an ndditioaul r-rpro-rrialion of ?1.2j0 000. The policy cf couc-eatratini: tho army nul abaadonin:; unuecc.isary posts, Iho S;eri tary says, has not ouly won the approval ol all thosa acquainted with tho lim:-5 of prog ress whk'h conditions Lava mavlioi out for our army, bat is approved by all thoughtful citiz-:i5. The Seer-Jtary points out that the naaioar of cadets a; West Point w.ts forty-.dht L'ii than authorized by law, mainly brin of failure on the part of ipressiatatives ia (JoaSfes-s to malce Dominations aul ta ro strh tive lar con--erata appoiafnests. 'l'h coalitions are favorab o to tao r veloiiinent of a volunteer for otup.vard of 100.GOJ rafu, of tho highest pflk'ieitoy aad prepared for aay servict-. Tho vari ry ci weapons 'rhieh now obt.-.ins is -zo cuat is to proc'iiidrt tho employment of censidcr able bodies of tho mitiiia oi diivreui S:a:.?s iiUM.ri ...i, -;;HHi)i.' '; - Govtvam-nt dolav ac.ioa h" cr-ar taa p- ssibilitv that VitT 'rent States will si t di -fo-ent models of riue. lvqnirip .liftorc'i-.t forms of axmuuitioa. tha rjn lria a cnori Impo.ssiblo tha employment in joint a?tioa of th'? troop.", of the difT--rent fetal".. Th SOv retarv poir.t? out thar from C2t5.212.lSl.o3 spent on tho Mississippi T- v t improvm-ats th6 ravit'ation interests havo recjivel liite practical benefit. Venezuelan Itebt-llion Over. Only afow guerilla bands are arrayed aalcst the Veuezuelaa sol liers. tho ror.-du-tioa fcavint? failed izn jmiai rasly. Conf:-dUL-ein President Crspo is v id-"--r -ad. vlie may extead claieaey to the rebel leaders. SEABJABD AIR LINE E R. ISTKW LINE. New routt to Charlotte, Ralegh, Wil miegton, Richmond, Norfolk, Wa-hing on, Baltircore and the East. A'.s to Atlanta, New Orleans and all points in Texas and the Southwest, Memuhis, Kansas City, Denver and ail points ia be Great West. For Maps, Folders, Tim Tables and lowest rates write to B. A. NEWLAND, Gee. Trar. Pass. Agent, Charlotte, N. C. T Leave Msrion C, C. & C. 6 41 a rn Charlotte S. A. L. 11 50 a m Arrive Raleich 4t GOOpra Wilmington " 6 25 p m Atlanta " 3 CO p m B A. NEWLAND, T. J. ANDERiOS, T.P.G. A. O.P.Agt orri r;r:r.Nci: worth nothing t'03I ALL OVKU THi: STATE. Liable for Taxation. Ihe I!u:!r.jad Co -a mission havehefird the c r nj.l ,;.it of J. II. Huff, uf TJy ii.onth, avail; t tho Koanoke Bridge tiL'i L.!,niVH-r Co., charpiu that thej buui'.d freight and paitD?crH without h:tu:.e, isud tLat tLoy bad no acts of iiifuvj.oiatioii. Ibe railroad company d'-nied the charge, but admitted tba't ility bud contracted tbcdr road to ono l'aiker for the pnr oio of battling lo-.s to thur mill, and admitted that Tai Ler biumdf bad cburd for freight and i.as.S'. L0a-r.s witbout Ibc-ir comseut, and tbat th-j railn-ad cornpatiy was not responsible for his acts. Ihe coramis-t-iuu coiicituk-s tbat the defendant can not be beard to say tbat it is not re fcj.oLsiLle fur the nets uf S. J. Parker, vbo is operating tb-3 road, tbougb be may bave'lieeu acting ia violation of crdern, un.1 adjudged tbut tbe defend ant isliablti t-j all ruls and regulations as ire.fcnbcd by the Railroad Commis sion, und will be asisesbed for taxalion rj otber roads fur tbe years 1S91- and 130-3, it baviu been proved tbat fares bad been charged during both yearn, and no tax bad been collected. Tho ,!. perry ns assessed by tbe Commis sion tit S18,0u0, and 'lies partly in Washington and parly in Eeanfort comities. Clerk Brown tent the divis ions allotod to each county. Ibe Seaboard Air Line requests the railroad coinu.is.-don to allow it to ship freight over its line from Durham to points on the Piab igh & Augusta Axr LiGe contrary to an order given some time ago requiring freight to be chip ped by th- nearest route and that joint rates khould a 10 per cent, less tbau crdinury charges. Tbe commission informs the Seaboard Air Line that it is willing to do this provided the road will deduct tho 10 per cent, when thus shipping, so as to equalize cost. Tho Ngw.i sr.y3 3Irs. S. C. Jones, of Tit. Airy, kept an itemized statement of the expense of keeping a cow for a year. The cost was $52 and tbo.sales of milk and butter, after a family of seven persons were supplied, amount ed to bl.S0. In this instance the cow paid abandiionao profit. The State Sunday School Associa tion has elected as president for the ensuing year Her man II . Home, of tbe University. Mr. Home is presi dent of tho University Young Men's Christian Association. IT. N. Snow, of Durham, was re-elected eecretary. The Goldsboro Argus tells of tha burning of a newly built church ct In dian Springs, about t-ix mires from Sev?u C3i.riiigf, whbh bad been built jointly by thcO.lt thodiids and Tiaplists. It was au incendiary tire. Each con gregation ioiuierly bad its own sepa rate house of worship and they were both destroyed by incendiaries. The Raleigh News and Observer says: There arcs IS! cotton mills and that these figures are correct; that tho gain in live years lav been 100 pcr cent.; that the capital invested i3 S1G,S00, 000; tbat there are 21,000 looms, 939, 000 frpiudles, 2-1, CC0 operatives, of whom 3,000 are iu Alamance county alone. The consumption of cotton during the past twelve months was ou'5,000 bales. The Governor orders a special term of Supreme Court in Lenoir county, mainly for the trial of the men charg ed with incendiarism at Kinston. Against several of those the grand jury returned a true bill the last day of the recent term of court. Judge Graham will preside, at the request of the so licitor, bar and county commission ers. The Methodist Protestant Confer ence, which closed its Eession at Gieeusboro Tuesd-iy night, raised $2, 800 toward the erection of a $3,000 building in Greensboro, to e used for a Mcthodif-t Protestant publishing house. Delegates were elected to the General Conference, which meets at Kansas City nest May. The Sb Uy Aurora eays that Wil lia'.a Cobb, the champion chicken eat er, died recently at King's Mountain at tbe age of 91 years. He was a clever eld man. He frequently boasted of thegai.tronoti.tic feat of eatiugachickea every d iy for forty yeais, or a total of l i.GoO chickens. North Carolina leads every one of her ifeutLern sirter totates in tbe num ber of cotton mills, and leads every State in the- South in the increase of cotton mills in the last decade. She now has 1st cotton mills. Tbe Self-Threading Sewing Machine Company, of New York, is moviDg its i.! i:.t to'K 'iuoLe Rapi bs where they will manufacture machinery of all kinds. The R. J. Revnolds Tobacco Com- pany, of Winston, was awarded the j t rize for the best tolmcco exhibit at j the Atlanta Exposition, j Henry Baker btat his wife to death ' in Davidson e.amty. He was under ibe influence of liquor. - Messrs. A. 'C. Miller, of Shelby, and R. M. Oates. of Charlotte, are planning the erection of a spinning mill to contain 10,000 tpindles. The new Lincoln Cotton Mills, near Lincoluton, Lave been completed and wilt s-. on le in operation. There hi- been au increase of $100, 000 in the v dee of the real and perso nnl property l.rte l for taxation in Greensboro this year. Yidle.-e, ia Burke; county. Las a new postni'i-is-r, an Italian named Ippxdvte Salvipeet. TKLEGRAPHIC TICKS. At a conference of miners in Phila delphia Friday plans were adopted to secure an advance in wages next spring to some 25,000 miners. The Spanish consul at Wilmington, Del., caused the arrest of the captain and officers of tbe Norwegian tteamer, charging them with violating the neu trality laws. At Decatur, Ills., Friday, C. N. Smith, known in professional baseball as "Pacer," was hanged for the mur der of his little daughter Louise Smith and sister in law on Stpternbtr 28th. He bad tried to kill his wife but she escaped. At Mount Sterlincr, Ky., .Friday John Willirois and David Rose, who were wealtbv 6toek traders of Wolfei county, fought a savage duel to th tleath at Hazel Green. Williams was killed and Hfc died later. They had a dispute ever business. The bteamer Jcnnio Campbell struck a snag 20 miles below Yicksburg, Mis3., and sank Tuesday. Captain Lang, a British officer, has been invited by China to take com mand of her navy again. C. W. Gibl-eE, buffering frcm melan cholia jumped in a well at Atlanta Thursday and was drowned. A Rio Jenciro dispatch says the Bra zilian cruiser Uranus has been wreck ed and her command3r and live others drowned. At the Ontario Yeterinary College at Toronto Thursday, nn American 'stu dent raised a Hi? in honor of Thanks giying Day, and it caused a general, long-.retracted, blooely light between the Canadiuu and American student?. All the sugar ret neries in Philadel phia, includiagthe Franklin refine ries, which are connected with the sugar trud, and ihe Independent Mc Cuun reuuery, shut 'down Wednesday night, throwing over 2,000 men out of employment. Another dreadful massacre has oc curred at Marash. Tbe American Theological Seminary was jdundered and burned, and two students 6hot and fatally wonueled. Another massacre is reported lit Aintab. Twenty thousand Turkish toidiers are marching upon Seitung io raze it to the ground. About 100 wheelmen were iu the par ado to tho Atlanta Exposition grounds Saturday, where the races took place before 15,000 people. Wiiliatn 13. Clements has been ap pointed traveling passenger agent of the railroads comprising the Seaboard Air Linf , with headquarters at Atlanta. Tho New York Yt'orld reports 38 cases of flagrant crime iuvolviag mur ders, burglaries, highway robberies, r.rson, suicide, trolley wrecking und eggravatc-d assault, all occurring within three weeks in tbat city. M ote than GO, 000 ptople were at the Atlanta E::rc:ition on South Carolina Day. The tea thousand miners in Inaian Territory threaten to strike for higher wages. Tho New York Central shorteneel the time of the Empire State, express twenty-five minutes between New York and Buffalo. It is the fastc-ct train in America. Comptroller Eokles has ordered Bank Examiner Bnrgoin to take ehargo of the failed Chatiahooebee National bank of Columbus. G i. The capital cf the bank is 10:,CJJ. W. Hascli Wilson, president cf the Belividie-re railroad, u part of tbe Pennsylvania system, is probably the oldest raiwy president in the worbl in active service. He is 83 years old. At Richmond, My., Miss Mary B. Clay Saturday paid her 1-tate and county tax and wrotes- on tbe margin of the fheriu's tax look: 'I protest against taxation without representa tion." She is a daughter of Gen. Cassius M. Clay. There was an unusually large at tendance of Senators wb. -n thi Fifty fourth Congie.s convened Monday, tbe only reror led absentees being Mr. Kill, of New York; Mr. Lindsay, of Kentucky; Mr. Wolcott, of Colorado, and the two Senators from Louisiana. According to Secrtary Lamont's report, the United- States Army con sists of 2 ,ooS men. o: whom 20,531 are effective for i':eld service. The total olncers are 2,12'i. The Secretary re puits the army in aco 1 condition as to discipline and health, an 1 says the prst year has been un iitturbe 1 by Indian outbreaks or domestic violence. Tin: di:ht statement. The Cash in tiic Treasury Decreased in o and a il. .if Million Dollars ' During November. The fjinki.'i:; ieM lieserve. The debt sta.cx-et; issue 1 Monday shoTS a net tnsrea Lath-- re'he debt, less eash in th- Tieasary. i;:r:'.g Noveoaber, cIS2. CH.:C2. The mterft bc-ari,? deb: icereaed ci00. The noa-i-trc-s: brarii debt de ervestd ciC'SiCOO. and ca.-.h Sa the Traitrry d-ereasi i2,511.C:i. The balances cf the several elacies c f dc-tt at the ckso of busi i.ei3 Xovexl-.-r C3.h were: Interest bear hi? debt C-747,8C1,0; debt en wLi.'-a i..:r at r.a? ci: -1 since xcatur itv 01 670 lr0; dc .t !ciria.r no iiter cs: ?37a.!-i"',lo7; tc-t-il 1.125,'r?3,V'-j7. Tt.ocer.i- t-.-s an-i Tr.sary not.-s offset byirti equii aoULt of ea,h in tne Treasury cut-t an t;--i.: t:.e th month wer?: c5-2 '.7 t'T !. a d -:r-.i5- ef c115.e.0. Th. i.,t.U cah i . the Treasury r.-fe3 2i0.120.6y2. Tee coll - rv -.-s lj.Z22,C j. 2l eash ta'.anco r,j-'.C72.4,j. Ia tLO :r.oi.tIi tLer w.is a dr '-.'.-.i-ia --ii i c ia and t-a of i 13.-7C2.'2-,2, tbe t ,tnl a: the rivso bcinj c 123.M7, 213. uf suiwrthrv a ieereatf ui cl'lS, ii'l. Of the c-arplas t.'. r was ia tatiOaal ta'ute depe-r-it r; -. -?:t.3,2'35 .-qaius: 614, J&U.GM at th-i - i c f taa pr?ee.lmj xaoatiJ. nie ce etle-'s ly. The University of Ch:eM has deeb. '. ' esiabibh an annu-.l ho.il iy, to hi k-o va is founder's lay. In honor of JtaalX E:c felier. THE POSTOFFICE REPORT 1 Revenues Reflect the Country's Gen eral Returning Prosperity. CAUSE OF THE YEARLY DEFICIT. rmtnm:r-jenral VlT-a Aicrlbe th Groma Ants of 3n:l-C2as Itttei at th CliW Keasii for tt ShorU se ll Approves riacifl? Letter Carriers UnJer ClTll Serrlc Kale. Postmaster-General Wl'soo, ia hts aaaual report of the operations of ths rostofCsa Da partmeat. says that th flnaaeial and Inias trial depression whle'i his seriously affeetei the revenues of the postal service for the past two yaars aai disapoointeJ the esti mate of his predecessors extendai far enough Into the fiscal year 1S33 to rnVia aa nnusaally wile ap between revenues aaJ expenditures. It Is Rratifj.ncr, however, to report that a lare part of thi3 neflciency o carrel la the first quart t cf the yar, aa J V 3 -2':c rosrsrASTra-GEjTEaix w. l. witsor. that s'neethpn the r"vonu cf the depart ment have rnfle Vl6 1 tho scenert returninz of prosperity to the country. Ho aserit 3 the Kross abve of seeond-siass rates of posta.re 83 tho chief cr.Tis of tho yoar!y delcit ia postal revenues. rerc-fais aul a torsos the rfieoumpp.dtitins of his predecessors, Blssijll and Wana-n ikor, for aa arr.Q ! neat of tho law in ard to tha traosportatioa of seon-l-i'i.ass matfer, and pays: 'Jit is the cjtu'ihte of tho department that t-'-thir is ia wehrh: of ail the matter carried in the- mails is, under existing Jaw na I cl assifleaiions, earriel as s:e on J -class matter at the rate of oao cent a poind, where it is not atnilly carried postage free. Tho aTcrrea'.e wi?ht of s-ieond-class matte- in the year lOi was 03.003.003 pound-?. Darin? tan Ia3t year it increase I to over 312.0 0.001. a growth of ovur 1:1,00), 00) pounds. Dedaetia? the waiijar of th vt whK;a is kaowa as 'oouity frte,' balD? the matter which is cireaiated nmoas: suhseri) free of postage la the respuetiva oua:i3 of public ition, estimate I to b 40, 82), 15 pounds, there reniaiual 265.31 i.f.Sl pouu Is, which returned, at tha rat .f one eeat a pound, a revenue of '2.633,143.82. Ihe average cost to the flepartmnt o transport ia? and handlin? this matter i3 estimated at eizht cents per pound." Speaking of the extension of civil service rales to latter carriers, he says: "Aa iadiso?nsab:e t asi3 of cool s-'rvlia was la'd by placing the carrier fcre unler the eivl ser.'ie svsre'n, nnl no e.Tsr s ehouM bo spared by the department i-isure a high :acrala in this force aai to faT.illanse the idea auion iaiiviiual oarritrs that as they ea'.er the serves by the iririt system aloaf. so likewise they lo.rain ia it by no teauM but that of the faithful and ffScieut lieharge cf duty which de tp.aaiis self-rpec-t aa 1 honorable living. It is Inevitablrt that a few individanls htrj aai there should interpret thi- fMoiiity of eai jdoymect as a personal priii.', eneouratr ia? slovenly s"ryire an I iasuhordination to superior offl :ers. rather than a refonn b:as.-d on considerations of a belter pnblio service; and sue'f lasanes havrt oecurrvd ant w;l doubtless continun to oecur. even a'ter the full meai inc: of the civil st vico syste n is ui lerstoo t and accepted. Bat it is crHtifyinsr to reoort that as a whole, aa I bv sae'i owrwhei nia predominance as to make tha exception more prominent, ihe araiy of letter carriers is aWt. faithful, effleieat and honorable "Th3 Postmast'T-Gearal dedreseivil ser vic methods to e carried sriil further an i higher la the rostoface Department. He recommends that at lea'-t thrte of tho Ai sistan? Po:-tmas:ers-Gearal should s eure their office by a a iv.I s-rv.c? or ierit ten ure, au.'. not by a politi-al t,nnr;'. 11 . re frains fr'.ra cfTirioc a li'-:e opinion as to the Fourth As-' stant i'oatmasrer-General. be cause the fourth-eia8 I'ostinastTS. wrtcae lipriointmtoi! are primarily a lotted to him, aro yet outside of that tenure. 'fh qu stiou of e;tea tl n-r Hvil service met hods to tne select ion of fourth-class Post masters,' he says, "nas naturally reeivl my attention s en I have bia atthehal of t'nis departaiep. It i3 1 es-t wdb d'fl cuiti s. whie-h my eirariee ns a representa tive in Conress of A 1 ir-e coaatry district dur.n? three chants cf Alminstiatioa tr''axht home t me mor-) clearly tran they m'ht appear to a tceoreti.-al re'orm-ror to the rpre-cntative of a city constituency. I have stulil va oas bil jntrolu -:-d in both brasca-3 of Cjc?r-'ss in recent yeHr?.aa-l wi jorp."ds,i?2"iKTis from other q'narrers. but I do not 3t1 rryself able to ria'i as yaay soreiflc romme'idatioss on this important sa' jeet in th line of lesis latia which has be-a prorjosel. "Tne crier rv-ntly approve 1 by the Pr'.- detitpr-v:d-n-.r that waei the Posttna-t"r-G jfUfrnl shall e fai-jdante with a free de livery orfi;e r.r.y o:n-r r.votl ' s aeh -on-sclidatioa shall '-arry into the Sa'd 1 ser vice at th? fr-e d"';vrry o'.2 the Postoff.ce Der art.X'-nt raster of exrl'jvfs of the ofnee coniolid'-'e I. ii:":u iin t taeTx-i :n aster, leaeeepreJ a? the tferi&'iia? aul f janlatic-a not on'.J- of a r-t'iti-r po:a! s.r icj of the pal he and a berr aa I mere rusiaes- ike ac counting to this !'pi-fment, but a b a vri exte!i;ir'n of th- civil -t-rvice fysem to Post makers. It J3 my purpose to pro-ceelunU-r the authority of this crler is d:s;re-:Jy as I cia. aal ia the lor.; ran as far as ereritrnce i I jast;fy, so 3 to s.;ar the-e eomxen table ri-vihs. Tne oth-r p iuts 4lisia;;i ia the Post man fr-Gneral'a rep-ort hve b-en a' s ac t'.al'y coverol by r-ports cf the AssUtiot Prtmasters-Ga"-r:d ani tareiU chiefs heretofore rruiie p-i'oiic. Carlisle's Estimates. - j Seiretiry Carhsie Las sent Ccn?re3 sti ! raatcs subxitted ty the several ca'dnet cS cers cf moo .-y rtquireT for coalactia the ?jvernaie..t forthj fLs-l ?ar en Mux Jane SO, 1531. am :.::ic; to ills".0?1.072. Appro priations male for tbe pn-sent Ss-ai yr ea lin.? June tr), 1, a-acraati to 412,753, 264. .Vt.oh.' thi ma s of detailed estiaaates noted are in proving harbor at Charl-stoa. S. C. 6100.0&2: ii.r r.vm? hanxr at Giives ton. Tex., 1 1,110,000: r .r expenses at Norfolk. Va.i navv vard, 575.7.'0: naval ttatioa at Port P. Ta!.S. '.. ?3oi.l?2: dry dock at Al-!-ir-. L'.. 'ItO.WJ. thetoUl cost of whk-U will be tl.i-A!..;bO; i ahiic building at rJvan cah, Ga., lOO.C-CO. I A" TIIE FIFTY-FOURTH CONG it ESS. Ibe KccU Rules Adopted by the House. The Fifty-fourth Coasress te;aa Its vj eion at noon Monday wita crowded galleries and many other raaaife-statio3s of aeute In terest ia its procecdiDs,inoladiEg, of course, th inevitable floral decoratiocs. Thoro were 15 new faces amoa the Saators, cot counting Chilton, of Texa who re-occu. les a seat he once held before by appointment, and there were in addition 13 ro-eitvted Sen ators to be sworn ia by Vio-vrresldeat Ste vensoa as their uwa su veors. Of th hold-over Senators whose terms will expire two years front now. some of the most pro minent, Including ha?tturn, Dnv, ll.il, Voorhees, Vest and IVffer. the norr.. In the Ilouse of lpresentatlvye the changes were still more markM. Oae of the featun-s wnieh provoked comment from tho pailene'S was the youthful appearance of many of the nw moaiiwrs. fccveral States have sent as rcpresi-ntntiTes mem who are ttill la their twnti- s. Probably tvro soon of others are under forty. Ia point of a;o, the present U ouse is the yenst known to the history of Americas leUiation. Tueoe boyish appearing member?, brl.ht fa-ed, ia tellijrent lookin.L.-, well Rrootned, well man nered and v. eU Ures'd. college rceu mot cf them, pre'seme 1 a strikir.? contra t ia th-lr youthful appearance to th-ir veteran associ ate; such as Grosvenor of Ohio, who- flow ing white beard frives him a vencra'ue ap pearance disproportionate to Ids ae; to ex. Speaker Gal u-ha Grow, of Ta., hale, h van y and vigorous, despite his seventy and odd ears;to Calbersoa, cf Texas, now enterinj; upon his eleventh term and other of the House veterans, whoe political prosjt3 were not temporarily sat'tnenrci ia the No vember tlevtlju3 cf "JL Hi: Ileid. of Miiae, In pursuance to the unanimous decision ot the Republican caucus, wai elected Speaker by a vote of 234 against f5 fur Sir. Crisp, of Georgia. The rules of tbe Fifty-first Ccn gress popularly k:''Wu as ihe lleed rules- were adopted for the ttovernment ia the House for tho pr--sent. WEEKLY ICEVIEW OF TRADE. General Trade L'nehauscd In the bo.ttb. Eradstret and Dun &, Co., of New York. 6ay: The volumo cf general trade 6hcws a fall ing off, compared with tha preceding week, largely owicg to the intervention of the Thanksgiving holiday, but in part to tho Continued effect of mild weather E.ist and South, hlorms in the central V.'est und tho usuai disinclination of buyers to ai l to Sto..-ks during tho closing iconta of the rear. General trade reir.a!s une-r.anged at tne South, with mfci caiitilee;'ile-etions la sumo ln stanc.s improviu).', tho tcudeucy eil cotton to move slowly, and the move-went of mcrchaa ciioemalier than in Ou:ooi-r. Texas mer chants report a fair movement oi notions and fancy goods, but a check to distribution of yroceib-s and dry OOd?. There are 2od business faibires reported throuhtout tho Utdied States this wee, a sctlceabie failing tU lion; the total on we-k before, S23. and even when compared v.t a thi total ot.o year ago, 307. The most etnkig industrial feature i3 tho continued ttaction in prices in iron and steel. Bessemer pig being oir 25 cents and ticcl billets fractionally lower, with reactions la prices for wire, fcheets and ether lonrs. There is little likelihood of aa increased di mand or a reversal of the prieo movement prior to the mi dule of Januarj'. There is an unproved de-mead for Loots and ehoea nt Ealtimore, Chieairo and St. Louis aj well as at 2ome New England manulac-tarlngeeijtrcs, wLiitt at Philadelphia the demand is not so conspicuous as previously. Dry goods are quieter with tho continued unseasonable mild weather and the revival of the holiday trad". The strength of Cuttou mnintains the price of cotton t'oods. Stock e peculation at Icw York Is waiting for the meeting of Congress and for the be gianin'4 of tho agitation ovr tao currency which Is considered probabio at this f.cdon. Lank clearings ttroui;Lout the United States amouMt'.d to cb70,00,00'J this week and reflect rather more tea:, the custoiu'try failing off incidental to TuaaksivinK wc- k, tho decrease as co;n pared with tno preceding weak amounting to 13 j-r -er.t. The general tendency cf t .rices cf staples continues in lino with that sbown In two or three precediag weeks a cl- ar majority of thof.e usuaily quoted showing decr a-.i s as compared with tha week before notably va ri .us forms cf sleel and iron, including wire, hi ief, live stock, wdv-at, Hour, Iudiaa cora, oats, pork, lard, coffee, p-trohurn and print tiuths. Practically une-hanged quota tions are announced for lumber, co.al, leath er, naval stores, laf tot ajco, fcuar and wool. Tho more conspicuous advances ap- tear to bo confined to whea, l- centra ushel; cotton 1-8 ccct3 a pound, and s'-mo of the cheaper grades of paper fcpjck, frae tionaiiy. Tlie C. Y. V. Th Cape Fear Ya lkin Valley Itadroal llsect-n N. C. northwest and fouth-a'-t, from the Eiu II: Ige to the chief a- aport, and traversing part of the pie lmoiit, cotton, na val stcre and b. .'r M-ctlor.p, with branch's toMalL-ou aad li 'na'-tta ili -, K C :s ap proaching a cri.-is ia its hi.-tory, wh. h is awsitod by its frlead3 w.th iff p unil-ty lis tinaeial troubles not 1 ii.ee forcM it icto the han L of a receiver, sad this :.' -tariiy temporary arranein'.t is aXUt to giveilacfjto a sal" ariu r"-.r."an;7.atJ"n of thoToa-1. two plans for which ar bubir.itt- d to the stockh'.liers. 'Oaj coLtnmplV.-s tho prde of the liae ia lt -nUr-ly, a-.d :s crrddM to the Iii!t:-T;ore II Ohio V. iriroad Com; M.y, beingthe j !an sLmittel by tbe "15 litiT.ore c.mmitt. e." li.o ether proposes to a3"ord cspitilisfs an opportunity to p-trcha?" s ih d:vi-ion or di viri- -i:s of tne Cape Tear ic Yn-1-kia Vrtii-y Ilailroal a.j tL-y e.ay -ie-t, ai.1 amounts to a practical uimcu:itra.2nt and lisiLt-ratioa of tne system. , Silver Nenutors Confer. A confT-nec "f r-nvor3 favorable to th? fre coinage cf tllve r ?-is held Ilonday, at W.-ii-Lirgton. Ihre wre pr-s?..t about 13 Senator?, ir.i '. j up of E -pa'dicau, Lemo er.it and 'iii--t. Ironir.-nt ate or x the e wer-f T'.r, S:ewarr, Caii, All n, Ibl n.an a-d Mattel. 'Iu-. eor.fcr-E' e was :iiiid for the pi.rp .s; of -iiat.r;;r tnoe fv.rit iiver todis -u.'s the sui'x-t Loan informal way. Nj tlf .rt was m li to ouiitte a for rr.ai plai of eaTi; ai-rn. The spirit that aii tho.e r-v-it f-a-oire'l that they intend t kcp up in lU'ht ia the H-if! as vigor ously as thyLatein the iast. Wants to He a Notary. Mrf. N'aic- G. Eobinsoo, a woman attorcy cf Cuieianatl, liftitut'jd a proeel!D5 ii man lam us la the aprrne court ft&tar lay to compel Governor 3IeEUl-y to 1-su her a commission as a notary public JJ s Eobin--on had a confer-:' w.;h private Secretary Loyi, who Issuej the r.-rtia"at-J., tut h r---;us-d, atir,cpon th ad vie c f Attorney G-r.eral l:.:hrd, who dn?.ei tbatth law plvir.g woa'a th ribt t- vote in school tleciion diinot -ivetaerntbe nUttoa.t as attarie. Tb uit is inrneby ail trou;:ht to teet the mutr. Jjnr pa".b-rs nt mrJ'.dl , rn sre b Ir.ssH' talons the C du-nl.'a Uirer in Or--'-. u Jh (lull r -a.'-r to tay t b-o, raynit shl?Iiasf3abi-d. It s not knoa trhy Ihry are so anxious to ?-t then. H-rrie- wer tcTer tr, pVulif. I off lis Massa-husetts eo.at as iJ.Ij s -j -a. aai th catch s-j far has been i.aeaoca?s&liy lartf. LATEST NEWS IN BRIEF. GLEANINGS FROM 31 ANY POINTS. Important llappeninss, Both Horn and Forrixn, Briefly Told. Newsy Soutracrn Notes. December 11th has been set apart a Florida Day at tho Atlanta exposition Fire destroyed four tenement house in KEoxville. Ttnn., Wednesday. Lo 52,000. A petition will be presented to the Kentucky Legislature asking legisla tion for the confinement of inebriates in an avlum instead of in Jails ud v.ork-hoa6ca. The schooner II. S. Lanfair, from Baltimore to Jacksonville, struck the jetty at the latter city Wednesday and turned over. Her cargo waa oil and. ealt. The entire issue of $16,500,000 Central of Georgia Railway 5 per cent. 50 year consolidated bonds Las been cold, tbe unsold portions being taken Wednesday afternoon in New York bj a syndicate of prominent bankers there and in London. Griffin Johnson, you d pest son of the late Major General Albert Sidney Johnston, the famous Confederate chieftain, died in Los Angeles Cab, Wednesday night from hemorrhage of tbe brain, superinduced by a fall which he received a few days ago. The exposition management has set apart December 12th aa Tenneasee Centennial Day; December 11th as Chattanooga Day, and December 17th as Farmers' Day. Thcso will be three great events, and it is expected im mense crowds wilKcome on those days. Northern News Notes. Governor Flower, of New York, thinks there aro SI 00, 000, 000 in gold hoarded throughout tho country. Chicago will probably raise a guar anty fund of S70.000 to gcttheRepab lican National convention. It has been decided to remove the body of Gen. W. S. Hancock from Xorristown, fa., to the Arlington cemetery. A man at McArtbnr, O., who spoke disrespectfully of a woman, was ridden on a rail and then tarred and feather ed for the improvement of his man" ners. The Chesapeake and Ohio is to build a new depot at Richmond, Va., to cot, with improvements, 52.000,000. It -wid be located on North Mai a street, just below the old fit. Charles Hotel. Charles Bauer, a Sullivan county, N. Y., farmer, re&iding at Beaver Brook, was in a ttall untying a cow on Monday when she caught him on her horns and tossed him into a stall oc cupied by a horse. The latter kicked Bauer to death. AVa'hlngton. Secretary Smith claims to have saved $71,000 in the printing of the Patent OUco Gazette. A clerk and three colored laborers bavo been dinmiscd from the Treasury Department for the theft of obsolete internal revenue stamps. Mrs. Mary Ktan, eU-pmothor of Archbishop Kcan, rector of the Catho lic University, at Washington, was found deed in her room in Baltimore. She had, apparently, been dead about thirty mx hours. A synopsis of the report published of tho Nicaragua commission bhows that the commission does not think that tbe canal can bo built for the sum estimated by tbe company 69,863, CG0. Tbe provisional estimate of the commission is placed at $33,472,893. Certain fcaturc-H of the plan of con-i-tructioa are declared to be impracti cable. They kay more time should be taken in making pbytical and topo graphical examination, And for that puipohe, they recommend sn appro priation of SO.0,0'JO. i. Foreign. Alexandre Duraaa, the noted novel ist, died at his homo in Paris on Wed nesday evening. Two hocks of earthquake were ex perienced in tbe southern part of Bui gar. a Wed nedi y morning. Minister Terrell intends demanding of tbe Forte aa indemnity for the de etruction of rab.i"n buildings at Har root, as soon as details are known. The Chinese government has created a M-parate. legation iu I'aris under the administration of King Lang. Tho chamber of deputies tas votid 5,000,- fracs for establishment of addition al consular poets in China. STATE NEWS DOTS. An electric plant of 1000 lights will le installed by the Henrietta Cotton MilL An indication of the benefit a rail road may be to a city is shown by tbe amount of money which tbe Southern Com- any pays to it employes in and near Charlotte. Tbcs men receive fully 820,030 per month, or 3249.000 per y-rar, mot of which is spent io the city. Under such circumstances it i nr. won Jer thst eommanitie bavo rca- j son V encourage the coa-trtiction of ! r-iilroa 1 shops and the etablishmer.t of tcricitial in their tnideL Veivf Ooli Cotar la C':romls. If th rte of o'uo eoaticaes at ti L'ii'.e ! S:stea M nt a it bxs bi?a goinv, tbU v.-iur will b r '-Wt.' on for OtUfbrnls. A'.reaiy c-ar'y fi.W.M of ? l has bvr e-dnelsia-M January 1, aat Ir? fore January I. ih aioact will prbly o cir S4. Iher hs br-ii also a"out 21.50'. tiO of silver coiced.

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