i i v - r. S-.,. MARION PROGRESS i .The Right Swing. vV i . . William J. .Cocke, on of the pLmLisnEi evert THURSDAt" EVENING I congrcionul, as'piHnts of Uiis dis- 'm&mmr trict and th leading one wo thluk w c uuvy l ll r u pn Qriinu y v. . possesses a sortoUadjvidual swing 4 Marion, N. Cn'U'A The First fiationl Bank Entered at the Postoffice at Marion, N. C, as second class xnapter. : - - TERjMS Six Mouths, t ; Thru Mohths, ; - ' '.. StrlctfV In Advance! v.. - MARION, N. C, APRIL 7, 1910. jn his method of procedure.-. ;We do not see anything wrong he; has ; S. WHITTENt Editor and Prdp.jclone or any mistake: that-he' has maae ncitner.ao we see a possioie one he ; can make, . fori, indeed he prefaces his campaign by the rais: ing.of issues-whose tendencies are the smashing'of interests and' raa- ss side step ne -punches . tlirantism :a worthy blow not only on general principles but for untoward office distributionv?sicT;- We think that because of '-" these TH E J U DuLonlrV I T I issues, :; together - with : his ability :Thfr Fourteenth I diclal district and sincerity "of purpose . he will :can well boast of theV fact that it undoubtedly be the man to redeem has furnished to the State 3 udiciary the dfstrict , Too, these issues are from the year " 1900, one of the for the good of the people and the ablest and most affable Judges ever people should not be slow to rea gracing the Superior Court Bench. Hz that fact,:and it is high time r ThftiirftisA can be a bit more nar- they should get on tne r joo aDy- roWW confined in thaVtRutherford I way WtV : Countv has furnished the man to We like; the stamp of Cock thA Uth. but we. too. in iovful in- campaign,', and his fight : against vflct wnnW irUA4 l rkim to "legalized robbery,'! which is him. for in M. KL Justice there is great big proposition. a possession of natural endowment e's Report of the condition of Tho Pint National Bank, at Marion. In the hut of North Carolina, at tha close of ,lmj4 a w n i r . ness, Aiarcn x, iwiv RESOURCES LoaM and discounts f23,91S,81 7- - General News. . The -fruit prosiccts in North Carolina for 1910 having been in quired I into . it ' is , stitetl that the outlook for the fruit crop is excel- enW: -This has to do with pros- overdrafts, secured and unse- pects merely, of course, and there is yet cnance tor irost to cui aown the crop. , y . The committee of the North Car olina-Methodist conferences, the Holstbn conference and ttie South Carolina, "conference, haying in charge the selection of a site for the MethodistchaUuqua, is quietly at work looking over: tne various places 'desired in the mountains of I Fractional North Carolina and the plans are assuming shape.' Some think Weaverville, near' Asheyille, will -... , betheplace ; 1 -Dr. E. Dana Durand, the nation al superintendent of -census, says tion U. S. Bond to secuM U. 8. - deposit - ' " . Premiums on U. S. Bonds Bonds, seenritiea, etc . - Banking house, furnltnre and 1 fixtures -. Other real estate owned Due from National Banks (not reserve ag?nis) Due from approved reserve ajreut ... Checks and other cash items Notes of other National Banks 1 paper currency. nickels, and cents &0.CC0.00 1.000 00 2.800.00 7,000.00 18,000 00 2.500.00 50.52 J7 5.T59.B4 483.75 1.083 00 64 23 3 SEAS' N-A MERCHANDISl 12.008.00 Specie 11,448.00 Letral-tendeT notes WO.OO Bedempuon fund with U. a. ; Treasurer (5 or orcuxanoo) z.auw Total $452,6mJ73 - LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In 130.000.00 i,uai. uj uuuc - uvk aua i Undivided profits, leaexDen- to reDOrt" the PODulation-of thel - es and taxes paid . k 3, 008-SO - Natl Bank notes outstanding 49.COO 00 t 1 T 111 1 U T U I riUI IVBHTl Ill I I I II III . uuxvu vcwm. v.f.u 1 Dne to they Kauonai Banks and 91 milHon. The enumerators Due to State and private Banks ill AnA --.- and bankers ' - - . 52.0M 27 iitvw ujcu auu, nvuicu in - will start ADril 15 and will cover Individ it. ' ! cr7 j ul check ; . ; " S4.57804 me cities lu uueeu uays sua wicirko,- -rwf iru oa qa rural sections in thirty days. . It will take four months to cover the manufacturing interests and three years to tabulate and : study the figures ; brought . in by the census Ector r News. Special to T Progress. ; Ector, April 5. Loean Dobbins and Carl Epley have returned home from . Farm school. ' , j " . , Mrs. Carrie Pendergrass spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. L. Fortune. Joe Parker spent Sunday with his I mother here. : 7 Miss Bessie Sisk spent last week- with for the Judgeship, and its a great MRS. B LAC KW ELDER ' -1 ;-', . : i i ' ' a? ---- - - - - UUUg US lb WKi k, wurmj aiugau - ; v - - . .. for pure and principled politics. ve Known Resident of Old Fort Consequently his failure, of re- Meets DeathOther News -' election would be sadly remiss and ' . V-H 'u "' " . an ' undoing of . accomplishment. ; . , . ' . ' We would go . on reminding that Old Fort, April 6.--Mrs. Whit successful politics is not successful Blackwelder, aged 44, while stand government; that oftentimes pbli- ing on her back porch, was struck 1 ; tics will recklessly defeat a good and instantly killed by - lightning man and place in his stead him who daring the rain and electrical storm is less competent as an incumbent I which visited this place Saturday I her sister, Mrs. B. G. Gtettys, of Nebo : but more competent as a winner J afternoon about . 5:30. - The . bolt and attended the commencement of snrh . fnnrsft is nnlv necessitated struck the chimney and tearing a Nebo School. She reports the pro- mknr. n-mlnnnii mnot oKn1nlr1 I laroA Holp. thmnorK th Trtnf naccArl I tram fine; n Unix a n iuuci tuuov kto ' ovucuuicu m. ; w . 1" to redeem the situation but that down the chimney to the lower - course is narrow because it places floor and to all parts of the house, party gain in advance of all things, Neighbors near-by hearing it strike and we should rue the dav when rushed in and found Mrs. Black- welder lying on the ' back porch. Dr. Mcintosh was hnrriedly'su m- moned but T she was found "to be -April Bhowers bring colds,' grippe, C v;L,C,j u cu rheumatism, and other distresing trou- u uuiuiouoi rc. """ bles.-Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is survived by a husband, three I effectually and quickly rids one of such ti - xxr ft i trou Dies prevents tnem, too. A jc Certified checks" United States deposits Bills payable, including Ucr-" tinea tea or Deposit tor mon ey borrowed WOO -1,000 00 80.000 00 Total . 4i2.CLT3 Suae of Korth CanUsa I. Coantyof MeDowell " L Geo. I. "White, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear " tha t the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Geo. L White, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this Cth day of April 1910. . it. . uurtou, notary rnuuv Correct AttMt : D. E. Hodgins 1 J. L. Morgan Directcrs .' a B. Prioe ) Emma and Laura Pendergrass attend ed the commencement . at Nebo High School last week. . . We are glad to welcome Charlie Hall in our neighborhood. He is a bright- eyed boy andhaa made many friends. Black Eve. ... ' .... - Straw Hats for men, women and children Low cut Shoes for men, women and children. " . - : : Light weight underwear for men and women. : Ladies Umbrellas and Parasols. Lawn Mowers and Porch Scats. Do not forget to look at my line of Xadies Trimed Hats, if I have a style that you like, you will save money by buying at my store. j. isnmtoini in politics wisdom is foregone, merit forgotten and the trendof the political times would demand other than competence. C - ? ;: In Judge M. H. J ustice, the Al ! 1a1- 4 I kviWi uiau, uoio wcouuro a opuiv- U4 w . j package makes 105 cups true manhood and his mission is I Lincoln, Neb, Z. V. .Crawford, today. , J. W. Streetman. that of " betterment In M. Hi Black Mountain andTH." P. Craw Justice, the Judge, there is a de- ford, Swannanoa, and three sisters cided . judicial f. temperament, a Mrs.; J. S. Bradley and Miss faithful desire to duly execute the Maude Crawford of Old Fort, and 'lawrand a: consequent love for Mrs. Geo. E. liee of Asheville. righteous government withal a Funeral services were conducted sort of fitness which fits. in the Presbyterian church Tuesday ; W e are ever mindful of the fact ai 11 o ciqck anq was participated Loans and discounts that Judge Justice is no politician, in by the pastors of Baptist, Meth- vcalBe?niIed and we are glad he isn't; he is a odist and Presbyterian churches, Furniture and fixtures ' : better Judge for not being and can and interment was in the Old Fort Due from banks and bankers , . - - ,. . r . , . ..... .a. . . Tii t 11 i (iold com tneretore do his undivided duty cemetery . . iurs. riacKweiaer naa silver coin, including all mi - without molestation and no politi- long been a consistent member of cal phantoms can rise up to detour the Baptist church, and was very him. - We are confident and believe highly esteemed by all who knew - that his merit and ability stand her. The bereaved husband and him in hand sufficiently to, easily relatives have the sympathy of the . and readily win, for indeed, it entire community. . : would be a sad innovation and con- E. I. Clement, GraDd Deputy, sequently destruction of a principle Woodman of. the World, -has insti- ,to let politics defeat him who has tuted a lodge at -this place with ibout 30 members. At- present ; they- are meeting in. the Masonic Hall. I ' - L Atty. Guy Weaver, of Asheville, in; Old Fort with tea. Try it - BEPORT OP THH CONDITION OP Merchants &. Farmers Bank at ; Marion,- in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, March 29, 1910. - RESOURCES. $124,633.91 1.885.63 - 2.392.00 17.038.17 3,34000 nor coin currency National bank notes and other U. S. notes - . Total 1,273.65 5,469.00 $156,032 36 TJABTLTTIES. S of Real Estate. JJnder and by virtue of an order of the Superior curt of McDoireil county. made in the special proceeding entitled J. Koy Brown administrator of John U. Brown, deceasra, against ll. 11. Brown, T. W. Brown, Charles R. Brown. Lit zie R. Brown. Don Mashburn. Emma Mash burn and Essie Mashburn, heirs at law, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 9th day of May. 19 TO, at 13 o'clock m, at the court boose door in Jianoa North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands lying in Old FortHown ship, McDowell county. North Carolina Beginning on stake on the north proog of the Catawba river, a corner, of the division line between D. J. A. Greenlee and J. M. Greenlee and runs with said line north 15 west 136 poles to a stake in the public road below Jay Williams house; then runs north 20 east 17 poles to a stake in the road at a bend sear foot of hill; then north 27 east crossing Pazton's branch 84 poles to a stake on top of hill now Buchanan's corner; then south 11 east 3 poles to a stake; then south 811 east crossing Hoover's branch 26 poles to a' stake on brow of hill; then north 471 east 14 poles to a stake on ex treme top of hill: then north 67 i east 11 1 poles to a stake; then north 41) west crossing Hoover's branch 88 poles to a stake on rock wall hall way between Academy and J. C. Brown's residenoe and en the line of track sold by J. 11 Greenlee to LL R. Greenlee; then with said line along north side of road north 54 east 25 poles crossing Hoover s branch to a post-oak. tha LL E. Greenlee begin ninir corner: then op the Hoover branch with line of the said LL E. Greenlee tract north 20 west 60 poles to a laurel on the bank of the branch Buchanan's JL. 3 X Uns; then up Hoover's branch to a whits oak. corner on west bank (now down) and which was a corner of old D W. GrenWa 200 cr sunrvr now Urkgr ing to heirs of D. J. A- Owtilf: tixo north with said surrey to U. Ll. Prices cow GorK Youag's corner In sam: then sooth S3 east 130 poles to a small degwood un the iiwvr rida of the public road at tha bead of a small branch; lh a south 43 east 16 poles: then south 6 wt 124 poles to the sycamore at tha mouth of branch; then south 84 east 14 poles to a stake In branch: then sooth 43 wrt 9 pols to a stake la tha branch; thru south 9 east 90 poles to a water burch on the bank of tha river; ' thea same course crossing small proog of lb river to a stake on the lower end of the Uland; tha np tha river as it meanders to J. M ttrtwulee's line; then north 13 wrt with John Greenlee's bne to tha small prong of the river; tbon'aama roar crorcacg said prong to tha bgtnning. Beooxtj Tract; Beginning oo a forked spaninh oak. (now dead) near the head of the Hoover branch, and which w&s the beginning comer of the Lewis Curtis 610 acre tract and runs with the line of said tract onto' 47 west 19) poU to the line of D. W. Grwulee SOU acre surrey, sow owned br Bochanait and D J. A. Greenlee's heirs: then with line of sid tract east to the Hoorrr branch; then up the Hoover branch "to a black gum on east bank of same, then runs north 82) west 47 pvlea to the brgionlcg containing 73 acres be same more lese. This 7th day of April, 1910. - J. Rot Browx, . Ocsnmlsrioner. so ably fulfilled every requirement of the Judgeship and more. ,r; We always like to think of this ' man for there is presented, to bnr .mind's eye a picture of a good man I spent Sunday - and a faultless Judge, and his e- relatives. : . . .. ; : : reer stands in bass-relief with a The third Old Fort base ball 1 ".TndifMal rutin p.rif.irf)5ner Kia Koo1 Ininfl ? dftfftfttefl t.hA Marinn" HiorV School team on the Old Fort dia- No standing still, no backward mohd Saturday by a score of 10 to I progress in the cause of education- 5. , Only five innings were played, al effort at Nebo High School. It Marion offering to give them- the is indeed well- All honor" to the game atihe"end of thetnird which splendid corps of teachers, much Old Fort would not agree to. - praise for the earnest attention and ; Geo; Sandlin, Mrs. P. H. Mash- ! effort of the pupils an6rheartyap- burn imd Mrs. J. ; H. Salisbury proyal for the complete and well left last weekor a stay bfa few uireuwju , co-operauon 91 tne pa- weeks at Hot Springs, - Ark. , for rents.. We bespeak a continuation their health.' V - ' X- ' of -this meritorious work in a great -Eight meilibers of the Asheville and good cause. Finally, to D. F. L'O. O. F. came down Tuesdav r - , ... . . .. - i-i 1 . . . . .... , " vines, county superintendent - of and assisted - the Old Fort lorl Capital stock paid in - 829,000.00 Surplus fund 3,865.00 Undivided profits, less current " expenses and taxes paid 400.14 Time certificates of deposit 57,829.13 Deposits subject to check ' 61,519.23 Sanngs deposits " 743.41 Due to banks and bankers . 3,174.43 Cashiers checks outstanding LOO PANTS SB. 'Total - - - - - $156,032.88 State of North Carolina, Comity of McDowell I, R. F. Burton, Cashier of the above- named bankr do solemnly swear that the : above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief :- ' B, F. Bukton, Cashier aworn to ana subscribed before me, tms otn aay oz March, A. D, 1910. . -. Geo. L "White, Notary Public ' Cobeect Attest: J. D. Ledbetter, . ) J. W. Streetman. V Directors." ' : G. S. Kirby, . REPORT OP THE OONPITION OP THE ; Bank of Old Fort PANTS PANTS m -We have jast received a bx lot of Mcn pasta, from one ; of. tha leading manufacturers of the United Slates. Anyone fj wanting pants will fiod'it Co their interest to se our line be- rft fore buying. We have what you want at the lowest possible ((X prices, also some nice things in Mens Si ogle Coats. iL IV Men's all. wool Blue Serge Suits iii vl vli m lip in the State of North the close of " business at Old Fort, Carolina, at 29th, 1910;- ; J . . BESOUBCES Loans and discounts - . - schools and pioneer ieacher, at this confer the first, second ' and third verd?8' u? JSebo school, we extend congratti- degree' on four candidates. v . 1 Banking house " . : lations', and an earnest" hope for C. H.lBurgin was in Asheville dfiures ; aAAA .nnBc;t,;;.ff..4i-:t:: r , ' - " , Due from banks and bankers Uvtv,vA ouwcaj iu uio cuort! bu uiaKe 1 w eanesaay.-- . - v -1 Gkud coin to none t in its Mavor Harmon wa nn fKo nx x including all minor I list several days last week. : : Miss Maude Weaver, of VV(Faver- ville, is the guest this week of her sister, Mrs, Booth., v - , John Blaiock, Jr. has crona in with Taylor Green to learn the 1 barber trade. ' . 7 -Old Fort has not snffprtl his;candidacy lis strengthened'.by the high price of beef i yet . but " is TlnfeertSitei of Deposit 5. L. Rocrers that hftwonW. k beef famine.- r. .1 Cashier's checks outstanding ; candidate for re-election: '. : ; m at $7.98 the Suit. :t Come and see us. - Yours to please, . MARlOW BARGAIN HOUSE, v ? & & c-- fe S SiS & S S & & j 0 viz 1 j vl) Hi this school second class in the state. : Brown for Commissioner. We note that Honi Henry Clay Urown, of Kaleigh, is being strong ly endorsed for the. position of Corporation : Commissioner, " .and $38,001.01 1 V 249.14 2,100.00 700.00 8.045.77 843.00 com currencv - - v . . . 412. B3 National bank notes and other - . ' TJ. S. notes .-r ..: - 1,255.00 Importaiit Announcement Total - LIABILrnES. 151,708.60 Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits,' less current - expenses and taxes caid f 8,000.00 2,480.00 .y- ' I' r 'V;. I . - Total Mr, BrpwhV long record of sr- 5 the Senate fS' j ' ice m the omce : is-the best testis t- feciaea IBM tne lie- F. M. Bradley, noniftl nf his fitn ; j puoucsineaoer ot tbat body had aboye-named bank, do u u "rrV: ,5uu"lbceri iruiltyf acceDtinir n hrihAf that the. above i.vw irvni ine Driflffa trnt,- Tht r w -j "849.90 1,500.00 19,575.04 19,075.72 727.84 nd the there annou ncement o f his andidacyshouIdbe;isuhicienttb 'raw to hiui the united support of is partyStanleynterprise; The Montgomerian, of Troy, has ain changed hands, and "Av;"A. cung is now; its -editor, sf-i tU.703.50 Cashier of the solemnly swear statement, is true, to knowledge and belief. P. M. Bradley, Cashier - v Subscribed and sworn to before me,1 uus otn aay ox March,:10lO " " . 'V.- "' . T Tm T-r . . . m.' . There's no better sr u-2 - - : ' . -aAKaoN, notary iruDUc Hollister'R r -Z- Uorrect-Attest: standard for thirty years- Tea or tab- iets, eoc. iet a nankftPA Mav . . wks ; only : one of the crimes chnrged. " ;r : " many -like ' Tlie new styles are' now ready .- Do cot miss this splendid opportuni ty t select your wearing sppsrel from the complete variety of stjlfs shown only by . ? j . . . . CHAS. A, STEVENS k BROS., CHICAGO and who make a specialty of High Grade wearing apparel for "Women, Wmt Children at Popular Prices. . - Custom Tailored Suits made to spfcial order accordicg to your IndiTidcal measurememts from your own choice of materials and style. Ttrftct rtl and JTalfifactfon .Aisvrrrf. Sprflog " Press Goods In Worsteds, Silks and Foulards. Ncycr, did vrc offer such a raricty In cottoai Icnrdy cot tons that rank with the silks in beauty. Come and see the line in its completeness. Hats! Hats! Hats! We just tot in about thrru buadre doHari worth of Sara do Hats for Men and Boys, All the cwral that arJ ct!on as4 all la tcf fect coodition. Will aril thtra al t-Sc fcHoir g pvkn hil Ihtf kit: $3.00 Hats for $!0O-f ISO Hat for $L-JiCO Hal for X I1.S0 HaU for 11.00 $1.00 ax4 HaU for lUu Cotn In aider l first choice. Straw Hats We have rreeireJ oo of t!ie prt:tlet lie of Straw Hal list will be shown this sraaoo for Mm, Bor, Woocr ari ChiHrtn. Metis Straw HU, Sft to S3.CO. Vhyg Slrtw HsU, XOc to UUX Women trxi Children Sao IltU fro !Cc to 2ic Stetson Hats In blacV, browo acd grey, alio tU sUp?e Alpis sUres ia Uak and white, KW. lsew Uot of Ladies Neclcwear. 'Man j &ew arl nobby Ihirr to show joa in thl lit , ' Just Received a .... a new lot oi rcrta or Ursid Hair Plrt prxlXj loi to sH to WJC. Ladies Sillc Hose. A prtttj assortmeoL We can sLow yoa toomi ax ctor. Uack piaja wniie, worm to ZO per iir. . Parasols. t.?t,hA3Jf?Jfr f S03? .Tslcr to scil for $1.00 to $2,W; chiUrtr-s 25 acd tOc Mattings, Rugs and Art Squares. Kc 2xr2 iLchts at Art Ssstrta 9 ft tj 12 at XOX Wash Suits. Doa'lforjt we carry a lice of Wosea aM OiUrta Wajiij Sdta. uotliingl aothlnn! chtsp hecacs-j wtj Uuglt it rvli at tie Ready-to-wesr suits and dresres $10 00 sod up; tlugrrie sod talk nd wnb suits and up, coats 3.0O and up, skirts 1 (O acd up. Waists, retticoats. sweaters, muslin uoderwcsr, kimccos, kn:t ut.diwrar, hecirry. cr-Twt kIotsa. leather goods, reckwesr. etc., alw 2Jlnu' n;U and tklrts. and CUiirvn's ZrtJZ Ht cnnefpondinglr low ptievs The ttjles are the not bactifol and are such ss. a: e shown only in the large citirs. oull thank us for. the xr&etman. .advice, J, W,. J.S. Bradle; sr. x. Aiasnburn. lbu L.P. Crawford, Directors .: 1 cWrfully offer yon any adtnr I rn rodr you la making your tion-. taking mMurrmente. muklng alrriUt and drUyricg the cobds Li t oa ed SrotMrtaloSe: " ' , ' ia r- jotlerjkind color. Be se to lJotVt2l at U ard ii- . ii . right tlreei ' -Tihie W. H. HAWKINS, Manjger NOTICE! French Coach SUUisa will dc ai Daley's Stitle after April 1st Scasca reduced to $15.00. 4t3-24 . 'fU- fir Mijllti'.ca Pit'.tru PHONE 144. ir'a ti t If xur i.:cj r.rcd lc til! i Jcd cr c.zrriic rt ra'rrl Tcrk a'-'rd fir si vcrtl A3 vex k de rijht sr.i chnr. GEORGE MOCKUH. V MRS. J. F. WILLIAMS, Agent. MARION, N, C.

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