J A MARION' PROGRESS -. ?f ?:. - school closing v r,VaTl; That was a noble band of war- : : : f( DYS ARTS VI LLE chandisa basineM for was time, hiring published evEfcr thuksdat evening riors those republican politicians - : " : t - formerly been a resident of Hickory and hy this I ,1 kAnAwmnn lt : v;,...:l Xiirrefiil Urm Hrnturht in a I.lfiCA I has mada a host of friend walls Her. i it i . t n. ;r. " . - I : tii. 11 . .. n . . . -' I We 1oin the nunr other friend of onr w un inierestmgrrogram. - r - . . . for . Mcdowell publishing co. Marion, "N. & Entered at the Postoffice at Maries N. C, as second class matter, v assembled at Asbeville. The hordes poured into th&city in battle array and they f ought valiantlywhat S. E. WHITTENr Editor and Prop, for, they knew not. If some one ihad blundered, '1 wasn't theirs to reason why 'twas but to do and die and into the valley of the shadow rode the noble horde." : .' ' And as the shades of even' - tide had begun to fall over the beautir 25 ful "mountain Metropolis after, the din of battle had cleared away and Grantism -consisting of wholesale slaughter as to office distribution, turning a widow out of office and filing secret affidavits against her thereby endangering her name and Ovx Tkab, - - " - -Six Mouths - f ' Thru Mouths, - - ' K Strictly In Advance! The closW exercises of the Dv - bright future. Mr. and lira, Aber- sartsville school at Dysartsville.P V-wT -f "TLX were held last Fridav af ternpon - ..... . . and night.- . Notwithstanding "the I . Mrs. Pods 81mroona had a . fall last farmers of this community are very I weeTr which has rendered her entirely busy, they as patrons and friends helpless. She is over eighty years old. f tK TWrlsirillA hnnl laid acid ter husband. Uncle Ppde, Is also quite ijoo BOo L feeble, being eighty -six years of agc .Jack ana Jiix. Crooked Creek News. MARION, N. C, APRIL 14, 1910. the large crowd. At the close of the exercises Mr. j C. McKesson of , Morganton made a very interesting address. His address was inspiring indeed and he -was listened to with wrapt attention throughout. the comedy drama "Out In The pre- . ; AN HISTORIC EVENT. : , Certain we are that history re peats itself and so perfect is its finally, paying expensive 'political continuitv that we arrive at the debts to the districts decided hurt point of repetition without being --had been endorsed the Old War aware of it. - , norse,- yea, veniy a conquering VYe are aware of an Historical nero, was neara to say: rnis is event" which eclipses adventure I the happiest day of my life." that of taking a young- babe from . Even so, and we would especial the cradle of the backwoods of ly adl the most decidedly happy Guilford county, N. C, trundling one of this campaign. Grant him in a sort' of prairie schooner should not take the action of the and piloting him to the distant convention to heart nor sKouM he state of Illinois a sort of exodus take himself too seriously, norryet like unto that historical one of should he be ecstatic for indeed if honest Abe Lincoln and there is that convention had possessed an ? P ,uar 1 ' J uT Tl T; aVZ 1 ' I Streets." The pity wis well I 1 1 i.- LA I Tn Irnn it anI rl lr ,Ka a ma vt 1 K v iar ana no ianner, a uuuceauiu i u ivouu loviijr, kuoj wo uv parallel. ' so deluded. . Jo grew up Jo Cannon was his With them things are getting at name" nd in growing ud he took I a low ebb, and its' a boost . they to the people and politics and the want and a boost they need, but people and politics took to him; he timber is short and they don't pos- was great in that he stood for the sess a thing that bears a resem people and the people likened him blence to a mud-sill, if they .had it unto.7Abeljincoln.Zfor he was aline same mey would do: osing m- man of homespun variety; he stood I stead of a two by four scantling, fonrsouare and as a conseauence which scantling taxes heaVily ' the was not slow as to achievement local Republican sinews. " ' Things were'oDDortune. the neo- The convention swallowed a bit- pie swore by Jo, got in behind him ter pill and they did it heroically, and,: enabled "liim to successfully I realizing that the purging is yet to buck the political line, for he pos- ( come. V, sessed a sort of Lincoln stamp and I And our heart goes out to Mr. he; wore home spun clothing. The I Grant and we entertain, marked crnoooccfnl 1mA marfft ft Wrv nf sympathy for him just think of the plow and harrow to attend the exercises.' L The house was packed to its full capacity, in fact a nuni- standing room at the nighV enter- teen here last week, though tainment The building was Uste not enough to do Very much damage. fully decorated for the occasion. - Matheeon preached an excellent Conntv Snrjerintendent D ' F. I sermon at Salem, Sunday. Giles was present and made a short Hardware and Buildiiig . . . Material : Miss Clara Reel visited her sister. talk:; The school exercises follow-1 Gibson attended ed consisting of songs, recitations, the services at Bethel Baptist church dialogues, etc, which were well lt Sunday . rendered. and- highly pleasing to Jame8 QlbBoa aad Marine-, trip to jaanon, oacuraay. "We are very sorry to learn of W. C. Hogan being very sick. - - . Mrs. Mary Banning, who has been In bad health for some time, is improving, we are glad to say. Some of the farmers of this section have been planting corn and the others will soon be if . it does not rain and ine nignt exercises consisted 01 interfere. A rood shower would be songs, recitations, pantocaine, and I gratefully received though. and Cultivators. Screen Doors. I sented. The actors acquitted them selves in a most creditable manner and. the audience ' thoroughly en- We would be glad if some one would describe the comet for us ' as we have not been able to see It yet - J. F. Parker will take the census of this township. We have learned of another marriage Woodlawn News. joyed the play, with its" numerous 011 kP it! exercises throughout were very pleasing and showed that the child ren had been well trained. 8pt?,r.OGa:. tt t't3 a t. Woodlawn, April 18. Woodlawn is Hon. J. F. Spainhour of Mor- onftboonu There are three saw-min ganton delivered an address be- in hearing tT of the postofice; we speaking a great future for Dy- have four stores and all the merchants sartsville.' His discourse was re- report a good business. Iam sorry to nlftte with illnstratinn.whirhh.ln. tate however that our roads are badly r Uw. , I J TV -!-t .L IJ.L Corn Planters," Hill Side and Level Land Steel Beam Plows, Double Shovels Doors and Windows, sell B. P. S. House Paint, a little high in price but the chcap: est paint to use in the end., - - My Oak. Mantels are well made and finished, and cheap in price. I sell Cotton Boll Lime, 98 per cent pure : New -Harness made, and old . Harness repaired Jo- Do IBlaumtomi SK 3 E IE IE 3 E his extreme disillusionment when oo dui ne soon outgrew mat. i . It came to pass tnat ne was made the conception of his downfall. ed to make his address . immensely practical and impressive. ' ' 1 . : J. A- Langh ridge, - of Marion, also made a short talk. inis was tne second commence ment of the Dysartsville school filled up and need cleaning out. I think; Marion is on the right kind of a boom this time, for the people have dose as the Lord commanded them to do. He said boHd first the house of the Lord and then attend to other matters. I his-4 happiest day really marks and was by far the most successful h0n have done that, made tne conception of his downfall. I speakerfhouse, thereupon he finally, his craft wUt not go be- prof. N. F. Stepw has been the to work on the a a & O. railroad began bis career; not tne peoples; cau he can't hoist anchor without capable and popular principal, ably , J' IeyU in Swain county work- UU iurguk, uic iwna at uuuw, aiau . Kir Mic. Tlr4." Tk,f " 4W ' ,UMHW . . p-j . M. L. Good was in Marion on bud- Democratic Executive Committee terand Cora Miller. This aggre- ne8s one day last wee. gation has made a very strong! S. H. Crisson Is in Marion on business faculty and their workr is highly today. his homespun garments. ' The hum and whirl of political machinery was sweet music to his ears; having been put through the machine he came out" a choice link of Vienna a veritable link of the chainulti Favors Precinct M eetings.- A very enthusiastic meeting of appreciated by the patrons of the the Cfeunty Democratic ; executive As a token of their ap- committee was held m Marion last .l .1 . 1 ... 1 .1-1 .1 I , preciawon ior ineir services, me uiutcijr oararaay. ine meeung.was pre- scholars and patrons presented uuui awtuip iooworviawixug. isiaea over oy xuniy jnairman each teacher a nice At nrsi ine naray Aiiinois iarm Johnston. It was a well attended Oegaa, to v wins and DiinK and i meeting and several important Buxv. Friday been ers they vowed and declared that he political matters were discussed, wasn't so much of a Lincoln fellow The precinct plan, as heretofore. they 3idn?t guess. -Later they found was adopted and the date named that Jo had betrayed all trusts (that the same as that set by the State is those of the people) and that he committee, namely, June 25: was standing hard and fast by The wil1 ff i convention -r A - j . , u in Marion on July 2nd to name Interests and The Machine and he delegates to the State, . Congres didnt care a whit whether he re-1 sional, Judical and Senatorial con minded the people of Abe Lincoln ventions. The county convention sta hn wanted a nftrsonalitv of his to select county officers will be - called at a later date. - ne nau, aseu Dy mis urae ana pom(lm , .tw i., i . ... . invuiviuwij vuuv jvui fvril MA was called alternately Czar and must he paid on or before May 1st uncle - Jo, and even other names, if you expect to vote in November, for he hadthe House just where he This should be heeded by every wanreo n ana a la wn n just wnai Democrat who cares anything ne and tne maenme waniea; m ract about the success, of his mrtv. he and the machine, together with The time is short, therefore, don't the Interests, constituted not only I postpone payment of this . tax, as congress but the United States of delays are dangerous. : Pay now. America., r But in an economically rc,W;uu Wwiy. , sure manner things began to hap- As we see it Governor Kitehin pen like unto the handwriting on did not commit the unpardonable the. wall for those Republicans sin in liberating Shemwell after owing7 no allegiance to machine five days imprisonment. Eniment r3olltics but all to their constituents, physians r advised that course ' to on1 horainaWr m!WI inenrcrAnte be proper and essential to Shem beim Wset about plan for uncle SSS&l1" Jo'sscalp-they alligned themselves fore the liberation, but the - ques witn the democrats and together I tion is: Didn't - Baxter Sham- thev nut rollers under": uncle Jo 1 well f uu 1 The Peogeess herewith furnish politick and special interests special "toA the wading publwthe; short- - r -. , -...y.:.;.--..-,..:-"" , -. . c&ii Aiucnvau xuuitoriaj. xi is true anxietyving the people not only that an yAWjox oxx in Kansas :held a cnance 10 iorever rid inemseives the record and was brief when he of this despotic system, but an op-gjive vent to l-44The H-ll you say" portunit.v to show their annrecia- hut we go him one better and in tion and ability relative to self rule! 6 ve tenor of our waygive out a unci auu.wuuDk uiiiuuiuo poiiuus. I TAl, r - ' I The insurgents did that at the risk 1 I ui lusiug bueir: puiibwai positions, and i vote against the machine and show I capaDiiity or seit rule and conso ls The Record is the title of a nub- it! remains for the people to lication for Black Mountain. It is a neat, newsy seven column week ly and bids fair to make a -"good quen sanction "tton of the and I lusurgcuLs or. yowj wun inemacninet ... . -, ? nnrl cKrJor thaiv trvol n.kllU W I Fhft Rtiftl hrirlorA hlororl OHdtwf Mruv. . uu v Ulll't & WVCI 1 tlAUlllLV. I T r. ( - w. av. -wa bVUAi hope the action is not premature. Scro1tf. Catawba rivernear; Ne ; Ao rt - W i tufl Tv,r,f: . w win un a loug leiiiwani, especi- . as ;to Jo, in the meantime, he Ull v tn th rl t ha noZ who .possessed such 'Lincoln-like part of the county.- This bridge ; propensities ..of -yore must againbe has been, needed 'for a long time a backwoods ? babe and we would ana n seems that this was the opor I naturally prefer that this re petition of history occur in Illinois and not North Carolina. . v - i tunc tune to build it inasmuch the citizens of that comrnunitv snh. I scribed $ 1500, which means a great saving to the county. This will be If you want to vote this 'fall you i m st pay you r Sta te and cou ntv : x be fore May,, lstt the best bridge in the county. It wurne a '200 feet span; 35 fee uiu, .a ne contract calls for it completion July 5th. -: : .Stroudtown-Items. The reriral eerrloee cloeed night. We trust ranch good accomplished. & Better and brighter day a are looked for in onr community when we hare better school and a united community and people. Mr. Ororer Green and wife are spend ing their honey-moon trip with relative in Bakertrille and will return home this week. W. W. Bailey and W. H. Turner went to Waynearille Monday to work a week in Mr. Charles Elliott is still very sick. Rev.' M. A. Matheeon has gone to HendereonTille on business this week. Let erery man pay his poll tax and register and rote for the special school tax June 1st. This means mucht i- ... ' Bex. -2.VI- shoes wi3 surely p!c2se ycu, , bcczu&e they combine tree comfort, )org wear and uxv- qucsuoned style. You can prove tiuj by wearies a cfi!e 1 J present. .The teachers were elected . for another year. Dysartsville is a growing little town about 14 miles southeast of Marion in a prosperous section of he county. While the school cen sus in this district is only 79, pu pils came in from other districts and swelled the enrollment to 103. I A. II M A. and an aver of 7ft w m fP ,B xacwry. iL ... - . T. . L. J. Penley spent ""wuli wmw sixaiu weu or I ftiQ reviTal here. this school. The citizens of this community are interested in school work and are planning to build an additional room to the present building. As the attendance of ..this school has been good and the people are so inwresiea in tne mauer we expeci Denntv Collector W. Har. to see 'Dysartsville opening next tins and snecial emnloTM D. A. yeaHn a remodeled building with Kanipe made a raid io South Homi- an necessary .equipment ior sue- n- Buncombe counts last wk cessful work.- - 1.,, amA . kiw-j- ,i:.:n- with complete outfit The opera tors made their escape. . Ceco sad see the If!) Sf4uig aad Swwieer tVyica. MARTIN-MILLER aothing Co, Land for Sale a, u Muddy Creekjtemj. Bridgewater, April 12. Ed Qeer, of Butherfordton. spent last 8unday here with his wife who is spending sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hemphffl. ; Mrs. W. "W. Lverlr'who' has been very ill for some time, is slowly improv ing. ; ; ,:. .' ;' ' - : . ' " . -. - ; A. E'Rowe's many friends' are glad Kobert Lcntz, of was in town Sunday. Morganton, NOTICO French Coach Stallion will be at Conlcy'a Stable : after t rJT ad April 1st Season reduced to $15.00. ; 4t3-24 bo macn inrproveo, j -Miasea PinMe and Kary Tate visited friends in Morganton last Tueeday. '.Mrs. W. Bailey, of Eberman, has been here on a visit to her sister, Mri: J. Gibson. ' r V-'';',' " Bev. JametfLong of Morganton filled his appointment at the Baptist church the first Sunday..- . -. Mrs. Baiph - Abernethy and Miss Hattie Ballew were in Marion last week shopping. . -'J" " The young people, had a singing at the home of Miss Mary Stine last Sun day evening. " ,.; ' ; Mrs. Lizzie Hunter of Gibbs has been here on a visit to Mrs. ,W. P.' HemphilL W. W. Lyerly, G. S- Abernethy, Ab-nei- Seals, , J. Hemphili; Hemphill, L. Bust, L. Jarrette and other members of the EL of P. -lodge here, attended the Knight of Pythias district meeting in Hickory Thursday night r Robert Seals has been on the sick list Misses Myrtle and Florence Hemphill were shopping in Marion last week.-' . ' Ralph Abernethy and Miss Belle Bal lew were married Wednesday 80th by Rer. D. S. Richardson at the Methodist pareonage at Nebo.VMias Ballew U a dausrhtArof J. W. Rallew rA. J Creek and is a bright, sweet girt Mr. j Dra commtj, w. t whit t ui ryo- eSUm Mttte4 J. a. t7Mrv torn do U slArto, ST tm r mkim. aartsf W nia4 trmm KM m akte t vuaaniCviMiMUtatt,t mr9r f mucmvm asti n, ris. m um uv wt UAUr tor ea sil ami varula nl 9t UmI jUg a4 UW la rt c&roUM, bmh rultf 94 9peit9f m. ortMd ss sbow, t u: s(lulf a roc V Drtr Owl la Urn VS IRsMoa tU, v nMpfcl3 s4 L a. 94 u swrtBt aWt X tut Aamu Om hm mt M ml U cj t. atae W. sr. Dywuts r ; us I i f Mua tu w. w. rrrs bv n 71 s) l reck (IS L rU f a (iMlilMMMUUtlMnHMtU w. w. X7ru Bjm t a nx. a evrr f cse mtVmJ tect;iif csMUT sot mU 1 BMilMMMriU I awtk na t4 km M pW te a rock mtmt ef tttJMi sthe UstaaUf wmiilu e 9mi W. cmts fmE Umot WI to a nruu sT. W. Oyiart 9mA mxtm to J4a trmn r Dm4 Rert. TWs tto) 2a 47 9t A rtl. lJU. . J.W.WWaoE5K, Pbookcss adra. brlag results. DOC DOC D U n n ". .. AT THE . : "BLUE FRONT" . Blue. Front Coffee - 25c Per Pound - Guaranteed to be as tood as any cofTee . sold me lown.- - . Try a 1 pound can and if not satisfactory in,cTery way we will refund your money. - f E. .: DYS ART, V -Phone 35. u n in PANTS PANTS 'it i waAilc pent will &j it to ihtir bUrrsi a r oor lit U j foro bojrir. We bare wcat yoa wasl al lixs loecst tovultt prkn, alio tooe rlc thlti la Mr a Sicstt Cot. Wo hare jatt rtceiTnl a tot of Men ti'a froca of the l?Jic tuasufct43rm of Ua tlntUl 5uir, Asrroe 3 '3 S S S 3 3 3 3 3 3 ? 4 PANTS vl vly Jy ooe H Men's all wool Blue Serge Suits U at 57.98 the Suit. Cooe acii ar ct Ycnjnl to r4rjhe. MARIOW BARGAIN HOUSE, vly vly vl vly VJU vly vly viz lb E2 Absolutely Free! TWO HANDSOME Gold Wat ciies 20 Ycar Guarantee and other cash value merchandise certificates to the amount of One Thousand Dollars f To two penom sendini: ia the ceateit comet o!o. tioni of this puxxle vre wfll jire AnsoLUTtLT Fkxj: T.o Gold Watches. To all other we will irc Scat Bock containing 50 old farorite songs wiih vords and cciic acd merchandise certificates. Magic 1 5 Puzzle n DnUXTIOa -VUm ary e eai-ra, I. i, . . i, ?. a4 u tio saarvs co His cr s-rrs, , tl t;r, 3 tJai Ui. irtUml tmtxm la bcrtfcDctal lie. ac4 ll dU . w-J sci buU. tl. Winners Will Be Notified By Mail Ac tn c-tU tisiUl Uut na A;rQ HXS, U Dunham's lusic House : J Q I 3 O C Marion, N. C

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