MARION PROGRESS' PUBLISHED BVEBT THUBSDAY KVKOTKQ BY THE , - WcDOWELPUBUSHiNG,C( - . ; Marion, N. C. V S. E. WHITTEN,' Editor and Prop. Entered at thePostoffioe at -Marion,-; " N. C, as second class matter. r 7 - THE LOST STRIDES. -r -Nebo Notes. jThere is no gainsay in the fact that Theodore Roosevelt is the nricrinal man nf tVi a ftcrA Via ran "look unto the future as far as the " -Nebo Friday lookm out a lo- ; human eye can see." ; . His insight in both political and economical situations is only surpassed by his i unerring foresight. He is the won Ider of this age and will be 'a won der of the ages his career has but j.". Glenwood News. " 'Nebo. May " 2.-Mrl 7 Miller, a great need of raiu. member of the firm of Hutton and Miss Manraret Oof orth Is her riiltln Bourbonnais Co., 'of Hickory, was ber parent. Mr. snd Mrs. W. A. Go- forth. -; . .... - .. Miss Delia Williams Is on an extend. ed risit In and near Glenwood. Misses Cora Babura and Sudls IVeat went on a treasure trip to Eock Hill. S. a, the Utter part of last week. mm Joarahlna Martin of Marion Is cation to put in a planing mill. ) ,Mr. and Mrs: Wade Cline, ,'who have been visiting , Sam Crooks, left - for.' Randleman Saturday morning. C. .; , . . - ' Miss Nora Hensley of Raleigh who was called to Nebo by' a tele- A H D arasols Ovx Yeas. - " - - . six Mouths, - oc - Thsii MOSTHB. . , :' ' . 88 - Strictly In Advance! - MARION. N. C HAY 6, 1910. - was in Marlon " ,v THE TWAIN. " :: ' . ; : Vlt takes but a superficial study of political situations" to ascertain that ;there"ae but 'two kinds' of policies and "politicians. The poli cies are those which will accrue to the benefit of the people, or con versely, they are against public welfare and accrue to v the benefit of the fejr, likely and aptly termed the; machine rehas never been nor will 1 there ever be,' a 8ummum J bonum" . in machine politics because such a good re sult is not available when self ag grandisement is the chief end. , : " Likewise every candidate - must be, and inevitably so; people's ' candidate or & machine candidate. The former will reflect credit on his people, his State, and himself. The latter will do none of these things but will , sadly-impair . and, contaminate every thing of political and general welfare he comes" in contact witb He will mockingly use the trust and confidence repos- TttHru MIm Clara Morris. begun and: Helen Schenck has returned ed, a record of world luster He 5 retUrDed to M home from New York. wher. she ha. willc,upy,nota:nich Wm. Oliver of 1?: Bright enure reuei m?Kiiery pi lauie. Crewe, Ya., who have been visit- shopping Thnrsdaj. And we are tbmking that there : is fog Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hill, left Edgar. Poteat of Rock mm spent not going' to be such a political for their home Friday. .- - - I Sunday with his parents here crinmn. snch a timelv ; nnhftaval t Mrs. M. L. Kavlor. who was Mrs. Thacker of Comberland Gsp, after "all; - that he will put the winf ully injureoVby a kick f rom Tenn..spt a month with her daughter - , - i nar nfir:u ma Tanr us vu m rrri iw iiis.b aim. ai . a tulul aaa. sanctional o. k. to the Taft admin istration (we learn that he has al readv done that), and make fades away and - small at that,"t of the insurgent forces. It's a patch he'll her horse a few days ago, is not doing so well, we are very sorry . to learn. : ; . " v. I Wilson, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hill, was badly burned on the arm by upsetting a cup of br put on the - present; administration I coffee. He is doing nicely so far. and give personal attention to "my policies", in a most -'delightful" manner. 2"".' '.''-' :Weve never; disputed the fact and ... its a truth-worth knowing, Miss Whisnant, of Bridgewater, was a visitor in Nebo, Sunday. I Kennie Weaver and Wll PoteaL of Marion, were visiting friends (1) in Nebo, Sunday. " r-: Dr. Gaston B. Justice, of Mar - Miss Alma - Bwann - is risiting sister, Mrs. 8. Giles. In Nebo. Capt George Gardin attended the "Old Soldiers Re-union" In ATsUms last week. ' . "Winnie Keeter of Marlon spent Sat urday and Sunday with relatirea hers. Gbxzxbouv . .rWoodlawn News. Woodlawn, May I-We' hara had about two weeks of cold weather with that Roosevelt is fond of big game ion, came down to see Sherman frost and snow, but apparently little and he went to Africa and got it, Giles' baby, which is very sick. damage was done. Th prospect so fsr but the largest elephant he bagged . Quite a number of visitors from 1 gwd for fruit, thftrft is bnt & rodent "as comnarftd near by towns were in Nebo Satur- The wheat and rya crop . is uot very 0,5ft, m,Bfrtn eU n;n JdV Sunday. 1 : - promisin but Indications, point the most effectual silencer obtain- day and Sunday. , : . : - promising but Indications, point to a 5 Rock Wallace, of Asheville. was Urge corn crop. High prices hare . WoKs vioUw Snn.T - I tRiDMd tha farmers and they hare taken able. The G. U. r. elephant pales, Pav n . s T:.u,rjsnn. t,--. palu to prepare their land for a good fades, and Ceases to bfe in COmpari-1 a? wv imnrftssira rmnn tn rtthir 7 son with thft nolitiwil mastrndon hn em11 Kni annroUfiim nri;ru I J. N. Smith was a busineea Ttor I ww . fj- "--' - , - 1 aiimn wmw r f vwa-P 1 v waaMvv gave chase into sunny Africa! He Sunday morning; - satisfied the populace and earned ' Mrs. JbosterHunter, is reported Ladies 26 inch .umbrellas 75 cents to $2.00 each Ladies parasols sLOO to 52.00 each Misses and Children's parasols at 25 cents, 40 cents and 50 cents each. Mens umbrellas in 26, 28 and 30 inch. Fair Assortment of Men's, Women's Boy's and Misses and Children's Straw Hats. See my Ladies Black thin Hose at 15 cents the pair. ftxnftnsfts fnolitical) with his bv-lu ..,.--"-- w .. , nrorlnrta and PAm nnt with adivi-K, VlUlte a nOSaDer Of JNe0O dend unobtainable to others., In Marion Saturnav. - Dorcus Lmcktj and two visiting on Grassy Creek. sister are I OIKS I TnrHT In If.Hrm A A fl A 1 A 1 S weni 10 ikianon oaturoay woo q. w. Oonley was In Marion rriday. mmr nn, whi v ennnn n?. nt . . . rtXUl A TToltrf T 7: " .rr . Amoa uouinua nas a eon wdo twj W.V. WWW WBUM WW w v. w l mjww ID T v4 . J ID, ed in him by the replete selfishly 8""DK weather for planting The dummy line has been surveyed 4nnr pnlaro machine oner- and W tne luture, per- corn and making garden, Which is to the head of Armstron ations. IE IE I I i But we veritably believe that we are certainly and surely, and in perfect continuity, emerging from the fpriner age of political' rotten ness, bossism and machine methods into an era of purely wholesome and principled politics; V Ere long we shall look back into our political history whereupon;we shall be amazed and shocked at the unwholesome permits and contracts of graft and rottenness that we let. The political times, exact of us the best we can produce, it s no mitted things to ripen and is ' now all the go. leisurely on his way home. v ? xTor. ii. 11. YV eaver is going ThfisflthinM he conld not snd J?ng building his house. He h wftll knaw it. rmH- off and re- P Lbuild houses as weir as teach . . " 7 7:. r- scnooi and.we.are giad to give main at home-rlor that , was to such a man a hearty welcome who 'reason why" but in his inimitable I is an "all-around man and Derfect- The C.C.&0. Ballway has put in a switch here and Woodlawn has become a shipping point . The name of the new station Is Serier. BX1X.T. manner he hied himself away. -It-would be mournful indeed for one to think that the big stick - has been idle busier there Jthan here, the plans are. laid and there will be due' execution. - . ' : We know who wears the G. , 0. P. Elephant hide and we are think ing we know where the ; real ele- Inncrer that thft rAnnirftmnte rw. . - . t . IT. K.. missM was a stride or two uose peruuning w aouiiy 10 win : ly square.1 .Fiddles. Bridgewater News "Jay Ballew has accepted a position with J. W. Ballew's force on the C. C & O. Railroad, now stationed at Bostic. l. Miss Pink Tate' spent the past week visiting at the home of G. W. Oonley. near Marion. Mrs. M. F. Tate and Miss Eddie Young spent Wednesday in Marion Sugar Hill News. Sugar Hill,, May S Dr. J. T. Jonas is visiting friends here. L. P. Crawford, of Old Fort, visited relatives here last Sunday. Pink Simmons, who' has been working for the Hm Veneer Co. at High Point. is home again. Mrs. L J. Marlow Is seriously UL ureeniee uams ana son jamee are visiting the formes's mother, Mrs. I. J. Marlow. " - ' . J. a Crawford -was in Marlon. last KOTICCI If al) water rent is not paid br the 10th day of each month watr will be cut off without notice. IL W. DTaAKT, Mayor. Phone 86. the race through the employment of political evils, intrigues and schemes. It's a man we need and a man we'll have, for the boss, to gether with his satellites, has been consumed by his own insatiable 1 greedi . . ' - " I The machine candidate will don Monday on busineea. 8X0WBAU. Old Fort Postoflflce Affair. shopping. m aviation DuV what is? that as I ; w. u. Tate, of Bostic. visited home compared with putting the vehole I foIk8 neTe Snnda7- Republic on wings and in the air. I A "Pleadta library and case, which was It's T. R coming home and to his pnTcnffa Ptoceeoirom a --box Old Fort, May S The Old Fort Post- office contest after a two and a half years fight has ended in the appoint ment of W. J. Souther to succeed George Hyaxas. The fight was led by iv. t 11 - - l la a I tue uuuorm vx. , tuc yeuuie a lurues f krn ina who asmrn to thft nosition every scnooi in ue county, and our ev i , , . I "- . F .. ,T 'r l. 1 11 A . OUUMiM SUilk 1UWI-UI, ago, has been received and is at J. N. Yelton s, one of the trustees for thu district. There should be a special ef fort made to hare a good library in more. .There are seventeen candidates from fourteen counties in North and m -4thetj vernacular J proclaim I of a member of the North Carolina h!" 4 ncourage the use of the pt tor Hyams. from wall and bousetop that he is Cornoration Commission to fill the g . tbeir Btndeilt- Mr. Hyams retires with the full knowl- for. the people. '; Such brazen af- fronterv should not be for a mo ment countenanced dire repudia- j ' ' "'" e" i 'V ' a . . uon snonid oe ms portion, for in deed, his dragonlike v propensities can never be appeased until he has utterly-devoured both the wilt and voice of the people. vacancy Hon. B: caused by the death of F. Aycock, of Fremont Old Fort News. - - . .-. ... V - - - Special to Mabioh Pbogkkss.' ' . - '.- Old Forti May 3. George Car ver, who lives on Curtis' Creek left for Crossmere, Wash., Sunday to bring home r his - brother Mrs. J. Jf . mmmons died at her home I edge of the fact that -he has in roue county Tuesday and was brought I record second to no postmaster in the to Harmony Grove church for burial I atj. and airinct th vtikM r.f Itw. Wednesday. She is survived by her I five per cent of the patrons of the office, husband and seven children, the young-1 covering an area of twenty miles. est Deing nine months old. Mrs. Sim-1 The Republican patrons of the office mons was a daughter of Mrs. Mart Po- are sore over their defeat and are da- In most beautiful contrast stands the man whose every thought is I :or :eneral j good, whoser every Mrs.' Ledbetter returned Thurs ntention is for the uplifting day from a visit to her sister Mrs. )f humanity, .furtherance, of Gov- Miller at Erwin Missr Bosa- May irnmeht and purificationf politick. Kanipe who accompanied her there There is no need of a proclama- J?' remain indefinitely for the ' iC I i " benefit of her health. - ion from wall and housetop from 0 - , , . - t, , im,theWple himself, aero and stolft ahont 00 in mr. teete, of near - Marion, and formerly lived here. She had recently, been In Butherf ordton . hospital for some time - - mr w , -r -h . in. s. joaxies nempnui nas gone to see i in advance ox tne man ?or that reason a man is often; imes taken unawares,; as was Cin innatus of old, made a leader of mankind,. and- proceeds with 'altering stride to success, :nto farthest achievement. ey and some other articles. Evi- ence soon pointed to tienry liur- gin, colored, and he was arrested and tried before J. 0. Sanlin, Esq., and oound over to court under the even Sum of $200.00, which he was un- Jde able to make and was : taken to manding of the party another Job that will be acceptable to Mr. Hyams while the Democratic patrons regTet exceed ingly to see him out of the office' which he has filled so satisfactory to all . We her mother. Mrs.- Liddv Morrison, who I wish for him the success In active fields is real sick at her home near Table Bock. I that he se well deeem a, and we hope -MrsM. T.Tate is visiting her daugh-1 that he will not have to remove his ter, Mrs. Wade Hennessee, at Garden excellent family to another town. City. f. ;,; ";l . " ' -.',.' Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Armstrong and Miss HalQe Gibbs spent Tuesday with friends in Morganton. . Boby Garley was In Bridgewater Mon day.'' -.:;'-'-. .!.':U--v . -:' -"; " -, Mrs. A. E. Bowe is visiting herdaugh-1 P6 ter, Mrs. J. . M. Brinkley, in Glen Al- Dt pine.; . f ; ; 7: ; ; : Jack and Gtt.t.. In every instance the Poco moke fe rtil iters pro red, by State analyaia, to contain more" plant food than claimed (latest Sute Bulletin). I handle the best brands of this Acid Pbo- . phate, claimed 14 contained 17.95 Bone and Potash relatively as high; and two brands of complete manure all analyzing higher per cent age of plant food than claimed. You want to make two or three times the truck that yon do, with the same land and the same labor I Then put on some gutno every time you work your truck. Do not ne glect it. I will can your Vegetable if yoo wish. Deeta, Beans, Tomatoes, Corn and anything. I know how and am prepared to do it. HOUCK. S Ladies Neckwear Specials t m Wc have just recdved a tcauufaJ l-r.c 0 Laisa Ncckw-car. Duizh ooHirs, bee trin.n:td and hinijxr.rjf crrvbrosicTrd ones from 10c 10 25c the coCir. The loveliest crcanora in Ucc, net irJ crstfifeirrcd Jsloa the season has brought forth for the cxnxrsdy low pooe of 10c. 12c and IScthcJibcL StiifUncn EmbrciJcrcd Cc2trs for ocJr 10c Set r (ft complete unc 01 pearl ourxons Tai yoa int; tic tuc vtw ifK vint at the price you want. Also our pearl cu!T ard ahi -aai txr oae pece of bcaurul peart fa Soracthinf new crxninj to alssait crcry iiy. Ca3 i-; what you vast. Wc ire alvari tlS to thaw you. .1.- for MARION BARGAIN HOUSE, MUST. W. y. HEMTlilZ-U Trop. r C: VL C" ff.' L tL ZL&eLtL L C C" XL C b lt U vl U Mj Mj li Mi Mi U dj Mj 3j lis viz Mj Mj Bom "Marctue If your appetite is poor, your whole body must be insufficiently nouxiahttd weakness and 'disease must result. There's nothing like lloHiatera Bocky Mountain Tea to create a nealLoy ap- Ute. Tea or Tablets, &3c, J. W, treetman un- . Yein Mountain News; 8pedal to Marion Prof reM. ; An' automobile passed over these! mouqtains banday causing a 110m- amtze- The ConTederate monument Lenoir wilt be un vailed June 3. at . Kidney trouble is particularly to be dreaded because Its presence Is not us- ualyUoorered until ft has assumed one oflts worst forms diabetes, dropsy :eedsnot to proclaim, his. follow-1 Marion and landed in jail. a HKenea unto a sunbursUn that n t Er C?" Tu 1 Ti the horseless wonder. This or Bright . disesee. If you suspect thai t can hot onlv be seen bnt W a ?nnk8 bought, SO there will th first of kin(1 to thi, your ldneys awaffected, by aI means . V , 7 I oe no a anger 01 prostrations from . .ever ceasing light. the heat this snmrnpr. . : way . - - - -. . - v . j . . -r 'W-d;-w- 1 1 m m, Ln u. iioarora, or Marion, and n.,j, mi-; hi iiA . I were -marned baturday . eveninir. vena, ursi uws naTiDgr Kone oa af:t--D TTl.-l rn:-:. B. H. Cook left , last week for ve learn that ) the Taft econo mies are be, and when weKs, airs. uoo having, gone he present administration his hi there recently to visit relatives. omeamatter, of history there , Ross Hoffman has 'been Trighf M Vv : .-ir ri j l. sick for a week or so with pleuracy, ball be no such. We httle doubt bat is improving now. s hecurwy ofvts ; Mrs. B.IY. Grant and jUtle . son either, dp we .possess ;fear and have returned from New York and rembling.-;:.-What'.1 the . American they are occupying rooms '- at : Mr; 2ople want is a delivery-of that Li ; Browning's. articular commodity, ter m e d rood government" and they don't use Mourners tuxtr aiountainT the great systemio cleanser and regula tor. J. W. 8 treetman. mg. v c r; ,- ... : The lumber business is on the boom now. We '-average shipping a car a day.'. We think this speaks well for; Vein . Mountain. .- c . ; -Miss Cowan, daughter of J. L Cowan, ; of .Dysartville,. visited at vein - Mountain .yesterday. She ' Netlce te Neo-ReaMenta and De- . tlrMroent Tax-Payera. ' TT foIIowlOtT asMd perwM sad prtU wtD take MXlcs that on the Sth cUy of September, 1906, at s tax by P. IX. Mm bora. ttxt of McOowalleoantr.IlorOiCaronaa, I. tb adr atjTMd. parcbMd the foltewtof lot f ta4 liutad U tb toMiti to the Iowa of Itarto for detlqaat Uim, mA thmt Of day f rtUmpHom wl expire oa the St day of Vytiaticf, 11&. Ia Um foUovlat tlat, U aam of Um on ap pear 8 ret, Ihea thm Dumber of iota aoM sad iWa :ind paying for it.;.. :.:-i-.v-.;:.-.,-: . ; , - - I come to jn&t her sister and a Mr. th smoant ot uxn tr wtica aovi. waa c roe Patr; Jordan Locates the: Comet; 1 Knox; who were married April 27, ?!?"WedioeB'0- 7- , - Jordan better known as hn this community: -" raif .joraan, 01 uid fort, writes . T?; r: Tvrtr. f TTn;An nc;n iiw - i . iiuk comet: , , 1 nave seen what I again, air . xjogan. . 1 "f.!1?- the potople call Hallej's coinet si n la,, iiter irii theest uch for his. honesty rWe are th t,. ; -:.u so easily fooled, that on with the case. Charles Arany, of Asheville. was here on business last t week. Mr. Arany owns several hundred acres of land near here. 7 - Mr. -and Mrs. James" Upto Dysartville, have moved among vv e . are I the fmt, siA rf ft enn : rsach" eveninc star. . The evp.nincr ntar ;u2ht there Twas''ratfwoman? in I has changed to momini? star- and iKir-jiuicswr wiiu i,eia.u is ain eoabe, S bxa, I1.7S; Robert O. LM,41oa, sl-4; Jobar Latar.t loi, IJ3; CUreeoe Lvroc. lloCllXS; W. W. rraser. loia, ll.Ti; D. L. LoekTtdg.l lou, ftOJ; Geert BxO, t feu, 1 SS;M.Koptea.lloC.lJS; J. A. ratraO. I tot. tut; r. J. mtreii. 1 vh. sijss; u. w. 1 lot. SI OS; oa all of wUc properly laxfa vera doe for UM years 1SW aad tttt aaxl U aasM was aoKI tn aarlafy taxaa lor tacee years. HeUce ef Mectgala le r By virtue of the aothority oouferred upon the undersigned. P." II. Maehburn. by tnortgaire executed on the 9th day of January, 1900, by J. XL Youcsr. to ea cure the payment of not of $230- 00. and default ha vie g been mad la tha pay ment ot said sots, he wlQ sail to the highest bidder for cash 00 the h day of June. It being tne first Monday of June. 1910. at 11 o'clock a, at lh Coort house door in Marion the following de scribed lands : A tract of land lrisg and being la McDowaH Otranty. Old fort TcrwxaLip. adjoining the Unds of J.S. Bradky ad Mrs. Young on tne norm and t; Mrt Yon or and Parkee and Mra Bailey and Will Brnum 00 the south: Mrs. and Mr. T. M. DavU on the w4, lying ou the Catawba Biver. rVgtnsiog on a r(ne on the top of the ridga, J ti Dradirys nomar. .and runa south with Mrs. Young's line 6 poke to aataaa. hr corner, thence east S3 rolea'wilh a line to a stake: thence south t3 tiolee wiih Mrs. Y'oung. Mrs. Pcrter and Mra Hal ley's ltnea to a Uack oak oa Will Dr eam's line Mpolea to a stake oa Mra T M Davit line; thetxe north S3 pobw with the top of the ridge and with T M Davis line 104 pole to a dwatanu T M Davis corner on BradleVs line; theaos north 80 E with Bradley's line and with the top of the ridge W poles to the be ginning., containing CO acre mora or tas; being of grant No. fa. bearing date December Srd. 1S48. Terms of savia. caah. Said sale Is made to satisf y the note secured by the said mortcagm, which mortgagsls recorded la lionz.- Book Na 12, at pae 1X3, la thacScaof the Register of Xrds for McDcnrtU Oounty. - This, the 4th dsv of May. ma. . I . U. Maansrajr. . MortgCa Netke It DcIloQnrtrt Taxnayrra. ASHEVILLE, N. C UTTLE MAIL ORDER ADVERTISEMENT. Ho. 1. Some yean tro, ihb twe rvocna: an cccatScru ctter tj mail from out of the dry, deci!ci to nuke cut a Lu cfrasxej who were continuiSy purchitir: toovii thh -sny. Then rc tent tmiH folicri and ewe in a while irro3 too Viet, cnr. prices and facts alui ihc Boa Mirchc. But not unci about six raonLhj axo dkl wt r aT-tr the Ma3 Order business in true Bon Mirchc tri te. Ar.4 the tcu pin about it, we are tTXtni: the bcair.c-a, for the Ut hat rrovn. from five hundred irrer- rrctu, to nearly TTOTl tOUS AND cuitomera, and neve? a dijr ptsucd muhoci froca 1 5 to 50 orders to f.IL Next UU it is the fnitnrxn of the nur.itsier.x cf this de panroent to put into ttz f.eU a fuU caat of ercrjLir.x la the house. Get your name on this Mi3 Order Uu. Yea won't rrrrtt" t-.ritet-umrics or coodi, we wi3 W jour crder .5e Treat you Square And Guarar.tte StdiiarDoo. Read Next Week's LitUc Talks on Mail Orders No. 2." Hasrie Burgia win take notice, that at a sale of real sstata. far nan rroeul of taxes, held br P. IL llimm sheriil oo the Birth day f Srrtrtnbrr. 1809. 1 purchased lots la the &.A Ten I tovnahin IUIm) u thm rn. r Tboa mlae1flf u; af thU rrot-mr wtl to trie Barrio, and iv . n(Mrft.M.I..AIIri I . . 1. T V :;r:i'rrr2T-..77"Tv .,i,T..ia Am. 1 r-u th said n, Ot I - -"""w ins inesnra cf and rJ4 all rah- US. r ..." wpo u ao akdt ef aafcl arrjt taxt. The tine cf rdj us lloUeorbeforatlMdayanels4 r ..t I 1 . . T-rucaj When You Come to the Circus Neirt-Week remember to itc ms a otlL Vc want to tiiow you onr lioc cf Men's, Boy a and Ycnth't Qcthln Extra Pants, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Ssspenden, etc We vriU scU jou so cheap yem will taTc jh to 0 to the show. Oct stock b Ttry ccn:p!ctc with .attractive merchandise. 1 -rem 1 vl the big star yet I think this will iTiey are good neighbors and are glad to have them with ns. Rcspeclfclly, T7e'd like to know if T. R. made be all the Hallev's comet we will ercry f Um a bora aaad (ou af Uad. xt taa4, I wUl aJy to sail vrj: '.foradedXjrsaid lou. I . - Gra L, Bxxrux. i camels'.hurh;fc ' 1 see. -lfx we see anything more It Jno. H Flock was. a bnWc TbU taa Srd day af Stay; ma, .., XXSTM.CaAWTtr8, McCALI NLEY I 1.1V. 11 WEVH CO

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