M AftlftlU! P1?I"V HRFSS 3; " ANIMAL'S CONVENTION. Inhere wasr great consternation, published evkbt THURSDAT bveninq fear and trembling in the n itieal - . . . fii THIS " ' I ' - McDOWELL" PUBLISHING p0 ' J il 'Th5n'hartOTwCvrvnir Marion, Ni Ci I situations had beun to show them selves, they had even grow n tired MUNICIPAL ELEC- . . - : TION AT NEBO. Fire Destroys 160,000 Feet of Lum v her and Darnages Mill, Outfit .'Other Local Items.. ... S. E. WHITTEN, Editor and.Prop. cf their' veriest banner . of civil I and J. A Laugh riiyjtJ. cf Marion were here Sun Jay. , O. D. Taylor car ehninera tor, ftnUh ed hla work but - Friday. II did the work in aeTenteen daja. Mra. Jeaae Walker baa tad a tad rpeU.tf aeaalee. She ' waa said tot better yeetertlay. It la time we won Id begiu to boil tha Entered atthePostoflice at Marion, N. C.; aa second class matter. -.C-v" srx Mosths - - ."''; ' ' Thksb Mohths,:M Strictly In Advance! ; MARION. IT. C, MAY 12, 1910. were W.-LDonlandB. I. Deree In Marion on bnaineaa Monday. Nebo. May 9. Mr. John Wilson iza- ieft for Albemarle a few days ago ..i .vim it Uur on. . .1 i w - I i , i !:;... Mvfv. r uon, me iar ,iamea . uacK iseer where ne nas accepiea a iwimou. sign, withal there were upheavals, Rev. M. L."Kaylor was taken strife and oppression. - v ;;; suddenly very ill Thursday -i morn uw .j ini? and is still very sick. Dr. ti;oo had held the reins and ruled 4n a Rttendanco several times. Mrs. .Bridzewatef News most blood siucting manner. 1 here Kaylor U also unable to leave, herl Mr. and Mrs. TotnGlU of Marion rla- I - : j ' " v - a . 1 a I . "n - . .J I . . - - a a r was no aepenaence to De pui in room. - i : . . . itd at the bom or u. i-. An.nooy oua some of "the voters of which the Postmaster M. C. Sigmon's lit- day. They were accompanied home by Goat family was most typical, "for "tie daughter Loflin, who has been their daughter. Wm Hallie. who bad fk0;- hiio,,. n'A fuite sick, is somewhat improved, been bare on a weeka TWt. - - - - , 1 Mi: Fjwift WiLson and Ekiel Mr . and. Mra. Poria Elromotii. who MlNcNewland's Candidacy. 1 $ F? - ? Ca"eai Kaylor and other ; Nebo folks at- hara been quita aick for ana tima, ara ..' . : -r ".-i tJ XA uie ammais aeoaieav cussea tended the dosing exercises of the .till confined to their bed. and are com jV-" : paratirely h el pleas. auuwuuccuicu. u vUvxu disUnctions and, side arms; so dis- - Walter Cuthbertson and sister, Fred Yelton baa retnrneJ from Iacka- liovenior two years nence is . ine cordant weroVthey that nothing Miss Leona, accompanied by Rob- burg and other polnuon a pleaanr trip. , greatest pouucai surprise f warnas Mmfl::v A-Wt nl4 wi ert Bailey, leftbaturday morning r AbernethT njent Tnawday In lately been given trie btate. -we etched upon the apex of a tomb- f 5 asnortyisit to inenos apa re- Hickory. ; "can't ,see that Mr. -Newland has stone said. "Heed ye this admon- "V.r lu TT , rrr M.F.T.Untlart8andaywlthbla Keven amerecolor of bright , to the :ftNr, f; a Allsses .flI&Dei .Pa! I danghter. Mra. Wada nenneaaaa. 0nnminat?m.: W nonld hft, for in- irjlirr:: Z ?n. rasie nempnui - weni Back w-T -" V:" 7 ' . . -- line secret 01 organ izauon." w nere- to Marion. Friday, returning on deed be owes ms nomination , for npon listened, and the owl hoot- No. 12 ; , ; . . leutenant-uovernor jo tne uraig at &ny idea other than orgauiza- Messrs: EmmittGuy, U Bakers- forces wbo so valiantly oatued for t;nn nrivnpnt thA Wtinn f t w ville, Robert Burgm, Ged Giles, "the little giant" in 1908 at Char- ftnA: ; -u anti Kenneth Kirby, EdNichols, Claude . wA TTithin allianrA!. I : : -, . . , - 1 Laughndge andC M. Cook, all ' - ;Tja circus oecause 01 pure cusseoness mq Nebo Sunday. , ..o oxg was selected leader of. the one fac-l Dr. L. E. Dameron, of. Bridge- CAaiW5U. vyrg tion and a Tackasg f un out of bar- water was in Nebo on a profession forces, and consequentiy elected to nessiQ Missouri was made leader visit last week. . his present ;officiai;position, and of thft othp.r Thft- Fjonhant wa Prof. D. F. Giles was a welcome tne announcement 01 Air. mew on 1 far fftmftd fnr Kia st.FA.nort.K nr1 or- land's candidacy is seemingly an conization, while the ass' oratorv 1 . .. A?J. .1 - . TIT. I . . . " eviaence oi lngrainuue. : vv e 'rather wish that Mr. Newland had withheld : his announcement "for, indeed, vhe deserves. not, wo - hope, its seeming Indications of apparent ingratitude'. We don't doteu much on ,: universal understandings oi visitor here this week. Mrs. E. A. Crowell, of Morgan- luauouimamuuua mo wunuaruuuu, m.1 -at T. Kavlnr. vhn is nnit added to tnat ne naa great lconor clastic propensities. - - r , -But still there were other small factions which saw- fit to select leaders, each selected a leader, and sick." Several Nebo folks were In Mar ion Saturday, shopping. .We are glad to see Mayor Frank Wilson has discarded his crutches and can walk around with the aid Miaa Matt Dobaon of near Marion Tirited Mra. A. P. HunUr here last week. .. - ... . O. S. Abernethy tpent last Bnnday oa Johna Hirer. ' Mra. S. P. Tata pant Tneaday la Marion on butioeaa. . Mlaaea Sadla Seals and Kora Ballew hare returned home from Qlea Alpina Sprinfrt achooL The Mlaaea PhlUna and Mlaa 8crna stopped orer with them oa their way to their bomea in fkrath Car olina. M F. Tate spent Tneaday at Connelly Springa on bnaineaa. Mise Grace Abernethy of Hickory Is rial ting her sister, Mra. W. Lyerly. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Tata of Marlon made a trip out here to their farm Son day. ' They were accompanied by the lattera mother, Mra. C A. McCbrd. cf f . a . a 1 f I uuv vni f aaa a wacxa w aw vuw wos foregone nominations, and we like of only a cane andis jagain - Uking . . x " . j i because of Temperance; the wild an active Dart in Sunday school and .Wen. we're a w . mu uuu - T ' . " cat because of distressful howling church work. , Ilis confinement has -Thursday merit, inowever we can see but ar ject futility in the Lieut-Governor's candidacy, even should he be un grateful or otherwise. h. .-. aBBjBsaKMsswBawsBa . r Pallid Death. There is but truth in "Pallid death approaches with equal strides the door of rich and poor, the lowly and ; the - mighty there - without favor it claims a victim." And now' England . is . . enveloped in gloom; she is ; sorely beset and mourns the loss of her king. - But ! in the meantime a new king - has succeeded to the throne and soon Edward VU will be forgotten. The Oomai" at last morning jost after foox and the Hvena because of irreed. somewhat retarded the progress of o'clock, and its tall waa aboat two feet ' - i i snim a l a a it j a. - vm. mm m as .aw a i n mmm & - ine oaDoaui scnooi. uuaer nisi" iwtuw .m,vwu . mu- 4imninn no tnnA rtfxm iVat Ka I MST1BOB. It CS b toC&td 4llJtt Mil of With the Elephant and the ass Snndavr School will continue, to 1 "the morning star." Vanua. and pretty it a. n fn ' I . . . ' I. ..... . tnmgs weni rainy wen, wim iair j improve. . inign np in una nearena. success they were alternately: ml lire caught some way in tnel -We were mighty glad to hara the power and ascension. However I lumber yard on the Button A I nice refreehina; rain Saturday, for errery for three successive times the ass Bourbonnais Co. land near Pie bo! thing waa specially dry aad wheat waa was worsted and he looked haggard I and destroyed about .160,000 feet apparently suffering rery much for and worn, but finally .things began I of lumber for the company , and want of rain. ' Corn ia coming np just to assume new aspects, the ass look-1 damaged J. K. Uraig s milling out-1 tolerably well and some report a bad ed -prosperous and sleek now, and I ht to 4be amount of about $500. - I stand; ne Drayea in auicei rones. Misses Minnie and Umra liaiiey, I Our mew nhraician. Dr. Damaron. who One day the ass, while swasrsrer- who nave been .visiting tbeir aunt I has recentlr located here, la srettinr 1 m . a.i w-aa - T t . . a 1 I . ing down tne reaito, met tne n.ie- at notopnngs, returned raiuruay. i moat all the practice he can attend to. phant who was in deep throes of I Last Tuesdav was the first muni-1 We're had an nnnsual amount of sick depression and dejectment. The ci pal election ever held in Nebo I neaa In our commnnlty this spring, : j - ii . ... i asssaiu vueer .up, vou snouia and th followincr- otncera vera J "W . run. f iv.tt -i.iwvt- De satisfied, lor surely it's me for elected: J. F. Wilson, mavor: G. I f&miiv hr flnndiv a.1 n i il. t-i l . . r . . . I me joo ims time.- rus me jiiie-m. Weaver, U. M. tlemphill, J. Just received a car load of 01d Do minion" Portland Cement High grade cement at a reasonable price. Ask any one that has ever marked cement about the quality of "Old Do minion Portland CcmcnL" . ; I also carry Blue Ridge Lime, 98 per cent purel . I solicit your patronage. cL IDo Msiini'tcoini 11 11 It is true that the citv of London phant saicr not a word, but looted IK. Stacy, K. W. Hill and G yearningly. : ous across me sea. Annis were elected aldermen .! I 1 i - ' i IT . . I gunner orayeo i tne ass: usten .We hope that the new board tome, ,the sea .holds not. your wel- will go to work and make some rare, ii conms noxmng ior you. immediate improVementS in the otm tneoia xrurapeter loosed towrj. . Fiddler. ana waiiea ne was saa ana oroK- en and had grown old Jack and Jxlu is wreathed in crepe and that mul titudes drift to St J ames Park and stare at the darkened windows of Buckingham Palace where, rest the remains of the king, but it is none' the less true that the self in waiting. fJll thv ns crlft-TOAWvl onrl KiMttrfw I A Duactinn fnp Mr Iftfdin ' 1 . I " fcr. aj w. l WHbtlUJI IUI III It V I WWII. 59mA tnnintnrlM train, t.hair oroeltj..JJ.lii.. tti a. I' toward the" Marlboro house nearlv I trained his ear and listened, direct-1 Mr Utor: where the new kinir has set asidfl It. a ship hove in sight, with colors joar. issue oi toaay, it is noted -L. Stroudtown Itcmi, Mr. Charley Elliott, after a long III- neaa paaeed away and waa buried la the famllr. burring ground last Tueadar. the Srd. Our sympathlea ge out to the bereft onea. Mr. and Mrs. Iinley EQioti'a home waa made aad by the death antral enter ing and taking their sweet little girl of . Stingy Vallej Items. Ftingy Valley, May a. Taylor Ander son, of M addy Craek. sprat mttti days at Sam Fyatt'a last waek. John Marsh, who baa ba working at Thermal City, ia home again.' Mlsa Iracle Bailer U at home from OldTort. Mlaa Cordie Erwin spent Saturday and Sunday with Mlsa Fiortooa Padr grass near Ebeneser. Mlaaea ILaUie INrndVrfraaa and Orao Erwin were In Curfew Saturday riait ing friends and ralatlrea. John Lail of Curfew waa here oa busineas last weak. O. U. aad P. L. lndergraaa Marion rriday on bctal bis piHbnal grief to busy himself ,nd there was extraordinary that Mr. Jordan, of ; Old Fort, has ZiZll with the affairs lot the crown. conotmn on bd. -. , - HalleyVcbmet, and that "he .te.'SL 1 TEns time speeds on, nor does it J& MA3fc " .l eral months ago. Inas- wm w -i i. .". t . j ' " much as the comet U not yet i uiajcu tuo ass ' " nuau uwr yvu Will Turner haa returned to XlaxeL wood after being home a weelc with hesitate because of earth! v stric tures; but goes on, even in cruel mean ?" Aeain snake the EleDhant ble to the naked eye. and as it was sore hand. -xactment,' demandinir its human "The Gods have favored me they several billions of miles away when Will Bailey ia talking of moring hla ribute but in return offering equal have sent to me the King ot beasts, seen' the first time by him, your ramli7 lUxelwood where be Is em eturns to 'all and an all-hJing 1? V06 l01116 mon- correspondent would like to know irnltnr. factory. alm which .nothing else can sup- i what Special. Brand the gentleman uses when he goes out comet hunt ing. : V v: Inqtjireb; . Marion, N. C. May 5th, 1910. Then brayed the - jackass (as he ignominiously brandished his heels) Nevermore." Kings Alnt Kings Anymore, A king I aint a -.king anymore; lere use jbo be something to being king, he was the whole show 3 remote.ttmes, lie had a chance fif-its.the oMqaUon of people needing rain ZSrigZ - iur. uiuibeii; auu versus the machine." As , is ; quite tion of all kind haa taken newlifei dree- uld be a genuine sport But the natural the machine is miffhtv hard ring old : mother 'earth in beauty and ngs of to-day are so fettered that to remove because thas almost promise, Where Then? ' IV" Raleigh and Wake county are in 1D I the middle of a great big political :'' ; V Garden Cfty News. mm ir . m . xne recent rains are rery aoceptaue a. - . 10 . tne larmers, as ideir crope were We are planning for an educational rally at 8troud'a Chapel May Ml A program will appear later. All. should register and rota la the coming echoed election June 18. Regis tration books are now open. A new regirtration la neoeeaary for this eleo tion. and all voters may register, either at 8t rood's store or at registrar's borne. Farmers are revoking orer the good rain of last week, which waa so much needed. Much interest ia manifested in Bailey's Comet nowadays. .If all men Mrs. Joha SuUlea ia visiting bay act. on Bock creak, L. J. Williams haa about finished Uk ing our "sens." . ' J. M. rmdergraaa waa at Oraxt'smZ on busineas Friday. a. M. urant. of Crooked Crtvk. spat Bonday at the home of E, T. Burgia. Mra. Matilda Banning and grand chUdrrn of Qreenlee riaitad frtanda aad relatirea here last week. CCTXD, Ladies Neckwear Specials OS U'c have Jus rtcdved a tcauru'ul tr.z U Lild 2KXrxr DufchcoHirs, Ucc txt'nmcvl an4 rasdtoocly azlrxMavi oca from 10c 10 25c the czZir. the lovdf cratior.s In taoc. net ai crabexaicrcJ Jtn the tenon tits fcfxChi fonh for rhc exxrady kv trxx J 10c I2c and I5c the Jibot. S:;T Linen Err.bftrktcrcd Ccjn for crJy 10c S cr? f corapIcJC hr.c of pari buccal rhii joa tr.i; tfcs uzz yc Ca3 far win! t! iht ptkz yoy vine Aho our pear! cu3 linki and piece of beauLld peart Socacthinr nev cctnlnx 'in a!i crcry dir. what you tnL Ue are aJa in clii ro thov yea. S MARION BARGAIDJ HOUSE, 9LAT r s ap & m m. m m m laf JU i ki ki ki 0 Or ki Vi vJU Jj Or b b Vaf U y ARNOLD'S wtTS5tM BALSAM Dysentery by - E. F. lOEf HIT, liUCS, K. t 3y haye no chance to immortalize come a fixture! . The 'A nti's treA 3msel yes, that's left for the rank to meet in ' the opera; house; Vbut vjl fwi 1 were a riven oui . oy- upenuren, a ng at best is but a 'figger headM politician of machine : proclivities d he has dam hard. Work not to and maimo-ftr nf th a nrPra" Kauca - come a loggerhead." Thereupon the Anti's were - forced to meet in God Almighty's Open" Vice-President Sherman admits or mcwmodernly put, : in : Ra it his nartvmaf airain revise the leiSh's mammoth airdome. - : - iff. ? Gettinc . read v. no donKL Wd like to hand those .of the bunco the public in the 1912 J . - - - mi I k i.i lias. 1 ka uiiiii wi nacT 'be up and doing. Wake to - the exegencies of the.' moment, and break Upchurch or there will next be a corner on -the airdome.. pro position. ; ' . - ;- 1 ." . ;? Misses Mamie and Theeaa Jimeeon re- ww M anxious about the future life turned from Bound Hill Academy last 411,1 tnelr hearta in prayer to God Friday, the 6th, to spend the summer mnch ofthe scare would be taken away. vacation at home. . t ; . I Socoeaa to all. Rrx. Clyde. Sorrels of Nebo, formerly of XV ?ia which will exhibit here to-day, the Greensboro and Charlotte 'pa pert Jimi- in the 1912 tform. ' The Democracy, how: :r, Will be commissioned to make j next revision. - .'. , . Considerable has been said and .tteu first and last.in disparage at of our idle richf but :. appar !y . most of the real trouble is our-busy grafting rich. C -Sick?. Truly this is a' day "of 'surprises j visit but we 'were not quite "prepared for the news- that " our dearly iibe- Id Joe Cannon must know he loved Teddy!' ; in yon dank and .ated for the, ax, else he would dark Europe was beset with bron be so daring in his attacks up chial trouble; '- He is the last man iiargen'all; andjsnngular:. I P;.?. mundane sphere whose;di? sires, we thought, . embraces, any 1 toe sad straits : into which the haying accepted work with J. E. son. . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Luxnard Willis on the era, a little daughter. , B. B. Butt is home from Salem, S. C Mr. and Mrs. Gad. Chapman and little i daughter, Ruth, hare returned from a visit to Asherille and Henderaonrille. ' Mrs. M. E. Sorrels, after a twd months visit to her daughter, Mra. Geo. Chap man, nas returned to her home. The Misses Elliott attended the grad ed school commencement at Marion. ' ir i t it ' . julxo. xuiu us ia ixuna vore on a Bee. speak only of it in the very high est terms. Wesson's . Cooking Oi! " White House Colfee ' Apples in 1 Gallon Cans . All Kinds Can Goods Catawba County Strawberries . Come and see us or Phone 20 U tt clrmlar f pcUI ul. Kirby Grocery Co. 3QC 30c AT THE . Dysartsville Dots. . . : Dysartsville, May 10. W. P. Knox of Charlotte, and Miss Corinna Cowen of this place were recently married. . They spent several days in Asherille -on their honeymoon tour, came . back here and such.-. But it's a-fact he irot lanrU 8taTed a few I8 and left for.Statee- i " - . . " ' I Ml . . nue ana v;iiurioite. Jlr. Knox "; .2':: a IM Ul U3 . Ill w. I I II .1 I l.ll I - . . ww I -KioW fW- k;n I1 m the necs.an.d we are exceed- T1U" "u vauriuwe.. iir. mox naa a abhean party has 1 alien, the ingly glad He overce nice home In Charlotte where they wGl "Hiroaia wi im 1 , DSt Wait, t.hnncrh fill Ka KJto xwuuw. 3 Alncan bunterir-- -7 , - J the American shore.' heavea' a Kpava 1 Misses Manl Mvrtia r-'-. and blows out his flueis. twirls thft. tended the clolnj- mm f ni . L!. 1 . . I c . I only , is the backbone of S1CK and shows his t teeth, it's Alpine Springs school and report a nice r broken,- but .we are also " ro ' "naing , mat . there time. mt. noonmaker aeema to be :-1 from a serious dUltionL0!!? 2?. ckn Reaving j doing agood work at that place. fipaahlA - - - . .wuui. VlSXmiU - BLUE-FRONT" Air Float Talcum Powder, 10c tire at . -"Air Float Talcum Powder, 15c size at - . . Mennen'a Talcum Powder, sold the world over at W : our pricer ' - . . " . . Colgate Violet Talcum Powder, itandard pri . ; Blue Front price - . . M42n,Cards L . . . . m Blue Front Coffee, worth 35c, our price V ashing Powder, best on the market - 1 Be S5c, . - ' 15c ; 20c pack 2 for 5 n E. H., BYSART, s Phone 35. r r. For the S a Children. We have so many things for the Children Partnta, bric the litUe loji t? girli io cr om aJ Ul w It them up. To Late ertrythic- Hat U litooeaww-rrriiy d -. wiVsa. . . . . . T ...... , ktaica. bocu. aJ all kU'l tK ...4 Til I II m 1 l 1 W a I . 1. . ww uiinojca aod plajn. Jewelry of all kisda. rar I, - Specials for Grown Follcs. We are thowing the tacJscst liof low ct the tUl yto tter taw. Menarst, p,a BUl iaj Ua b lU ti terU laaU to t bad. Oor wo&r.t lire of Miy Matoa b tU talk of tU Krwn, liy wme io via, patent Irmther tiea, ca urap, r-.a;. 3 urv 2 ad 3 button 3tdj, alK Um aad whiu, Ji tcte budkUtia y a ixkai, 1 1 a am unasuna. lOc Towels, 7c or 3 for 20c 1 lot SOc Shirts, 35c aorj te.L IWstifcl Uk ot rtec drriKM. akuu. n Kew lot of laJia skiru, chiton, aa iKirU, 1X50 to $.00 La,i;e waih saiU. Lrtrythicg h WIery. Nioa tSb fc ia raai hi aJ rnal aIk from 25c to $2.0) the tir. Ml Iia boa ad Ult lorn $1.03 trka ea. Straw hiu for etery body. Extra Specials SOO drornrafrV aasaple bu, every atrle aaJ Oor ikaaraJJ. KfguUr rtUil prioo ZOc to $1.03. For lU ten Ua dtya w iQ cfff thea kau at exacUy half rrk. Dcnl talw tra Ur-ra. THE PEERLESS W.H. HMYKlHS.Mir.iser f:r l!t-!:5 ?gixt A says Willcla. dn;a!rh froa Waytfcifilje lit'J-5 lumUr tUan of wth iU cat railroaJ iU- ttl two nor hoevra, wu tVnre.kl CI wt'J. a ul a et-i.tiso ya ': aZJ t-rzzM iwc-tc2 Hi a? by CreTlc-sdiy r. m t , W! w5 w u DC