MARION PROGREGS VMebdWfLLfHiklSHINa CO. Marlon, N. C.;. ; S. E WHITTEN, Editor and Prop. Entered atthePoetoffice at Marion, N. C as second class matter. .. - TBBMS: Ova Ybak. - d - 8rr Mouths, : " ' - thus Mouths, ''-,-" Strictly In Advanee! 11.00 . SOfi -85 MARION. N. a, JUNE 2, 1910. :.iockb vviii ueieai jgon u. uranii ..After' a careful investigation we are bold to declare that Hon. Wil li. m T rWlra Ttr. strongest man in the race for the Democratic CSongressional nomina tion;. It is to him that the Demo cracy .must look to bring again this district into the Democraticcolumn. , Mr. Crawford, several times re deemed the district; Gudger has , the honor too of redeeming it in . lime ior eitner Mr. ixuager or Mr. Crawford to lead the forces in this district. Mr. Crawford, the most is not offering himself; Mr. Gudger . should not have done so. 4 Cocke and his friends for years supported Mr. Crawford and for years Cocke and his friends sup ported Mr. Gudger, and it was the v devout wish of the district Demo cracy, so far as we have been able to ascertain, that Mr. Cocke should be given a clear held this time, v We know that Hon. William J. Cocke of Buncombe will defeat : John G. Grant - FirstBecanse it would be his first race and victory has usually perched upon , the banner of the "First Race Man." Thomas D. Johnston, Mr. Cocke's uncle, was elected the first time he ran; Ewart, the first time he ran; Moody, the first time he ran; Gud ger, the first time he ran, and Grant the first time he ran. wuw , rm. V-JfcJ VX " the district, both democratic and independent, with the single ex ception of . 'The Andrews Sun published at Andrews, N. ' C, in -Cherokee county, is clamorous for -jsiiy Ajocse s nommauon. if nom : inated the district press would be people of this district do not at tend public speakings as they tbnce : did they must rely upon the in tegrity of the press -and : if Mr. Cocke should be named the press for , him such as has never been seen in the district before. .-ThirdBecause Mr. Cocke's campaign for the nomination has been clean. He can look into the eve of " and ask his support for he has not c, suxjpea to conquer." This means a united Democracy. This means everything. Not in the entire dis trict has been heard a sirjgle un kind word from William J. Cocke the candidater-or any of his friends. " All glory to such a man. He will be nominated and elected. An - anonymous letter is being widelv circulated to th flW Ua w-ww vuav iuu Democracy of McDowell county is for J. M. Gudger. . We boldly de clare that this county is for Hon. William J. Cocke of Buncombe. We invite contradiction: NAVY APPROPRIATION , One -Hundred and Thirty-three Millions of Dollars Consum ', er .Pays the Bills. Special to Thb Pbookkss. 7 Washington, May 31. One hun dred and thirty-three millions of dollars! - - 'Trjr to comprehend the magni. tude of this sum if you can, and then pause and reflect over the fact that it is the amount the Senate has. voted to spend on the navy in A single teak, and in . a time of proiouna peace. Then consider mat only12 years ago, "in 1898, the, naval appropriation was but $33,003,234, or one hundred mil lions less than the amount - appro priated for the coming year? r A fact in connection with this awful increase which' the public seldom hears" is that ev& of this $100,000,000 which is to be 4U excess or tne amount us ia 1898 T comas " fmm not from the rich, but largely from "uiwus men ana women. - It is the ultimate consumer who ;:ys the. battleship bills, who interns attevej'-increasing apny of . SScehdideti in.' WasMrigton, ihd wKd rMfefelS the bfae-hundred-. and-efi 13ifavagdnces of the cov- 6f Bftlfiiji. . tte "does ; it by paying excessive prices for the things he bliys.- -The government raises practical ly all of its;f unds through the cus tom houses and the internal reve nue otEces, -where taxes are levied oh things eaten, worn or - used by the peopler .Whea the consumer purchases a protected article and practically all of the necessaries of life are protected he - pays the real or natural value of the article and in addition thereto the amount of the tariff tax. ; . The more battleships constructed. the greater the amount the govern ment must raise' through the tax on consumption,-: and. the greater the cost of living. r . - . Thus it is' not so strange that under the Taft administration, which is spending more than twice the amount used by Cleveland to run the government, ' the I cost ; of living is 50 per cent greater than under the Cleveland administration. MEETS DEATH ON TRACK Shuford Abernetny Instantly Killed by weswwund rreightat Bridge water and Robert Hodge Probably Fatally Injured. ShufonTAbernethy, a well-to-do lumber dealer of Bridfirewater. while walking along the siding of the bouthern railway - track with Robert Hodge, another resident of Bridgewater, was struck bv freight train Not 72 and cut to pieces by the engine, last night about 7:50 o'clock. Hodge was also struck, and sustained a crushed ankle and injuries about the head, but it is not thought that his injuries are serious. - : According to the reDort received here No. 72, which is an east bound train, ran in on thj siding to allow No. 75, the west bound train, to pass, and It is supposed that the two men were walking down the track with their backs to the com ing train when-the engine struck Mr. Abernethy and knocked him under the wheels. Mr. Hodire is supposed to have either succeeded in leaping out of the way iust in time, or else he was struck and fell out of the way of ; the train. The tram crew claim the train was not going very fast as thev brought the engine to a standstill twenty yards from where the acci dent occurred. Engineer Eagle said, he saw the two men walking up the track, and said he thought they would get off before he reached them, so he rang the bell and blew the whistle. He said the men seemed to be in some kind of an argument or interesting conversation, and apparently did not hear; the whistle, so be blew again, and by this time began put ting on brakes. He said he was going about three or four miles an hour. Mr. Hodge was taken to Ashe ville where his wounds were dress ed at the Mission hospital. The mangled remains of Mr. Abernethy were taken to his home where they were prepared for burial. Abernethy is a native of Hickory and was one of the most prominent men in Burke county, being large ly engaged in the brick and lum ber business. He - was about 40 years old and a widower, his wife having died several years ago. Hodge is a young fellow, unmar ried, originally from Chattanooga and conducts a soft drink stand at unuewaier. Nealsville'News Special to Makion Progress' Nealsville. May 31. Dont forget- the 6th of June. You can't afford clo the ice .cream supper. : . ; . -; ' ' Mrs. Thomas Morris ftnd lift! ft anna' Lester, Arnold, and Glenn," of -Marion! Diui, a iew aays witn: relatives last week. - - . .- . Miss Ida Elliott SDent last wt n'f relatives in Marion. ' , . . . . R. Morris returned hnmn frrm Florida last Saturday. , He . brought with him six alligators, ii "Z ' . . The storkf visited Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Qoforth last Friday and left a fine girl. - .fuiui xxogan or jaanon was down last week visiting his uncle, A. L. Bright. : Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brio-ht Mr nnfL bertson, Misses Poteat, . Morris, and Al len were in Marion .shopping last week. - AM yr - T JJ. - kT " Mrs. Bettie -Neal is nnit " m f the nome oi ner son-in-law, Mills Byrd. Jars, bwantf was called to TTaK Sua- day . on account of the illness of her dau- Kuver. jars. wues. - . - . . - Joe Neal spent a few days in Marion last week. -. ..' , ' ,--'- ..--v.-- . L. Fur geson went to Bridgewater On bufiinefw laar wfteV ': i - ' , Mrs. SaUie MostelU" was in Marion on uusiness Jast Thursday. -: --: - H2X.?r7att of Rocky Pass spent day with Boyd Pratt. - ;Sun- S?? a S ' crowd spent Sunday very Dlejuumtlv o r-v i tV., . ' MATERIAL ARRIVING " i r -TOR NISO BRIDGE. Chiidren's Day Will it Observed I N ext. Sunday Othier; Inter ':r " -'-v-cstinff Newi. . . Special to Muaoir Pkoakbss. ' - ' NeboTMay 81. Mark Hildebran, of Tennessee, is a "regular" visitor at Ne- bo these days. " : - ' ' Mrs. a M.'Hemphm and Miss Mabel Boyd spent Thursday at Bridgewater. ' 5 Chas. Hensley is able to be up and about again.' " . -' : " Miss SybQ Hm of Rutherford Oolleire spent several days last week here with her brother, B. w. Kl- ; -Several doodIo from Nebo took Thnr- day for their shopping day In Marion. including Mrs. Ed Tate, Miss Janio Hunter, Mrs, John Sigmoa and daugh ter Miss Keita. . ; V 1 We are very sorry to hear that John M. Tate's little girl Is quite sick. B.G. Oettys has been sick in bed several days but is up now. . "Hub" Giles spent a part of last Sun day with friends here. - : Mrs. Taylor returned to Morganton Friday.. . s 4 .K ; Mayor Frank Wilson went to Mor ganton Friday on businee. A number of our Nebo young men have left for Old Fort, Richmond and points in Kentucky where they have accepted employment. , Rev. D. S. Richardson and son. Maia- lieu, left Friday morning for a week's visit to his mother near-Mocksrille. We are glad to have .'little Bffly" Wilson back with us. H6 has been tak ing a course in Pharmacy: at the Uni versity of North Carolina. . Ed. Teague has arrived from a sojourn of several years In Texas and Gdifornia. Ed. tells ns that two Yirtuea are abao- lntely necessary to "stay" in that coun try tell the truth and pay your debts. Bridge material to uild the new bridge across Catawba rival nearNebo has beguu to arrive in carload lots at Nebo. The Carolina Engineering Co. of Burlington has the contract to con struct the bridge. f - Children's Day exercises be held at the Nebo church SundaV, June 5th. The-ladiea of the. Sunday school have invited Prof. D. F. GUes to deliver' an address. There wiU also be other speak ing. Everybody is cordially Invited to attend. Don't forget to bring a big basket full of good things to eat, uch as the McDowell folks know how to prepare. Tables and benches will be provided as far as possible and we hope everybody will enjoy a good spread. Shuford Abernethy was run over and killed and another man named Hodge got his foot cut off by train No. 73 at Bridgewater Monday night. They were walking along the side track and thought No. 75 was on main track in stead of on side track. "Fiddler." Stingy Yalley Items. Stingy Valley, May 8a Mrs. Carrie Pendergrass visited friends and mltHvM in Old Fort last week. Mrs. R. L. Younsr wu iWn u 9 MM 1 as Old Fort, Saturday. Misses Laura and Minnie Reel of Cur few were the guests of Miss Hattle Pen dergrass. Sunday. ' -. Fred Pendergrass Is working in Old Fort now. Mrs. C. L. EnHn mnA amall A. v Ruth and Mrs. RitUa Buchanan spent Sunday with Mrs. Lou ReeL near Cur few, r Gethro Parker of CmnV rvv here on business last Tuesday. The best joke of tha i. v. Crooked creek has at last attained the dignity of being a navigable stream. Last Sunday a boat was tkn M Crooked creek by some would-be thieves. k Mi. .. - " -aier neiping tuemselves to the contents of Smith Melton's nnak.kM- tried navigation awhile. The parti as are said to be MfJhtyres, and live some where down on the river. Tk v. learned whether they have been arreet- R. C Pendnrrass of Trhm w.. here last Sunday visiting friends and rtuauves. . . . As an addition to Um bAta able home of M. G. Pendergrass, there i just being completed three handsome rooms. - - . WelL Mr. Snowb&lL hrrm frost-bitten toes? I can hrT1v tiiulw. stand what you meant by Cupid being rouveaor-rooteo.' Cupid was only taking a short vacation, and we're think- ing that j " - : - . - . . - Tho' your toes were bitten in' Tain," Your heart will not be smitten again. Modest Queuxt We hone von da nt think us bold- - It was tml mri t that caused us to in autre of vtmr vn. f - O alogy, and we hope we do not act oireuuwu du uuul, DOt 4 gUeSS Hi oet anyone would like to be interesting. In- ueea, vaeux, we are interested in you very much, and humblv hear don : for being so "bold", as to remind you that "Cupid" does not undertake to oo matcn-maiter ior tuts modern world of lovers. Though it is undenrtfiod Cupid is a host within fciulf know Cupid only . lends . assistance to 1 V mm oasniui lovers, oia maids and bachelors. There are some who manage their lave affairs almost without Cupid's help. But "old maids" mostlv need amdn and their hearts-need piercing with love-tipped arrows" deeply, you know., dear Miss Queux. . . . Cupid. Some wompn r rt fnnA nf - ' . . WMV. v, Wj --T.'y that every time they go out it is ARNOLD'S Warranted BALSAM U CVRC Diarrhoea by M. P. KORPHIf, I1EI05, H. C. GIRTH OF A VOLCANO. Natures Process In Forming d " Mountain of Lava.- ' ; THE FORCE. OF AN ERUPTION. Upheaval That Dttnyd thi Cast Indian Island of Krakatoa In Prepallad an Air Wave Thr mnd a Half Timaa Round the Earth. . " Thoush Tolcanoes are often spoken' of as burnlof moufitaloa, tbey do not bum at all. nor, io the proper rae of the word, are tbey mountains at ait. Tolcano Is really a Caw In tbe cru-t of tbe earth tbrouch wblcb tbe Ccrve Clowlng beat lyloff below tbe crust tyt managed to burst a bole. Tbroush tbis bole great floods of melted rock spout up. Some. roica ooes work at Inter vals; some are Io eruption sll tbe time. As tbe melted rock Jets op Into tbe sir and falls It naturally buUds Itself Into a mountain round tbe bote. Tbe next eruption baa to bant Its way tbrough tbe besrt of t bat rooaotala. Tbe cblmney It spouts tbrousb Is usu ally called tbe pipe." Bo me times an eruption Is so fierce tbat wben tbe lava (anotber name for melted rock) spouts out It Is burst Into bits. Wben It falls it Is sometimes sa fine as dust, sometimes tbe s!se of cin ders. . Most Tolcsnoes. Indeed, are Day ply gigantic cinder beaps. When tbe force Is not so treat tbe lara lo tbe pipe simply bubbles orer and flows down tbe sides of tbe moun tain, exactly ss porridge bolls orer tbe edge of a pot As lara Is liquid, tbe slope of a Uts volcano (or lara cone, ss It Is usually called) Is always rery gentle. Falling cinders, on tbe otber hand, pile tbemselTes up quite steeply. A lara cone, (ben. Is always less strep tban a cinder cone. And a volcano never burns. What looks like, flame Is only tbe glow of tbe wblte hot lava on tbe .clouds of steam. Tbe more steam tbere Is fore Ing its wsy up tbe pipe tbe more tbe lava bubbles, just ss In tbe esse of tbe porridge. If tbe pressure of steam is very great, tben you bare tbe lava blown to bits sod failing ss cinders, while tbe mighty clouds of steam rise high above tbe mountain. It la this a tea in that Is mlataken for smoke. Sometimes a cone sends out lara and cinders alternately, so tbat yon bare a great mountain of cinders bound to gether by layers snd walls of Isvs. Tbese walls of lsvaare doe to tbe fact tbat sometimes more lara wants to come up tbe pipe than tbe pipe will hold, so the lava bursts its wsy out through wesk spots lo tbe sides of tbe mountain. Etna baa no fewer tbsn 700 of tbese cones on Its slopes. One of them. Monte Rosal Is a bill - Io Itself, being 400 feet high. Indeed, a model of Etna looks ss if it were cov ered wltb pimples. Wben Etna Is really roused It ts far more dangerous than Vesuvius. In Ilea It nearly destroyed tbe city of Catania, killing 12.000 people.' Id IOCS It found ttt'fkipo'Mo lacooventeattf smsU that It to crack one of Its sides. This crack was no less thia twelve mlleslong. At tbe bottom wblte hot lara could dimly be area through tbe clouds of steam. In 173 millions of gallons of boiling water were shot oat of the Vst del Dove, which Is a great clrcolar pit on the slope of the mo on tain, four or fire miles In diameter. Its skies being cliff a nearly a mile high lo places. Tbe greatest volcanic eruption ever known took plsce In tbe Last Indies In 1SS3. Tbe story makes almost la credible reading. Tbe volcanic Island of Krakatoa commenced proceedings by blowing half of Itself Into thin air. From tbe opening no less than a cubic mile of rock was shot out. A column of steam and lava dust rose Into the air to a belgbt six times as great as tbat of Mount Everest. It spread and spread till for bondreds of miles around tbe air was black sa mid night. Bounds ss of distant cannonad ing were beard 2.000 miles off. Sea wsves fifty feet high kDfed 33, 000 people and were felt as far off as California. Instead of sn Island half a mile high tbere was now a bote a quarter of a mite deep. The shock of tbe eruption sent sir wsves three snd a half times a round the earth. Tbe fine dust In, tbe upper stmoepbere s tid ed for months afterward a strange glow to tbe sunsets to England and did "not vanish completely for three years. . - . The ex act cause of the eruptions V not known for certain. A popular the ory Is tbat tbey are caused tj water getting In to tbe wblte bot mam wblcb Is supposed to lie under tbe outer crust of tbe earth. And It Is certainly a fact that practically all volcanoes are close to the edge of the sea. Some laa Cows slowly, some quick ly. Vesavtus to 1S05.eent out a lara stream that Io four minutes bad reach ed a. spot four miles off. The sbte of a lava stream Is sometimes gigantic, fn 17S3 Fkaptsr Jokull In'Tcelsnd emitted two streams st one time. One wss forty miles long by seven mCcs broad, tbe other fifty miles by fifteen. Tbe average depth of both wss about a hundred feet. - Lara cools very, very slowly, except on the surface, which-cools st-ooce. It Is an extremely bad conductor of beat. Twenty years after a stream of Isva was wot out f rom Jorullo. Io Mex ico, tourists could -light their cigars ibmngb chinks lo tbe surface, and the surface bad been cold for twenty years. Io lfCS a layer of snow many feet thick was found unfier a layer of Veso vlan lavs. It waa still nnmeited .n Is probably there stUL resrson's veeaiy. . K0TICC . J oh a P. JorlA4 eatn sa . ...... Crook Crk wWjs Vcrow, . H JordM anr tract a uk 1a t). with JottUo Bo. ?a bow i . v Borgto no., .or' rr-:7 BM- r- Kari stay Aa, lata. No. tKTJ. . yOiOtr.JOlDAjL It. " Anyone needing Lime or Cement can depend on the above brands be ing good, prices reasonable. . . I have for sale genuine Tennessee German Millet Seed I. solicit your patronage. . caeouji, ciccsnriD mo iiilwat cutennun tocrc In effect May Sih. lsiQ ZmUra Stad- . . . . Booth boo t4 No. a Xo. a IWly DUy tp 1:10 p ta 8 11 a ta Dp 1.2Z p tn 8 4 a ta Dp a U p ta toil a n Dp 6 co p ta II 4 a ta Ar 21 p tn IS 4 p ta Dp tilpm 133pta Ar 9 tl p ta 3 W p ta No. i Dp e.ts a ta 2 m p ta Dp T:4a a ta 4 co p ta Dp 9 37 mm 44 p ta Ax 11.00 am t p ta North buond No. No. 4 DsUy .Dily Dp 4 10 p ta 1C a ts Dp e ilM tl(t)ai Dp tM p ta 13 (4ata Ar 9 J) pet I to p ta Nat Dp Ctoata scapta Ar 8 IS ta 4 p ta Dp dn a ta 1 21 p ta Dp am 04 p ta Dp loaoata tJUpta Dp 13 1? p ta 8 53 p ta Ar 12 4 p ta 8 n ti Dante st Paul Strs Ferry Jcibcson City r.rwin Krwin Alts pass Altapaas Startoa Tbmal 5rtaatuxf pArUaburf 1 ttvrmai Marlon Alia pass Altapaaa Erwin Johnson City bpeera Ferry fit rsul Dante Throe train evrvicw daily b-n Drtate, Vs.. and tmrtafibarr H f! making cnonectioos tsto all rc4&U north, east, west and socta. Tbe Carolina. CiocLE-U ao4 Cbio iUllway. "CUnchJUU I Loot. " rrtM too right to vary from Mm unt show bove witboQt notio to tbe r-aUic Iatrotia are rMsatd lt ft-.i Lr t agent for definite Inlmaatka or 14 CUAja. T. Maxdcu t. r . a r a J. J. CAMflO Vioe-rrni & TrafSc Ucr. Joanoa CUy. Ttxa. Sals ef Saw MUX, (mine and Better. Bt virtue cf a uJjrtaer.t. cf tbe Fq Derlor Court, of IcDowll rrtAetv of North Carolina, tnade anl erurv4 at am avoroary una. JIU, OC coort. In a certain dvil action. tbr-ta r4 ln. enUtled Mnedmoot f j rlcrs Lota brrCo. airainat Joha Cfcrti,- M commUaJoors. will ! at potUc auc tion to tbe bijtbest Udder tat tmK at tbe tilaca. wtJpra mAA nwrwrt I L rd. near Nebo, ta aicDowvil cvhicjt SUU of North Carolina, or la Darke county, xi. cm u Tax property la tb lower end of Uanile towrtip ra Faturday the 2Cth day of Jane ltli One iUUmx Haw KilL One Oeiaer KUlir and Iiric. tM. (formerly) lort4 at rocta nor, in Horse county, and now ia to-: , of tbe sJd Joha Cortit. at or tw s,U la McDow.ll county, gtate cf North Carolina, aforesaid. .J, prcrrty M6ff soU-to pmj th dU ine&Uoned la tK il . Eijjhty tievra DoOars acd Nice CVcta tLV91: lotrrtui the some frcan thoTthday of Acu.t l?7. aabWt to ThU the inh day ef If ay. A. D. I in D K. li'vtitNa. J. T. Aext. . Cowtnijtiictirrs. ftetlcawMertfaie Sale at Lad. By virture of the row cf Uined In a certain toortr.j dJ f,, J 4 and wtf Carne oi!ke cf tipster cf DS u XlcS conutv ia liolt cf Mortfil No II 71 snta of nony then i a tSTiSi tcrrmu frma tht dt. tlrfai IT l7 tn4e in the pallet thtLj it lwu,aii tt therein IIal ",b cf Marten. fcoSlTc il Cj.tothlaheat Uir ! feihL M lird. - jfwi:.$t 'Two 1 u at4 bcc-Mi thrrrvuLi.v on V4 Wlf0 to TW-i; Si Sr.M S L Old Dominion Portland I OBBSBSBJSBBBBSe 3:?33333:53- JW nov on ui in J " -...v.4j vA..t c r.ji c jj fx fcxaikJ Ime cf fievred Um arvj al U.t a l-.:: for vahts mi suia froci Gc Give nL-r finah ta yocr q Alto, some nice thine in UUr i-S t riers Cj? (! Same coeds for lext rr.x-.ry, L- ihcn th toiX See our Men's Neckwear. the rrtrJctf Ur.e in ta-e a. htn you need pann 3-r4 crrrU. . tlit rf-t Ortn!h k m MARION BARGAIN HOUSE, rrv W. JK1 HFlMTirtT r r HARDWA Wc jx rre narcd Plows, onc-harsc ColtiTatcrs zzd Hoex. Wc have the very best Mowers at $45.00, and vc hare one MoKcr that we will sell for $3103 which has stood out ia the weather as a sarlc machine but is ib perfect working condition. We try to keep a line of all Hardware that the trade juiUfle us in keeping Call and see our stock when needing Hardware, 0 Price Hardware Co. Slenn ar i Dc.r.tjt.!e coil in ar lets it . :t. J. J. Reed Coal Company - mt l l : t , r p t. rj ti,..t. a,wr" Jr-.- J mm. m " 7 Jk. W mm ----- w mmw mm ISiU a4 wiimos mum Cement WEATHER to 2.V the yi:L t:xi tr c a u ttol f, Ccc t3 u - - - rwi . to fare US fsr. Bsl Grit, Frf I: Knojrx?iIU0 Trrtn. Mill . - kM rm wi mdw A M . . . I t-ar e 7 J Mi uu Mf n r,- r." . 1 cr - 1 ' i u iiH.a m - - rv VV 1' T; A tf . - - r-iM i. iSiVSTif is ' YJUa l k M; Z7. coatr.! ' : u. ursxt to the aii - 1 ia bruc pmw