V- s i - - makiuim PKUUKtuuSTICE ANn THE COUNTY lilJOHNSTQN CONVENTION PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY" EVEKING Mcdowell publishing co.- M arion, N . C. doubt that independent of action, Jeffries; would have counted out.- ' this been 1C 31 . S; E. WHITTEN, Editor and Prop. IVIr. Justice Nominated : by he Primary Vote Canvassed Entered at the Pofitoffice at Marion,' N. C as second class matter. Acclamation --Johnston Wins on 84th Ballot. Owe Ta,-' ; - ;." V';-'-- 3'; Six Months, :'- i . -,;. Thjuss Months, v - s- - ; (. ' Strictly In Advance! , MARION. N. C, JULY 7, 1910. McDowell's Position. - The results of the Teacher's In stitute lately held in McDowell " countv wftra most crratifvinc in- -Iaai Mop A than jeiTf.tr tAsmhAre I hour, have registered for- the institute waited upon, maMnov a S The convention of the 14th Judicial district was called to or der at 2 o'clock by Hon. Manly wc I McDowell of Burke county. " Hon. j . ju. y. rjira was made temporary chairman and : the temporary or ganization was made' permanent, T. G. Cobb, Morganton, and W. W. Neal, Marion, secretaries. Immediately after making the organization permanent Mr. Spain- candidate for J udge, was ' - r most be- and ' Delegates Appointed totheStater Congress-; iona!, Judicial and - Senatorial Conven- ; - v Jions. . tJounty con- I A ir. j in the court house , a t,..v. work this year. - coming withdrawal speech and Toe progress of McDowell coun-r moving that M. . H. . Justice ty in educational lines within the Laminated hv alamatinn. The Democratic mention met Saturday at 2 o'clock, and was called to order by the county chairman, A. Hall Johnston. Roll of townships was called and all were represented but Turkey cove; D. E. Hudgins, on motion of J. L. C. Bird, was made chairman, and W. W. Neal and S. E. Whit- ten, secretaries. Chief Justice Melville W.Fullcr, of the United , States Supreme' Court, died of heart failure at his summer home in Sorrento, Me., I Monday morning. - He was in his seventy-six year. - - Bridgewater News. -A. a Abernethy of Hickory visited rela tires here last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Tate spent Tut- &mh Cradles held serrlcee at Mrs. J. B. Rust's the fourth Sunday afternoon by the request of Mrs. 8. A. Rust, -who is quite old and hardly able to get ont to serrioes at her church- Snow HilL Miss Annie Stacy of Kebo will teach the school here at Tate's school bouse. beginning the 11th for a four months term. Mrs. J. W. BaHew and step-daughter. The primary returns were ven- . - nw . vu. cviia wni be ned ana delegates appointed to tne gpeild rammer there with her trade State, congressional, judicial and I Claytle Riddle and. other friends near lastfew years has been most Dhen-1 m, : . . A, ' . I senatorial conventions. The votes IBurnsrille. ,7 , . . xnen came tne nominations ior 1 . . . . omenal. m fact, there is no countv 1 . I of the county for the different within the State that has begun or Solicitors' to . succeed Spainhour State officers were as follows: Misses Carrie and Fearle Tate hare returned from attending the teachers undertaken to do so much. Mc- ancl nominations were made in tne jQdg of Superior Court: Justice accepted a school near Marion. andMias Do well is now second only to New following order; K W. Eubanks sixteen and two-fifths; Spainhour, Pearl win teach near Old Fort. We TTanAm in lvwl for oslisvn1 i J ql i t tt j t tn on1 fViPAA.fi ttYiG Jn1tTft of Rn. hote they our both make suooeasful iricts, New Hajiover leading in 3. Price placed Ar Hall Johnston Prm Court, Clark, unanimous. . tnat parucuiar. : : We bear in mind the school con ditions of some ten years ago, in "fact McDowell had no school svs- "School Manns." "We hope "Snowball' U all right - " 1 . ill M J I no uvw ouu" umjt im m iu of McDowell, W. A. Newell placed I aer una?muou I again, ao he can do hie own writing. ot . . . . 1 J seventy-six one-hundredths; Man- We don-t me (t) rr. Cook's" sarcastic onipman, jx. v. mcnaruson piaceu ..ng 0Qe twenty-four one-hun- remarks, and Snowball, if thcee -Ahers-Carson of Rutherford and J. Bis drptdths. Corrjoration Commission-1 pen you up too tight you may count 00 Three grades imitation leather cou ches, new stock just from the manu facturers at $10.00, $12.50 and $16. 50 the couch. Hall Rocks at $7.00, $10.00, $16.00 and $16.50 each. Fruit Jars and fruit jar Rubbers. Kings fruit Preserving Powders. Agents for the- J. L Nissen round and square hound wagons. iu i j.: iJp. ni..A4 run. A vn.A1. I T3nmn nn.n;mAn.. Tiu fi rra I ns to come to your aia. uoweTer. we gm .edoeation ::was; .sadly lacking- Johnston" was elected on the and sixty-eight one-hundredths; q. c. Anthony has accepted a poriUou V; suffice if to say at a very low ebb 84th ballot by a vote of 74.2 with Pearson thirty-two one-hundredths. in Abernethy and Company's store at at best." T?hat; we may fully ap- , AQ K m; In the Congressional Convention Bridgewater, and K. A. Abernethy, who i preciate our school facilities of to- a V required to nomi- the vote wiU ollows: formerly had fuU charge, U superintend- 5-day we need only contrast the log nate' " Gudger twelve and forty-nine one- l the nianagement of their brick mill - - school house and its short session endea one of the hardest hundredths; Cocke two and forty- (- IIrachm u -i- M ' with pur ample and commodious I battles of ballots that Western four one-hundredths, and Gallert gimpeon and other friends at Drezet :1, - buildings . and school terms of to- J North Carolina has knwn ; day. . - - f lliere can be: but a great and : irlnrions fntiirft for n. np.nnlo and r ; ; :County where such' a noticeable Realizing the demoralizing, and Jo Do JSlsmtfcoira A Pledge. four and seven one-hundredths. Bridgewater will "wake up and take The county is instructed solidly notice" occasionally. She is now baring for A. Hall Johnston for Solicitor. buiUJrrtTi ewalk in front of the pcetoffioe. ice cream par- Deletates to State Cenventlon ior reet&xiTnt. These sheds will J. W. Pless. J. Q. Gilkey, W. be a great conrenience. X z XC 31 E. Landis, D. L. Carleton, C. B. Robert Madison, of Cullowhee, K. C risited Miss Pearle Tate sereral days here last week. Jack and Jill. die for him In the lat few wveka. The cauae Is unknown. Mr. IL P. Morris m4 a btua trip to Marion, lart Saturday S.vowhall. Sugar Hill News. The glorious Fourth and hot weather has come, and you will find me welter ing in my crystal blood, and diminishing The Governor's Boston Speech. . . ; V like . the speech that Gov. v .WKitchin made at Boston on I Si the thjof July. jJt was an inspir i ' ' ing speech and it tended to show the'North how hallowed are the ' rft verences of the South for the : nation and its natal dayt but with : al how temporarily we are forced to withdraw from the union, not in. enmity, but in opDression. Thereupon he paraded not the dif rferences of the two sections, but .the community of interests which ; we enjoy: and how such should be Bradley, J. F. Harmon, C. Y. Lytle, W. H. Taylor, George Sat terwhite, W. W. Neal, W. F. Wood, D. E. Hudgins. Delelates to Conlresslonal Convent lo in aroirdnpola erery minute. Is it pa T . I triotism that prompts me to holler hur- J. Q. Gilkey, E. H. Dysart, W. for American hawk, the bird of veritable abode nation or his election after nomi- W. Neal, J. W. Pless, T. A. Mor- birds, or is it the desire for the gain of nation, whom we believe to be us- phew, Charles House, Fred Brad- the gold and sUrer hawk? The gTeat ing money iUegitimately or cor- ley, G. Sandlin, Tom Davis, Dr. oommoaon u xmvM Mirier me iaer. iu " , , , . a , , . . -r x , xrv not get oratorical but leare that to Dr. ruptly for the purpose of influenc- Mclfitosh, Logan Lackey, J. D. qqqT m more up to the business. ing or buying votes, or whom we Elliott, C. Y. IytlerW. A. B. Gar- WeU; rjncle Bube, I appreciated your believe to be in sympathy with the rison, W. C Morris, G. H. Gar- sympathy very much. Accept many emolovment of such tactics. din. Miles Flack, T. E. Satter- thanks for your kmd remembrance. c - . , We hereby further appeal to white, J. L. Padgett, M. L. Good, ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR TRKAAC&EX. I hereby announce myself a candidal for the office of Treasurer of McDowell county, sabioct to the action of tbe Democratic Conrention. I am crlppUd and probably for life, and I am not able to perform manual labor. I trocaUe if nominated and elected to giva all of my time to tne duties of the offlcew and wfU scire all the people with the bmt of my ability. M. O. Potkat. interest is taken in matters educa- corrupting, and ruimous effect up- v -. i i ; ; tional. For the past few years the - - - McBrayer.T. A. Morphew, A. Hall ' v-. educational achievements of Mc- money for the purpose of buying, . i w ... I . n . . , . U J V, w. . weU.have,attoacte ectlonf' Winborne, J. C. Sandlin, Fred r. - tention in the State school report. we uuuonsuou, . v- Our success is forthcoming be- Pledge ourselves, upon our A - cause of faithful management and honor as men, to hereafter do all the unalloyed assistance of a peo- m our power to wipe out this prac- pie who love enlightenment. Mc- tice in McDowell county, and to : f Dowell has changed its position never again vote for any candidate, - - ' it-.i. -. 3 V, 4- Lot I OF'ANl FAKTI, BlUlCr IUr H13UUUU , Ai VilA VUll VX m VAUt aa. wwa aava arvr vumw . - ; of a" beacon hill i : of enlightenment. roa TRnAsram. I hereby announce mywif a candidate for the ofice of Treaeurer of McDowH Ceunty snbect to the action of the Democratic coorvntloo and if nominal- Miss Pearl Williams has returned I ana eiecxea wvu ry o "T j- . . r i - . Ji k. TilntAllMEMf Of KIT AbilltT and COQ- every citizen in McDowell county J. C. Conley, W. A. Laugnndge, I iemchen lngtitQt teach the I doct the oOc in a safe buini manner. whn is nnnosed to this business to R. H.v Hennessee. Lreorcre late, J. I htm, to. mrhL wktK nnm. imn I J. D. LfnrrrnL ST ST ' " I e a m. w mm . i f " - - - at once enter his loud protest, and G. Patten, W. K. M. Gilkey, W. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Jonas, of Marion, to pledge himself against it, and to T. Morgan, R. S. Fmley, W. H. visited the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. For Tre u re r. demand that everv candidate shall Hill, b. i. wmtten, J- a. mc- - - - r" -x I herebr announce tnrxelf a can- Y . JStl i i. tv.i -JI.l l-WV. I J I J: tm tV.. (V,m. 0S.9 Hnrtnl UIUSW IUI b4JU VUIVV W. xvwwj Treasurer of McDowell Coootr. CC 3QC 3QC 3CTI The Glorious Fourth n hire U uiih all its t'orics ind rciro ti rai t'-t t t?-3 house full of BARGAINS FOR YOU. U'hirc Goods of all kinds at pnect you r.rcr rrxTx paying. Lawns in snipes and fif-ra at 6c. 10; anj lie the yn3 Madras, Ginghams etc in the very U:os coiors and rJcvT:i. Ladies U'hirc M'aists, beautiful arvd coc4. A fc more Ladtcs fovr.s i:h low r.ccis arxj then almci ti wholesale pnecs. Mens and Lad:cs Under car too. Keep your eye on our stock and paces ItVuI save rou money to do so. o MARION BARGAIN HOUSE, V w Qc iQt icJ DOC DOC rrV a m naiin m n sbt4 PI am I a r I speak out publicly, boldly and clear- Braver, 1. w. lysan, n. x . i -.. ln lmmeliAte neiKhbochood. ly, how he stands on this question Wood, W. U. LAndis, a. uianun, Tbe yietims seem to be paying dearly B HAKDWAR Gilkey, W. M. Goodson, W. A. Conley, W.F. Wood, A. Hall John ston, Edward Harvey Dysart, W. W. Neal, J. C. Brown, D'E. Hud- r cultivated in such a manner as to ,be productive of general good nd L Wm Blanton j. q. : Denenw - In beautiful numbersTie portray ed theTirth of the new South from ' a desolate and war ridden' land t how today the throbbing of her many industries is felt the world over.; ; : - The summary of his speech most undoubtedly was: There is much i to bring us together, as a nation, and nothing to preclude conjunc ;tive effortwhich conjunctive ef . fort is : the nations "hope and a wholesome consummation. before he asks either for a nomi- M. F. Morphew, J. W. VYinborne, for the chilly presence of Snowball two nation or election (until this shame- W. H. Taylor, J. F. Harmon, H. weeks ago. ful practice is wjed ont). B. Bracket .W. a rLkJZ. B. B. Price, W. T. Morgan, J. Grant, E. H. House, L. C. Black- and Mrs. B. M. Bright are all D. Blanton, G. H. Gardin, J. W welder, J. a Sandlin, H. H. Tate, gn. lt., a J. W. Streetman, G. B. Justice. Mr. J. F. Morgan lost a fine cow the .: . ...1lother dar. This is the second one to Conventions. J. L. c. Bird, D. E. Hudgins, Report of Fit National Bank. J. Q. Gilkey, E. H. Dysart, J. Report of the condition of The First ' , t 9xVr. Txnu.l t c National Bank, at Marion, in the Bute VY. iriess, u. f. it iuuuiuo, . .i0f North Carolina, at the close of bud- gins, J.vL. C. Bird, B. F. Burton, Thos. Y. Lytle, Geo. I. White, Unley, K H. House, W. W. Neal, nesa, June 80. wio J. Ai- Laughridge, N. C." Jones, Thomas Morris, B. B. Price, P.J. BESOTJRCE3 P. H. Mashburn. J. ir. Kay,-J. aj. Sinclair. Charles Lauffhridge. A. Loans and discounts Blanton, G. S. Kirby, W. K. M. Gilkev. D. F. Giles. W. T. Mor- I Morgan, C. M. McCall. . Marion, June 24th, 1910. t397.4ian OverdrafU, secured and unse cured TJ. 8. Bonds to secure drcula- 1 A Long-Needed Crusade. Excellent Timben . We call attention to the nouncement cards of both Lytle, of Old Fort, and J . an- o T- TTT1 ?i. TT TXT T" A I BUB gan, D. ' nuuju, xx. t . isysart, tj a to secure U. a C. B. McBrayer, Fred Bradley, C. deposiu a Elliott, J. L. Burgin, J. B. Bur- SntSs.8 T. Y. gin, T. Y. Lytle, J. H. Harmon, Banking house, furniture and D. Tom Davis, Dr. Mcintosh, Tom owned for- thelPnrter. Hnirh Tate. L. J. P. Cut- Due from National Banks (not 1.49&M 60.000.00 1 1.000.00 s.soaoo 7.000.00 18.000.00 3,500.00 A. V L. Lytle, I. V. Stroud, nAraroTed reeerre agents Checks and other cash items cents 83,831.18 15.803 81 M 1.84 1 15 00 9,900.00 Ledbetter, of Marion, Elsewhere in this paper will be Democratic nomination of County lar, C, "seen a copv of petition and signers Treasurer appearing in this weeVs Johnson Ledbetter, Will Wilson, ' thereto, which petition has been paper. Mr.. Lytle made an ex W. C. Morris, JoeG. Price, E G. I NotA of otheT National Banta J,50o!oo the Llot A fnr this T office, before Goforth. Miles Flack, W. C. Ra- Fractional paper currency, iewuwj , b wuwu, . -r . - i , - . i 1V-1 .nl i - signatures of many leading citizens, and now his following seems more burn, . oawrwrni, .t. n. It is a proper crusade againsVfcor- greatly in evidence. Added to that Taylor, J. D. lAugnridge, R. H. Eruption funds and vote buying. he is a man .of wide competence Cowan, Joe Padgett, M. LGood, 5 This paper has constantly" taken and en5oys the distinction of being J. C. Conley. R- H Hennessee, J. iMia''Rtand 'surainst such' foul t an nld Confederate veteran. G. Patten, W. U. Brown. procedure and ' practice: These Mr J. D. Ledbetter is a man of two leading political vices should j exceUentbudnessjabiUty shaving ; . Jeffries Knocked Out. not for another day be counten- J had wide; experience': in business. ;ahced, for when they are in ascen-1 Because of his capability, training sion tApl arft Rnbmerfired. , lis nn wonder that he. too, is "f it is now high time for those who widely endorsed. " loye- pure and", unalloyed politics subject to the action of the Demo cratic County Con ten lion. T. Y. Lttul Old Fort, July 5, 1910. WOOD The most wood for the money is what you want. This it what yoo gut when we 11 your order. Oae two-horse load good dry store wood, placed in bed 10x22, for only $1.25. Orders filled after Au gust 1st. Place your order today. H70 nickels, anc Specie - a.000.00 Legsd-tender notes 900.00 Radmntion fund with U. & Treasurer (5Jt of circulation) 3,500.00 .Total emtl.7 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $50,000.00 Carson Bros. Coort Street loa Hurclus fund Undi Tided profits, less expens- m and taxes raid Natl Bank notes outstanding Due to other National Banks 4.900.00 49,300.00 S.1&4.8S 1.000.00 lUngside, Reno, Nev., July 4. - . . , . - - T,. , - ,. Jack Johnson knocked out Jim Due to 8tate and prirate Banks the voice and wll of the peo- and high standing as aitizen there H. uu . " o fifrnth mnnj I and bankers 54.04S-W he, too, is so h"1" "v . - Indiridual deposiu suDjec to a jennes was coauiu wu i caoc .VTrJTTlZ lL Jr, tVirAA I Demand oertificatea of deposit 151.074-73 over the ropes, going down three L.fi . checks - 60.00 and sound government to rally - to The best way by which Anzona umes. ST imSTding Cer- the support of this petition, for in. and New Mexico can prove to the - vxeorge nwu, ,.3- tiflcaf Deposit for rnc .uc r. . ; : a.. m ..iA wwi, f tim-kBerjer. makes the following y borrowed . 10.000.CQ deed there can oe- nommg oiuer wonu mv -mo o . . - t - " Total tU3.80l.78 Statehood is to go temocratic at annouuuicu.. . . : Uasseferi.cawua 1 TliQ fight lasted s rounas. ii 1 covnty of mcvomm j .i . 1 j ouyr I t rw T Whita. Caahier of the abors the C0unty,?tokes4thlS-ma f - Tn I named bank, do jmniy rear tnat AUO ilKu" otwV4 " line aOOTO tuvewcut m mut w Horse Shoeing REPAIRING We do It promptly Wt do it rtjbt Our pric4 art reosHMaee These hot days call for Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Screen Doors and Windows and New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Cook Stoves. Wc have them all in stock. We have the best SEWING MACHINE ca the market for the price. Don't fortct our Moutrs and May Rakes. n The Price Hardware Co. jj u n n DOC DOC 3 Low Prices We bsrcn'l space to excise all tl differect srtklr itd special rrkr Uial we hsre pot 00 thrra, bcl t hare acme Real Bargains for yoo. Sow, doV lei olber rof4 dictate to yoo but coo ted 1 seeicir is belief inr. We bar of good new goods for -ocl rople thst we will offer at ercwitccly low prices cociitticg of Dry Goods. No iooa, Oothicg, ijboe. lUc If any of your farm tools, or machinery are out of order and need repairs, let ns pot them rixoL "We repair anything from a lawn mower to a thrashing than crnod coming therefrom. -When the staunch citizenship of 1 the jBrst opportunity and continue I-V political purmcaiion in nauu. -r 7 l . . Tw Vtoowledjre and beliet ' f - O.. ill L...tAMriH a U1B 1DU1 TUUUU UlCtg w l . , ill surely DO eiimuiawxiii ouuio wum.wuu . - -- - , c . . . 1 - fjBQ. X. WBTix, uasnier failnrfrto! dd-sb means that the the fence nnd ouu tnaixne ienco is , " . " - , Subscribed and sworn 10 oeiore me vices Carson's Shop Court Street. I IV I - i Trf mp ior 1 vwk r . 1.. ' C III t v V t- wsw . U M 1 J PRICES more deeply seated" will ' become I a barbed-wire one. the trouble wbich at ail levenis must sometime be removed. ;: We rnVrforfft thai a- man is al- seconds. would urge that now is the w avs'most likely to get lost when rushed in, and the referee gave the opportoneje for decision to Johrn.;;: There is no The first two of these Were each of nine seconds u. ir of Julr. 1910. duration The last one was eight - B..F. Burton, Notary Public, Then Jeffries' seconds rTTS . , TV TL Prica J. Ia Morgan ) Directors Call at Thk IBooan office and get a Thermometer free. Renew joot tubacripUoo to Tin 00 Underwear. Silk H, Indies lists, MeoV arJ CtilWs HaU. Somxner Drraa Goods, UadW ard Mus 2 pxa sxh SoiU and Skirls for kaa tsa tbe coovis cost. New lot Mtulin Ufcdcrwcar, Gowr-s, Cbersi, Corct Corrrt, Kiaocat, Klc Cotne and soe ci pay csoh ad tare oooey. 25 poondt tvsxr $1.45. k galloa f roil jtra Me dc. Qart frc;l jara c doxro. Jar ILcLUra 5c dewa. Uotrjcauc f c yaro. vajkww-"" a IUrxrains tn eTeru us ESS ... THE PEER! W. H. HAWKINS, l!iaiCtr WaJtcUijUu'-nTtZtnt I 4- 1 1 V 1 i I, I ( ( r fi ialS canaervus wrrw'.