MARION PROGRESS .GUDGER NOMINATED. PUBLISHED JBVEKY THT7BSOAY EVENING Mcdowell pubiish i ng co.; ' ; :-V Marion, N. C. Receives Nomination on Fifth Bal- lot After A Hani Struggle. i AshevUleCittzeiuW''' .:v? I "V" Ex-Congressman J. M. Gudger, jr., , winner;, of two congressional S. E. WHITTEN, Editor and Prop, campaigns for.the democratic par ty of the Tenth congressional dis- iatere at tne rostomce at manon, N. C. as second class matter. V':C...V'- TERMS : . Six Months. - -: TBUBlioirrHS, - 7. Strictly In Advance! MARION, N. C, JULY 14, 1910. Sign the Pledge. tnct was nominated last nights on I the fifth ballot at ' the democratic congressional convention T&T the Tenth district r-Yinre K -V 600 ucan nominee, J ohn h : Grant m I tho onnmonhinn svl -At! . TL. convention which nominated him win go uown m local nistory as the most warmly contested in the last twenty years of local politics. The end came with unexpected About one Hundred pledges have swiftness after the action of the guuo uub mw uiuwoui) ya.i to ui u i Auiaenora delegation in cnanging county to-be signed up by citizens its vote had practically blocked the i tu u : 1 1 n votes in elections, and who have eral hours. ANnerce storm raged the courage and manhood to step around the head of the bewildered out and stand up on their convict- chairman, Mr. T. A. Mornhew. of ions, and stamp their disapproval Marion. Twice were annpak from in black and white" upon" this his rulings taken and -on one he scandalous practice. Ibis means was overruled and on the other . mi 11 il . J - - . - ' . . - sometmng, too. xne pledges read sustained. Had the appeal from i I. -. as follows: i tne chair been upheld in the mat- a. . 1 I . T " w t nil nnnapcirrnon naranir tA r -t-r f-.m-i ,..,. - a. . ' i i i I - yieugc uuraoivca uu uuuur Dable that the convention would as men, never again to vote tor any . w;-- man, of.any party for any office, EITHER FOR HIS NOMINA- candidates speak. fTTAV ATI nTC3 T?rrTTrVT U TVia onnvnnAAmAT.f VfM "!., J m XVXl A.L.JLVP XJUjLAXVi.l ) VTUVU1 v v -.w-u v vuavUAtt VI UUW we do not believe to be opposed, ger had received 150 62-100 on the both in sentiment and action, to fifth bailof two more than was ' the further buying of votes, either - . . . , directly orindirecUy, andwhodoes necessary to nominate, was greeted ?:nn. MtmA'nnt. and hnMW and--nn k. with cheers and there were loud . licly (until this practice is wiped calls for the various candidates. out).declare himself opposed to it, Mr. Sol Gallert responded first and School' News. , il : ..weauvH0 wews. vraraen viy, iuiy 41. ocnooi KeaUrillfc JoIt 12. T7 &r LatIh opened here this morning with the plenty of nhx while ,aSaowUirbM the enrollment of 41 pupils.'. Mr. N. I memalee. We traxi he will ooa pet wU 1 FSteppe is principal and Miss " ha .njtbiiig todowiu the rmia, Effie Gibson has charge of ther0,0?.1, . . . JT - I -Xe xxxb. v MrmfxvT ana ko primary -worK. mr. oieppo neia Nelon, of Therm! City, cpeat m Uw his place here last year. We know dan with Mrs. Parker's parent Lut of his work and therefore are ex-1 week. .. - , Hiss Annie Brackett and little Eraett were in Marion shopping Thunday. Miss Alexander, from Billmore, and Misses Maggie Morris and Baxie Merrill from Marion spent several dars with Ic pec ting a good school year. Sugar Hill, July 12. The White Pine public ; school opened ; the eleventh, with twenty-three pupils I relatiTes last week. enrolled. . Miss Pearl Williams Is Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Poteal are rejotc in charge. ' ' JinKOTera finegirlthatarriTed July 8. Uand HoUifield spent Sunday with School in Stroudtown ooened his parenU in Thermal aty. Monday, July 1 1 th, rollment of 58. v with an en-1 and further declare that he will not, ; in the coming election, nor ever a- gam, in any way, encourage, nor consent to the use of money in elections for this purpose." , There are few good men in Mc-1 Dowell county who will not eage he announced his intention of warmly supporting the nominee of the convention. He thanked all who had loyally supported him. Mr. Hewitt was then called upon and in a few well chosen words he tv:; Mrs. A. L. Bright spent Friday In Marion. Quite a large crowd from here went on the excursion to Alta Pass Sunday. Robert Holland and sister Mlaa Hol land and Miss Swinney from Marion, spent Monday evening with Prof, and Mrs. Hlnshaw. Miss Lou Morris from Sugar Hill is spending this week with relatirea juasxer Meal aiorru or Marion u down here visiting relatives. We are expecting a good crowd from Marion, Sugar Hill and other, place to attend the Ice cream supper Friday night at the school house. The funds will go to the benefit of the Baptist church. Come one, come all, and lets us hare a good time. Pauline. A. HALL JOHNSTON Democratic NomrneeforSolicitor of the 14th Judicial District Mill News. Brick and lumber have been received to repair the damage done to the ware house by the breaking of the reservoir ly-sign this pledge. It is the right expressed his gratitude to all those 801116 days ago. Work on the warehouse move made at the right time. Men who had stood by and worked for T7 , . TT u i j , be completed within tne next ten days, who are unwilling to risk their po- him. He would, he said, work j K Sirrene, architect and engineer litical future (as soon as, or before, early and late for the success of of the mill, was here last week to in- they announce themselves as can- the democratic party. Mr. Walter epect the damaged reservoir. His re- didates for office) upon a clear cut Moore said that he was slightly Prt Yet 1,66X1 n6 PubUc- Messrs. Daugn ana Jboaugn, oz ureen 2V illl I I 3 IIIAIl. J 4, VlWVUiU VTA, declaration, in the interest of the disfigured but still in the ring. ' most offensive and ruinous scandals He was disappointed, he said, but with which an honest people ever not cast down, f afflicted themselves, ought not to The signs of the times," said -Wave the snrmort of anv self re- Mr- Moore, point to democratic T 1 l AT i a i i a . suuccosa tv e lust me uiSLriCb two Vftars ROTO, hnt th ficrnt. ic nnnr rr McDowell county, to redeem it. We must send a sign it, every man of youl You, democrat to congress and to do the masses of voters have the this we must all put our shoulders power to say what shall be, and to the wheel." ' what shall not be. Say it and it w- J- OOCKE- ; shall be so. Put this thing down There was loud for Mr- W. T and then plant your foot upon it, J- Cocke and he responded with a by the solemn pledge of magnincenu speecn. - lneman wuo bad run Mr. ijudger tne closest forever, linen. race showed no bitterness of defeat in his speech; on the contrary he eloquently avowed his intention to fight for the success of the nominee with all his energy. Said Mr. Cocke: 'Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: " If you nominate me for con gress I will redeem the Tenth dis trict; if you -nominate someone Gibson far Register. jiS July 11, 1910. .To Editor Marion Progress: C , There are several announce : ments made by candidates for the office of treasurer, maybe it is be ; cause there is a, little pie and not so much work. But we have not as yet seen any one that seems to else I shall labor for his election.' v want the Kegister's office so much. xnai was me sentence in my r A. t a. a. j t u u announcement as a candidate in 5 For the last ten days I have been the congressional race and I stand ; over a good portion of the county, here tonight to repeat that state- ;and the question being asked is: ment. God made me a man and a IsMr. K. L. C. Gibson going to democrat before He made me a ; run this time? If he does I am congressional candidate. I plant 'm . myself tonight m the vanguard of ; going to vote for him this time, the fight for democratic success. I ; I would not have voted for Mr. want to say to those who haveloy- Laughridge the last "time if I had ally stood by me that my heart goes : known that he was a Republican. out n affection and love; to those H aiu r who opposed me honestly and T'- jT L n A-7 openly my hand goes out to them crat, and has been all of his life, in fellowship. If any struck be- and would not change today for low the belt, it is all right with me; any office in the county. The thing I forgive and.forget every, day." to do. voters, is to stick to the man Mr. Cocke's speech was loudly who sticks to the party, and one . who will stand for democracy. , If Mr. Gibson Fill run for reg i. ister of deeds "this time, he will ; -get the nomination, and if nomin ated, that will mean his election, sure. ; And, if Mr. Gibsonis elect- ville, S C, were also here to inrestigate the damage. Alex Rose, of Greenville, S. C, who has charge of the steam power depart ment work in the office of J. E. Sirrene, mill architect, spent two days at the mill inspecting the power and steam plant. He found them in good con-1 Saturday. dition. The first cloth to be manufactured by the mill was turned out last Friday. By the end of this week the manage ment hopes to have fifty to sixty looms in operation. Mrs. 1). JJ. Little is Tinting ner son H. F. Little. The little son of J. D. Godfrey who has been very ill is improving. H. Lynton, master mechanic, has re turned after a visit to his home in Caroleen. Two new families have moved on the mill hill in the last few days. G. H. Beaty and wife who have been employed in the mill have returned to their home in South Carolina. Sugar Hill News. Don't get uneasy, benevolent "Jack and philanthropist "Jill." I'm able to navigate once more, but if yn. ever had half an idea of lending a helping hand now is the time, for Gen, Green has got ns beat buck to the last trench. All of ns "weed diggers" are digging whol ly on our nerve. Crops in this section are in a pitiful sight. The wheat and rye is still in the field and the corn hasn't been plowed in two weeks and it still rains. Dr. Cook has gone North again, and left ns right in the "pinch of the game.' We are not apt to hear from him soon. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grayson of Neals ville visited the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, last Saturday and 8undar. The White Pine school began the summer session last Monday under the management of Miss Peart Wniiama The public school at this place will open July the 18th under the direction of Misses Cordelia Camp as principal and Kate Green of Marion as assistant. D. W. Crawford left last Saturday to take charge of a school near Old Fort. Attorney A. Hall Johnston of Marion passed through town on business last . Snowball. Three grades imitation leather cou ches, new stock just from the manu facturers at $10.00, $12.50 and $16. 50 the couch. Hall Rocks at 7.00, 10.00; 16.00 and 16.50 each. Fruit Jars and fruit jar Rubbers. Kings fruit Preserving Powders. Agents for the J. I. Nissen round and square' hound wagons. ID B Isuntoira IC 9 Transylvania county where he is engaged in the lumber business. Janet Burgin, of Buck Creek, was a visitor here, Sunday. Sunnyvale school is progressing nicely with J. F. Parker, of Crook ed Creek as teacher. In regard to the fight over the groundhog's bead, I wish to In form the editor that tt all was a mistake. D&cx. Curfew Items. cheered and he was warmly con gratulated. MR. GUDGER. Bridgewater News. Mark Hildebran. of Bogersville, Term., visited his little son, Benjamin, at T. A. Seal's here last week. Miss Eddie Young is visiting her mother, Mrs. Wade Henneesee, on Buck Creek. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. K. Benson, a little son. x Miss Julia Bust is visiting Dr. and Mrs. H. Brookshire, near Asheville. Mrs. M. F. Tate and daughter, Miss Carrie, spent Saturday in Marion. S. P. Tate, whe is one of the pension board for this county, met with the other members in Marion on business, Monday. Dr. E. L. Dameron spent last Saturday night with friends on Linville. T. A. Seals has been right sick for the past week. Misses Kary and Pearle Tate visited Miss Byrd Morrow, of Rutherford too. will teach the school here at the Reels school house, beginning the 11th. Zed Reel the little son of Mrs. Loa Reel got his foot cut .but is getting along nicely. John Reel who has been very sick for some time is Improving. W. M. Pratt of Marion, spent several days in Curfew this week. Mrs. Fannie Hogan and family of Clifton, 8. C is visiting relatives near here. Miss Clara Reel was very badly shocked by lightning last Tuesday eve ning, while standing on the plaxaa. The lightning struck the ground in the yard and shocked her very bad, though we are glad to know sh Is doing fine. TRIX1K. ANNOUNCEMENTS. roa TKJUAumxjt. I hereby announce tnysolf a candidate for the oSoa of Treasurer of McDowvQ county, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention. I am crippled and probably for life, and I mm not able to perfotm manual labor. I trotni if nominated and elected to give all of my time to the duties of the oOc. and wiQ serve all the people with the bl of my abilitv. M. O. Pctxat. DOC 30C FOR T&XASnU3L I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of McDowell Ceunty subject to the action of tb Democrailo convention and If nominat ed and elected will try to serve the peo ple to the brat of my ability and con duct the office la. a safe bosinas manner. J. D. LcnnxrrTXJL friends in Moreanton the latter vart of Mr. iiudger was then called upon last week. and he responded as follows: "Mr. Chairman and gentlemen: I would not be human did II not appreciate the honor conferred A. R. Buffaloe, of Marion, was in Bridgewater, Saturday. Mrs. C. D. Hemphill was in Morgan ton, Friday. Rutherfbrdton News. Special to Tkb Pxooua. Rutherford ton. July 11. The pulpit committee of the Rutherford ton Presby terian church announces that Rev. W. E. McDwaln, D. D.. of Charlotte, has been secured as supply for that church until a pastor can be secured for the Rutherford ton, Columbus and Sandy Plains field. This church has been without a pastor since last November and tire congregation is fortunate In securing Dr. McBwain's services. Dr. Mcll wain was formerly an evangelist In and out of this state and is one among the leading divines of North Carolina. The election to be held here August 2nd for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the town of Rutherford- ton will Issue bonds to the amount of $35,000 for the purpose of installing and equipping a water and electric light system, s an important matter and. If the board issue is carried, will doubtless aid in the growth and development of Rutherford ton and vicinity. The . game of ball between Ruther ford ton and Shelby played on the for For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the ofHoe of County Treasurer of McDowell County. subject to the action of the Demo cratic County Convention. T.Y. Lrnx Old Fort, July 5, 1910. ed to that office, he will make as 1 uoon jne tonight Dy the democracy good a register as McDowell coun- of the Tenth district. , haye; no Chapel Hill Items. ty has had for many years, if not e Chapel Hill, July ll.-Chapel -better. Mr. Gibson is well edu-U - Tn thi nnnrt T-W fwmon Hill graded school will begin July! ,. , k a... ,.k cated, writes a nice plain hand, worthy of .any man's steel. I have 18th with OtusLedbetter and Miss yictory for Rutherfordton by a and : is fitted in every way to fill thet highest regard . for the four McGimsey ai teachers. score of 10 to 2. "thaVoffice with credit to McDowell gentlemen who ran against me for Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Poteetwent The host of friends of Hon. M. H. county, and honor to himself ; and l tf to Altapass on the 4th and reported t1"' -. . , . -' ' 1 is coming on will be a nerce one, . A; . ination aa candidate to succeed himself it is our duty as Democrats; to and I cannot win it unless I have a fine time. - - as indi. at the Democratic convention work for the nomination and elec- thA mmnnrt f , avarxr dmrw.t W. S Smith and daughter. MissL. Ka14 fa vwafw v t . v v -aM , - www I . . w SSI W T I Ul UiD A W MA . M UViiUM lIBSt ayejfc MClla Ui WOOD The moat wood for the money Is what you want. This'ls what you get when we fill your order. One two-horse load good dry stove wood, placed in bed 10x22, for only $1.25. :- Orders filled after Au gust 1st. Place your order today. n The Glorious Fourth -ith til its clones and r'iurcs t jui tut c u3 have a house full of BARGAINS FOR YOU. VThiie Gxis of aH kinds at roocs yo j -J pever rexm payinr. Lawns in snipes and firurcs n 6c. 10c and 15c the fir Madras, Ginthsms etc in the very bra coioci srv4 torxtss. Ladies U'hitc Uaisa tcsur.ful and cod. A fev more Ladies to ns mh low necks and then Cm cs ii w hoJesiJe prices. hcn and Ladies Urder car too. Keep your eye on our nock and pncci. It w save you money to do so. MARION BARGAIN HOUSE, M-RS-. W. y. HBMVHIUU Trcp. nf-nr inr ru lLLi n 8 HARDWAR These hot days call for Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Screen Doors and Windows and n New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Cook Stoves. We have them all in stock. n We have the. best SEWING MACHINE oo the market for the price. Don't forget our Moutrs and liay Rakes. q The Price Hardware Co. g DOC DOC Carson Bros. Ceurt Street Pneot 108. tion of that -worthy citizen Mr. iK'jA.&Gibron.'i:; :Cvj-:"uyburs very truly. : , - 'J ' A VOTER. ' The people can never rule as long Sallie Parker, of Old -Fort, yisited Marion last week. Mr. J. L. Morgan, Henry Poteet, of Kentocky, is ATicket to Win. ' 1 ' A 1 aT as we nave a oncnism ana. um- relatives here durinff the past week. uuuisuj. x ww uuv rcicr wvrnuiir ismi for we have no arrnh triinir aa that in this country. Mr. , Grant t home with his parents. is largely an accident. I will win back the Tenth congressional dis- With such men as J. M. Gudger, tnct to democracy if you will loy 'Rosebud. f-r- J udge Justice and A. Hall John ston in' the lead and Prof. JD. F. Giles'for legislator, F. M. Bradley iof ; Old Fort for Sheriff - and the same board of commissioners re elected,- and other good men that by the' writer. ally uphold me.' Mr.. Gudger was loudly cheered at the conclu sion of his remarks; - - j Announcements 1 The good ladies off Glenwood will serve ', ice cream, cake, and JJJ, one. of Marion's most prominent dtixens, was a recent Rutherfordton visitor. The heaviest rainfall that has visited Rutherford ton for several yean, aa fudged by an oM eitixra. Cell here Sat urday afternoon: Aa a remit streame overflowed and did damage to crops difficult to eetimate at the preeent time. . The hum of the threshing machine be heard here, aa the f armera meet resh their golden grain and store Horse Shoeing REPAIRING Wtt do tt promptly V?9 do h Hibt Our pric4 or roosonohU 1 lemonade on the school house I away far the corning uava. The whe at a m- . :Air communications for nnbli- j -r . t .r.u r i vmnniis r nimv iiiltii. juiv iulu. . . .otinn t tKi Wr mn l 54TVt I T "7. - " . J " jour corxeepo-oen. u uo-ea. r " w" T rTT " The . proceeds . W1U go to , me . Ooedo. oy the writer.4 A communication hiiiMino- f th TUntist church. ; :may beel invited who areanxious , . Sunnyvale Tidingt eratlC be f r their snecesa. " , : , V; ; withheld from publication but 'the writer must gire his name in at this iofiice before the letter is published. If any of yoar farm tools, or machinery are oat of order ad Beed rrpeiri. let oa pot them right.. "We repair anything froo alawnmowr to a thn-hicg mafhfne, ' " ,4 surely have success- , :'.'x-f Crooked Creek July 9. for their success. , r . Sunnv vale. July v 12. Farm en rii Annie Brackett ) - r are making alow , progress laying Sudie Poteat V Committee, by corn on account of so much rain. ;-r Dr. Fnrgusoa J .7. r J. B. Uanea hj retorced to Carson's Shop v Court Street. - The Peerless Dry Goods Store . Slaughter- Sale. .- off on Ladies ard Mia Wuh SaiU a4 iru. 2i7 difcoc&t oa Met, Wctseat and Ctilirtat Fui Htta. DooH mUa these big brgaix Sptcial prices oo Mrsa Scsoer Soita. Ikrfti-. la Parla. Jtsil rtceiTtd a lot of Mr&i UW PaU. W will tcHll rtj to$U,3. 1 lot sample UaUai half pnc. 1 k Wc bUrU at ZU. 1 lc4 ea3 ple Shirta at talf price. 1 dean t 23c talf Ilea la Us, Uclt, grey and tan, 6 pair for o&e dollar. 25 pounds Scgar for SLU. Cotxoo 10c KrtL Freit Jan lie 6c. - Barjrai&a In all low col Shoe. Let wcrtb i lo lCc yard aH at Don't Miss These Bargains, " w .THE PEERLESS ' W. H. HAWKINS, Hiziztr . UiUirtst fiti