v r IVI ARION t PRO GRt8 PEARSCJN ' j U M PS :' ftN SI ATP MIKFRQ .. MILLr NEWS ; PUBLISHED STVES THUKSDAlT SVEKiHQ Mcdowell publishing.co. ' 'f : V Marioii, :N. C,:"' y Preacher Jrtarrles White Pours Hot Shot" Into Coterie of - Couple Store and Office to Buncombe Radicals. " ,"; ; be Erected Immediately - Asheville Special to Newa and Observer, 25th. marrUUTe.' verv unilSUal it its '-L, .ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' ;. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the offloe of Treasurer of McDowell county, subject" to the action of the Democratic Convention. I am crippled i and probably for Hfe, and I aiunoi able if m i tv. i -. I y . 1 . - JLWO OatUeneS 011 lilCnmODd lllll. roniimfion nA n&.ik. M:i1 I tO Derform mmniial Uhrw- I rnrn.A ir S. E7 WHITTEN," Editor and Prop, situated just across the French hill several dava m Kn MU ahted and elected to gira all of my Entered atthePostofflce at Marion, N. C, as second class matter. Broad river "under direction --of tL. J 1.1 . . ... Tia Vf;n nr Vr tr. 1 uuuw oi we once, ana wui Hon. Richmond : Pearson, ; former an employee in the mill.7. The Mills abilltr. . r ir a. potut United states Minister to Greece, were directed this morning into the cotiere of republican slate ma kers who sit in republican head- M quarters near Pack Square and try to direct the party's doings and seemed that W. H. Heenan. other- a4 elected will try to serve the poo- misdoings. It will be alone while! wise known as iEomaine.n woed platotbebto m7 aWlitJ oetore tney recover from the hot valiantly and swiftly for several shot poured into them." .v davs. His efforts WPffl not in vtin The verbal missive hurled at as his bride-to-be went into town President Taft by one; regarded the other afternoon and secured a high and mighty in the councils of marriage license. She came back the party is perhaps one . of ' the to Morehead Citv on her war ra the fact that all the candidates for mst riid indictments the present joicing and met her loving Ro whom a majority of our citizens chief executive has ever had hurled maine." They hustled around and voted at the recent Democratic at bim. got Preacher Mason, colored, and Mr. Pearson, writing to the edi- were married in the road beneath toa of the Gazette News, today, the moon and stars. They then szys' went home and there found a doz- I am surprised to learn that the ien or mom Ttfturhv neiarhhor hn Republican primaries held in this ihMtW1 ; TEBHS : Ykib, -- - -i-. Six Months, - - a Tekbi Mouths, - . :r; . Strictly In Advance! $1,001 800 roman moved up here about - two weeks ago and obtained a position in we mui oui taier leu me com- ; pany's employment and moved to a house in Morehead Citv. It - MABION, K. C, JULY 28,-1910. McDowell Democracy and Con ventions. To the Editor op Progress: I desire to call your attention to - primaries in McDowell county were successful in the various conven : tions which have since been held. . McDowell's choice for judge and solicitor was endorsed in the Judi cial convention Justice and John ston; again the choice of a majority ; of outvoters at the primaries was : approved in the Congressional con vention Mr. Gudger, and finally our state officers were all easy win ners in the State convention at roa TRXA8CRXB. I hereby annoonoe myself m candidate for the office of Treasurer of HctJowell Ceonty subject to the action of the Democratic conrentloa and If nominat- dact the office In a safe business manner. , J. D. LEOBETTCa. For Treasurer. ' I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County Treasurer of McDowell County. subject to the action of the Demo cratic County Convention. T. Y. Lttle. Old Fort, July 5, 1910. IMm Mi CeEuiieinit county on the 23rd inst., declared for me with practically unanimity for the State Senate. "My surprise is all the greater in view of the fact that on the 16th : i TT T T t r. . .1 iuav., iiuu. v . o. unit, uib oresenii i . State Senator; T. F Roland, the r ww mwub county chairman and of the city " . executive committee, called in a I J-ne people on ine mm hill are body at my house, and asked if I very grateful to Rev. Jordan who ing at the house until the wee small hours of the morning. A few nights after they again celebrated her the bride and groom with a tin can TriAi Bridgewater News. ' Brldgewatex. July 23. "Mia Eddie Young has returned from a visit to her mother, Mrs. Wade Henneesee on Buck Creek. one There Ing hen Rev.- number of others are I sell the Cotton Boll Lime, 98 per cent pure. I sell the- Old Dominion Portland Cement The above brands of Lime and Ce ment are high grade and will please line of. Furniture, Mat tresses, Screen Doors, Stoves and Ranges. Agent for -the J. I. Nissen round and square hound wagons. on the program Charlotte Clark. Walkp.r. Allan. ' I 1 1 A a I . I m . ... Brown and Lee. Now, this is a ouia accept ine nomination lor visits the mill on Sunday and holds there win be dinner r 4. . u jj . the State benate and I told these cawiq in i rnf Kap on the ground both Saturday and Son compliment to the good judgment gentlemen emphatically and un- vices ina vacant house which is We expect an enten-ttng meet of our citizens and shows that it equivocally, that I could not ac- 061112 ,nsed temporarily. Rev. ing and h to hare a gocd attendance, accorded with the popular judg- cept the nomination for reasons Jordan's talks are interesting and Mlasea Donnle and Annie Cobb of mant elsewhere in the state and the which 1 stated to them frankly, helpful and h64S always welcome Morganton are here on a visit to alls OUt Which 1 am now constrained to on thn hill ' Lois Kincaid and other friends. state publicly to the Republicans who have honored me by this re newed expression of confidence for which I am uneffectedly and cor dially grateful. I cannot run or lamifton districts affected. Not only that but it is an evidence of unity and harmony which augurs well for Democratic success at the noils in November. Jfthn T ,mtrrt m.ct ,-w.k-: r' AM IOt " ""-"' era! days. Dr. E L who has been awav for several weeks returned last Friday night. Brick and lumber have been or- Dameron is at tending on him. Hias Annie Stacy, who is teaching our school here, spent Saturday and Sunday a u x u:ut-:u I stand or sit for the office in Question I Hrft whirh will ha ;n with home folk near Nebo, iiiiriiH.r iHiirn. u s w iiif-ii w w m i . - . i w w mwa au buu r ::t "; ;:: for the piamren that i M t. Mr. m. RaiPh ai t cau jruur atueunuu, uu uue iur endorse, or defend or justify or v Yu -iiT j Saturday In Marion, which we ought in a large measure explain, or extenuate, or under- on the store will be started Mlasea Mary and Martha Decker of to fee! considerable pride, is the stand the persistent and obstinate jast as soon as the Abernethy, Ly- Marion hare been here riaiting at the fact that at these several conven- insults which the actual - president erly Company of Bridgewater can to of Mr. and Mrs. a P. Tate tions the McDowell delegations fnh! LJTS V beffin shiPments- ThU store wiU nberftof ... A. - . , 6 upon the one hundred and twelve be modern in all wKjtwts and will ycmn Veot attended the Uymens were permitted to furnish an un- thousand white-Republicans of the 06 moaern n respects and will neu 0beth church Sunday, usual share of convention officers Southern States, which honored rry ne of dry goods, men Miss Carrie Tate who U teaching near showing that not only did these-him by their confidence and their d womens clothing, furniture, Marion spent Sunday at her home here. aL I a. 1 . a . aw m deletions Derform the ordinarv sunrages ine las election. groceries, etc. mis store will be 1 Jack and Jill. duties assumed them bv their con - -deniable fact built of brick and will be twenty stituentebuttookactiveand promi-UTaS m srblL bS fi,nin fect . ' Greenlee News. nent parts in the work of said con- imnossible. so that mv selfresnecL w orK on iae erection or the OI- Miss Mary Greenlee has bwrun her ventions. I as well us my obligations to the - This is nnt. nnlv nlpocinr hnt t. party,.force me to stand aside un conramnir and onffht to stimnlab? " .ulllcxouV uro Ui days. It will be built of brick and a o i cnoil na nmennriwi l Tta Trumbhin the sixth" dis- to went?- by trict of Missouri and the cataclysm A0" "Allies moved to the mill in the fourteenth Massachusetts the past week and have started to and in the thirty-second New York work. districts seem to have had no effect - a - m 1 ' a ' .it upon Mr. latt, and he will pro- Promoter krretfoA. bably continue m his famous course I until the elections in next Novem-1 A. I. West, promoter and pres- ber reveal the fact that he has lost ident of the West Pulverizing 31 I Phone 86. . ' us to greater exertion in the work still remaining. We have still to !; nominate our senatorial candidates ' for the four counties included in the 34th district, and I hope these can- V didates, when so named, will be equally popular with the men al ready named for other offices. v But now, Mr. Editor, we have sun a very important outy oeiore i sntu fSio-nwl us that of selecting the county Richmond Peaeson. ticket. Above all we want to name July 25, 1910. men as near to popular choice as T. F. Roland, Grant's campaign possible, men of undeniable ability manager is making a desperate ef and clean records and as well in fort to get men into the coming distribution over territory as will campaign in an effort to v add re enlist a general and hearty co- spectability to Grant's campaign fice of the Marion. Manufacturing! school on upper Buck Creek and report Conmanv will be sUrted in a few u P1111 tc- ureenjee onmrner ucnooi opened July 25th, with Misses Crater. Wlloo and Burgin as teachers. The young people of Greenlee and Marion enjoyed a moonlight picnic i H. A. Tate's last week. The J. D. Pitts saw mill, near Will McCoy's, haa been shut down for a time. Mrs. Da rid Pritchard is seriously ill with typhoid ferer. A sister has recent ly come from Yancey to nurse her. friends in our party and gained Company, which had under con-1 Newton Buchanan, who has bean aeither votes nor thanks from the struction the foundry and machine rick forseTeral weeks, seems to be slow- shops in Asheville, made a quick !j recovering. get away last Wednesday when D- Dobson' recently purchased a certain long-suffering creditors be- couple of lota near the Station whereon gun attachments and arrest, and to build a roomy and conrenient barn. bail proceedings. .Brown urotners, ox Uarcen uty, are He detoured through the country to Black Mountain, and thence to Marion and was arrested here early Thursday morning. On the ? operation of the voters throuchoul I in an effort to anneal to the voters, charges of .beating board bill and thft mnntv To rlo this Anlxr noJc 1 Vha nhvimie nrnorm W hAAn to Od hoUSO rent he W8S released Oh - - 7 ..j -"11 4. a. . rw nio (wjruieuk vi vuo auiuuub illy. 11. A f aw tninntAS later. hnvAvr ... . 1 , a - - ' I r trrr T 1 m, I " ' . . v . a ticKet and banners untuned we son. Mar n w. urown and i nomas t.h a &hAriff nvAiVA information threahing in the neighborhood and wheat crop is said to be a bore average. John Flamming, of XnoxTiHe, Tenn., with his sons Harry and PauL is spend ing his vacation with his parents here. The new Methodist church near the Station is now about finished, has com fortable seats, quite tasteful interior Some think that fanning time is over. This is a mis take. Half the j car's pro visions can be grown from now till frost, with good fertilizers and cultivation. These can be grown: Turnips, RutaBaas, Col Rabi, Cress, Mustard, Kale, for winter and early Spring use. Beeta, Cucum ber, Cantaloupe, Cabbage, for winter pickling. Turnip and other seed for sale at 47 California arenue. At Sam Crcsawn aayt, A quarter's worth for a dime,' 5c ounce. Late corn can jet be planted and enjoyed if fertiHted. Wheat winter oats and winter onions will be in good time, plant early and FERTILIZE! You want good rich feed ready April 1st t fertilize aid tow rye in August and you will have it 3 cuttings, and then grow another crop on the land. 1 have A kinds fertUixen, all the best of their kind. Bay no and be happy, you can raise river corn on a sage 6eld with it. I can your beans, torn toes, etc on shares. Save your fall beans and late corn, and en joy them this winter. DOC DOC Pratt's Poultry Regulator H Don'i let your Horva. Co, Hon d Ch-dtcr.i t or to poor when you can keep ihcm hcaUhy and in cood cco dtnon by invesnnr only 25 or 50c in fYia's At.to1 or PoU rry Regulator. Every fuel-arc cursntccl You csa rxni tivdy save your hors from dicing of Co; c ly pvir.j ccc or rvo doses of Prifi'i Vctcnnsry Cojc cure. Eery bx2r-e gujirantccd. Uc have all the remedies reeded to keep you in a 5e money frukinx poi:rion i;h yocr tn-xuis trd foci. Os bdy tells us hi the money she t pends for Prsu't Pory Rcgtilsior and zz Producer tr.-n her grasr rrrcrr.i rhw ny investment she make. You try it too. Get it at rhe 0 MARION BARGAIN HOUSE, MTU-. W. y. HEM THILL. Trcp. DOC DOC U TUT AT&m.TT ATDK7 0 can march to victory in November S. Rollins, for the Statesenate and that West "was wanted in Asheville fiK. handsome new lamps pre- with a greater majority than ever I legislature . respectively, feeling to answer to other charges, but before. that they would yield under a pro- ,vvesl, was gone and nas not been -: r-t r t . . - ., . i . ,. , , . neara ot up to tms time. . I om not. rniTiir m mil arroinei I narlir HirorroH nroccnm nnt. t.hotr I lnnMUno fn. wow ,un 1 k Mifi too w nA West cut quite a swatn, renUng themselves Republicans have the I stead of standing and purring un :ame right to their opinions as Ilder the gentle coaching, Mr. Fear- have to mine. . But, for myself, as I son has kicked out of the traces. one who reads and reflects on the It is proposed to hold a confer ence at Hickory September 1st, to consider, the ; proposed Salisbury, Asheville, Highway proposition. This movement -should have the a fashionable house, made partial payment on manufacturing site sented by E. R. Bright, and. best of all. a pastor to whom all seem devoted. I The congregation greatly regrets that. this being his fourth year with - them. they will not be allowed to retain Mr. Mallonee longer than its close. and begun scheme to sell stock. This did not materialize. present conditions and unpromis ing future of Republican rule (or rather misrule) I can see only : my M duty as a "disinterested citizen and patriot, to vote for Democracy. School Notes. Dysartsviile Dots. Dysartsrille, July 85. Meadamee Corinna Knox and Blanton Daves and daughter Inez of Charlotte are her to X' Is.. With the freedom of the press, the encouragement of , every progres- multiplicity of newspapers and S1 citizen aiong tn une or ; tne magazines, no man. be he ReDnb- Southern; McDowell ihas many Miss Mary Greenlee began school spend some time. in district Mo. 11, Marion town-1 Ml&s Croom of Old Fort is to teach ship, on July 11. The enrollment Cowen school oommencing to-day. beini? 14 I Robert Cooper of Marion is the guest t-i " K his brother. F.R. Cooper. xiortn vove ocnooi, district no. I w. A. Laughridge raised 150 bushels 7, opened July 18th. The teachers, of wheat and J. W. Jarrett 253 bushels. Misses Logan and Miller, have en- Mr- Poteat of Marion is visiting &1T??u? isnorlt L: n"l fifty PPil3 durine the firsi ; of the fact that among those this worthy - 'a wno can who to cooperate an - A ' - ; -arA : most . ftamftst and sinr!Ar in movement.: iwery one S denouncing th : perfidy of the attend this meeting are urged to i Republicanr ; bossers, -are some write a once to Mr. W. ET. Nichol i -of the best Republicans in the son, president of Chamber of Com r nation today. - They are called in- merce Hickory, Jt. a It is to be ; surgents, or traitors, because their hoped McDowell wiU be well rep- tinnemanMC will nnt. narmit thAm I tw vuv wuvi u. - - ' ' . - . . i longer to suffer the wrongs imposed upon, the masses of the people or condone the evils of privileged 7: 1 legislation. "-i 'i r week. School opened at Vein Moun tain Monday, July 18th, with an enrollment of 17v " Miss Ada Brown teacher. Sheriff Bryant in Trouble. Morganton, July 24. Reports Don't forget the Farmers' - In-1 coming from Mitchell county state stitute Saturday, August 6th, at that the present sheriff . of the the court house in Marion from 10 county, j. W. Bryant, is. in trou a. m. until 4 p. jn. Everyone ble over a settlement with the corn should make it a point to; attend, missioners. It appears that the li. .Tate uenton -ox uiariotte u a visitor here and will enjoy the moun tain air, scenery and viand for awhile. He is an undergraduate of North Caro lina UniTersity. Mrs. Martha McCurry and her daugh ters are guests of her. mother, Mrs. Malinda Taylor. W. M. Owens Is in poor health. Jiaeph Propes was repairing his mill last week. Zzso. HOUCK. VOOD The most wood for the money is what you want. This is what you get when we fill your order. One two-horse load good dry stove woocT, placed in bed 10x22, for only $1.25. Orders filled after Au gust 1st. ' Pisco your order todsy. These hot days call for Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, H Screen Doors and Windows and J New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Cook Stoves. We have them all in stock. WchiTc the beat SEWING MACHINE oa the market for the price Don! forlct our Moutrt and Hay Rakts. D n The Price Hardware Co. n " 11 rfrt ii ii 1 Carson Bros: Caert Street ICS. mmmmMu mm h. 'fi 'SM Some time in the near I as interesting matters will bedis-1 commissioners claim to havV dis- fntnrn wa will attemnt a review of cussed for both the farm and home; covered what appeared to be Sugar Hill News. -Sugar mil. July 23. B. P. Morris made a business trip to Glenwood but Saturday. - Alien Harris, who has been sick 'a short time with typhoid fever, develop- Horse Shoeing REPAIRING . W do it prompt fx W da it HJht 'Oxtr price an irecwonoa - ir , - .i s thA it Mndition' o shortage in the sher ;can 'politics, u-; : . ; - A. or girl living on a farm and The Progkess. will give a:, six months I A a wro a rro an AvnApf. ,MAnnf.nt I t Hon. J. M, Gudger, the Demo l'fiSSi: employed to go over the books and ;rati clnressiorTal nominee in second best loaf teked under , the Dntil he finishes Tiis examination cratlC . congressional . nominee in conditions. . : - ;; Rnri maw v:a rftnort- nothing will CJongressman Grant, ; his Repubh- . Major Charles M. Steadman was fers to resign and if he i in debt can opponenii, ior a joiui uisoua i uoiuiuaiu ,iui wukich , iu 1 10 ine county to vurn oyec ail nis sion. ": wrant win naroiy accepw . imin msvncv y esieruajr. , . . lyivij y uuw .ww. ed pneumonia last Friday and died 8un- . m : . . ma . - r t , f I . urs accounts. j.ney nouneo nis There wiU be a fifth Sunday meeting Donasmen and at a meeting a : iew i at Bethel next stmday. "J. C. Crawford has gone to Marion oa business. '."-..;" Dr. J. F. Jonas of Marion was a pro-1 f essional visitor last Saturday. Mr. Floyd Morris of Nealsvflle was la Sugar mil to see a patient last Sunday. Miss Lizzy Wftson was shopping La Marion last Friday. - . If any of yocr farm tooU. or machinery are out of order and need repairs, bt pet theos rUht "We repair anything from a lawn mower to a threahing machine,. Carson's Shop Court Street. aVaBflBsSMaSaBSasaSa w aJaaaSLa4WaaftaaSBkjLa Dr:R. H.DRAKE, Specialist ( . tsri bt in . Marion, at the Eagle Hotel Monday, August 1 to 7 Practice limited to the eye, and rtf ex cexruus trouble due to eye strain. Dr. Drake has brro cotsitg to Msrica for ts yran and guaranteca ssltsfaetioo la all csj soDrpud by hies. CONSULTATION JTREB Now I wsnt it distinctly etxnlocd tSst I do rxrt claim to curs evtrythiejr with prcpcHy aJfci'.rd fasar, bsl am will! eg to go oa rtcord witbct fear of ctrviktioo when I say that all cases of chrocks bJacie, ttrrxKxztm spoU float itJg before tSo vision, sod ItcMtg aid bcrairg -aatioos of the eyra, can Dearly always tw esre-l by c'' corrrclly Cttrd to rrliera the eye itrsia. If yoQ iferla K3f way come) and sre rne a brief cocroluiko w.Q cral yoo nolhbg. There will be rxi gxesa wotk al yesr exprrj. ..; Ilemember, I personally gsrsi sslafsctioo la all cases where I prracribc glttrt. , tt D. R. tL DRAICE, Marion, N. C. ffffffffffflHlftffftffflelflfFfHHftH'tllHItffTe n o Q