MARIONS PROCniOG . McDowell publishing, co. Marion, N. C ; ' S. E. WHITTEN, Editor and Prop. Entered at the Postoffice at Marion, N. C as aeoond class matter. TERMS t omiTBAS, ... - Six Months, - -. - " THKtt MOUTHS, . Strictly In Advance! $1X0 500 MARION. N. C., . AUG 4 1910. Would it improve puus uo , w a.v - - - tit TtMfioi.ieaKcnlnfAlvl uuttct. v - i indespensable to the pie proposi- f tion isnt it? It is a fact worth notice both the News ana Observer of -r I Raleigh and The Uharlotte JNews MifAi tn "thft Ta Neve irir " and xr ..nil Kaaa auu not Miss Lie JNeve. JLUeir versions i - . . I are absolutely correct . In this issue, will be found the announcement of MrV W.M. (Jood- son for the Democratic nomination I for the office of sheriff. Mr. (Jood- son is a progressive merchant, and I a good business man. rie is well known to the people of all parts of j the county and will be strongly endorsed for the position he seeks. The card of Mr. R. L. C. Gib son announcing his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Register of Deeds appears in this issue. Mr. Gibson has been an active and unselfish worker for the party in all the campaigns of the last twenty-five years. - He is One of the .county's best citizens and is' well qualified for the office. The Charlotte News 'tells of a preacher whose services wUl here- i i j aj ? jt I alter uo couuucibu in . utter uhtk- r . , "r ness that the young people maybe being trained on. political affairs, mention to be held in the court attracted there." But there is She realizes her essential impor- house at Marion on Saturday, An even a drawback then just sup- tance in both political and. ihdus- gust 20th, at 2 o'clock, p. m. for nose the nrearher should in the trial affairs. the purpose of nominating candi- course of a sermon exclaim "Let 1wmi Via li rrV" onrl 4"Vt a larvatrw I llaanan U " MUU IOU1HU1 I were to turn on the juice. In this issue will be found the cardof Mr. Thomas Morris an nouueing .his candidacy f of re , nomination to the office of Clerk of Superior Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention. Mr. Morris has made one of the best and most popular Clerks the county has' ever had.' Attentive to busi ness, obliging and courteous, every- body feels at home in doing busi- ness with him and knows business in his care will be correctly done. " The election by the County Ex ecutive Committee of J. W. Win borne, Esq., as chairman will be found to be. a wise selection. This position calls for tireless effort and wise direction. Mr. Winborne e " nas aiready made a reputation among those who know him for great industry and real abilitp, and while he is a comparatively young - man, ne has become well known in the county and has made friends very rapidly. It will not be diffi cult for bim to show that tireless work is effective in politics ss well as in the practice of law. Mn W. W. Neal has been appointed secretary and a great part of the woWill fall upon him. - He did spienaia service two years ago, These two gentlemen are already at work; and we predict a wise, energetic and successful campaign, Bucking in Georgia,, Tommy -Watson, democrat, of . Georgia, is fully carrying out the 'old Georgia adage' "Buck up to me and I'll buck up to you, etc'! He has jumped upon Congressman . Hard wick with both feet opposing u is t renomination for i rncrrpa Watsonin an open letter brands Hardwick a thief, burglar and sel- l1lT W?r' - ; ,. :' .:--fish promoter; saying further that 'iu i i - C v.m 1 ' Hardwick has secretly increased ;;Char,es Laaghridge for JShenff. v his',6alajryv!:li !.,Many democrats throughout the V - On the other hand Hardwick ?ounty liave been urging Charles goes after Tom some fiercely when I W. Laughridge to run for Sheriff. I tract with the Southbound, Winston he accuses Tom Of - swindling an I He has the . matter ; under advise- 8416111 railroad company, - Is spending a old Confederate, soldier- -. "Hardwick is going - to ' make a SDeech August 6th right in Wat, " son's ,;camp " -:denouncifig ' him. Wnerennon Watson expresses - his iritention td be present' s the tirade-all of which is Georgia ; like. .HoWever, Hon. Thomas ex friends be present, for he saystiiat present, for he says that the deserters anddonothmgs are J- -a- :-, J l 1 i. u iu.v nil t i u .iTa la . .1 i . u ill -r- u.uc,.. Auis 19 BiJ.iue mure iuienWa.ui wKeti lira review f Ihl Situation we and that Hon. Thomas Watson I is 'A brabd new democrat and - itf'rt would seem tBat Tom is immediate- gig to see i t- grow, to see it Ici ly in for pure politics that is if Drove to se it advance In all the Watson is rint ana naruwic is : njrbt ana iiarawicK wrong as to respective accusations, tl n l iu l ' The Passing of the lOtlV; If the 10th congressional district is republican it is . abnormally so, if for. the time it is within the re- publican columa it is illoeically so, for -in no wise does, such1 a condi- tion follow. There is no: path trodden by republican achievement and virture leaving a. wake that if fKft temporarily gaining a foot-hold in upbailding of our town. If a town j; u. Gardner, of the Aliia matters if the th- ARtrict thev ftasilv mistake it h hnilt nn unci nlxeed in I U l. - for a strong noid, tne Sllgnt puisa-I .. ... - . J . . .. . . 1 tion tnev misread tasrmir it lor in- fcfl strenirth when in realitv it is bat the quivering struggle which fe J,S StK - ekA Via nAirtlA in "tria ' QyntK 4fr m - a. it- .!:' wu wu, long ume -even alter toecivn war i., . . rhoeo coif camo rwirt-irloriQ TirtrrjicrAO I ? r.r. : 1 "V "fKLM. out tne people even in aistractionj would not generally accept The interests of .the republican party and the interests of the South are 1 generally incompatible, there is no blend to be had whereby the South is will be benefited, for that would mean the elimination of republican selfishness rior to tfye civil war the im mediate; South held . the political sceptor, which. scepter was lost be-1 townships . and precincts' of Mo cause of -virtuous . wielding and Dowell County are hereby notified thro nd ill xsso. -: In the same sure that, on Saturday, the 30th day of manner in which general history July, at(a called meeting of the repeats itself likewise political his- Executive Committee the under tory repeats. - signed chairman was authorized to mi.: o: ...t , . I ine oouin - nas oeen aormant I pouncal attairs, for Itie past de- cades, bhe has attended more par- ticularly to industrial furtherance, II' ' at V "L A I Dal 10686 "ustnes re aloot and ncrr nnw tliA nirfes rtf " t.K Rnnt.W imI The tide of immigration is being ranidlv directed southward and no I longer westward. Once these peo-1 I pie, being dwellers in the land of I Dixie, see conditions they will ap-1 preciate them, they too, , will . fell I i the heartbeating rythm of a pure I and applicable policy.' They will revolt at the idea of the old repub- lican prescription of vitrial and vice. -. The political atmosphere of the South is clear,- the cosual observer, if he be not biased can easily see, why the South is overwhelmingly democratic The South has ever been demo cratic, therefore it cannot be .that it is the outcome of hatred for our brothers . beyond the Mason and Dixon line. .We fought for States rights . against ' centralization. Which is the more democratic! -.These facts are self evident. tnere is nothing new presented, but this fact can readily, be dis-1 cerned that if the republicans - are sadly in need 'of Irecruits for re- habilitation they must needs jourr ney in another direction. ; The 10th North Carolina congres-1 sional district-is auiverinz and passing ,in :iheibitter throes of "T "r" iiiawi jawuu. ... lucre solicitor from the 14th Judicial district, has been no republican succor lent were present and addressed the oon Ten it, the infant dies of "starvation, tion." . " You ask why 'such. ; is true true J- W." Metcalf, chairman of the B for the simple reason the republi- Phlican Executive eonamittee, has,is- an r0f i.; y- can nartv has done nothing for th 1 ZT w ??' T ;t No Fight Pictures for Marion in an interview with Mavor H. 1 with Mayor H. , Dysart, the mayor declared tnat be is dead set against the ex- hibition of the Jefferies-Johnson hght pictures a consequence the local fight fans will have to m elsewhere than Marion to witness 5epialcti.on of sPectacu will mail probability be a candidate before the. democratic county convention. Democrats. r " " Box Supper. There will be a ;box supper at chrireh.-. Eftrthorlr ?n. church, v Everybody I both old aed young. The I U !IIL...I1 . I 4, . w i . . . ihbs w . vckm pa.. - . w-j .. oulw! BKh .; - . wiaajauxrKl. - The, Way to Bulla a Towrii ;ye presume that every citizen 0' r town is. or oucht to be, da- interasta that Dertain to a town I faterestg that pertain to a town I thrift and enterprise. Again we presume that if you, who live in yoUrtown, make no effort in thU direction, who, if there are any benefits accruing therefrom would be the recipients thereof, J. we do not: believe our neighbors, who have no paraicular interest in our welfare, would be so very mindful of us si to give us a boost by in- UDff .t1L. ' tbt wnnU he for the growing OTnuiuuu it win w u.i.r 1 inwt An f tKrtcA whfi I i lire in it and if you wish to know thtk ctAr in hft taVftn wft will cite a I Talk it up; ite interests, its hi th. ff a iw nwu a vmj patronire hnill hill and will be employed in . " u.a j .. lis luercuuu UiU ctorj OUWiyiUQ stanea as iar sui. aii i. i . ?. ! H a veruso in m uewsuvpon, uo wup 16003 ,w tnose wno come amo i you ana never ie mu iirvuuivjr f"! .E r Remember that every dollar you mvest in a permanent improTement I that much money at interest, I "u HJ"WUV:U "ui nn vrra r uiwn. . - . .... ... - namnrrtir Pnnnfv Prtnvnt!nn. ' . Ane lemocraw.oi me various i ti'a, a . 3 caii tne precinct mecun ana coijn-1 dates: - rrecinct meetings to be held at I the various voting places in the I Lunty on J? naay, Angus imtl - m . V M a A . I A t Q ftVlrtrV. n m fVinntv fVn. I dates for the various county offices, The Executive ' CommittM. for I the precinct meetings, adopted the " W third plan in the Democratic plan of organization; that is, that the Democrats of each precinct should meet at the .time and place stated and select delegates to the: County I Convention, which said delegates should come to - said Convention umnstructed. ... . This August 1st; 1910." J. W. Wdtborxx, Chairman of Democratic Executive Commit tee of McDowell County. Rutherford Democrats -Nominate Ticket.-Other Items. Special to MArtoa Tmynm. Batberfordton, August 2. Ia the Democratio county convention held in Butherfordton yesterdsy afternoon the following were nominated: For repre sentative, Attorney H. Craig Richard son, of Forest City; for clerk of the Su perior court. M. O. XXckersbn: for trM. urer. A. B. Teltom for mister at rWt J - for sheriff, a . Tsjiner; for ?mnty lriiitendent, Prof, a - H. fm Si!? Young; for county oosnuaissionen. J. P. Jones, B. Ledbetter and W. Q. Harria: Hon- Gudger, Jr.; of Asheville, candidate for Congress t from the 10th BU IOT "V" county sued a call for the convention to be held In Butherfordton. Monday, August22. Oongwesmsn John l ' ; a Congress, is expected .to deliver an ad- t the convention. - - . tti n ..u short visit to Marion quite recently. ---- iiamnw, VUUiBUJ, Miss Baxle MerTiH, of Marion, . after spending several days with ' relatives nere murn.ed, nome : :" V ,:" : i " " Dr. Gaston B. Justice, one of Ma- 2!? S? P011 tly riU w mh wavuaca, ajmmcj nntlHr A.-jn tice, whohsr been uangerously- ill -of pneumonia.: . - C.:W Laughrldge and ""j. GUker, two of Marion business, men, anil pro-, gressive citizens, -were visitors In Buth erfordton last week. . C. D. Geer, of Norwood. hr,)iuiy. few days in Bntherfrdtcrn.' Moonshiners In TroubleTl t . . . v a., mat itevenue OQcers J. Mc -r .... . : - ""a Broom and D. A. Kanipe made a ton and Wislv. VfH. r" and aritedfifteen who In &tbe ,V- Court at Biz raid on moonshinera" tim, V- f"? August 8th. It .c',m. Vnat abo eight of these . mpn . will FtA Mo.3a.J Itencftd tn rU.;t..i: COTTOfi MILL'NEWSj Prflrilrient South Carolina Mill Man Visits Marion flint Other;-;; ' Personal News. J. Q. Potter. secretary and I rr as- urer of AheGaffney Manutaihrin company, of Gaff ney, S. C, i-ald Superintendent HF: Little a visit Tuesday The mill with which Mr. Potter is connected U one of the largest in South Carolina. It has about WOOspiodlei tod 2,000 looms, Mr, Potter expressed himself, as being favorably impressed with the local milL Dave Hill, of Spar Unburn, was visitor at the mill Tuesday. . taam entnnA nsad at th mill ' steam engine useo at mo niiu was here for two days this week in- ntinir the enirina. He fonnd the .nrin in trood condition. O, T. Bradley.d family, of . . . . tM n inL i hM r in people M tj-u-iu $ ,-!. t . u ..u. , v,wv,y MW "vy m we engine room. . pt. RKn .Kn fn vr.l Ir1 worked at the various furniture factories in Marion. Is now night watchman at the milL G.Tavlor. Jr.. of Richmond vuivea xi. x. xiuao, a. uio mm some days ago, Mr. Taylor U machinery aalcsman and' visits all n$ K rr). n m. Ha says that the Marion mill ranks with the best. Sugar Hill News.? Ulm Qara Morris, of Unioo MHU at, - a t- . . . uiwuiiunuiwiwni Uit otiirdsT and StindiT - vislUd reUtivca het Ust Bataxday and Saoday. r - . W. If. WUson and Oca Crawford at oaurio. x orr 9 . J A V. . Jf f . A av . - 4I7 wens. CUude WCsoa visited rUU la Bntherfordtoa last week. . " ojmix uTiviora aucsoca vac oox sup per at Qknwood last 8atardsy xdgfrL He says there was zwt nvourh toxee to go aronnd, hot he evidently found attractiou. Addle Jtorris aad sister, Uaye, of Union KIUs, visited relatives here last week. Urs. J. a Crawford visited her daughter, lira. J. F. Jonas, at Ifarlon Bev. D- J. Boat has hegna a series of meetings at Eethel this week. I need not teu about the Fifth Boa day meeting at Bethel. I think you all were there.' - OoL E. B. Bright, .of 8Ungy VaBey. is a weloome guest this week. " Bnowbauu CHARACTER. Character ic the Ssmond that scratches erery o(hcrstonc.vBeitoL Charscter n Kimsn cxhxre ia its best form. - It it moral order -e . bodied m the mdnridosl Men of character are Dot only the con science of society, but ta every wtS governed stale they are its best mo re power, f or it it moral quslaes m the taain which rule the world. 7Ssmuel Sffl3fi Free trip ta Appalachian Expoai tion. , Dont miss this opportunity Send in the nomination coupon and can .win with a little effort. CiiCUll, ClKCHniLD 1 CHID 1ULT1 ctJxcnnrLA aocrrt - In effect May Sth. lSlOXastern 8Und ard Time. - Southbound . Ka 5 No. S Daily ; Daily Dante " Dp St. Paul ' Dp 8 pee re Ferry Dp Johnson City Dp 'ingpta e:uam lSpm 844au tAO pnriOJl am eoom 114 am eJ pn jim pm . tM p m IS JS9 p xa 9 M p m S .OO p m Erwio :T w Ar Erwln ' AlUpass Dp Ar Dp Dp Dp Ar ari AIUt 6:1S a m S.-0S p m 8J57 am 4:44 pm Spartanburg Haw am- iopn . Northbound, Ko.e No. 4 Daily Dally Spartanburg Dp 4:10 m -16.23 am Thermal .. Dp Marion Dp 6:11 pm 11:00 am 64 p m ItAi m m 8:30 pm )09pn Lltapsss Ar No. a Altapass , . Dp Erwin . , Ar Erwln . Dp Johnson City ..Dp 8peers Ferry Dp St. Paul : Dp Dante- . - Ar .00 am 109pm Baa am 423pm 8:15 a m 427 p m 8:m 8303pm 109 am CM pes 12:17 p m 823 p m 12:45 p m IJOpn Aaajuura train serrico oauy Driwern TV . K a. t a r . . making connections between ail poiats norm, east, west and sontn. . -The. Carolina. Clinch field ' and Ohio Bailway, "CllnchBeU Bouie," renervee the right to-vary from the time shown above without notice to th tmUic Patrons are requested to spply to near eav agent tor deHnlte anrormstion or to , v . Chas. T. Maxdxx 1 r.r.Jtr.i J. UXKPXON . . . Tloe-Pres. & Trafilc Urr. : Johnson CStv. lena. I have just added to my stock of - Merchandise a line of Childrens Wash . Dresses at 50c, $L00 and $L40 the dress, almost as cheap as ypu can buy . the material saying nothing of the cost of making. Am carrying the above . . dresses from 2 years to 14 years of age Come in and look them over. -New line of Trunks and Dress Suit Cases. - r j ANNOUNCEMENTS, rom TsxjLsrxxx. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the oCoe of Treasurer ot VfcDowWl county, suhct ta the action cf the Democratie Conwntiosu 1 sxa cxirr and probably for life, and I am not able to perform manual labor. X promise If nominated aad elected to give ell of my time to the dutUe of the cfio. aad will eerve sil the people with tbc bU of my aUiitT. he a. pottat. rom I hereby announce myself a candidate for the oCce of Treasurer ot VcDowa Ceunty subject to the actloo of the Democratio oooveatloa and If itotslaat- ed and elected wCl try to eerve the po pie to the V4 of my abQity and dact the oSoe la at J. D. Li re i i tt ax. For Trcuurtr. I hereby announce myself a can didate for. the odea of County Treasurer of McDowell County. subject to the actioa of the Demo cratio County Convention, T. Y. L.TTUE- Old-Fort, July 15, 1910. For Sheriff. To the Voters ot lie Dow U Couatyt I hereby announce myself a candidAte tor the nomtnatioa of SberLS; snbct to the actioa of the Democratic temvea tioo, promisiag the people If noralasled and elected I will eervt them faithfaHy. Xleepecifully yours, - W. U. OOODGON. . For Rtgittcr of Deedx. At the reqatst of vetrn of varioue parts of the county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the ofice of XlrtrisUr of Deeds,- subject to the action of the Democratio primary or COU TVS tioo. If nocninaled I will use my bw e Sorts to erenre my eiectiao, and it eiecrea wuj sinre to lAiizuttiiT ca my amy ana u uve usee sa w.u as tletster the county has ever had. anj ILL. C 0 11530 Aux. 5. If 10. . .. - For Clerk. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the ofioe of Oerk of the Superior Court of If cDowtll county, suhct to the actioa of the Democratie cooTcnlioo or primary. - THOMAS UG&2U3. Ajput 4, 1810. V . A.MEUIGAH BeAUTI oonsCTs - : "dainty asi t m mttmrn m , -Crt" Anywotaaawho J-J" . chooses caa ia t w- Vm ber per- 1 a J farm I TKtv with litUe eilort cr expense. piuiTrx si.oo xa vim It frill Ijove the appeairsnee of any gown that b worn over It. KAU'Tizoo com CO. tjKltmve KUXtrt " KAULMA2O0. UlCt. ; . Because ere believe la theta we sell and rcoossaead McCall S. Conlcy c 3 DOC Pratt's Poultry Regulator Don't let your Hones. Coirs Hex arid ChkXcm c to poor when ytm can keep them healihy arxS la coed o. di-aoo by tnvesunx onJy 25 or 50c ki ArL-r cr f W try Rcxtator. Every paclixe rirxnacd. You can rcju tirdy sxrc your horac from Cxdr.t of Coc by one cr nto dosca of FVin't Vcerirury Ccic care Ercry tc truiranteed. ' . Te have all the remedies needed to keep yo-3 fci a ux'c money rcikir.r rxaisca with yocr tr.lsuls ar4 fo-Jli. One lady trih ta ihi! the cocey the ipendi for Pnn's Povlzy Reftilator aod Etx Producer trinci her xr&vzr rcrmt tha any Investment ahe toxkes. You try it too. Get It tt the MARION BARGAIN HOUSE, n nr DOC The Price Htrdwirr Ca I desire to uy ihii the Mtjesc Rxxt it a3 you cUira he U. U Is a bcaury. Tc hite to cxh xi ccsnfort frea iL : Ii htm a 52 rxHcti UZex fu3 cf rr ncrt ihta 100 feel froca the bccr. It -a heii ihii wizr aad take the nktst txtcuia you ever nv In ten clnuiei. Te wrri noch ln better. '. Tc hire Lhroyn the Rxrxe we were trytex ca of Lhebotisc 1 bcrei-uh ter4 you check for Cih i-todd niP& ' E F. WATSON. Wc hare Just received thU letter from lr. Wataoa the Ltw parser of D. E. Hndxiaa. to when we ship ped & 2Lajestic Rxnc. - u I i no r i lot; 5 CD C MUtlllUtlliimmlmt.iiiiii.i.MM.m,.,,,,, Dr. R. H. DRAKE, Specialist . csTfif rwTTiafn rn -; ; . Marion, at the Eagle Hotel Until Auguat 14th - " . Practice limited to the eye, and rei!ex cerrou trouble dae to eye atrain. Dr. Drake tax Ua cnlz: to Mxrica for tt ytra acd cxarartrea astlsfsetlca ia all csxca :ct;u4 ty Ha. - COfSULTATIOt JTllEB 't ow lwxst it dUrxUj cmlDod thai I do o4 cralra to csra trerythir ita frcrlj air.itrd clxu, Ut aa wlut5tor!o ca rtccrd wix-t fear of ecctrxiiciko wbca I ixj tist exsra of chtc kn Jtche. turret, Ji . I!. 1 - f . 1 .... " ueioru u.9 vu;ca, sl lich:r- ard tcre Ittlcri C)f lV mrm m . . .f - . t ... a . a-.i 11 Pll 1 - - " -.j,vv,-3tJXJCt-i.Dmi cociciuUca mal cost ycu couMrjr. Tbcre will Uftnm work at joar ctrr InfxuUr, I rrsccil'y grsrxLVws xtll.faclloa b x3 cxp3 where I prescribe cUtt. Dr. R. FL DRAICE, Marion. N. C. DOC mt ii J DOC Ce, N. C II Bcrrar. . Tu!v VI iQin iidl UlVdrt; l0. DOC ij aivcjB Cf. ctrej It c . . ;'v,94 ' jca li-rr ta an? s t s s t e """""iiiiiiiMiiMT.iiimiiiimniim,,,,