. 1 MARION PROOREGO THE PLANOF PRE; "" ' T ""isiiL- j t ... -nn-rw -r rrra i 11 aw ...- "'miUmStm 4 L wrr-X a- . ?a-jiiMrmi, v J jmmmmmmmmmmk L-ssssaK L ..rssmBTsmmmmmmmJL FARMERS' INSTITUTE PUBLISHED JETBfif f Mcdowell publishikgico. Marion, N(Xt -:;V; S. E. WHITTEN, Editor and Prop. fClflCTt MEETINGS An Interesting Meeting Yhich Was Largely Attended by Farmert and Their Jamllicj.:,:.- .- Entered atthePostoffice at Marion. N. C. as second class matter. , Chairman Winborne Says That Pre cincts May JJisregard Plan Sug- - " gested if Desired. - v" To the Chairmen of Precinct Ex- v ecufive Committee of McDowell .f r g-t .SSff ?75?--". : " Gentlemen:- '0Z;Y's-U'. '""y--1 have learned that th$re is some A very successful and Interesting farmers' institute was held in Marion last Saturday, and a num ber of farmers and their families were present to hear discussed the most improved methods, of farm- TBBMSi ; ON YlU, - . ' SIX MOUTHS, ' - - thbh Mouth, - - Strictly In Advance! SUM -60c SCHOOL BUILDING. FOR BRIDGEWATER U Will be- Complete by-September - Oht Other-New-, Bridge water. An. 8 a P. and IL F. TaU attended the Farmer' Iattltut In Marion Saturday. . . Fred Yelton was In Glen Alpine Sat urday on business.' Mist Cor Loa Butt, of Garden dt y. and. who has been na visit of aewal weeks here to her aunt. Mr. IL 7. Tate, returned to her home Friday, r A. a Abernethy of Hickory spent the latter sart of last we herewith re-1 MARION. N. C. AUG U, 1910. Jnrr ThnrA wflrfl men and women disc6ntent iasomef theprwincts here f M0Jtr county. in the uounty as to the plan sn2- m. A mAn at ,n the Mannfac vi vrauou a ssuw ajAuwuu w w . i w A . w , m a . . v . - I turers wuu iwuu wuuo wo i laures, ; r ? or wio vAiuuKjr Aur uuiuiuji wio rathered in the court bouse. An ice cream snyper gotten np trr w, cimt meetings. m n "n-I LrerlT and others, was riren oa the ; It was the purpose of the Axm-1 . institntes o state, ooen- lawn of the old Thornton home, Friday . .... , m m mittee only to suggest this plan or IL"" ; .uu Wik. ; ?! Republicans Trying to Name Nomi- method in order that a ticket might L uniaae address on "Soil Im- aWanoe oHood-cream and cake. nees of the Democratic Party, be chosen narmoniousiy. . it mere ppovemen He thought very lit- which sold rery readily, realign the la a i . ar a.L.i r i m. j . a wiu aiw &aT a on was omivi7 It is said on good authority (and to abide by the suggestion, : it has . - . .Tv., . UWA'ifU a SeMfMvJ tli mih a " - ': nUht.ATur.lSth. These enienainmeou noooay is surpriseu w ucar m uia i - - . r , i grow more green . crops, 7 as peas, e said that the farmer should irrftw mnrft mrMn prom. as nnaa. i . t . .i j . i . a certain prominent xcepuoiican is y ciover, retch and soja beans, and chool bnlldini now bela erected near .'known to have lately approached a candidates and to instruct its dele- taro these crops under instead of Brldgewater and which Is axpected to , .prominent Democrat and urged gates, accordingly. ? The - precinct taking them off the Und". " Further be computed and ready for school the : him not to permit a certain Demo- b a unit initself and has the power he 1&nd u lm y. JA. t rL. x A- t. - to disregard the Dlan sninrested bv , , . ... Mlas Annie SUcey spent Bat onlay . crM w Luumi "r " w " tW muJ ea.permanenuy in uu , way ana 8una4y beme folks near N.ho county pmce. vuut ne was mis- 7,- 7 without the use of commercial f er - ; man fMe timA and if tn-wiu oi tne voters aemanas found himself talking to a MAN v Any precmct wnicn instructs who does not believe in "juggling" its delegates to the Uounty Uonr : with the other side.) .: : r f vention will be respected ; and . its WHY should a REPUBLICAN instructions observed and accepted, fait- thi w.ir tr a DEMO- It is not the disposition of the CRAT! Does anybody believe Executive Committee to over-ride such a thing has been done here- the will of single voter, but rath toforet to see to it 'tiiat the people may How is it that a Republican have the best ticket nominated in should have anything to say about the most harmonious manner. ' - who shall be : nominated by the I wish you would give this let Democratic party for any office! ter as much publicity as possible This is worth thinkmor over, and so that'any opposition that there talking about , Many Republicans in McDowell countyv it is believed, are impa tient, to say the least, with the ' "co-noodling' of Republican lead ers with Democrats, and honest 'and "self respecting Democrats, l feeling that in days gone : by (not so long ago as to be forgotten) that a , certain prominent Republican was responsible for the nomination of the candidate for the most im portant lace on the. Democratic ucKei ior" certain , reasons are is may be quietedTnd in order that nate(j no Democrats may nave cause ior ill feeling or complaint. . Tours very truly, : J. W.JWlNBOBNE, T Chm. Dem. Ex. Com. tilizers and stable manure, A. L. French, a most successful farmer of Rockingham county con cluded the' morning session with si very interesting talk' 'on Com Culture.!1 His speech was highly instructive and a source of infor mation for many of our farmers. At the afternoon session ' Mr. French made a striking talk on "Improving the Farm with live Stock... He urged the fanners to raise more and better live stock. He said the scrub should be elimi- Bob Hodge Is rial ting his mother la Knoxrilla, Tenn. - Tate and Mlseea Daisy ad VlfUn Simpson and Hettie Pitta, and a number of others from Giea Alpine attended the ice cream tapper her Friday night, - t)hJyoa Miss Qneox how ccmldyoo be eo hard on Dr. Cook ? th tho.he may deeerr all that is coral to him. Somebody in trod ace ,u to Taaline" and "Cupid." - Jack and Jtlll Nebo Notes. . - Mia & L. nemdon. who has been riaitins her stater. Mrs. M. Ia KajVsr. returned bom Thursday. Tf ..3 a - I a. n. xuu ana wu tat oaturaaj wc it cost no more to feed the . w..vi.. .v Lv best thoroughbred than to - feed a point. s- scrub. He said meat, could , be MissSwannle DaTia, who has been raised here as cheap as in the west visiting friends in Nebo, returned home or elsewhere, that the monev that Sunday. CLOTHEHG .RScidle-'iio -Me; On' August the 16th twill have with me an-Expert Cutter, -representing Hamburger Bros. Sc Co., of Baltimore, MA; who will have a very attraciivc. r line of samples for you to select from. The. Cutter has been, with me two seasons and takes.; special pains in taking measures, so you do not run any risk in getting a fit " Do hot forget. the date, August the sixteenth. Y7 - n 1C 01 goes out of the State each year for horses.- mules, sheeb and meat MAYOR GAYNOB IS SHOT should be kept at home. J. S. Jeffrevs srtoke verv enter- Discherged City Employe Fires Bui- tainingly on VFarm Poultry and let Into Back of His Head. I Butter Making." He instructed Hobokenl N. J..'An 9. Wil- his audience on the modern meth- liam J. Gaynor, mayor of New of butter making and poultry tained a number of their friends oo but Ber. M. L. Kaylcr attended the ferenc at Forest dry. Mlseea Cora WDaoa and brother Oecar and Todd McCafl f Aahibrd rlsiUd r- lativa here but week. . Jeese Bancorn. who has been ricitinx his slater, Mrs. Jean Wearer, returned home Thursday. The MIae Ann! dZIghtfallT eeter- ANNOUNCEMENTS T t York C5tv.was shot nd eriouslv . Holmes, SUte For waeaay sight la bosor f taelr fuat sick ana urea oi jaepuDiican ieaa-1 - . : - . . . , 7 ers dabbling" or trying to ble" in the affairs of the : 1 true or not, that a certain few aJemocratsare;m elbow touch'! y .withcertain "proniinentLBeimbli j cans in politics (in secret politics, "slates,, n " v. s . tv.ii m ta rr inraredtodsr u he :.bont to estry ws present tunadet Ulk w. k OS! start Epe:,. shooting Ut afternoon seoa. - . SLSir took place on . ue uner - vviineim "w im.Uk wum xhoa preeent wer Mia Swanni Dans, der Grosse, oa which he : was to were ma ?J Mlss I H. Jamison Vall Wbmie and atelle . WHson, sail. The mayor was hurried to Mrs. J S.' Jeffreys on the In- Donnl and Annl Cobb, of Morganton; H4. Tur--- TTu-t : u flnence of. the Woman . in tK Florence Hunter, Mabel Boyd. Eaeie w - For Clerk. V . I hereby announce, myaalf a candidate for the oOo of Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of McDowelL . Aug. a. ltlO. H. J. Btraorjc. For Sheriff; " : v I hereby, announce myself a candidal forth oCW of ChertaTof McDowWl county ubject - to the mctLaa of the Dctaouatio conTentlon. " '- . T. IL TU km, IT. - in a critical condition. j Home," The Importance of Home are FTwmphm. Era Etacy; Meears. Jarper and Emeat Bjke. WHliam Boone. Earl Horner. Frank Wilson, Harry Hunter, His assailant was J.J. Gallairer, 1 Sanitation," and other subject Der I . . . - - m , ,. I ' t - imoj Miafc UTO ITIHI. Am Will 58 years old. He was a discharged ""0aT to thff arm home. - All the Raymond Hemphill. James Uawa and I bebarassinx to sxjmqpeople to -i ; where some believe How many other Democrats D moTe 1717 ."T.T r'ZZ . .1 revenge lor nis dismissal several ww enure ses- - .tt ' r " . , ,r of fmwraM-p 7S1t t watchman in the department of Ptobe on0 tiiose present. ' Swmaai Caru Marion, docks. - Pinkie Tate was awarded After refreahment wer serrd . th - The mayor was surrounded by -he'prir for the best loaf of bread guest wer Invited Into tn parlor to nartv of f nVnds baked by a woman or srirl livinff Mndnbi Tortytwo-and"TJpJlnka r i - - . I Tv l .ri . - on a farm. Miss KitDysart also SrSi , . v t it. Oliv and Minnie Annl. EraBtacy, v. " . - hi., -. Esteu Wllaon. Mabel Boyd, Eeai oiany or our iarmers were here I Hemphill, Donnl and Annl; Cobb: and the Visitors were impressed by I Meeara. Jasper and Erneat 8yfce.' WD- thesrood attendance and IntArMt I nam Boone, Frank Tniaon. Jee Bau- I ma foetid ' Kni ..w - : com. Raymond Hemphill, Harrr Has- . ... " ' ."u:. Garland Franklin, CacarWOsoa. Todd lnsuroies are or uncaiculable bene-1 McCaU and Thoma Was:enaid. of Aah- - NOTICE. 1 - ' I have for some time been try ing to gtt those owing taxes to come In and pay. " There are a great many that have not paid. It will i i" ' i . nave Deen approacnea oy promi nent Republicans in an effort to prevent the - nomination of this man, and of other good men, by I ' the Democratic nartv: in the hnnA l - -w r- L! ! of getting a Dendocrat of Kepubli- D1f Iam"y have their property adrertiaed, but I am forced to do so within &e next few days. If yoa don't want to be in the list yoa bad better I come in and settle. P. H. "MASHBUEK, ohtriix. DOC DOC 3 TO When You Feel Blue and your pocket book sctnts cooc to the Eart-in Houic, lor you can ttt taort aad tci . , tcr toods for the oncy there ihia any risoc a ." .- toira. . Kcrp your eye on ocrixk for vc arc coo - tiaofly !Terir. you foods at a prise yem in3 never rccret ptrisr Pick cp'ocr icciil Ur-t-ift nd r boce i A a troai tria ssd fJ hern as others have loae. - . - Carrie tocceua, MARiOW BARGAIN HOUSE, Mils'. W. y. IIBMTHILU rrop. f c3 n V K DOC DOC into office, nobody is in lean choosing knows. 'rC -Even an effort at such tactics a burning shame to. decency politics, and to any man who ' tries it, or who listens patiently,- or . wUhout scorn and disgust, t6 such ; suggestions. V- I ' . ' I ; Think of a soldier - who before ;the battle comes on goes to . the opposite side to "juggle" with the when shot from behind. One bul let struck him in the temple. He fell into the arms of. his wife. - The motive" for the attack, as given by Gallagher when he - was arrugned before Recorder- Govern, a few ; minutes after, the i . enemy which he is snnnosAd -tn W fight: Instead of listening him Wasn't porterhouse steak, either.91 ; : ' would he hot be bound and cast vfintb prison? - ".j OysartsyilieDotS. mi is ine remedy! It is the 1 . BysarteTille, Aug: 8. The reTiral "I came rover:re'to'pQtrthe I fit are being conducted by. the 1 ford. I Department of Arricnltnre. - ' I ; Mia Era Stacy gar an lc mrr 4 I Since t Kmie WitntA- wr supper In honor of her friend' J aeper. j t 4. - , k-mn tn .f. - -t asd William 8yk mo euiu a .waa. voa ;w anaeraxana I " wuw iur wr five years ago, interest Jn advanced agricultu fal methods has increased with each yearand the day when the institute is held is coming to 1 1TKUUITU1C, aux. o.- Alio IVTITHIl. :t applicati6n of the surgeon's' knife, meeting held last . week vat lysartrillel ? regaraea oy me iarmers as one j U if necessarvcnt it off .Tt'AVAI ?esnlted in one conversion, and- at the u mos- imporianv anaprobt- - This is evidenced by the number attending and by the way they ask questions, : and by the Improved methods of -farming 'which have, been adopted recently by numbers of the farmers. It shows further- ueorg Ajipi. Jr., gar a oano on Saturday sight : , Mia E telle. Wilaoa entertained quiU a number of her friends on last Monday night In honor of her gueata, 'af Law Bonnie and Annl Cobb, of Morganton. man in the Democratic party swear to mmseir tnat - be will not vote for thej nbhiraMonKp . wnose nomination he believes to ' be favored: by certain prominent She dated her conversion from last year. .; Mrs. Anna Taylor - is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Julia Klrksey in Mor- -Mrs. Barbara Kirksey of ' Morganton is vMtinK relatives here.' ; .-mar r:--w i . "- m ' v mi. reier jiunt nas piacea xxis saw . RepnbUcanstlt ktime : thatlRe j puouranspig .ana.mtie, should made toow that theiAtte protection of the farm, and .meddlmg into Democratic - : Jm the increased amount of yield. ryvwuic avuo-crawling OI luS 1 " -7 , . . .... saldtoKtoproving very much. ;. .r. Creek News. - .Raymond Queeii as the contract, to (looked. Creek; Aug, 8. Eev. Marie btdld an addition to - the Brsartsville I croarl '.n... a-. , - - - .- I . w raiuuu RUUUBT Mi snake in the giass Who hath eyes to see see. let him school buildings and to make any! seed ed repairs.' Sugar Hill Newt Sugar TTH1. Aug. 8. Ml Carry Bear er of Uree, visited Miss Mamie Craw ford last week. ; Mlse Iixzie Wllaon wa shopping la Marion last Saturday. -" - Miss Kate Green visited , her mother at Marion last Saturday. ; . Hello! Jack and Jill, Uncle Bub and all the other reader of th Progress) What do you think of Mjss Qn'mx , ac cusing me of displaying tuh IxhOTanoe and bellowing vulgarity t Isn't it shock Ingf ..Perhaps this was meant for Dr. Cook but it seems that" ah waa sharp enough to pick a time when . he li too DIXIE PHOTO : ;: Studio " now hxs one of the "best 'Photof rapben , , - x In the - State mnd guarantee all work equal to any. .k Call and see new , samples. Court Str e e t West of Mairu. Try a Package of Votan Coffee Th Ccjf on th DOC DOC J2y3ai9IO : . I far away to b heard 'from. "'Paulina, Fr esh " Ch ccsc Vcgcrtciblcs i a uery laree crowd." aaaea TOv tne announcement i .; ii--.-- r-. : i JTuaasaBaimeetiaz... lntrvMt .Ctn.waiau.u.a' t.l - - . 5 1 "w w wuiwiwnr. i-: . -v . - M. - . - . . , I I ... . . n uroccrj nr. are , column-rDri' R; BurXinrifoT 12Jolm BridlaymW maaw-mmi Lx??-. C590I. taught byMr any good to th country land if aaU Clerk and 'Mr. Fred MrBradley to Qlenwood is a Tew days. VHe has al- 3 red MxA. ta. singing U girls made Independent 0.Ma. "what for Sheriff. Mn. Burgui is well ready send his children on there to e gTJIJmpr0T!d ? ' . 'U ' ' - - : wouU beocma country t Not known rff! W-;; C ' ; - City only are O. Ma. uaele-. but they ar t i v'wTiitii-i.-' .v ,. . i was ine-Kuest ox aiim Annu ntiw. v.Mnni- tv m v. v ' W " "!3" . n- . iaixer pan ot the week. -: to trfka kmirit?T with Urn bmn mt ' T office. . - Mr,. Bradley is a nrominent 1 Mif mW rh,. rri. v " I ssd Mrs. Edzar Parker 'of Thrr. I lAm the know bow to rf Toons man of Old Fort and.islgoMtof friends hw:'-; , ?1I1-!y.Jiltigth9 fomer1. ru-tam.ktlMt. . - , " -. : ' - . cashiet'ot the Bank of . Old Fort. . n' -a-.-.v Ztxo. "i-i-Wi a ' . Thar. wiU t. k.ptWnr t B.tw Ha M tirartaoraS and rilint!-i gfeSJ 7 :. --;X:;-: 1 T u WkUb, at chord, Mrt at 10 o'clock. Kirby Grocery Co. Court Street Garden City, wa horn Saturday and a. business and has been .an artivAt -oeveral commumcations arriving Rnt? suu.uusejiisu wwrr iwruiBimol .""r'Y"" yu w Qisissuei- Ane wiresners are around so expect - a-in rill a. iiinnr. vi artna.. -...u . t. I itmi i ua R.iu jn i .a. i-. ftndorsw, for thft rtosiiion: " 1 impossible to sret all th ; I -Tnank T0. Cupid, we like to feel type for the week when th Vn.. W. 1X71118 a wui try to make ouraoll i SchooKIlQtes -?'AJWlTed just the are but ld Batchelor- like Uncle fel oped iiW Crielr ffe-J Bub cas't feel very comfortable ta th D -v i presence of Cuptd.- - Correspondents will please send in I Wonder wha- th matter with 'uiine ox iaie j v .. - . Mr. and Mrs.' William Hayne of Forest City have been visiting relaUr her last week. - .We had the thresher with txs last week.. Wheat was a little better, than common. " " ' Mr..W, IL Wllaon attended the Par mers Institute last Saturday. , ' HX0WS4XX' i i i :v" wn 'hwo., earner .nere- briht f or " taany ; more. nizbeth Brooks i3 in ch&rce. , Dr. Ceirs rtna-Tar-tleney I Ih best for couzba. colic crann. ROTlCE-Atfmh-ltratc-a Sal f frr. '- a. w.cr.r.aH" avrky aClM(.4 f E &4lat,'J mX mm li id Amy ,t Utfmhvr, lt;s, m mm VW i, si e ux, , w.c-.i.r i. n.-w, 5 C-aaCMkoMTiaUakJ iMtt. tmJtlr aaJ a cvw caautei r-"r Witai i ll. r AI B. W. Crt. c-mlli ,f tmrxMXmg rm. siiss after r . , . . oy. Ar. vxx, aont you thiak Mis oln Uaaa.rau tat an. -.Uii- s 7--' -.7 TV rrfcMsu 1 waesx nas reanair? -. while it is news. m and all throat and bronchial tumbl- ' Soli ererywher look fcr th U-l ca the The Price Hmhnre Co- - I Saire 10 say thai the Msjadc Rixr is. J2 yoa dci for It. It b 1 baury. Ve hiTc so cuch tc! ecofen froa IL It hcia a 12 tiLZm IcCcr f3 vi'r ocre rhta 100 feet from the toiler. It beai thij iisr . ar4 tale t-c bw3 Rjwa joy -Tcr v tn tea rrusra. Ve wast Doch tnr bT. "e hare thrown the Rmxe x wrjx"rryir:x ci of the house. . 1 htmiih ur4 you check for" iha t;kf R-W-V - "EL F. WATSON. We have jtut received this JctUrfnini Jtr. Watwo the taw partner of D. E. Ifadina, to tcnj we thlp. ped a Majestic Ran te. , . ; .7 a -4 HBBaBWawS 4 I rtifa D s rs r t-$4 . - . . h - iii riiuo nut uiVdl t; vu. n SjmiiJ DOC DOC Hot Weather aiid : Clliieaip pEices PrevaS AU Scccsr OT lirvl-wrs-' 1 rartU , . . - grtAlly rtaicerd'to ejoe st, . ; Ifyoaajti.! b U lrtwWiixxa, Low IiLt Uclcrwtar. ! 'arlra, "IWha, Ucbrcllas, we can gaU pncr htcrc:J. - - A lot McnV.SzIu al raUat cctllrd d rrjruUr witf. It win tj yoa k aca uVo ,-ois Ufore ' they are all gcee, ' . ' " - . . . We are alUtay tftad to jfrotz yoa . through our Jtoct, Jl J CaZ 2r cbriLEY. -4 -5 r ! Ukclx 1-itbs. I bottla. I -w.taxiJ.