4. iWEEKI-Y NERPER DEVOTED TO THE EST INTERESTT OF.THE.PEOpLe OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ; : . . . . : . ' . ESTABLISHED 1896. i "-.at. MARION N.. C;, , THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 21. V 5 ... VERY IMPORTANT.BILLS a ; MRE IN COMMITTEES H'w; State -'BulldiiiFarmoLife v School, More New Cbuh-HH fecial to The Progress. ' VRaleigh, Jan.1 25 .-Having for ilts' purpose 'the -erection of , a largo tfire-tprootf rcrildingK on the block partly occnp by the Mu- seum and Library buildings,1 a' bill lis in theiiands of the committees Tin'1 Public Building; and Grounds or both' houses. . The biu provides tor the purchase of mpre land and the isSaio bonds for $1,000,000 ' to wsJtsb fundstorto useWcollateraU Work to be dqne i under, the supervision or a commutes pi pui xeos appointed by; the Gov erhor "to . the .nuniber of seven; :r very sentiment resigned on :i!i5tteVboard of LABOR COM MIS- - r-p01?? iv r SsinNFR'fs rfphrt uovernor Kitcbin. . : r. .-; . T-Jlzir ' . r::m Majette,'of Tyrell, seeks to have, Some'of the Things Found in "the the indiscriminate distribution of : Rpnnrtnf nnmmfccmnDrRMnmnn. rtising matter in - , the . House stopped. - He introduced a bill t6 ttirt ;v Woo- ten, of Lenoir, goes a step or two f onber:, by.!, introducing a ; bijl Ao prevent lobbying ; favorable : state? wide: lends encouragement porters of the bill; to thek sup- The bill to ratify ,the Federal The twenty-fourth annual report of the Department of Labor and Printing has been issued' v The ex perience t qf former years as to what constitutes real and succinct information and means of present ing it in Its 'most compact form have been brbucht to bear on this The Virginiii; republicans have iatest edition, and the effect issqen begun the movement of endorsing in the Increased amount o matter for Taft for re-nbmination in1912: without noticeable increase in the ;;Vi;;v;.v :r':;':r' ' size 6f thebook-v In his letter of. transmittal to the Governor, 36mmissioner Shipman General Political Notes.- J Alfred Eugene Holton ;wil act as United States District Attorney for iie Western ! CarbHna District f or5 another term. He was appointed JanVl8 by the President. This b counted as a victory for he Morehead-Butler, forces. , inboard of five members will be cIass at a disadvantage. For the provided for ina bill which will protectipn of children mnloly, and be; taken up by the ;House ,next the law-abiding "manufdCturera as Monday. Tt is' expected to pass well, ho recomSends the ijassago there and in Jthe; Senate and wiU W factoryMnspi become effective July 1 , next. . Farm-News. - -Compiling some statistics relative IS -- - ' to stock husbandry ia Wilkes coun ty, the WilkeS Patriot states in a ...... . .- -, ,l U. V. ut i , ri . v.-ijnipman gocson record as endors kilhng records - were hiade ; of an I a it i- M r -,. -a, -'c'- - ing a 60-hour week for facto rv pecuon law, lor mo purpose of seeing that the labor laws are being complied 'with by those who may not already bo , b!o ing so. Also that sanitary condi tions and fire escapes are provided, and that ordinarily safe appliances are furnished. Furthermore: Mr; , w , . says .that while he .believes the hgreater number of mills and facto ries, reqnircd to be regulated by law, ar6 "hontslly : endeavoring comply with the conditions pro- By unanimous agrment of the scribe3 some miy lo merely obry- ways and means committeo in the so much of the law as caution amendment to have an iocome tax House (Oohgress) a permanent tar- demands, thus placing the , former yas finally ratifid J ? ' 'Su'y Dobb, of Eobesoh; is the author of the bill to provide for . placing ar m life schools in' the counties so desiring. The intention is to have the state make an appropriation -trom which $2500 wilt be available "when any county desiring to,estab 3ish such a school shall have a similar amount raised f f or the, pur pose in the county. -1 ' . Bills to provide for two , more iew counties out Robeson are : in. "This' is said to be one way of sq uelching the plan to have Hoke county formed s-which was to in- xlude. part Of Robeson. Petitions are presented almost daily asking for state wide prohibi tion of near beer and similar drinks. Please, of Haywood, has introduced bill to effect this reform. The Baptist University here will hereafter 'be known as Meredith "College, the change being made by legislative enactment. ; Spainhour's bill to increase the salaries . of superior court judges "was , re-referred , to . committee. "With it went a substitute by Woo len, of Lenoir. It is thought that the bill will not- pass, this action taken as an indication of enough opposition to prevent its passage. Wilson, of McDowell, has three bills in. One provides Hot the Spencer Outclassed. That young tntn who resides In Spencer, N.' C, and claims to bo a grandfather at 33 years of 'age will have to forego his claim 4 as the youngest grandfather. Berry Ar ro wood, who resides in Rutherford county. near the McDowell lino Jo Montfords cove, is only 23 years of ag6 and .is a grandfather. "' His father, - D. : M. Arrowood,: wai a visitor here, Monday, and is in good health at G2-years of age.' His wifoMs living and ""they "are proudcof having 10. children, 77 grandchildren, and 6 great grand children, all wcfl and hearty, thank you. nearly all tho children mar ried early, some at 13 years of sg. "It is hopei that l4T; (Tho Resolute) will forward h approval and a'pprcciaVor to Mr. AVrowoc at his earliest convenience. SENATORIAL ELECTIONS Some of Jthe n0!d Guard Have Close Call for Re-election. Alabama rJohn .1L. Bankhed, Democrat re-clcctcd. m t . Lean, Republican elected to tuc cccd JSlorg&a G. BulLclcj, Ucpub licaa. , m Indiana John W. Kera, Dexno crat, elected to succeed A J. Bcr cridge," liepubllcaa. 1 Iowa So choice, . i Mainc Charlca JohnsoD! Democrat, elected to asccccd Es. geno Hale, Republican. . v ; ! Maisachuju Henry. Cabot Lodge, Republican, re-elected. , t Michigan Charles K. Town send, lie p'ubhcaoV elected to kS ceed Senator Burrows, l 1 1 i , MioncvtaMowi E. Cltpp, Re t Jpuuitcan, re-cltxkd. , t , I Superior Court Convenes, liwori Jm& A. K?ci IX-ra Thti jJhuary term of tU Supelt, elixud La weewd. WiUtta 3IcDowell for the employes. aggregate of over fe6,000 pounds of 5 am a) mnnf "" from 213 to 500 pounds each. The , eu i :u Patriot places a value of about $400,000 on this - meat . product. And this is only a part of the am ount for the whole cQUntry. . . . labor shows an increase. in average high wages ovr last year of $1 per month. Cost of raising differ ent products Is given as;.follows: Cotton, per 500-lb. bale, $33.37; Fewer croppers ind more indi- wheat, .per bushel, 72 cents; corn. vidual farmers bwhins thVir land, 52 cents; oats, 35 cents; tobacco, however5 small the acreage,' : will Per.100 pounds, $7.40.; ,,. n malrftfor better results everv wav. Mscellaneous factories show the 1. rr - f ,: . employment, by 561 establish Spray from twov to six times a ments, of $50,835,399 actual capit- season with the Bordeau: mixture al, with an estimated plant value and Paris green and you will pre- of $20,458,731; there are employed - 4 t 't . .. .1 1:1! 1 a? m . vent potn ougsana ongm auecung m tnese lactones 3,hm personsr your potatoes. ?,;). ! , ' ; This chapter includes the factories not classified under specified heads. Gypsy Trouble CompromjseoV. ,1 Cotton, woolen and silk mills Waesbo the show 325 mills, with a capital of superior court ;this morning the $53097,454; ; 3,8,022' spindle Gypsy troubles came to an abrupt 56,516 looms, 550 braiders, '7,762 end with a compromise verdict cards, employing :135;353t borsc- ior Court for trial of ivil cases only, convened Monday, Judge Henry P. Lane, of Reldsville, prr siding. This U Judge Lane's" .first tem fn th court here,' having been elected at the Novcra'Ajr election. Only three cases have been tried, as follows: Flack vs Southern Railway Co:, judgment against ; dc fen Jant for COStS. v William Clark vs Sduthcrfl Rail- "way "Co., .jixfement for ' plaintiff J. W. Rcid va Hans Reese Co-, plaintiff non-suited. The caso of,Gibbs vs- Winkler, was on trial at tho timo of , going to press. Quito a uumbcr of cases on the docket have been coutinucd. Out-of-town attorneys here dur ing the week wens S. J. Erwin, of Morganton, Alf. Barnard, JL S. McCall and Louis Bourne, all of 9 Ashovillc. ' Orvry rJ Poverty. To b able to look cherrfoUy ana t hopcfaUj through clouds of poTcrty and dlstrcs la aa accomplishment t- towed upoaTftT" true and brare wo xnan, and. no matter how ior or bao formation of a new township; one i The:Mitchells submitted to assault power. to protect quail and 'one to appoint a justice of the peace. ' The new township is to be known as Glen "wood ; and ( its boundaries are the ame as the new election district formed last, fall from parts of Higgms, Bracketts;and Montford cove townships. ' It will , also be 4the only township Which is a spe cial tax school district in -to to. State - Bank a Examiner J. K. . Doughton has prepared a bill to revise and consolidate the. State banking laws. Tt will be intro tluced this week and has the ap pf oval ;of the corporation 'commis sion and leading . bankers in - the estate. ; ' , - - . - A joint session of the.Senate and ; , House conamittees on counties; vcities and towns will be held Tues- ' lay, January 31,. to hear the pros 'and cons in the matter of .erecting .Piedmont county from portions of Guilford, Randolph and Davidson ; Captain L HV Kearney, of Franks iinton, succeeds Ashley Home, who The total number of em- and were fined $250 and costs. All ployes 52440. ; Knitting mills.re of the cases against the -Joan 'fac- ported 77; 57 of which ro port cap tion were dismissed. ital of $3,619,100; spindles," 109,r - The compromise was effected 680; Y knitting .machines, 8,206; through the efforts of Judge Allen, sewing machines, 699; employing Shephen Joan and his men im- persons ana using. ,iu mediately celebrated their, victory norsepo wer, ; with an automobije paVade, carry-1 ? "JQiture factories show lOOd intr larce American flags. , iaciones, oi wmcn report caa- ital stocu or3,45l,l4U; em President Taft has sent to Con- ployes," and much other 5 informa- gress a special message urging the tion in detail; fortification ot the . Panama' Canal. ; Newspapers, show an increase of He recommends that anappropria- ten m the number of publications tion 6f five, million dollars be made over last y ear, and ah increase in for starting the work on the prp- circulation df 155,822 copies. Tot posed . defense. -f He wants the ai number -of publications, 34; amount appropriated at the present totatTcirculation, 1,247,78. session or, ijongressr xnet army Jand.navy board already bas t made The hatchet of Mrs. .Carrio Na r zone should be f ortifiecf. recommendations now ine canai tion may never swing again on bars and French mirrors and strike terror to the hearts of saloon men. sow Opprmnn ha? won his Mrs. JNation . suuerel a nervous ficrVf fnr tKAVAtPntion of the oW collapse last week; at Eureka r6r - v--""- " .J Springs. Ark., and her condition ernment mint at Charlotte and it will remain there, at least for an other year. is such that she probably never again will engage in a tcmpcranco raid. ble her home may be. the magic power ofamlles can brlchtea tta ahadowa and lighten ite' cares.; Upon the troubled mind of if feeling1 buiband a 'wlft'a tralhj falla like a aunbeam on a Cower. and how much more beautiful It makea tho face that wear It than a frown? When a wife and moihtr. for getting aorrows and hardship, amilea away her teara there la a loTelloeaa la the act that apeaka to a man'i heart more eloquently than word. Sprinc- fldd Union. ' In tha' Lint of Fir. There llred and preached for; cany yeara la icnoac iaiand- i.wer ueorrt Champlln. a colored man. poaeU of much common sense, knowledge cf-hla brethrena Tlrtnea and faUinga and considerable wlL lie bad many de voted admire ra among hla own people, bat some of them felt that hla ser mons were apt to be a Utile too per sonal and pointed. One gentle aiitcr was a&ked to remonstrate with hlza and essayed to do ao. Sister Lou Camp ton." said the elder firmly when she had made her .pica, when I am preaching I ahoot right at de derll, and lt'a only when some body gets between me and do mart: hea liable to bo burf-xTouta'a Com panion. ,-, At a caucus of DemcxjraUc members-elect of tho next na tioh.nl Con gress held in Washington City Thursday night, Representative Uhamp lark, or aiissoun, was chosen as candidale for Speaker of tho House. Wfccft Republican, Montana Ko cbcie& - Kcbraska-HI. M. llitchcocki Democrat, elected to succeed H. J, iiurkctt, Kepubhcan ew York So cnoice. orth Dakota Porter J. Mo Cumber, atawart,w and A, J. Uronna, progres3iTe Republicaa elected. Pennsvlrania Geo. T. OUtcr, liepublican, ro-e!ccuxL Rhode Island Henry F. Lip put, - Atalwartn, elected to mo ceed Nelson Aid rich. Republican,. Tennessee Luko Leaiindcpesd Democrat, elected to succeed Jas U. Ftaxicr, Democrat. . ' Utah Ueorgo E. Sutherland, Republican, re-elected. x Washington Miles Poindexter, Trogresaive Republican, elected. West Virginia C. W. Watson, was named for the short term and tW. E. Chilton for the long: term by the Democrats in caccus la joint session, Tuesday, Chilton w given C2 votes, 3 more than enough to elect. Watson lacked 2 votes of , the necessary number. Soma Democrats bolted charging bribery In the caucus.- The Republicans took no part- Montford Coye Camp Items. Sugar Hill,-Jan. 2Lr-CiapNo. 30 P. O. S. of A. is progressing nicclr. Last Saturday night, Jan. 21, District President W. L. For tune was present and very impres sively installed our new otHcers for the ensuing term. Our executive odeers are: Past President. H S. Bradley; President, W. M. Harris; Ylce-Prtsidcnt, Dave Hemphill; Secretary, E. Harris; Mister of Forms, Charles Nichols. Our camp is 'maturing plans and arranging to erect a camp hail ia connection with a good school building at White Pines. We are steadily forging to the front.' Tho talk of Brother Fortune fol lowing the installation of oEcera was full of good camp logic tzi was truly impressive. Our noble order stands for car country and all its free Icstitulios. Therefore wo extend a hearty in vitation to all good men to join our ranks. 1 . J Tlie Ministers and Lay mens con fcrenco of the Grcon River A; - ciation at Glenwood Baptist church tho 27th-20lh will bo attcr, J?i a mimber of Marion people. 4 j