ACCOM PUSH ED LITTLE ELSE THAN PASSAGE ; OF LOCAL BILLS legislature Devoid of -Fruitful Re sults as Regards Measures of State" Wide Import. 'Special to The Pkogkess $300,000 TIMBER DEAL The Famous Murchison Boundary n Yancey County Passes. Into a Hands of Pennsylvania Men.: Asheville, March 3. The famous LAUGHR1DGE-BR0WN Mr, Claud E. Laughridge and Miss Katherine Brown Married at Linville Fall's, Tuesday. At the home of Mr. J. W. ACCIDENT AT GREENLEE Ed Lavender Jumps from Moving : -l Train and Is Badly Injured. Ed Lavender, a passenger on train No. 21 last Wednesday after noon and holding a ticket' from Murchison boundary of 12,000 Brown at Linville Falls station, acres of timber lands in Yancey on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Marion to Greenlee, leaped from Rftlftiah, Mar. 8. It was aimed pouqty was sold today by the Mur- his daughter Miss Katherine M. the rear end of the train about 200 to adjourn sine die' at 11:30 a. m I chison Lumber Company, Lewis Brown, was married to Mr. Claude yards beforo it reached the passcn- this morainff;' The legislature I of arr Joseph Keys, et als, to Wrd E. Laughridge of Marion. Cer station at Greenlee, The cause 1911 will be noted in the records F- Brown, of r Punxutawhey, Pa., It was a quiet home wedding; of , the rash deed is unknown,, but -as a- basv one but decidedly "fruit- for $300,000.. i only a few of the closest friends of & supposed that he became , ex- Wof rosnlta as regards measures - Ijess than a .vear aS the Mur- the bride and groom being present ctcd & losing control of himself, of state wide import put upon.the chison heirs, of . Wilmington, sold ' Immediately after the ceremony temporarily, took the .leap. He Statute books. . - tbe PrPert to Carr and associates Mr. and Mrs Laughridge took the uPn the tracks and was badly 1 weJfop200f0W.- His arm was broken owe mo uigucan rcwru lonaa WDGre tney Will Spend a I aw u .-mo ciuuw ana OL3 scaip here for timber lands. Included few. days, after which they will lacerated. He was taken to Old is the northeastern; slope of Mt return to Bostic, N. C. where they Frt and attended by the company Mitchell, the boundary passing will make their home. physician, Dr. Mcintosh. Ho was near the . Elisha Mitchell tomb. Miss Brown is from one of the employed at a sawmill and is building to afford relief from the congestion of the state official for ces and adequate protection for its records; the wiping: out of ni-beer t w ft - IUa vmattim nn rr e O Y - aero . I i. t Tne Passiug of this boundary into best homes in the North Cove sec- married man having two children. NEWS OF THE STATE Happening! of General Interest Condensed for Busy Readers. " Forest Ores in the vicinity of New Berne last week resulted in great damage to timber. The head camp of Jurisdiction 20n .Woodmen of the World. comprising the State of North Carolina, meets in Greensboro, March 14 and 15. James IL Ramser has been re appointed postmaster at Salisbury, thus bringing to, a termination a contest that has been on for more than a year. The appointment is mado out of compliment to Senator Overman. Tho Treasury Department has accepted the offer of a situ for tha public building at Wilkrsboro, The site is on corner Miin and Church struts, is 120x130 and the pneo ts 52,000. - - Official announcement is mada by Congressman J. M. Godger, jr.. hflnrfc ff rrtTa trro cfr ronrrt Kane ttiA I S r.-. ..1 t I f ?A So ATtyrlft? tr tnjrvnm ZZZ that the4 Black MounUin she is known. She was dressed in Wrt W tth nd to mv Mr. I!,,r0ad now.undwMnrtracUonin aijray away suit. Complimentary to Mr. Davh. . E mi I V n a A. . II I ZMAA. WW "W 1 ' xu iuy, win u ouui to ir. iugnridKe is a son of The , farewell party ' given J. that Mr. Owen Gudtfer, democratic w Ufn ft cf.f i;.rV,t?r,r v. m..Ci.uu. uauwKu ui inv;- Kooert Uavis hr his Sundav school I-"4.4 v x KJ' KJ' uoweil county, .b'or two years bo class Tucsdar evening at thii homo 9uwlcl' aun? t cam ?u"uu ,a,auu The Murchisons purchased this has been in theemnlov of thaCl a L f. q . : "J Pa,CT appointed his pnraU legislature chambers are matters or . -, . 1QY7 , oo . u : " . chji secretary. uia"loIoul lanrl in 1R77 fnr Ipcc than QK HAH LCV O T?ol T?or1 W U AUf . , - . some moment each in its special v" I , , r oy a largo crowa or young people ' - i i mp.rif in inn rnnn mCTr'o rkinro ur i.r &i . t r t t "way. . The attempts to get the Torrens land 'title system established; to liave a State wide primary law, to 3ave in force a ' bitinsr" anti-trust law; to have a state game and fish commission; to tax dogs and raise the license tax on lawyers were miforihly abortiyeT" 7 7 4 A close study of the procedure from day to day would cause the For State Street Improvement. Contributed. The chaingang force will move next week to the new road to be Sugar Hill News. office at 0f the town. Mr. Davis has been "RfMftt?l TTa ? n rnnnrf man rf I i m r . Kit!nAn u:i:: I V r . 1 rum, iUr. 6,-IWr rem. X auiimv auu unaiuauu ttunlcr s jfnarmacy several years. I datq txtl cwi ihU wtvk. ou fjw gooa wnerever he has worked. He Ho leaves in a few days to take vd to th bm Wrtoa. has most friends in Marion where Uhnrtm nf thn' nrtffin pu.;. n b cxxul ih ri w Jcmlm opened through the property of he is known best. whieh h mirrh r. .u .? viU- xvev. rxiwara iong 01 tno uap- Reo. The now concern will bo pany, connecting the old Dysarts- tist Church, of Marion performed known as the Davis Pharmacy and yiiie ruau witu ouii vreei, uuu ine me ceremony. . , Sc .itnated in thn tionrt nf fn tntrn roaa w ine. .-cbu. aepoi;. .xnis Mr. Lauchndce was accomoan- hn imnt of tti.mAit. is an improvement that has been ied to his wedding by his . father. needed for some time, . and now student to almost conclude . that that the chaingang is in that sec- lihere was a gentlemen s agre- tion of town, it might be well for taent? in force in the Senate among Us to call the attention of the city ; group sufficiently active and alert council to the fact "that there is to so control affairs as to keep such ibme work which was started on natters as were apparently de- Gfotft strftP.t tno . vAArs ncm hnt Sheriff Laughridge; his sister. Miss Lela Laughridge, V., Lester Mor- ris, James, w. Urawford, of Mar- ianna hotel which .was completed last year. Mr. Davis has made many friends while in tho town who regret very 4nanded by the people-at-large from becoming laws. : i However, the laborers were vot- d an extra 50 cents per diem. So tlso the pages, and yet further, Vashington time is standard and legal now in this state. - The closing hours were enliven ed by gift-making, self felicitation, -singing, etc; Han kins School Closing' .V never finished, and has been allow ed to wash away until the street is now in very bad condition; The street committee and the commis sioners should give .this matter at tention and not let go to waste the work and improvement that has already been done on this street. There is a large f investment of money in the' cotton mill plant and in addition a ; iarKe number of dwelling, houses. A number of our own citizens have their money invested there and this company is a ; very large taxpayer. ; Ih , fact the cotton mill section is a large ion, and Mr. J. R. Honeycutt, of much toscohimlcavo but wish him BOStlC. I sonvilla Hntlir- i wwuunujuui.u, 4Mr- Uavi3 and mother and aunt Hankins March 7.tast .Friday was the last day of Hankins graded school ind on Saturday evening - the school gave -a free entertainment -which was nnA nf rrridftst and most interesting entertainments ,we evet witnessed here, and important part of 'our. . town A large aadionce filled the house and and the town officials ought to CO; & pleading program was rendered. Good operate with the townshi p ' road and build a good The February term of McDowell arrived last week and aro domiciled Superior court adjourned last Fri- in the Greenlco dwelling on Garden Uv 1 nftarnnon.' A Rtjiterl lt street. We welcome them to tho week, in the case of State vs Vance c,ty McCurry the jury returned a - ver dict of guilty of manslaughter. The court sentenced McCurry to six months on the chaingang. who has been attending the Normal roe case or Mcuurry is a most irainiog uourse at neoo, has re- pathetic one. Fifteen years ago turned to her homo near Bridge- he received a blow on the head, water. which fractured his skull, twenty- Miss Nannie McCalL spent. Sat two pieces of the skull being re- urday and Sunday in Bridgowater moved in addition to part -of the as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M.F. brain. 1? Since that time he has been Aat snbiect to enilentic fits! which comol Mr. and Sirs. D. F.- Giles, twho t . . on at Intervals of from two weets "re ocen conaueuDS me ?orau r xtriaArTiAa wAm made Av. th6 little folks. V wrwwk'JMw- w w - - if t - ; ' " followed hy songs, . dialogues, etc. ; by the fifth and 'rixth grades, TOelclosing " dumber on the program ,4Jbhn Brown's Indians' .by the. third grade. ?boys ; and lect,by Miss Jennie' Hunter; Was indeed : a feature of the entertainment. commissioners street from the town to the cotton mill. :":;'v;:T . '.'''l: ti' 'Prof. Zi C.T Camp tendered thanks to Lumber Outlook. While it can be said that the lumber industry in western1 North Carolina has not been featured by any great activity during the1 last both pupils, and patrons for their efforts in making the school a'success, and was followad by SuptD. F. Giles, who made f ; & short but interesting talk in behalf two years, there are signs ; that it ,of education. Hon. W. T. morgan was - to takft on nftw Hfo: The local correspondent of The , Manul :t)f education and a higher . standard of : citizenship. ' , , T. C. Morgan is in Morganton on -a business trip. ' i ut ' . Mrs? Bertha Larmon, ho; has been 111 for two weeks, is improving slowly. J. H. Epley tells us that he drove out f acturers'. Record has read ' the horizon, and he "can see no ground for a continuance of existing con ditions. r This of course will cause great satisfaction, not only in lum ber circles , but throughout the to Marion last Friday and instead of western section of .the State. It having to put his shoulder to the load is a generally accepwsu lauu tuw to help the team, he rode all the way. ;He went the new road Quarterly Meeting will be ; held : next ; Saturday and Sunday at the Methodist church. - Come all who will. , ' . Hustler. when the lumber interests of this section "are "on the boom" all other lines of industry prosper and the funds turned loose through lumber rrhannels reach every avenue of trade. Asheville Citizen. Upoa a rycaxact lo; We taw not tb luus4 lLat rati hlia. Nor th chjLrfot, for L tc. i It waj a fo&jrjr faoraio " ThMgr1p1Ujc! h!n,low; . JVe hop b U In twaira, And not down belir. We tbousat It wj Ugrir That ntadd h!a jrtt tlow; Ii wu Death's grip. ' - . YTbo had ceo tor hits to gtx -Tbe ndhborfcood doctcn. Which laclodr both trzta. Couldn't rIto hia nw?ilciiu? Tar th Imlh of Lis IU not y ranch aboct tin, Kor anything rrry niu:y ' Well rtxsrabtr hlta la crzr rmjen Aj ofta &j In csg. bo much far Li a. Now I wi3 istro dace tajflf. WelU Tn jzjt plih "Or" or "Si" and car srriA?n. ft rv. Ncbo N CWSt I clone, . If any ozt vtsU to kxcw xay Ncbo, Mar. 7.-Miss OarrieTate, sr. iwm , . ,i icxi iccxa, icca vscy can rasaf a; zziz. Newt ii tcmroQ bcctsji ' cost , T'rry bodx L on tbe riclc litt. Mrt. J. r. Jon4 of MmHon U vliiUr her parrata, Hr. as I Mr J. C. Crw ford, who hare bea oos f.r.ed to their roots for totae Utar """"" Miss LUtia Wllioa U rcdir: the wek t the hosao of .T. W. Wllca at Nealrrilla, ,G-,R. MorrU cf Newport Newi, Va., to one-'mdnth.' 'He is- a married man and has five children; His family are entirely dependent upon him for support. -' The jury found him technically guilty and ? could not do otherwise than' return & verdict of "guilty of manslaugh- Recommendations were passed Saturday by the Marion bar, com mending Judge Lane for bis ex cellent work as presiding judge. Solicitor Johnston also : acquitted himself well as a prosecuting offi cer. "." Concert at Glenwood. " The3rass Band and Orchestra of Round Hill Academy, under tho leadership of Professor W. B. Blanton, will render a musical pro gram at the Glenwood School build- mir on March lo. Also somo quartets, ductsand solos by local talent. Admission, fifteen, cents for children and twenty-five cents for adults. The proceeds will, bo divided between tho band and the two churches at Glenwood. home in Marion. i Misses Mary 'Greenlee, Vera Corpening, Donnio t McGimscyt Pearl Beck, Ethel Wilson, Fay Conley and Lula Kincald-spent baturday with home folks. Miss Madge Brown has gone to her. home in North .Cove to attend the wedding of her sister, fKatho- nno, to Claud Laughndre Mrs, W. M. Goodson of Marion was the guest of-Mrs, G. A blas ters, Friday. . , , Misses Lillian Lonon, Bstclle, Vallie and Essie Wilson were shop ping in Marion, Saturday. Several Marion bova spent Sun day with friends in Ncbo. Prof. James McCall is a frequent visitor in ricbo here of late -S. E.-Wbittca mado a business trip to Nebo, Friday. - - Tho now depot is now completed ana anas mucn to mo appearance of the town. Miss Lou Giles visited friends and relatives at Linville, Saturday and Sunday. US AM CO. aa4 taother. lira. Leo HorrU. of Uclca llilla, were tttt plMuaat viiiiort latt TtT?J. n. Wociici: failAl to 11 hU apxcictcmt at PW&at Qrore the fLrrt 8 an da j oa eocoaat of tickswrju f I Tbe article on the seventh paa of this issue telling how to treat tho San Jos will bo of Interest to formers and fruit growers. Tbo who saccced in the fruit growing business must study ths usst methods of ' combating d common to trees. - Experts from Holland are intro ducing the diamond cutting and polishing business in New York. This may make the gems a bit cheaper. Americans buy every year in Amsterdam alon $lX, 000 in polished diamonds au-J only $500,000 in rough fcloqe. Liberty is not the rihl to Jo as wo please but t!ie riht to do right.