I ; . - - . . . ' ... v. TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896; :h.,f.' MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 28. m if r UP: -"v'-:-. rJ':'A;. m NEW ROAD LAW for Mcdowell Entitled : An Act to; Improve 'the JKS P u bl i c R o ad sojEi M c J)p w e 1 1 j lissiorier. ' The GrENERAi Assembly of Nobth ! Carolina jyEstii S0cti& -l;:( TEijSt all roads that fcave bib laidptit in any township in McDbWeir County are hereby declared t& jpublic broads, and the Road f Commissioners herein- Bf ter hamedi;in,each- r and j every 1wnshii) shaj nd control of - the public : roads : in tlieir respective townships. They hall with respect : to? this .. work, constitute and bci styled Road Com taissioSe?s of v: such to wnship and mf oresaii, they are , hereby incor- Road Commissioners, in their re- FIRE AT RUTHERFORDTON speewve lownsnips are nereoy vest-. ed with authority to draw orders Central Hotel and Carpenter Build- on the county Treasurer of Mc- jngs Destroyed Loss Between Doweii county for any and all . $9R.nnn nnH SSn.nfM. funds due their " respective town-L , t . ships, said orders to bo ?icned by Katberfordton . jiRrch M.Tho jneir cnairman, ana counwgnea tril Hotel and the Carpenter uy Liieir seuretary ana treasurer, U FREE DUTY ON UN- " FINISHED LUMBER Commc How Lumber Is Treated In the Re ciprocity Agreement With Canada. Mr. J, Q. Stevenson of the En terprise Manufacturing Co, has HANKINS SCHOOL and when so sicrned. shall be lemlli'm. mt-'t: i. . hwjMcfvJ tViA folIntBnrr tttA m . . : " last xnursaay.i nieni oeiore me ,v ' .v... "i..u t .i.u vouchers m the hands of the Coun- fl: u7 " rL IMr. Geo. Koehler. antlncr Hhif tt"Vrl "-'.- by the :finance committee in his tQe4:ftUey was badly damaged by how lumber is treated in the- rc settlements as such. " ii:' .wii' tu ur rr: ciorocity agreement with Canada. . .. . milium won. jl uu nniciu uuiuu . . bection 4. That any person. Telegraph office was torn down to Thls is a most iniporUnt matter company, or corporation ; -.which help cKeck the sprwidinff flamcs now before our people and the has m its employ men, subject to and all messages were forwarded lter will bo of general interest. from theSeaboard depot on Friday. ?tiU" Mo. respective townships, shall upon The Baptist church and the Car- he Department duly received application by any road overseer, DQnter residence war savivd bv your letter of the 10th ultimo tn- or by the Road Commissioners of kArn:P ftf?nrtQ tk Uco i.m.f. QrioR how lumber is treated in said township, furnish a list of the at betwecn $25ooo and $50,000 nam5 Of all; male persons in its withinsurancfi ami rox? matin iSlo . employ, between the ages of eigh- L00- Following the names of tha YitAd thftRoad Ck)mm?ssionere M11 and forty-five years of age, firms occuuv:n.r thft Carnfntr f suchrtownship. The said Road and at the same time give such in- buUdinK and tbe amount of in- rjnmmissionftrs of an v townshin iormauon as u nas, .vor can oy Su ranee carried: hall have power and authority, reasonable diligence obtain, as to within their respective townships, now iong eacn one ot sucn era to order the laying out pf any pub- Payees has been in the county, and lie road where they shall deem it trom whence. tney came. APPRsarv. to annoint where bridges Section 5. That all male persons shall hft made, to discontinue such locaiea or reguiariy empioyea in nitUre. S2.000. ynAdR as Rhall. be bv them found an township, as aforesaid, shall, x o Wood & Com nan v. under- , useless, and to alter roads , so as after thW have resided, been lo- takers, stock nearly all saved. 1 make them more vusetui. l - . xvicurayer k Mcuraer, aiior- V. -TV . era of this achooU Mr. Z. C. Cunp The roads of their respective town- r1"4 wu "7' H , neys; j. u. bouther, jeweler; Uar- . wt and Miss Jennie HunUr. arc rood Carpenter Grocery Company, wholesale groceries, $2,000. J. A. Wilson & Company, dry goods, $4,000. H. S. Toms, groceries and fur- the reciprocity agreement with Canada. The following article th growth, product or raanufactun of the United States arc to b ad mitted into Canada free of duty when imported from the United States, and reciprocally such ar ticles the growth, product or manu facture of Coada are to be ad mitted into the United States fir of duty when imported from Canada. Tiraber, hewn, sided or squared otherwise" than by sawing, and ncement on March 4th a . Great Success. On the night of March 4th, tha Hankies school held its first com mencement entertainment. The program, consisted of songs, recita tions, declamations and other sta tnu!o The last was a marked success. Tbe songs were well rendered, the rccitatiocj were very good and the declama tions were generally well delivered and so mo of them cnnscally well, showing marked oratorical talent in some of the boys. The house was Oiled to orcrflow. ing with people, and the most rr fct good order prevailed through nut the entire erening. The be hniiur of even the small children was so perfect as to gire undoubt ed proof of the fact that they had been well taught by tHcir teachers, and well raised at home. The parents of the entire commuulty were present, mothers being pres ent with the little ones, showing the greatest interest in the occasion and the education of their cbiUren. No one could witness this enter tainment and doubt that the teach ships shall be in their exclusive "V"" ., vuumW iuau3 penter & Son, dealers in lime; J. control. Section 2. AH ablebodied persons between the: age v :: hn before Drovided for in this B. Higgins, shoe shop; no insur adied -male ance-"i-r 'l- isTof tigtiS Tte&LXbi if any person ThV'daVpenter: Bun31ngia- company or corporation, or the Wteen- years ana iorty-nve years f. "; wu-swr,y urxuK airuuvuro, iuu pro- hall be required to work on tnerf"" m , , , periy or Air. iv. d. carpenter. huilding,wharvc3. Sawed boards, planks, deals nnd other lumber, not further manufacture I than sawed.. Taving posts, railroad tics, and telephone, trolley, electric light and telegraph poles of cedar or other woods. Wooden staves of all kinds, not further manufactured than listed . : : lanv nnhlm road, bridcrft or ran.tuvl : n rnn t in tneir respective -7- T.. , . . tarry iujj -,ow lusurauuis. i ur. townships except the members of .nauug ioks, , eoKiues, Carpenter will . rebuild. the Road mmissioni six days in saw-mili timrr or material for the The Central Hotel was an old --1. Lj - I' - Construction 6f any railroad Or tKrAAstorvframAhtiiMintyoornntArl auu c v oi jf Jf cl : otu ; 1U cwvi - , -" i " i t t A ? " ' I :AJRiJ 1J .4 U! of damage resulting from heavy tramway anasnau laii repair by Miss May ' Hester, who saved Uf;D7 wu.BUlouo,u' ains or stbrm, they mibe re- the damage-thereto, and leave the nearly all of her household goods , kctf a.nd inst . . quired to ork twelvediys.; samf 10 f condition as .for- and furniture, with $1900 insur- Tho foHowlog articles the Section s; Miss Hester has moved t P0,011? TriAYl for in Ration on ins nouueu oi bucu uauiKa temporarily into the Morrow build- r .r r ofthis iciare hereby required to any rod overseer, or if any such ing further south on Main street, meet in their resiicctive townships Person, company, or corporation, where she has again opened tho within ten days " after receivix or the employees of such shal by hotel. notice of their appointment, and such hauling damage any cartwar Mr. M. B. McDaniel's stock of organize by electing a chairman Pr any- P"vare roaa wiuiou! 80Ods were considerably damaged wii"o -ef. thv rn hre- consent of the owner of the land by removing from tho old Morrow by empowered with authority to ov which such cartway or private bailding and some goods were j. : road runs, and shall -fail to repair Utolnn w nndproUntl. sections and assign hands to such the damage-sb done to such cart- . .The fire.was discovered by the VL ,M ot B; M sections, and assign nanasw sucn w rivate road withi fiv0 -. Hhnnt -m n. m I Planed or finished . SSE days from the time of notice from , A. of th renter build- tonsued and grooved, or planed same.wmca - ld! over which w.; .1.. Kt it' ,M orflobbed on two sides per M feet to serve ior one year wnoouicum- , : , : f - - toensation. Any. road hand may 80011 roa runs ' anyperson woo impoa,ble to stop the flames owing K . .. . . ,t. -a inecessanlv travels and uses the to lack of a -water supply. The W,toinesecrery oi vu :5tUp of snfth PJl,M Bnch origin of the fire is unknown. rVwimi(.Mn mno nmiai trip ftofn - - : i tt person, cuupauy. ur uurpurouuu, United States at the undermcntion ed rates of duty when imported from Canada. Laths, per 1000 pieces 10c Shingles, per thoasand 30c Sawed boards, planks, deals and other lumber: Planed or finished on one side Planed or finished on one side teachers, and have gained the con fidence and affections of tho paopla of this community for the excellent school they hate taught during tho past session, to say nothing of the . great benefit to the children on ac count of their participation in so excellent an entertainment as this prorcd to be, for which the people of the community owe them an ad ditional debt of gratitude. Parents have reason to be proud of such a school an this one is, and of children who can proviso such an entertainment, and teachers have reason to be proud, as it was evident, these teachers were, of such children The people of Hall Town it is evident are waking up to a rcili ra tion of the importance of educating their children, and much may be expected of this section, and its talented boys and girls In tho -near future, A fisrroiz- a m; 75c Planed or finished on three sides. Famine Still Raging. Vashingn, March 8,-rTbcre ; ; Commission ;; one dollar for each TTday required of such hand in; lieu - nd stead! of : working the roads , : When the secretary re- res;monev!frohi .Jiaiids in lieu of , wort," he shall report same to thellRoadSC his township, and the ; same ? shall be i expended beneiBt of the , roads of such township in the dis rcretibn of the Road Commissioners. It shall be the" duty of the Road Commissioners in their ? respective townships to meet at least once "a year to receive the overseers' . re ports, and do any and all acts neces - isary for the good of the roads of theirl;resptive towns " The oh airman hf ,th a "Road Commission- ;p ; ers of any township may call special meeting when " he ' deems same necessary. The Road Com missioners of each and every town ship shall receive, as compensation ior;their services one dollar' per day for such, days v as they shall iiecessarily be employed. The said or planed and finished on two sides D0 aUtement in the crying needt ana tongued ana grooved per Ai of .urvimr dcooIc of China as feet B. M. $1,121. indicted bT adrieci receited bT Planed and finished on four sides gute Department, As a fur ther measure of relief, the A men- or the employees of such, so offend- -r Closw of North Cove School. - v OnTTriMfiv Arpninfr. March 10. Pr P1 fcct M- 51.50. Section 7. That said Road Com- the closing exercises of North Cove "ftr 'H ESSE: a,;Z can National Red Cross m today ca- missiohersinthfeir respective town- School was given. Uill mr1 on hrnrrl mLnrnnlbled $3,000 to the American con- ships aforesaid are hereby : author- .The house was prettily dexrated Lccoant of planing, tonguing, and I sal general at Shanghai for distri bution to the famine tnucrcrs, In formation received by tho State ized and empowered to enter into I with f evergreens. Songs, recita- groo vingJ anrf nrtnn onw lonno in rnoir cnin i nnn. niRinirnps hiiii urnu tTt jiii ijixsitj townships for the purpose of layr the program: f ocn?rl V!rrn5 auPaY,,?V .Department Jbj. mall continues to ing out any new road or changing "Nebuchadnezzar," a recitation The annual entertainment of 1 reiterate that women and children the present location of : any road; by McKinley Lonon, was well Dysartsvillo High School will be are being sold by the sufferers to or for. the purpose of getting any I spoken and showed what a great (given Saturday,. April 1st. Tbelbuyfood. Great numbers am dy- rock,' timber, or other ; material task it is to hold tho temper as exercises will consist of two pro-1 Ing of starvation, in some instan necessary to, macadamize or im-1 well as the lines in ploughing. The grams. One at 3:00 p. m. will be Ices entire families perishing in a prove the roads of their respective many otber well cnosen seiecuons everybody. Tbe evening single day. lil! ili it rr, did credit to both pupils and flT wjL, R ftvwt - whcisQ land any road sballbe con- Mr F Giles was present and Admission: Adults 15c, children structed altered or changed, .orL'.ria.n ?nCr,?nrr tllr Hnnrmvl 10c Proceeds for thebencfitor from whose land any material may the boys and girls to continue their school. A literary address will bo have been taken, shall claim dam- studying through vacation. ono of the features of this program. ages for such location or change in Everyone . went away, feeling 1 The public is cordially invited. anv road, or for material taken, wen payea xorcomiug ouu he may file his claim in writing be fore the commissioners in their re- 4- Corporation Tax Constitutional. The corpora tTon tax provision of the Payne-Aldrich uriT act wt-s (CJontinued on sixth page. a the school. sustained today as constitution! Thft tpAchera. Misses Lvnch and H. S. Barger, of Ashcvillr, bash,- tuft Sonrema Court of tLs Brown, deserve much1 tr. dit for been appointed a clerk at $000 in j,u:on ct t; i i. ii .i j s-1 o ... .tcn n.n.rAr, . veV.-l United ctates. xne cecu.on tno cooa worK vucy nave aauo ia vuuiu3wuiv.i4ikuitu ington, D. C tho court was unanimous.

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