, - . ' , ' ' - - - . - v ; .. . . - . . - 1 , . - - ..:.-'.,:.:. , ': 1 . - - - ' - " ' ' v " "-" o ' - . f . - " - .. ' : - ' 1 A .11 II . 1 W II A II V ' ' 1 - t A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED Td THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 11. 1911. VOL. XV NO. 36. Ho PF0P1 Fv FOR 1 1 M felt honor etc" Jad Mcdowell county fair rLurLL O run UIVL from the figures, of the election, Observer" thinks that there were, tthfis department la reserved for letters from I at least, 41 efXCeptionS." rJSTSi-iSSSS Athe "honor-bound" part ents. Ail communicauons must be originally It is as good a name for it as any. KI m , g name "f7 Yet it might have been, job-bonnd, Will Be Held Tn Marion October 19th, 20th and 21st List of Premiums. The executive committee of the m H u a a m I U W J n . I la a a a a a am a A a I I -4. i j 4i u a . I Fair Association have decided to U4VJ1 UiiWO uuuuu, tui cab UUUUU Ul I some other "bound" judging from no,d tne 15 air October iu, zuand hi. some of the things Observer77 has "wluo wuo awfclttV-wluU3 " bUU heard since the election. 1 wav 01 exniDlw inere 00 Did "Geo. I. White" think of speakers and meetings that will be 'honor bound" when he bolted the of ceneral interest to everybody I Z A.1 ma55 mAPtinfr" in 1900, P in couniy. 19. Apple exhibit from one GRADED SCHOOL FACULTY farm, urst premium 55.00; second use is it to bring Thursday, October 19th will be ladic3i work exhibUs v LCtf "Observer" known " "Farmers7 and Good in the hands of a special premium $2.00. The above is a partial list of the premiums offered for farm pro ducts. Other premiums will be added later, and the committee will bo prepared to mace announce ment of premiums for live stock such as horses, cattle, sheep and hogs just a little later. Also the premiums for the poultry exhibit will be announced later, and the premiums for pantry, kitchen and will be put special coramiiiee, "Observer" Replies. To The Editor: 0 It seems that even your , readers who care to send an article to you commenting ln an unbiased man- UCI Ull uiiouu a ix a, ii o aic uayio wi of. what of the political r and business wel- kindly asks that B. S. Finle, to Roads Da-V." Friday, October 20th aod announcctncnU will bo Bin fare of this town, viz! the signer ,. u will be known as "Old Soldiers' ,:.,,.. of an article styled A Reply to . . . va, and Ladies' Day." Saturday, Oc Observer." . . j , . u- tober 21st will be known as "Edu- imiii vv i irk iinim i.iih i ih v iii i.imi Dizzy with the victory of May , - anfi tuflt nAn T whitV cational Day" and attention will 1, he staggers tnrougn two columns rpA, p . 7 , . . of space to get to say what is con- n 44th yerse of John g tamed m the last paragraph to be (lnaWvrR ure the public do not forget. , His effusion however needs a few, Patriotic Sons of America. i 'V.- I errors removed. Th first. Stfr mAPtintr nf tho be given to school exhibits and school parades. The committee think they will have about $100.00 to premiums. out just as soon as possible. Besides these wo will have a list 0 . i.:-it'rlff- 01 miscellaneous premium? wmcu wo hope to be able to announce soon. Superintendent and Teachers for Nejct School Year Elected. At a recent mectiD of thofcbool board, a superintendent and corpi of teachers were elected for ths next school year, as follows: Superintendent, Prof. L C. Grif fin, of the Cullowheo Normal acd Industrial School. First grade , Miss Margaret Hudgtns. Second grade Miss SHie B, Anderson. Third grado Miss Ethel Max well, of Rock Hill, & a Fourth grade Mrs. V. P. Fifth grade Miss Essie ,Mor gan. Sixth grade Miss Margaret Mr. John C. Pool, one of Mc- Stanford. offer in Dowell County's most progrcssivi-1 seventh grade mim Lalie Uiics, farmers, makes the announcement "Kh bchool Department Miss There are many other announce- that he will give a premium of M11 uuy and airs. J. L. u. ntrd If "Observer's" article was 'little Patriotic Order Sons of America nients to bo made as to the at- $3.00 for th best six stalks of and malicious"' why was Dr. White held jn Lexington N. C. April 27 tractions for the different days. Pool's Prolific Corn grown on one ' . M 1 I. I t 1 t 1 ...1 I I so eager to nonce in uan n P was to all intents and purposes a wnicn win be given ouiio ine puo iarm. that he wants to light hre with LPflnri QnpPW tHa nnpnW at he from time to time as the plans fire? ' Ur30 m. wc: hM in thft onm are perfected. Pythian Meeting. He writes that he charge was, ' house and several interesting and The list oi premiums for the jq district meeting of the Btc." That is false. JNo charge hnstmotir a snppp.hfts war ' made, 'air are increasing each day, and twelfth district Knights of Ptthias 1 HiSl " I ... ll-l ... wasmaaem Dservers arucie The national officers were Dresent oeiow we puousn a paruai list oi ncirj ,n Lenoir last week was r in any manner. with 200 delegates from the 46 tn0 premiums which will be offered most pleasant event. At the con "Observer," in mentioning the local camps of the State and many by the Association. Further an- elusion of the business scwon a thirst National Bank (beg pardon, visit.incr mftmhp.rs. At tho adionrn- nouncements of premiums will be Uumotuous banauct was iriren. in- lGeo. I. White" is what she should ment of this session a parade took made from time to time. ' terspersed writh. music and short have used,) simply Tepeated an ex- place along the principal streets of department a faiim troducts. addresses in response to toat ression used generally. the city, beaded by the national i. One-half bushel wheat, first from the pnial tnastmabter, Mr. No person who knows "Geo. officers followed by delegates and premium $2.00; second premium Clarke, White" and the above mentioned members of the local camps, led by $1.00. The following toasts were pro- fiank would think for an instant the Union Cornet Band, 2. One-half bushel oats, first posed and responded to: "To tbe that they are not one and the same xta afternoon session, held in premium $2.00; second premium Ladies," Knight R. E. Tuttle; institution although one was "ere- the Development building, was de- $1.00. ''Twelfth District,! S. B. Miller; ated under the laws of the United voted to the instituting of the first 3. One-half bushel rye, first MPythianism in the Twelfth Dis- States." state camp in North Carolina and premium $2.00; second premium trict," Messrs. McBrayer of Mar- follotring prrftzabla aad rwolctlac ca ; Why, that Bank fills every one the election of officers. "Officers $1.00. iooTDAvid Pharr of Mooresyillc, naotloa of Ex-Majror A, IL Ccj dm. wtr tf Geo. I. White's waking mom- were, elected as follows: C. F. 4. One-half bushel black-eyed J H. Hoffimn of Sutesville, W. ntmouOy mdoptl: . ; entsauuaguuui paituimaujcttiiia. uauaei, p-presiaenx lexingion; nCas. farst premium S'J.UU: second ",;1U Ul BUl1 if, va, K Tl A 1 . Z 3 1 M n I m -V-v It 1 .(1T1 I . A. I w La ( If I ' ft. I V. M a. m . ' dui waai inuueuuo wuuiu 4,uis 1, u. lirown, presiaent, oausoury; premium 1.00. man have if you separated this m. T. Ray, vice-president, Bailey; 5. One-half bushel Clay peas, Mr. Griffin was formerly prind pal of the Salisbury G raded Schools. He is regarded as one of the most efficient school men in this section. Ho resigned as superintendent oft the Salisbury schools two years ago, it being necessary for him to: remove to the mountains on account j of his wife's health. Since that time he has been teaching in thft, Cullowheo Normal & Industrial School. That the school, buard Is t fortunate in securing his "services will be seen by tbe resolutions bo low, adopted by the Salisbury Graded School committee at thaf lime he resigned his position there TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN At a ralin of UroW , School ; Commliu of tb Qtj cf tiaUitery. tCl I on Tccij &ItroDoa, Maj Z 1907, lb 1?. U 13., rvnight ihomis M. oot Masirlaiieaicf itSlii.i Newland; "Dionysius," Mark bury chooU aftyr hit prcrs: tera "business institution" and him? CJ. W. McCulIock, m. of f., Lex- first premium $2.00; second prcra- Squires, P. C; Damon," A. A. nplreoa Jane 1. IS09, tod ; "Geo. I. White" writes that he iugton; G. P. Smith, secretary, ium$1.00. Whitener, P. C; "Good of the Vhrrm th. C; u cnwilli . made offers to Dr. Kirby. Did he Fayetteville; M. R. Kirkman, as- 6. One-half bushel turnips, first Order," A,' E. McCausland. G. C. J Sc-t bct ) May Celebration at Charlotte. tome ftiieqo&io cxprafcttoa oa xz fan t Vt mm; t .w. ... toake them as a citizen? Did he sistant secretary, High Point; T. premium $2.00; second premium forget that the mass meeting hadlvey, treasurer, Cary; C. C. Wilk- $1.00. selected a ticket? And can he not ins, conductor, Shelby; A. W. 7. Peck Pop Corn, first pre- - Charlotte, May 8. The Cclcbra- he h readwl it U yet "recommBndVthat the town's Gilliam, ' inspector, Old Fort; miura $1.50; second premium $1.00. tion wbichwill take place in Char- a8o 7J account be divided equally between Daniel Barton, guard, Winston- 8. One-half bushel cofn in ear, lotto on the 10-17-18-19 of May, nVed. the acaialtt dfj the two banks."'' Salem; J. C. Griffin, chaplain, first premium $2.00; second pro- will be a manimouth affair. Scv- rru tti lro!ccr OriSa U cotUt wuserver uver reierrtsu vu uaiiey. miam 51.UU. lerai inousana aouars nave uccp i urm aa j wacr u ospmawswn the 'recommendation of a ticket Jby I At the night session a class of '9, One-half bushel Sweet Po- raised to caro for the many details of th SAlitbary Scbool. IHa k7i,'s "thiit riAtifinn'' tint Lu 1AA nUlotmA fnM tVi U 0 AH ewnnl I A Ka t1 .nn IUioJTvd, lbt L bea 1,-, .... 'i ... I . ,1 . I - - . T3DCTiIliIlaSl mSil CI vjtsu. x. y uiKo . auuuv ucai; wibu local camp, aiier wuicu iuiresM- premium The r iremen a convention and . - -j a facts and words as they really are. ments were served by the Lexing- 10. One-half bushel Irish Po- Tournament will bo. the largest Further, "Observer'r did not ton camp,' perhaps the largest sub- tatoes. first premium $2.00; second ever held in the State of North heed to state the number of signers Urinate camp in the state The premium $1.00.; Carolina as it will bo participated to the "petition'' as he really thinks delegates were royally entertained. H. Pumpkin, ; first premium iQ by a greater number' of cities Bll who read it coul3 'figure for This order, though in its 64th $koO; second premium 1.00. than ever before; Along list of themselves. - year was but recently introduced 12. Cabbage, not less than three, handsome prizes have been offered - Nex,t, Observer77 was shown a Mn this state. It is purely an Amer- flrst premium $2.00; second pre- and the event from the point of carefully compiled list of all who ican institution having in part for nnum $1.00. , . the Tournament promises nnquali- were in the court-house at the its object devotion to our country f 13. Tobacco, first premium $2.- fied successl mass meeung. . rit.iauiea very and all its free institutions, esuo-mo; second premium i.w. . a tow rata has been nro- 'nearly witH ' list Display of Garden Veto-J by railroads for tho Fire- except it had a f evv more names of I stand for civic righteousness, f.ior tables from one garden, nrst pro-mcn. Tho horsea and aprm men who went in feut did not stay j elevating citizenship and ior iree-1 miumi.00; second premium o.w. i .jj transported f rco both to to tane pwt: . . . . i ; ; dom and liberty. jeuue 15. Twelve ears oi corn grown j from Charlotte.' There neyer was more than nu - . A A in one held; tirst premium .uu; t-MtcbocU liichLr-?pJ with ahii.tr tu4 tX the duty which drrolml cra hia dsr leg th loac period b hxt tvct(4 M tapericieadot- : IfoIrrJ, tbst tixd Coatalttc fjnxilj rrgrcU thxt lb tchoolt cf ExUibcry will tvo loartr txirxi:trd tj hart PrcTwor GrtUla for tu taprlaUaitrat, BoIt1. thivt VToZcmoT Gri-Sa U hereby cosaiaeadM for Lit aUUty arl Uitafnla; a4 itxl thlt Oxuiallte) withr tor hia tacoewt la aay CJtzt wctk thAt bo cur hertkfur ho callM a joa to do, whethcJactkyt-JOTclberwlj. A U t. JKO. 8. ItJIr2130?f, ActS3Ur7. preseiitat anyone timer v The Confederate , monument at I premiunJ $100. these did not take part and a few U-incomion wpninyeiu - 16. Six stalks of corn grown in were not residerits of. the-town- day. -ThemonumenL is,ou ,o and- naturally ought not to take court square, and; isv nW.,Mct. wart ' 1 handsome. It was erected by the 'Observer" thinks that "Geo. I. Lincoln Chapter of the . Children White", ought explain why he of the Confederacy. one field, first premium $2.00; sec ond premium S1.00. In addition to (Ire attractive fea tures which will bo presented' each day by tho Firemen and which will include an immense parade with twelve bands of music, and daily 17. Best collection and greatest contcsls? there will bo a number of variety and most artistically ar- ffmcy drills by the Red Men, which rkntred exhibit of farm products, ,:n went up and down Main street the premium $25.00; second pre-1 orch y k panuj0vby the Hed night . of ,the , mass meeting" tto ciation -1S perfecting arrangements mium $15.00; third $10.00. urge men. to come up 10 ing? -W 'tth or two exceDtioris. I'blabedJh Salisbury depot. " ' . 1 00; second orcminm ?o.XX). . - : - UiatlUU W r,cl a111" - .Lulu - : ' . , that meet- wjth the Southern Railway under ,lg- Exhibit" of fruit coming1 writes ffiSW-TC fonofahn.firstpm.1 Men at night. V J. D. Elliott, of Brevard, was hero on business Monday. V Wdtkins Gets 18 Months. .VshetUI May 6.-Fleet Wat- kins, the Black Mountain constable. charged with the murder of John Hill Bunting, of Wilmington, on the night of August C, aod convicted this weelCof mtaUiugh ler. was this afternoon nvrxed by Juu Webb LjeibUa niuths in tho State Prison. The d .-ifecdant giVc notice of ap peal arf J bond llxcJ. . VUUV VWU w m w w t-. . . ' aL 9 . , , . 1 Vr-v