v. rr r . yy r v A WEEKLY; NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PETOPLE OF McDOWELL CXXJNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 4a patches your father, wore, aren't CHAMBER OF COM- ' i ' ' j i a ': i I you maging me same mistakes your father made, although "you ; have more advantages ? k Do you ' sys tematize your Business; do "you use rtonfa . All fmmiinlpAtinna muRt nrisrlnallv I t.lTTIA Ifthnr.'. linn " mOTlAV "SftVinCT fclgned for our protection though the name may. Machines "dbOU Stand for ffOod .vc:' -iyH-'iUAB sw3'LeAi Astir- i,Aeai' oA astic meetmcr of the Chamber of 'kT'Tir'rnr i wauoj ; jvrvvi cvuyui , uwuom uuu - - TheiFM 8 officials? Are you in favor Commerce was held in the court r uf ;Jt ot union ana co-operation oetween uvu. 4UUUUnJ x Ik was verymuch interested in . . -,.-. M-mm;;M-mft(ifl rnr.- ftWinff PEOPLE'S FORUM. tThlsv denartment la reserved for letters from . V ' , .: I ' ' he people on yarlons topics. This Progress is not responsible for the views of its correspon MERCE. MEETING ImportantrSubjects Discussed with y - Much Interest Manifested. - A most interesting and enthusi- BOYS CORN CLUB CONTEST NEWS OF THE STATE mmtmummmmmm k ivmmamb About SI, 000 to be Given to the Happening? of General Interest Ar thft farmers romnosft a ma- members were added to the hst. jorityi from them shouldxome the raakiog the total membership 56 impulse of advancement. . Arise, The matter of extending the com Del l recocrnition of vour ricrhts. lBIue Mont tram to Marion was demand your iust dues:, and let us discussed and the secretary was tne very'tsone ana sinew orouri v- aL r .u u: . ,u' i u Vt "'tt x.' v; I work together f of the betterment authorized to take the matter Up atlon.! -He is the basis from . j I :u u' A.u.tn. o..j r. JS- .i- .y- - . , 111! Illir Illll I .1 1 1 1 1 1 L . I Willi I MH M I1IM I 1 IHI II 111 ft I IU1T .WDiciriUUr.uuveruuieuu wiw iuuuu- ' . ; . j1 . - .i . r a . . a .... I . ; . xmwuuMo ww onip pi otaie resis ai present the Rock of Safety of our : Repu fa in the future. He. it is who Man Behind' the Gun," by one who styles himself A Farmer, 1 I want to join him in his senti- .Inent that ther American Farmer is tne yery 'Bone and Sinew o f our Boys Who Excel in Growing7 . : Corn. : Special to W a wo rsooRZJt. Raleigh, June 3. At the De cember meeting of the Board of Agriculture there wa appropriat ed $500 for prizes to th boys of the State who made the must corn on an acre of around. Hales and regulations governing the contest w 1 icenso oo drug itorw that were sent to all applicants. Since handle liquors from $100 to 1,000, then there has been suScribvl bv -Mr. E. J. Justice, who h& had manufacturers of fertilizers about VWUJIUVI MWIW VAJ'VttktfWV 4 I $500 more, making about $1,000 legislati6n, extra sessions, etc, U to be given to the boys who. excel spoken of as the campaign msna in growing corn, in many coan- r for UhicfJosUco Walter Ularfe, ties the number of boys entering ' Condensed for Busy Readers. . High Point is the latest oEw named in this bUte as postal do positary. The North Carolina Retail Mer chants Association meets, in Uea dersonville June 20, 21 and 22, Ashevillo has raised the privil Meeting of County Board. at once.. It is very probable that lhe contest bas been disappointing. the-bouthern Railway will put on In view o( Msj Km hod my books open through the month of June, and will enroll nnr bov Secretary Gray was also instruct- of the right age wrp snds in his i a ! aI aa I a I- A 1 I . . mi The Missionary Conference of the Western North Carolina coa fcrence will meet in convention at Lexington this week, beginning Thursday. It will bo in session until Monday. About two bun dred delegates arc expected and will be entertained in the homes of that city. I Col. W. B. Rodman, of Char lotte, division counsel of the Sou the additional train from Asheville to Marion. -v-v - , -v ; . u. . .i a I ThA V.ftiint.v mm in i RSi nnfira Wftre I composes tbe majority onne great -r--- -r-- - . - ... - .. - . .... Middle Class the most important ,U M:i?!,,wu : ATuuua-y;,ttUr, wi ui ui un- uwnn appucauoa. xniro 13 ,vci n, uno toart of every true gbvernmehtt he Among the business transacted was Southern Railway regarding. a sid opportunity for some boy who has It is who has just claims to the ' re- e 3 raw? nS of the . iur.y f or tne ingfor the Whisnant Lumber not entored to do bo and win a Vards and honors of his country. Jul term of court which is as Company. It is understowl that a. VTZ Them will be about $100 Svf SIoa ViWTinrn hRnrl follows: V ' site for the siding has already ben worth of prizes to each Boys Corn Let no one despise his horny hand, , . . R . . . . - anA ln o11 Kowr.t. t t..u j:...: ,mi u liiQ nvi rails his coat of taU let no I wujujt . oui w H. wwvr...r uiuuuumtk. vm uv wj3iiaci " :rrr : V f v . . ' , v. J 'Spnrev. C. M. Huskins. J. A. romnanv will locate their nlant Unt ?n trnir innlimCnm fmm tVi thorn railway, representing tho wLotSriLof Price, E ;W..,Dayis, E. P. Another roatt,r of Interest was rA Al.e2hany. 3; Wilkes-WS: toof Korth Ct,ll h ro Storv of civilization The Ij- C. Blackwelder, R. J. Daves, that of securing a Gsh 'hatchery. Alexander 17; Ash 1: Watawr. 2; signed, effecuve July K Co!oel SXws thls- Why i.' it that J- WvEdwards John V. Kirby. An encouraging letter , was read Caldwell 11; Burke 0; McDowell 1; Rodman on that date become. . Se Hotten ote of AWca the WCjl ; Allison, A; W. Grayson, from ConKressmah GudKer on the Mitchell 0; Yancey 0. . ceneral sohaior ol th- Indiana -not ad A W. Hogari, J. C. Sandlin, B. object and a committee, with D. So far Wilkes is the banner Corn t(ok bouthern taUroad and ges, and the Indians are not and - , k j;" a p. ni.,K in. fK u. ncneral solicitor of the Koper ri-S Ufuch with the Bureau Coonty Superintendent of that Lumbcrcompany, with headquar ce several steps in tne on . n m:; T 71 tj t : . . ... u. n o t...ltera at Norfolk. Va. or i isnerios ana 10 press me msi- couu-y, mr. v. n rii," ter of establishing a fish hatchery sent in 132 applications. If every An idea of the imporuuc of tho hear Marion. county in the State would do as sweet potato croo in Cttawba W. T. Morgan, chairman of the I well as Wlkes wo would havo county can b; formed from tho were w ' j .:i:0f;ftn Kaa field, B. X. Daves, J. G. Pyatt, J lore. The Book of Genesis vntL m t m " . :1a.:. Druwut vji n vuniiujaui v. .... agriculture ana sneep raising , - nrtlr T t,0 has farming, been dishonorable, Mf W. a Jata. v.- u aUa ? Second Week Johnson Lea be t tben let him remember the poets' . t t o . , . ter, i. vv. xsrauiuy, j. u. u.ciu- , av . ?nr, WH, I. H. Greene, L. W. White- Honor and Shame. from no condition ' T , T - arise r ner, J. H. Taylor, B. L. Nanney, Act wea your part; there all the honor D. J. Dobson, C. E. Decker, J. lies." W. Buchanan, J. D Avery, J. L. If I remember correctly (and 1 Padgett, T. W. Gowan, R. S. uote him in no spirit of contro- Clay, M. H. Grant, C. D. Corpen-ir-,j, r.'f ot coi that, thft incr. H. A. Gibbs. J. L. Fortune. farmer was no better v off today The board appropriated $25.00 W"hpVh.Bu7tr. .u. r"" tffriculture and sheep raising r"""' w. r. iiorgan, cnairman 01 ino t on,UHicks, J. M.McCall, T.J.Barnes, . hwav rjommUtee. renorted more than 10,000 boys m the con- fact that one firm in Conovcr, P. uwyo nuc uwvwu,vi uv viKj Muw k... r ttt " i. . . , . . , i , , , great enthusiasm in tne project. -.wv ixuum v w, uM..wkv H. H. Tate was endorsed for road laying the foundation for better within the last thrco months commissioner of Marion township, and more profitable farming against 300 bushels, says tho Ncwtoa Ea A committee composed -of W the day when they shall -become terprise. Tho average pnoo-ptli T. Morgan. R. F. Burton and J. .n.and ondertfke the responsi- the farmers was.. 2 cents a bushel, Q. Gilkey was appointed to secure thf " or $3,163 in the aggregate. Tho permanent quarters for the Cham- "U"BSW,?7; nw, ol uo. p- f-: I fiarolina miirht become in a few Ifiinrlnnati. Tnnrilla nd Knox- ber of Uommerce. EYE OF THE CAMERA. Carolina might become in a few Cincinnati, Louisville and Kn ox- years if we had 10,000 of her best villa. boys now'studying how to grow At a recent commencement of more corn and incidentally learn- t0 state Normal College at ing tho foundation for better farm- Greensboro it was tUted that of . 1 ! ! t "T . 1 - ... m: aiong an nueai r,uouKa coua- lbo 4 ao students who bad mar- than be was ten years ago, tnai ne wwm vu3AijruS OAk'olww. v Even before it haa been adapteu ex- 100 4,v'j siuucuu uu uw umj- Wore the same grade of overalls the preliminary work of the Cen- clusiTeiy, bj means of tpecUl lent ty prido should possess every pro- ticulated at the Normal from its nd carried the sameload of debte. tral Highway. . ' tA gressive person in the district to foanding to the graduatioo of the. rruu :. A flr flvw corl J n. Yfilton. L. H. Whitener . " I encourage ntm to givo tne move- -i.-nr 101 n. twtvthirds of them This is true to a great extent, saa- u. i. xoiiaju, i. xx. j- the camera eye. owing to lu pe- 1" 7 . cuss oi iuiw, iwwuu lv true and by this I am reminded and X. u. ljanais were anpoiDia cuiiar BensiUTenesa to ims ugni. nat meub vuu uuj-;u w ui u vi u. iu- b&d 0 tcocbcrs tn tne sutc. -of an incident which is said to have road commissioners for Dysarts-. Pyed a strikingly dramatic r roie on fluenco. Let the fathers and moth- aiumDw icclodcs 10 trained era ot tne ooys m wie aisinct cn-inarscs ono physlaac, one Uwver, 'the recent Congressional campaign, 1 Taylor, R. H. Cowan and Horace Switzerland. ' courage them to enter tho contest 0Q0 cbcmlst, a few who. holdcbain n BHi7. t - va ana 5eo uuw uiutu w.u micj I in colleges, several actresses, and formed an exhibit at a murder trial I nn, AVrvnVnml . ? . and was regarded as a crncial bit of .j V desDitO mo criucism uj asked for ah old local character who when he was there before said 1he couldn't afford any better than patched trousers, (it was at the : close of the Cleveland Administra tion); somebody spoke up "OhPhe Road AAtnmieeinnara pointed for Marion Township for eTidence. The closest inspection failed will be worth a great deal, even bachelor girls arc produced there a period of two years as follows: 4 to reveal a stain on the Immacnlately. though they should not win a prize. frQ j wnl 0Ql im Geo; a X3onley,:Tj; Gibbs andi Besides, wo hope to conUnue this 0 stadenta who are now wire were ap- n-Ti TfA J ,1 ; : - r t;.i nnirpr,irr work, and l a ooy xaiis to get a The finance report was accepted to photograph the handkerchief, when prize this year he stands a better and mothers. is in bed 'now nd can't be with us and ordered recorded and publish- i Tl u. of ,ne one next year today,4 his trousers are V entirely; I ed. worn ; J But in all seriousness is all this deplorable state of affairs diie to 0 h Dogs ; ListedF f or Taxes. -I desire to call attention to the the Republicen administration) fact that all owners of dogs are re. ,oi. f Wh h.ni twn ich: show, he enters the contest now than if Ing ghostlike In the carefuHy "washed be waits until 1912 to enter. A. A K fabric. The photograpn proreu tne T hh nleased to send blanks a. - 1 i -.ik.. ....av.i. a v. k a manv ooy wuo wciiawvuicr mio miww. i Mil was wuutuuu. . , I " . I . . 'j f.n-A r.j tii mn w.fiHpntlflcftllTexnlalned mnti. Do not write to mo lor A. A. wuij Bridgewater Hewt.- Brldgewmter. Jon 3. Vfm&a llez: oe and family cf Bock Crwk, Titited at Mil. Hen&eaoM'i father, 1L I TaU, the a Eebublicen administraUonl racitnas ai owuors ui h. v-"T.r:. ; C17 u " Uwtter oa tk. Crk tU. w,. Now .don't misunderstand me, ljquired, under the town ortpanc, r-ab90rt nltr :iTl0,rt , f. i., ,(7 ' . onlr thosa who cf Mxrloa wbo I ' w-.'v.-. i - . . I a.- i:-. 4.u:. fovnfinn xxrith .1 K.nv. I hiJinlr in till OUt. as OniT. tnOSO wno I . t .t.r i.ia j a 'urn a iJAmorrftt and T hftliftVA In w ifcuwr uyga iui "V"" " rays, anu wuea nuj iuotUUDu.uv - . paTiua waww v. . A ""vo iu ge :Gf the-Board of, have, found their way to a receptlte have signed applications in my her heme Thnrliy. She wm scot- Tariff for erasing. or officQ considered members ledto by her little U3btr, irULLl I , , v ... , ... I . . fM .1. Vaa - - - f I . .. .1 . : - '-- - . 1 . imwmm a n,w rtar tttd u w -y 111 .u v niiu ..... prosperedin spite of the rRepubU- " 'cleansing can hide ts .presence rrom . , , T ... - , jlfouTe who haa ba prodic - V a- ic.n th-latter U of the corn Club. I Will send with Mary out, wnoca w30 cans, as never Deiorenas,m duty it shall be to collect a tax j pf . jpped to ntiiiie only this lnriRibie the application blank' on yista opened up to the, farmer; he one dollar and deliver to the owner! lteht tbe result is mnch more marked, (jom club buttons. gets good prices ; for u his products, Qf each dog so listed, a tag marked Should the neatest erasure be made In : rp r p.. theR,F,D., the telephone, j and ,a ;Paid?, which tallbe wne etol't ' Director Ws Cc Kood roads are bringing himcloser to ow the of to tne city. . i? nena iook on tne ; uer&uua ..-wu us. y j rthe flf!.,DMd to ntlllie only tbls InTWble tho application blank ono of oar ocaunHwrf.. - ! .mA . a 1a I .-..aK mnM Try rViU I ' a 1'.a I X mitAm I T?ir .TAhr.w-in n wifa of KsStacky 1 ARKEH, - I Mrs. Johnnrra'a paxwau, Mr. bright side, what we; need, is pothlii?:. pessimism but organized,- vintelh- shal;will impbuhd"all such dogs as gent and ; progressiveness ; among are no - listed ' as above required a?nraf and also killsaid dog or dogs. ;.' y: ?If vinn nrft -Weariner ' the "same Wt k tr r erasure as plainly as the writing Itself. New York Tribune. 'JL'U:". ' Cheap.'. -;- " Howell Every man haa his price. . Powell Well, I wouldn't have to bor row to pay yours. New York Press. . . Xt "M I . . . r- . tA M , uirccvor xx?ys vxjru iiuus. i ana nrs w . u- iw ti wwa! W. Lycxly was In Hickory and tar lott Ixat vrck cm bejicfr. Ml Kary and Peart Tate yrtro horrS lQ Marion lot wtk. uitttt. . m. ' Will Laning reports killing a whopper rattle snake on Mackcy's Creek near Greenlee,' one dav last week. It measured 31 feet and had 20 rattles and a button. Get the good ro?uls enthusiasm. i-.!-:-v(,-if-- -1 y i : HZ- -J