'l ' .i .ti. 'i-i. -. . -J . -'..lit ' " " ! . 1 V I', - A. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THEBEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY, t ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C j THURSDAY, JULY 13, 19JL1. VOL. XV NO. 45. : y v- BOBBERS DYNAjyilTE : C. C. & 0 STATION county Board of Education Names . cm. xx . j o r v Committeemen for McDowell V; Windows Shattered and Safe : , 1 Countv.Schoois. : Demolished and Robbed - , ..- - . , At the regular meeting or the TIERCE BATTLE AT OLD FORT "T? f educa"?n Mond' the school districts in the county SOUTHERN RAILWAY McDOWELL TEACHERS GOOD ..ROADS TRAIN Who They ArTanJ DUtrlctJ to At Marion Next Monday Two Go vernment Road Engineers Ac- ; company Triin and -Will. Answer All Questions The citizens of this section will ashbiirn and Connor Wounded While Attempting to Arrest , Suspicious Character. The station of the C. C. & O. 3ailwav at . Marion Junction was dWrnifftd last Sundav niht about G. P. Poteet, John England. o W ortrv,o nnrvorn rJ District No. 3 S. Lu Dobbins, and the safe: the windows. George Poteat, Charles Carson and the entire building was wreck- District No. 5-J. E. Jimison, A OnW ft small amnnntof monev N- ' "Won, ueorge parson. was received, as the agent had re- ' District No. 7-F. A. Hall, John demonstration coaches equipped vftd all th monev but two Plroua nenry uiDson Checks and some small change. District-No. 8-H. L. Lytle, Th work was done evidently .by Mr. ; rye, Arthur McOall. . inexperienced men, as too much District No . D Barnes, ! nU;rfl ron Th hnrcrlars James Hemphill, J. H. Epley. left no clew, but the place was District No. 10G. C. Oonley. wide experieDCes arQ qualiCed to securely guarded until the blood Daniel Lucas, J. M. Brown. giv6 the most vaiuabQ information bounds were brought from the con- District No. 11 S. P. Curtis, QQ d roads building. Y. J. Vict camp; but they failed to locate u- - nlPs, iom v I Hurlbut, of the land and industrial uisinciiso. ivo. r. iraagem department Gf the Southern rail G. iW. Johnston, W. I. McMahan. way goes with tho train. n old fort Ib the object of the 4road im District iNo. 1 George Dobson, W Which They Have Been Assigned. for Year. The McDowell County Teach era' Association was in session in Marion Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. The exami nations were given doring the three days, and certificates issued. The remainder of the time u devoted to discussions of such Yv crivftn it finft nnnortnnltv tn lm were selected for the coming year about thoimportancoof good roads as follows: " I j 4UJ u..:u: . , . v ' BUU WUO UCSb LUUbUUUS ui uuuuiu . - MAMON TOWNSHIP d keepinR them in p, when District No. 1 Graded fachool.- ... , imnmt ,: nu . . . I UU Vt4 a Ul v W V. U4UU W M mi u, w.- I . . . - T;T t r B, ing operated by the Southern rail- U,"-VU3 ""'r3' V .l way and affiliated lines, working in conjunction with the United States office of public roads; visits Marion on Monday, July, 17, at 2. p. nx. The train consists of lecture and with a stereopticon, exhibits, and working models, and is accompani ed by Messrs. D. H. Winslow and W. N. Fairbanks, two govern ment road engineers, who from the trail. Since this occurrence all sus vicious characters along the rail way lines have been arrested and searched for clews. One is still Vioinor hftld in ihpi iail here for lurther information. Monday AisoTD- J,sf a'e--vt tm nVIM thw. men District No. 3 Graded Wre reported walking along the -'Df net No. 4rA. L: Beach, railroad west of Maridn. Mmrae- Charles Key, G eow Om diately Sheriff baughridge and Dj?tnct N' t"J- B"t,e". '-Chief Finley set out in pursuit. Sid Quinn, Dr. F; W. Ihne, W. L. They boarded a passing freight Vtuinn, w. . ""m teachers when they brgio thlr work in the respective districts. The meeting was possibly the most enthusiastic and well attended ever held In McDowell county for the length of time. Stato Supervisor J. A: Biveas was with us for one day. and de livered two most splendid addresses to tho teachers. lho loilowing teacnem wert is- I signed to work in the different districts for the coming year: MARION TOWNSHIP District No. 1 Marion Graded School. ' District No. 2 Mia Florence Hunter. Mrs Charles Steppe. District No 3 Cordelia Catrp. MUj Carrie TaU. SAUL REPLIES TO DAVID A Tender Spt Touched in Divid't Reference to Lt Yean of the Civil Wir. Dear Mr. Editor and rcaJem of Tun PEoatu: In lastweck'aPnOfjtfcf we taw comment on the 'Glorious Foarthn In which the writer drew the Fourth of July orator Mover tho coal" and condemned his i!cgTjlaT and almost pathetic optimUra1 la rerd to our social ar.d economic conditions. He teemed to be in a mood to criticise every thine fron the way our women dress to lbs crecdi of our denomination tdo of which I for ono readily art, hut our friend David touched a tender spot in the last paragraph of his article when be aaid the South should be ashamed of the part she bore in that "four yean , of hclP known in history as the Civil War. Now I don't know who this fel low David is but unless he is a Yankee I cannot Cure ost where be stays, where he was bora, or where he expects to live, and what his relicioa and politics are (if be District No. 2 A. L. Hicks, J. Allison, Ben Tisdale. District No. 3 Graded School. Hugh A. Tate, 7 V 7- Na Mb has any). If he Is a Southerner f P TlHnt V Provemfent traln "tonotonlystimu- May McCoj. Mi Effle Oi W he certainlv should be nrotvl of r.R. McCoy. -,ate inU5rest j the good TO&ds Strict No. 7-TVilUam Nanney. tm oertetoljr should be prox. J of movement but to give practical in struction in the building of roads and their repair. President Fiu- ley, of the Southern railway, is an ardent good roads advocate and realizing the vast economic impor tance of a system of improved high ways to the people of the South, an District No. 4 MI Manraret Btrpp. , t in . District No. 5-GedGli, Mia. p22l "U f laacJ 1 Are lho Oonredcraic veterans who stard isince they gave a satisfactory ac count of their presence here they Were set free. The officers at Old Fort had been Notified to search all passing trains. 1 About the time the above mention ed freight was due at Old Fort, Chief Mauney and ex-Sheriff Mash burn, with two citizens, started to -Hn unknown .white man who, upon being haul ted, began to fire upon 'the officers at short range. The i fire was returned by the office rs -and a regular battle followed, in which ex-Sheriff Mashburn was "Shot in the ankle and Mr. Connor in the shoulder. ( When Chief Mauney had empted his gun he 1 began throwing rocks at the man, but he held t his ground ,' until : he had emptied the chambers of two pistols at officials. ; Thn he escap ' ed into the mountains, followed by nearly all the men in Old ITort. At this writinsr no trace -of his whereabouls has been t discovered, though parties have been organiz ed and the surrounding mountains carefully searched. 7 It is not believed that- the . des perado had anything to do with the dynamiting of - the : C. & 0 station , but it is very certain that he is an escaped criminal, v Only ' the'uncertain light of rthe m prevented a more disastrous result Beck. District No. C Miss Pearl TaU. District No. 7 Miss Cora Lcra Butt. District No. S Old Port Graded SchooL CROOKED CREEK District No. 1 Winter school. District No. 2-Mr. aod Mr. N. F. Stpp. District No. 3 Winter school. District No. 4 Mi&a Princey Pat tea. , HIOOINS District No. 1 R. E. Hlnshaw, Mias Kat Green, Miss ETa Keeter. District No. S Winter tchooL BROAD RrVTIR District No. 1 Miss Pearl Ded better. District No. 2-Mlsa Maie Bird. District No. 3 F. A. HalL District No. 4 Miss Lizzie Groom. District No. 5 Bea Hortoa. BRACKETT3 District No. I MIm Ada Brown. District No. Miss Pearl WlUiama. DY8ARTSVILLE District No. 1 Winter echooL District No. 2 G. D. Taylor. District No. a Mias Oicn Yeltca. District Na 4 Miss Maie Gofcrth District Na 5 Alonxo Diris. " District No. & Miss Verm Corpcnlng. NEBO District No. 1 Mia Cordelia Camp. District No. 2 Nebo High SchooL District No. 8 J. A. Gtttja. " MONTFORD3 "District No. 1 Winter pchool. District No. Jlmmlo nnntr. Miss Grace Flnley. . among us, so few in number, with amputated arm or lej; like solitary oaks in a fallen forest, to be de nounced as unworthy of trust ard k A J.AJI it.. CMll. 1. 1 ,1 . 1 District No. 8 -TVacb to be 5ct . 77 vUMl uuvaxj District No. 9 -D. W. Crawford, MU 10 history of this naUon but la Eddie Yonng. the history of the world. Vbo It DtarictJSo. 10 MUa Efio Lynch, it, bprti in Dixie's sunny lied Miss Lnrlice.Ilick. N where every heart is as warta as District No li-Mlss Manda mictt. lho Southern sun and every boss District No. 13 Charie PoUaL . , . - , -t OLD FORT " temple of love, can fail to District Na 1 A- T. Ledbttr, Mi realize that the man who bore arms rv- i XT o Ttr:i I . . . . . . . Urv Rnrn TV11 William I In thft Imt NGM rwr of t V . a.' iL. I JJlStriUl XU. U IT JIO.Y "lUllia, .-.Ja U K UtK,pvhio "fTAftM v I " - w. "amL r C. C. Lindley, Stacey Kelly. 3. "CZZ .wu-? Tui MdU. nick. proudMi tb.1 er nahri orfrr .1 ' - District No. 7 JasDer Souther. Lu. a k. c...u I , . n7 Dinner or uiustrated the tne tnree men aiong me trac. - wo wruwrj wncu ujr The train was stopped at the 107 Aom "ror, vx. ern ra,iway and ameci lnCsin order taile post and the Sheriff and ;the - nobth cove that the people might have the op- hief both jumped from the train District 1 jasper Hollifleld, portunity to receive tho informa- nd immediately saw the three men Fred Burnett, Elndge HolhBeld. tion a3 to the improvement of roads xloseby. Upon the command to District No. 2-Frank Suttles, which it affords, halt, the men threw up their hands Sam 3?d- ,. The Southern railway, at great and submitted to a careful search. District No. 3-Will Gouge, expenSe, bhandling this train with- Nothing of an incriminating nature John Lwry, John Buchanan. Mt cbarge to the government or 7as found upon their person, and ao' r0 the people, and all tho lectures and joe wasnourn, uasper w inmiua. demonstrations are free. The Ice- District iNo. 7 Joe Conley, Ed. Jtureaand exhibiu are bound iiingiisn, ouei oruwu. prove helpful to all interrsted in MONTTORDS COVE trrA rn unrl thft xnfirta will be District No. 1 J ohn. Bird, B. W. ready to Answer all questions whoso Harris, G. M. Harris. solution may be puzzling the indi- District No; 2 Will Wilson, viduals as to how best to improve R. P, Morris, A. W. Hogan. nis roa(i. District No. John Iiail, Kas- The working models will be carr Plnrmn fronrcrA ATri reran. I nl .r. !. AMfinv, Via t-nv the station. On the way they met . . 4j. w. ' Mathes, ,wer beinr f urniseU by a ur nnvnnmn tDhuo mart nrhn nnrtn ' . I . Rnsco Keel, Vance Rawing. gasoline engine installed for the nebo - i purpose, and with these the experts District No. 1 J. K. Stacy, T. are enabled to explain what ma W. Stacy, J. J. Lewis. terials make the best roads and how District No. 2W. A. Conley, they are made and repaired at the A. D. Erwin,'H. G. Arrowood. smallest necessary cost District No. 3 DJ - W. Dobson, Those in charge of the train ex- J. W: Holland, Frank Randolph, tend a cordial inviUtion to 'the , jL.:Bito:KiVER ; " people of this community to attend District No. 1W. H. Grant, the exhibition. All county officials B. C. Marlow, C. J. Lytle. ' and road supervisors are asked to District No. 2r-J. Ledbetter, take part and the ladies will bo es- J. N. Dobson, 0. J. Owensby. pecially welcome. District No.- 31 V. Stroud, t t Vonnw w.HR. Oarrison. The board of directions of the tS JA.0 tuuuuj , . devoid of honor because their voice once sounded in the charge of Stuart and Forrst'a invincible bat- tallionst Are tho men who meet every year on old battlefields to renew the old camp association ... . and sing again loose o;d socgi chanted during the pauses of tho battle on the hills of old Virginia, to be stigmilizedi as disloyal be cause their heart beats with & quickened puliation when they hear again the strains of Dixie! If so, they will die disloyal men. Are the dear old grandmothers to bo denounced as rebellious 'be cause toey ten our cntldrca tae true stories of bravery and courage which make the history of the South brighter and more glorioci than the wildest dreams of fancy that were ever wovep Into Cctioa, If so, they too will die as they have lived Uebcls. As I have already said, if David is a Yankee we can forgive him for we can ee why a Yankee with the prejudices of his people for many- gtncratioas. having been DUtrict No. Znl UdbtiUr. bTX3Ughl to bear open him can have District No. 4 W. H. . Morris, Western North Carolina Fair as- M. A. Burgess, W. L. White. sociation held a meeting in Ashe- District No. 5 B. L, Nanney, ville last week and decided to hold W. H. Hudgins, J. A. Taylor. - the fair from October 24 to 27, pro- ' ' ceooked creek. ' vided these dates do not conflict DUtrictNo! lT-J L-Bird, H. J. with the Haywood Jackson and r.; tr nvf Hrobm. McDowell counties fairs. nJetFi rf Nn : :A: W. i Gilliam . jXtj v: Tnnie Burcin.V r ! The experts are estimating that District Na 4 Winter ichooh NORTH GOVTS DUtrlct No. 1 Z. a'Ounp. District No. 3 Tuachen to be elcted District Na 3 Edwin Corpenln. District No. -4 EJgar Kanipe, District Na 5 Mba OU Gil, District Na CE. It M arpux Mla Mary Greenlee, ' District Na 7 Miss Lonbo Brown, Mi&s LuU KincaSd. A lady in Accomac county, Vir- bettor scud it to some ankt4 rtlf a" n: Hftlford. the cotton crop this year will bo tho t kLL i t Ror.n?nrr 4 largest in the history of tho ' count- ginia, has. a servant who has been journal. dame? vjiuauu, . r; - fnnrtAnn- and a.half million with her forty-six years. Hats off snch viewa, butif bo is a Southern er we cannot forgive him or bgin to understand wby he should ever raise his voice against a section which being outraged by another had the manhood and conrage to rebel. I would not presume to dictate to Brother David, but would sug gest if he has any more such stuff as the last of ,his articis he hsa Sincerely, of the battle.

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