a- j,.'.;:;.-A'.3-Mv:-.;v:-M' '''sr-ri;;'1 .t : v :: v--:-. . . : .-. ,. ' - . " . ' . D) X J t uJUi A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST. INTEREST OF . THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N.; C, THURSDAY, JULY 20, -1911. VOL. XV NO. 46. THE M'DOWELL; CHAPTER Daughters ;of,; the Confederacy is Organized in Marion : , Its Officers. ', " ' ' ' ' , There has been great interest manifested among the ladies of Marion oyer the organization of a chapter of - the , Daughters'of the Confederacy in the town and the great work oi collecting aud carry ing down tlie history of .the men of the 60's in McDowell county has begun in earnest; The chapter has been given the name of our county and hence will be known as the "McDowell." At Dresent the membership is tjomparatively small but it is hoped to so interest the women all over the county as to soon have a very large number enrolled upon the books. All descendants, wives, bership ot the T McDowell chapter will soon swell to double or triple ts present size. " J; - Court Calendar. The regular July term of Mc Do well Superior. Court - for the SOUTHERN . ROAD TRAIN RUN. DOWN BY SWEEPER At Marion Monclay Afternoon T?c- Ivey Stacey of McDowell County DAVID COMES AGAIN ceived by a Urge and V Interested Crowd. Badly Injured at Charlotte. Calls on Saul to Put Up Argument to Prove His Statement is Untrue. Dr Mr. Editor: Plest allow me to tuako an apology for time 2 t Ivcy Stacey of "McDowell coun- Thft "road imDrovement train" ty was run over on the street at .Qfori Urr ih .ithflm T?n1wr an early hour this morninir by trial of both criminal an , civil ana jn charRe of road experts from street swpcr and seriously hurt. p tbo "dacJ.r" of mr brother f"1 De" "y the United-States Department of h Dff broken and other in- s.ul and such a tlashtoc criUosa w ,uu x. 1!, u- o- A ricllttre BU b Mlirira MoD. jar)eS inflicted, ville, . prestdinsr ; The criminal day aftcrnoon. train consist- The man who" is about thirty. W. ' -; y??' ,,,htlp ed of three cars, an exhibition car, Gvo years old was cWnsine the man usual, r oiiowing is toe ca.- & and a Pullman 8ieW street at the Selwyn hotel and u endar for the civil docket: Ai car was visited bv noito a number hich passed over hira, crushing ;r) Grace Koberts vs Wm. M. Pratt of our citizens and farmers, wbere nim horribly. As soon a possible j WM much struci. w:lu (protest by def.) was seen workine models of im- Pn ambulance was summoned and b onotts Bob Tarlor and also Hicks, Admr., vs Western Union proved road building machinery the wounded man taken to the lho inconstancy of bis remarks. run by .electricity together with frcsDyterian aosmtai where tney Ho bj wjDff no to to I xi brought upon ma ar.d.all who are disposed to uj anything against DUie'a Sunny Land,. - wncro every ncari is as warm as Telegraph Co. etl als.v Williams & Murchison vsKinion the various kinds of roads and ma- Allison; J. G. Wiltshire, et als vs E. S. Wiseman, et als (plff protest.) Western North Carolina Land Hogan Turner vs T. J. Euley. Elliott Simmons et als vs Thos. J. Fleming. MONDAY, JULY 31st. . Goforth vs Goforth. Geo. M. Garden vs T. W. r a 1. u 4. c mi Uo-t vs Geo. M. Annis, et als. of soldiers, but of anv man who did work for the Confederacy at home, or of any ..woman who in any way aided the men in grey can form the; organization. On Tuesday, the 11th, the ladies held a most enthusiastic meeting and perfected the formation of their chapter by the election of the Rr . ft following officers: . Mrs. : J. Q. .t Ebb fox vs C. G. & 0. Ry. vriiKey, priucut, v... . Emnia J Sherrill vs Western Kirby, first vice-president; Mrs. Uoion folegrapb Co. d. W. &treetman, secona vice president; Mrs. B.F. Giles, secre- tarv: Miss Kena Neal, treasurer; Mrs. J. S. Hopper, registrar; Mrs. J. L. C. Bird , historian. Credential Committee Mrs. E; H. Dysart, Mrs. R. F. Burton, Mrs. G. B. Justice. Mrs. E. A. Keal, Mrs. J. G. Reid. They at once decided that their very first work would be the be- terials out of which they were con structed, with the road -experts on hand to explain In detail. The lecture car contained astere bptican and screen arranged at the end of the car and views were Rebert Richardson vs. Peter F. snown which gave point and inter. Cannon. ' es4, to the address of L. E. Boykin, a road expert of the United States Department. W. J. Hurlbut, of the 'Land and Industrial Depart ment of the Southern Railway, accompanied the train and intro duced r. Boykin, also H. S. Fair banks, an expert from the Depart- pent of Agriculture. Mr. Boykin refused to receive him claiming that all their rooms were occupied. - After being turnd away from the Presbyterian hospital the am bulance drove to SL Petcr'a where Stacey was iriven treatment. Hi injuries were painful but were not considered very serious nnr ncces arily fatal. Charlotte Observer, 16thv everything I said except whit I said about the South. Kow if ho ngrrvs Vith me when I criticise our country in general and dis agrees when I get off on the South 0 must admit to one of two things which arc: That he is naVrow and ungenerous in his judgment and criticism of our social and political affairs, or that what I said of the FMf Rtnrnr ici n m of Martini,-. . . 1 ouin isiwitri hiscomDiimenisiun- Stacey of Nebo and a nephew of L tm VrtW ;, -tt ;. K. tnm 1 of County Commissioner T. W . haye nolbiDff mort5 to say. If tho Stacey. Maine Tourists Praise Marion and Western North Carolina. latter, 1 have only to sajr I am irady and anxious to see any argu ment he wants to bring to prove it "is untrue, and remember it mult be argument before I will bar talked interestingly of cood roads contribute L. L. Wood vs Western Union an(j the many benefits they brought ' Mr. and Mrs. Lyman W. Smith anything to do with iL A quoU- Telegraph Co. to farmers and the DeoDle of the and Robert Leonard-bmith of Can- ou from Mm1i fcllow't cuology of Tuesday, august 1st. rnral distrlcte. The car was crowd- ton, Me., who recently spent sev- lbo Confederate dead to my miod Epley and Bradley vs Geo. W. ei throuchout the lectures and in- oraI in -NIa"n ncr having hs Do argument and I don't propose Davis. " tprpcf-. in thn mnvAmpnt for crond driven through the country in a!to rlsl.n to jy sucli "roL" for Nursery Co. vs H. M. Croom. goods in this "county was greatly Winton touring car, hmshed the that's what it is, 'only Stewart vs Jones. ct?mn1fttid return trip to Maine last Saturday. 00thiog more-n this ami Barnes Admr., vs Geo. Lentz. C. W, Buchanan vs N. J. Green. Peculiar Malady Reported in Mitch- WEDNESDAY, AUUU8T ZUU, aII P,,,. iirr J.j . A ell County. Vjr.v vy . jiawiuiu va auiyu ui stowal of the Southern Cross of Marion. Honor upon the veterans of this Martha Faulkner et husband . vs county, as the time limit for this Miles P. Flack. bestowal will be November, 1912, Buggy Co. vs Chas. Carson. hence it is necessary to hurry up the matter. This little bronze Ry. cross is awarded by the Daughters, Geo. Chapman vs Deal, et als. free of all cost, to any man, who Thursday, August 3rd. enlisted and went out ' to fight, or, T. W. Williams vs Brown, to home guards who were under ! Admr. Again, Mr. Editor, let me ip poligize for my brother's brmxen adrontcry whicbv he displayed when he indulged in those specula tions as to my nativity, my loyalty as a Southern man, and other such fire. In order tox guard against the cross being awarded to those undeserving of it, applications! for them must be filled out and given to the ladies of the chapter. , In order that to have every veteran get a cross the Daughters urge upon the veterans to not fail-to come for these blanks, which will, in a few days, be in the hands of Mrs. J. Q. Gilkey, 'who will gladly give any information regarding them.. It is the intention of the Daughters to have a large number 4 20, "Old Soldiers Day," and the Clower Co. vs Crowell & Epley. Streetman vs Wm. Fleming; Ed. Christie vs M. F. Morphew. After leaving Marion they cross ed the Blue Ridgo and Smoky mountains to Knoxville, Tenn. This part of the trip was a very Ashevllle atlxen, 17th ka) nnnnn th nurtr tic tcMl mjt A most peculiar plague, which is L. mftrh:nn Th:, n-rtv lho lincrdpath in ite wake and ik as- " . . " las a oouir.cr nrst to taKC a macnine over mc 1 rt Howevtr I cminrr n nrm nff nrnnnrt nnL 5 . . , , I personal rtllfCUOas IIOWCTCT, 1 moment tnat the gentleman meant tain Kivrlion were more than sur-l t ? i i i. . ed States court stated to a Citizen r , the toUrists a very ? J t j K pcrsoua, OJ u, u.f u ua .iw Pnsed and gave the tourists a very bul j d( uko from ihtm lbjl ho . , ..t ... 'm -ii coraiai cicuiu. drvv not airree with mr and what talKea whq ciuzens 01 miicneu Tavini? Knoxville they climbed U . . . ,rr -uV ot Aavn ivnoxuuo tncy enmoca j want ls some argument proving cuuukjt . mv-v "" more mountains through northern the raDidly snreadincr epidemic m their summg alarming proportions, H. W. Whitener vs C. C. & O. rePori?a., en mu?T tercsting as the people of the moun vjierK it o. nyamsonne univ- . . mnrft txlAn .... talked with citizens of Mitchell in ma and to the readers of TllC midst. Mr. Hyams stated I -h thv rrfrvl Mimn. . - . , ..; Garden City News. Garden City, July 18. Mrs. Go.' W. Chapman returned from Qilkey Sunday where she had been called by the . ill ness of her mother, Mrs X C. Sorrels. . Mrs. Dnean and son Raymond.- Jo- nnncnL where they crossed Mission-1 .i . ' t r. i k Kio Irnrtmlftm Fir 1? P . , , . , , I UaOIC, IrOm MIC StalJUjJOlCW Ot UCr, that tO his Knowledge, Ur. U. r. I .nfs TV-nut mnnntain . . ... . . ,,. , . . j ilj j; u,j .-k - duty to this nation, to ner own Slagle had succumbed to the with thmr machine. From there I j .-..si.... ? pu.j n..u I "w . ---- - - . dcopic aoa w raiwcra ciiiiMvua; ease and that Dr. Charles Buchan- , ii" thftv nroceeoea to nasnviue anai- : .i t. i vuw " v- . - - - oi the war. , I haye two years already ex- lkncrtn ntrr Tflnn n ricnlt . ... . " t . wr J i.u .1.1. to Lomsvuie, ivy., stopping on prcsscd mjlM;lf oa lhIf ?Dl nd oi wuc xuaiactjr . way at Hodgcnviue, ivy., tnemrtn- .I,, Mt.n so. I say let's hear from him again Respectfully, David Clahx. iaaies themselves will he at a con venient place near the place where the speaking is held in order to aid the veterans in. filling out these papers. At that time it is hoped every veteran in the county will put in his application but any one wishing one before that time .can get it by calling on Mrs. Gil key . The rules of the United Daught ers of the Confederacy allowl these crosses to be awarded only on four days in the year, January 19, May 10, Juner3 and August 23, when it is done with appropriate ceremony; Henceforth the " cry of "Confed eracy," and Confederate-matters will be the cry of nhe ladies .of McDowell and we trust .the mem- way at noogcnviue, ivy., ioooirui-i9 um A;mrA iiibawvcuiuaiaovwo.uau.cu place or Aonxnam Lincoln, rrora Unf . n fnr f?nin in the last tew weeKs, ana that me Lcmisville they traveled to Indian- seph Hoffner, and Miss BaUey, all of number afflicted with the deadly Upolis, Ind., where there is the Cincinnati, u., are xne guesw w mr. dUease is increasing regularly. finest MotorSpccdway in the world, and Mrs. L. A. Chapman and other re- , , . . . . first L,. f M .fUm nnt thr.ni In Mativfta I . ' I -w i Lizzie, the Uttle danghter of Mr, and discoverea uy uoo or muro uuKcra Cleveland, V-i mo Dome ox mo Mrs. S.- Glenn, is very ill with typhoid becoming blood-shot, without tho KvintoQ INlotor Car Co., where one feverTf :- -. -1 slightest puncture or abrasion of day was sDcnt, being entertained The Uttle child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank the skin. The effects pass through by the company. From Cleveland Poteet wno nas peen- sicjc ior seyerai . ' iu .t.HtimA Lt n..r.l v V 1 navH is YtJlJ xuitiUAi iiuuiuiou.. i . ,t - .. . 1 I . a - . . ""J ' illvmn fan it ta cotrt nn l t.. T.I TT. U..a Our school opened the 10th with J. F. ueavu iwwna. iaay; irom uuuaiw uuw, owu - - - .1 a . V . 1 A. I. .a. aA.tt Parker, of Old Forti principal, and reliei nas oeen iouna ior moso qq miles, was made m vz hours. Misses Effie Gibson ot Old Fort and suffering from the disease, and that I and from Utica it was a two days Mary mcjioy, oi wreeiuee, assxawuiw. the nature of the malady has .occn run to Canton. Mc. via Boston. - 3 . - - w - w We reel tnat we are heretofore . unknown : to medical Tho sccnerr of Western North sLone cpmpetent ' teachers an-a science as far as invesUgations of Carolina and Eastern Tennessee school bmlding deserving the pride we I the present trouoie has oisciosca. was highly complimented upon by feelini;: 4 - The plague has been spreading the tourist, and they consider them ChUdrens Day at Carsons Chapel the for about three weeks in Mitchell selves fully rewarded for their first Sunday-was well attended..: Quite CQunt u is reported. ; ' trouble. They also wish to thank rr , . . -f-.- the kind people who did so much hpantifullv bv the vonnt? ladies and While the wheat crop of Mr. John to make theirs a pleasant stay children, reflecting much credit to all Harmon, of Burke county, was bo-1 while in Marion. who assisted in getting up the exercises. jnc threshed a spark from tho cn : Miss: Hartley Butt .will, return to . - fi- tnostaci- and burnt about fmo horso belonging to the A. A. V. GiUi&m, of Crooked Creek was in town Monday for the good roads demonstration. - Mr. Gilliam says the people of that section are much interested la the good roadi movement. He stated that the people of proad Hirer and Crook- cd Creek townships are very anxious to bo oa the central high way and that between $2,503 acd . $3,000 has already b6ea lubscribed. as an inducement to ucurt the highway. The people of this sec-. tion realize the importance of good roads. . The Southern railway has let the contract1 for a new paw?cgtrsUl:oa at Thomssvillc It will be a col- r n. i l i c . L . & I a I KiMM.nni rAAA ar J n t rvi ri 1 1 rCi i m l w m i : "i I j 1 1 n I ir i?wdA ui lLa. t 4 wva - : ;nlaMrDa'TiArfl and 1UU OUSUclS OI .WUCftW UCAro an ui uibuwuuiww,ij w. w.w- erai uavs visiii wit" w 1 at Greenlee. night. steam heat, etc