- 1 , ... FIOGMESS A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. 1 f ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 47. LIST OF PREMIUMS FOR COUNTY FAIR. Liberal Premiums Offered Along All LinesOther Attractions of General Interest.' A most attractive 24-page pre mium list for the McDowell Coun ty Fair Association has just been issued from this office. The fair is to be held in Marion October 19, 20 and 21. Liberal premiums are offered and many interesting features for the big event have been planned. The premium list contains the following premiums and information which will be of general interest to everybody in the county: . We are glad to submit herein list of premiums which shall be offered by the McDowell Connty Fair Association at the Fair to be held in Marion, October 19, 20, and 21. These premiums are to be in cash, and are given by the Asso ciation with the assistance of the North Carolina Department of Agricultuie, McDowell County Commissioners, Board of Aldermen of Marion, and many gen THE FARMERS' INSTITUTE EXPERIMENTAL FARMS Premiums for Best Loaf of Bread, Work Done on These Farms Will Best Five Ears of Corn Interest Every Man Who and the Best Pig. Tills the Soil. The Farmers' Institute will be sp1 10 mox progress. held at Marion, Thursday, August Raleigh, July 24. -Some days 17th, beginning at 10 o'clock. a2 we caed the attention of your At the same place and date will People to the local experimental also be held institutes for women Iarra worK we are aoiQK ln ine bv Miss Minnie L. Jamison, of the d,fferent counties of the state. North Carolina Normal and ln. Not all of the counties have these dustrial College, and others. The farras et but we confidently ex objects of these lnsitutes are to Dect to et the work in at Ieast bring together the women from 80 of the counties this year. the farm homes, that tbey may be- The work done on thcs0 farras come better acauainted and talk is such M wil1 interest every man over among themselves subjects who ti,ls the 80x1 Some of thcm tending to the betterment of con- have fertilizer experiments; some ditions in rural homes, such as cultural methods experiments; some better and more economical foods variety tests; some testing the re and better methods of preparing lative value of fall as against spring them, home sanitation, home fruit spreading or manure, etc. in an or and vegetable gardening, farm which the farmer has a vital intc.r dftirvino- nnnltru.rnkina thpbAmi. est- Large signs are erected in CANADIAN BILL PASSES Senate Adopts The Reciprocity Measure by a Good Yote Democrats Responsible. Washington, July 2. The ra tifying of the home and home sur- front of these stations and the de- . !. i i roundings, etc. iaus OI ine worK are careiuuv m' - ' I m mm m - m. m, Let the wives and daughters PeUed Wlth lare ,etters on pamted erous hearted private citizens who have com out to these meetings in lartre ards so that all who pass by may contributed to this most worthy under- . Interesting nroprams see and understand the work in " i " i SAUL AGAIN. And David wants some argu ment, docs hoi Well, I can hard ly conceive of anything more ri diculously absurd than for him to ask for argument on a question which to all fair-minded men nerds jciprocal trade agroeramt between no argument but in proven hrcvn a glance at its real import. If ho .says the South ws in th wrong was not justifiable in car rying that terrific struggle to the bitter end ho sets at naught the opinions of all the prxt, lcturr. and statesmen for the past half century. Was it right for the South to give up when the tide turned against her! Look, Broth er David, to the history of that period for the answer to that ques tion. Would it have been right or even possible to check the South ern armies when once they had plunged into that conflict? Con sider the temper of the South and the Southern man's 'keon sn of honor and justice and remember that it was to maintain that honor and justice that he fought, then answer this question. What could have curbed the Southern mother's patriotism who not only insisted upon giving her last son for the tereni exmoir. uu uu ma, , A premium of $1 will bgiven w as you to wait mi mo iohow- , effort not only to win a premium from . A, , A . , i n orrlmant ic rloro on thrJ 1 the Association, but to win one or more A z ...... t w i Ar of the many premiums offered by oat- 8 and 12 weeks old exhibited by aoaa as me resu.is may oe more n,Mfi,aiOTOanmwnfOTC,minTnJhave been prepared for these meet- operation. which we announce herein there will be ings. 1 here may be a few cases where, many which will be offered by the dif- A premium of $1 will be given from one cause or another, such Q mm. w sfMs-hl r k v V--i fi4 rcc lYiaiaCf a I J a 1 1 a 1 i kP 1 "I 1 1 1lArlav4' r-sm j Ainnrl t n it Alt a 1 1 tf I idem luciuauw ouu uuomcoo iuiC1CoW ror ine rjgsj loai or Qreao DaKea lauuiu iv tx &wuu, uuusuajij Confederacy but in the face of of Marion. The nreminms offered bv i i -i i i M-tt r.V.rw. t-A ;naAn;N ! "ao f0fQ ana exnioitea oy a gin or woman c.,uc., .uc.u n nd 8tarVRlion wovo hor " . . . i hn mrwtl-r nn a rvn . r a Vav I not be under th direct supervision of ilvinS on Tarm- . . 1 . " own garments into uniforms and the Fair, but will be open to Fair ex- A premium or $1 will oe given vuc wnmtru. iu que- bankets for hm and whrn hecam hibitors only, and we urge that every for the best five ears of pure-bred tion may not show what it is ex- h)n sick Qr o nurwJ him one be especially interested in the dif- corn. v pected to show but we will have tn hUh nr:n th. hm Tnht t.t- ... .... 11 I . . -. A . - .-v lace at the front! id last but not least. Whv did men so wilinrlv ficht if it eiders. man or boy living on ine rarm. ,uwrww"K' -e.il .n.i .u., u- m m W-m, , I w . . 1 . I V 1 t a 1 a I Aovance v rosrams. The institute will De conauctea lou win generally tina two ex- hrother if in von TTT 4- V.nn oVm! 4-oIIt-o flnm'nfr I I H m T WT T) t .1 1 4. J -,U .v I BApctt w uoyo Duv;iv uuuft Dy iJiri l. o. v . uruuuie, ui iu ucniucuia uu vuur ruau catu J-ar tViA Tfir Viv nrnmiTiftnt mfln on aerricul I r-ti x tv j. i. : it j : .u i , I J . iaie eparimeui 01 AKnuuitur oue uunug vue uunucr ttuu uur- .l arirument. As I have n wwn tf'i i ti ii n u r i-i ui uiiiiiwi-i.m iih.iiviiiv i . - - - . - - - - - - ' a. Tn nAt.An u.h tlift wiiu wiuycwui wawvauw, u vii4 .uk uD n''ouu ,,u- a readv sa d. the ouest on h!L but guvuivaucoiv. A" ,. U 1 ' ! 4 -I ' ' Fair we expect to hold an old time Fid- aiscuss agncunurai topics 01 m- uaiuro ui vuo pcrnucnv uau a,- 0no side and it is proven by th dlers' Convention, which will be at terest to the farmers. ways bo understood from the signs OD'ini0uS of all our great mn of mgnt, announcements m iun u xxiao A question oox win De openea id iroaioi 11. X . rvntr. mt anrl nrnt Tr m- f;t later. The first day, October latn. hn tli a afternoon, and a full dis- WaUrfltnfrn.nnlAtcHH Wntf.0r L.!.i. t ... F m rs' and Good Roads' Day Second - aruiC 1 luriu ray upraiuu 01 dav October 20th is Old Soldiers' and cussion of the subjects presented conditions just like you d$but we tho South and her men of stainlei ' ' 111 1 1 1 I II . . ... Parade Dav. Third dav, October 21st, win oe giveu. are very mucn graunea 10 oe aoie honor, dauntless courage, and loftv Is Ladies' and Educational Day. All farmers and their wives, sons to say that our work this year is devotion to nrincinle. and we mutt the United SUU and Canada, era- txjdied in the reciprocity bill that proved a storm center ia two ses sions of Congress, p.wd the Sen ate without amendment today by i voUj of W to 27. A majority of lUpubliamt voted against it. Of th 3 voUa for it 32 were Demo cratic and 21 Republicans; of the 27 against, 24 were Ikpublicas and 3 DcmocraU. Tnia action settled the whoh Canadian reciprocity question so far as Congress U concerneil. aad save for executive approval and the Canadian Parliament'! ratifica tion, made the pct the law of the land. Congressional practice will delay the affixing of the President' nig. nature until next Wednesday, when the House is again in ivsion. The reciprocity bill, having originated in the Houm must be returned there for engrossment and for tho signature of Speaker Clark whilo the House is sitting. The Canadian Parliament ha not yet acted on the agreement. With one exception the provision of the bill as psjLved by Coagrea will not become effective until tho President ts.surs a proclamation that Can la ha.s ratified the pact. The exception to this procedarts Is the paper and oulp aection of the bill, which it U announced will be come immediately elective when the President signs the law. The Democrats voting agaimt the bill were Bailey of Texas, Clark of Arkansas and Simmons of North Carolina. Special amusement attractions for old an(j daughters, and all others inter- doing extraordinarily well in all SISSSnrC'lestediD farming and the better- the counties considering the un Announcement - I merit of the farm homes, are urged toward conditions under which our In this our first effort to hold a Fair to attend these meetings and join local experimenters have had to tn McDowell County we are determined in the discussions. work. Much credit is due them to establish a high record in all that Morning sessions will open at for the interest and determination goes to make a Fair strictly agricultur- 10 Q'dock and afternoon sessions shown in carrying out the instruc l-n .ftmrnnrtitv rvmntv. and state snirit. ai i'ov' - tlOUS. "We believe that an Agricultural Fair Bring a book and pencil to take txru:i k nAna..fmAf .r,;ekAe r-L y fcaw in TVfr.nown Countv that While the Department furnishes will stimulate agricultural life, and ,.:iit 'a all the fertilizers, and all the seed, make our farmers and people better in The boys are especially invited fnr thft nrrxrti thfi tmft mnm of the word. A bureau to attend the institute. wen necessary, for the prosecu- of information will be provided in con- tion of this experimental work. SI0"0! Z2teJJ" SiSSSi Ector News. the farmer does not set anything agree that they were such. Then it follows that they were right and No New Fangle Disease in Mitchel County. Asheville July 2. The reported contagious disease, presumable blood poison, which ws xv to tho section for which they fought have baffled Medical akill in Mitchel and tho cause which they so nobly represented should not bo slander ed by such a narrow, prejudiced and inexperienced a man as I be lieve David to bo. Tho fact that the South's heroic deeds still live in storied song sung county, this state, proves ou invest igation to have originated in tho case of a physician of that county who accidenlly cut his fmgrr asd later dcrelopxi symptoms of blood poisoning. Reliable authorities In Mitchell county and in Tennessee by such men as Sidney Laneir, ! declare that there is no epidemic of John Temple Graves, Henry W. Grady and scores of others of Ector News. desire, and whatever attention they may u Miss Annie Dobbins, extra for his work. The work is broader vision than this man David m,tM who has been visitidg her parents, has so planned tnat tno extra time s prCof enough that the South was -rfttnmftd to Richmond. Va. crivftn to the ex Deri mental side of I ;.,r;n So-oi OTv,5Wt m will h provided 'mt , I NMu. .u uh,.Mh v,,vu mux xvv r . -A onH Mrs. iftOT?ft rjaroin. ana i .u k. v. AVM i . . for exhibits of all kinds and. every na- -V, ,.., a. t lt " Ju". v" ' lw0 n 01 ln0 war - v i.ri jj. M-M uiuaui mj a Am m mj w mm w . - : . . a A - - & m m & 1 received after f ieruiizer usea on mat par, 01 iao Honincr that David will not cnv any description. Health o5oeni of this city have also investigated last week's reports and claim that ths facta are as here stated. tare. Exhibits will be 1 XT" October 1st, and up to October 19th, at e gisk Sunda th acre not under experiment It Bob Tay!or credit for this article, villc Collc, Wemrcrville, N. C, is found elsewhere in our columns, e would do glad to nave our readers investigate the merits of this institution. The institution is located in the I ' I ' " I Miss Bertha Lunsford of Biltmore anions. Pai: Tnltr on Th In famous western North Carolina 1 M 2 ir.' Unaa4A Ulolr I . t I I... BpemaiewoayBWHuiu. JMext weeK we expect to DCgm a . . v,.v n i:. section, in the verv heart of the A TIC: XT' ill Wora I ..... ... I VW i Li VI vjl IU 'wl mAi vdt Wi I I " ' ' 111! fii im iUUD 1H IIIP uwaw. Weaverville College. The advertisement of Weaver- Sincerely, Saul. 12 o'clock, at which time all entries will I , ,. . . tv.- td!U Ka cAAn tVArfrrrA. tht tb I - j - 1 jMiss Anme lAJumuo. i www., ..w.-w.w.w, - - . remain. wiubou.. , , Mr. and Mrs. I. B ciontz are spena- men are engaged in a patriotic ser- Remember the time . date and be sure j this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. vice to the state. The most im- before the Fair onens. unless it is rrish- C1n,tz' J portent return is their increased Detore tne r air opens, unless iu is perisii- spending a few days at C " ' TV - i " able product, in that case bring it to & knowledge of their own local con- Tremendous Corn Crop Expected. Guss . 1 Best wishes to The Progress. Casey. Marion on October 15th, 16th, 17th or 18th, or even the 19th up to 12 o'clock. Entry blanks and exhibit cards will be furnished by the secretary upon ap No entrance fee will be charged for -oVl any exhibit that is offered, that is to say, it will cost no one to enter an exhibit for a premium. ' . Those who enter live stock in any of ' I Till I II If. UKIlf.rMlI V. LUCUVUIIUVIU . .... -mm r these exhibits will be required to have cnA,i train from Char- fertility. J. L,. 15UROESS, v,; i i !u1"vu1 . . i xt n ta t a :.,t. vuii. oiaa,ix w pvixinj uao MnttA tr VVi 1 mmcrton via lireensDoro xi. v. jvc u ui niKunuiu. xj.-au twu vu. mis wiuD v , n ganford, for tne oanieaerate " " viiui.iu i r T- iv iimintrwiii. i rnin win i ... . rfve the exhibitor a chance to euiuu," """t:' " There will be an ice cream sup- i i no ro naruii.iH i imuav luuiuiutt . take their exhibits back with them Fri- .,.4. f q AvWt FirP for per given in Stroudtown on batur 1 i a.- :il 5t PSC Mar nicrVif -Tnlir OO rouna trip win ud -x.w. LT8rt Sunday with his ies of articles in this paper on in m0 OVCf 1003 was upward of Uooouiw, with a elimate uoar- uifettuiw uiakWi iu .t.Uw ov Uu " 444 1 7.000.000. the 1910 cron be ine 57.-1 paJ. ine Tillage ox vi rtTcr- empbasize the use of green manur- 7M rw) Now it ia eatimated bv mile is free from the noise and ing crops as the best and easiest thft Uoarti0f Airricnlture that vices of the city, and while con- V I 1 .1 I I - m j . means or puuing numous in mo th 19n jjj Urr bv a vcniently situated nine from Aihe- To accommodate veterans and the . . f u n ine roP win oe larger oy u -ntir.1 m tfc.t AnAMnr t.fio MnnthP.rn will son wnicn is me oasis, oi an sou vorvmucri b lggcr percentage of in- v " acparatis entirely from mat (Continued on Sixth page.) crease so that something like seven-1 city. ty odd millions of bushels may be This excellent institution, with expected. ts very moderate chirgM anl splcndtd ailvantages, shoul J com- The tobacco trust doesn't ask a I mend itself to tha who har v c rehearing, it has heard enough. land daughters to ed urate. t-

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