' . ' w ; 1 ..'.' . - - - . ., - ... - ' . , ' i . . , 7 - " j ........ -, . fc )A r ; j ', - - " ' - : - . v ' . DEVOTED TO THE BEST 41 '-V 'I 2 v. i ... '. .'1 ' 4 INTEREST SlISiSTOj AUGUST 10, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 49. FOR COUNTY: omintssio irersSFix" Lw Jlfbr: i 911 : atlD eSreasefof 521 Cents? Chief tnoiij niatters of interest beiore thebft in their, reiar essipni; this week wewhe itigpf; the r ta levy for 191ljJtlevtfe thtfeept special school districts and ' Marion town shfp was fixejd at $1;00, a decrease ofentpeeln .tbwBisipftiie 1 a de- crease of : twenty-one cents. The leyorichopl purposes -was in creased f rbm . 19 to 20 cents, as re quired p by V the recently enacted Stalaw The commissioners ordered ;that C. C. Meitdri be allowed $27.50 for damaisres to his land on account of XJhairman, llvA- rate was ap pointed a delegate to represent Mc Dowell at the State Association of PROGRAM FOR INSTITUTES PROPERTY ASSESSMENT ENTIRE TRAIN DERAILED The Subjects Which Will be Dis- v cussed at;the Farmers, In- -r stitute at Marion. . . . As advertised, institutes for far- Increase of $865,294 Shown In Chair Car Turned Over More k New Assessm'ent of Property Than a Score Injured In Wreck . - - In McDowell. x Near Salisbury Friday. The new assessment of property opencer, August 4. Eastbouod mers'.and their wives and dauh- for McDoweir county amounts to Passencer train No. 22, on the ters will Jbe held at Marion. Thur- $2,930,332. as compared with the Southern Railway from Asherille day; August 17 $2,065,038 an U Goldboro, , was derailed sctcu for the institutes is as follows: y increase of S865.294. In Marion miles from Salisbury this afternoon FobThEjj Fabmees. township the assessment is $1,118,- an 20 passengers injured, six of Morning session, 10:00; 450, compared with $848,413 for whom were seriously hurt. While ' Soil v Improvement:T.' J. W. 1910. 'This isah increaseof $270,- rnaking full time the observation Broome ',';; . ' 1007; - car left tho, rails and all other general Discussion. ; , The following are the valuations coaches followed in quick success Afternoon session, 1:30. I of real and -personal property by ID chair car plunjrinc down a uCrnCulture-7J.iT. W. Broome, townships for 1911: 30-foot embankment and slidingto Care and Feeding of Farm Work Stock Dr. G. A. Roberts. ; Opening of Question Box - and General Discussion. Boys' Corn CluV plained..- Appointment of Committees. T FpR The Ladies. Morning session, 10:00. Systemiv'in the Work of the County Commissioners to be held Home Miss Minnie Lv Jamison. In Asheville August 16th. Our Boys and Girls of the Coun- Jurors for the September term try Miss Lucig T.-Webb. ; - . - 1911 Marion - , , $1,118,450 Nebo 186.677 Glenwood 80.240 Higgina S5.703 , Montford's Core 87,444 DysartaviUe 14l't073 Old Fort 857.043 Crooked Creek 81,932 North Cove 259,219 Brackett's . 25.878 Broad Hirer fci.733 1910 I the bottom. Tho passengers were 106,720 46.658 5C4.031 64.107 180.061 24.707 49.020 $2,930,333 f2.065.038 of Superior court were drawn as follows: ' - . First week W. E . Raburn, W. N, Ledbetter, RA. Tiawing, J. H. Gilliam, "W. W. Owens, J. L. General Discussion.' Afternoon session, 1:30. Breads, Bread-making, Canning, Enthusiastic Road Meeting at . ' Old Fort. en chairs and glass. JLne train cm set to work at 84,233 once to rescue the injured, who 96.049 were couveyed to a Salisbury hos pital. The injuries of all were con aidercd slight with the exception of Richard WiUoo, agtd tlin years, and Attorney George 11. Smathers, of WaynesviUe, whos5 condition is critical Physicians and nurses were rush ed from Salisbury to tho scno of tho wreck on a special train, which etc. Miss Jamison. The Countrv Home: Milt nnfi on Thursday and had a discussion - - ' I - " I 1 1 Nichols, T. B. Ledbetter, J. QA Butter on the Farm Miss Webb. OI ine ulT1 nignway ana a road Blackburn, C. L Lytle, J; W, Opening of Question Box and from Aerre11. VIuemont) to Old ttrnvenn T? 1ST F.llifi. Jl D. Blftn. Flicnnccinn Ort. lalKS in laVOr Of getting tO ton; Ir C "fof -Mi tf" p Ktmenrol ComimtCe ler, G. G. Morgan, Wm. Wilson, Prizes To Be Given. H. B. Crawley, A: L. Cowan, W. As these institutes are strictly R. McGee, J. L. Bird, H. Tay- for farmers and their wives- and lor, R. L. Bowman; Davis Bright, daughters, none but' strictlv farm S. . Poteet, W. C. Morris', Ivey questions and home topics will be Pyatt, A- L- Hicks, j: O. Uonley, debated; Hencp every farm within R. W. Tate, Curtis Tate, B. W. reacn Gf the institutes : should be Harris, D. C. Browni W. C. Mc- represented by the farmer or his Call, J. P, Wilkersohi W. hj. Lan- wjf or daughter. Uis, Xj. Jvr. Outlar. Each should take a note book and Second week M. F. Tate, Jas. pencil and make notes of ideas sug- M, Uibson, J. D. Laughridge, J. gested. M. Hensley, G. W. McCurry, J. To stimulate interest, a prize of B. Bird, T.X. Pendergrass, W. K. $i wjH be given for the best five M. Gilkey, T. C. McPeeters, T. F. Lars of corn exhibited, and a prize Wrenn, S. W. Davenport, tr. M. cf $x for the best loaf of lightbread Carson, E. W. Neil, Caleb Gibbs, baked and exhibited by a woman or G. W. Bradley, J. M Tate, T. E. girl Hying on the farm. Satterwhite, W. J. English. uiuvtuuuii) uui -x. , "v VvUiUlllr I , -i , . . teeW sood roads went to Oid Fort uic .7 ,u,u.?a. w'no,p'K,u liiu Hras is sniu uj navo occu caused by spreading of the rails. That all were not killed outright in tho car which was crushed like an ecgshell is considered a modern miracle. Tho rails and tics wcro torn up for several hundred feet. Nono-of tho passengers in tho work-at' one oa-the 31ncta6Tit-0ict Fort road and of taking every fair means to get it adopted as the route for the central highway were Letter From Georgia. To the Editoi of The f bogbess : Toccoa, Ga., Aug. 4. Will you allow me a little space in your good paper? ' I have been here in northwest Georgia about one year, and I find it to be a healthy place, good wat: r and good people. Also a good country to raise most, anything you want to plant corn, cotton, oats, sweet potatoes and peanuts. Irish potatoes, however, don't do bo well." I "' 1 ; This is a great peach grpwing part-'ofitheTjcqu Tftdres ofelffidi The late cold; in ;the spring killed most all the fruit this year. This!ia':alsp ort withifine Falls is grand, water falling J186 feet. : We hayef resh air most all the time; Toccoa is a small town of 64,00 ers tell me they, never; saw cotton as large" and looking as fine at th.s time of year, and if nothing: hap pens to it farmers will have,to em ploy extra "pickers. r ; Wishing! the 'iilROGREg success. : : : L. B. Elliott. The corn must be of one variety, uniform in shape, size and color, and the exbibiter must be able to give full information about the corn. , Boys and girls are cordially in vited to all the institutes, and the boys especially will hear things of interest to them about the corn contest. Marion will welcome the farmers and their families. on August 17. The institute for. the farmers will be held at the court house. The women's institute will be held at the graded school auditorium. ;:i ; ; Wreck on C. C. & 0. Engineer A Killed. Come to tbe farmers' institute ext Thursday. ;:)vV,v : madft bv Sonire Sandlin. Chief nf day coaches, nor any member of Police Mauncy, Dr. D. M. McTn- tho train crew, was hurt. Had tho tosh, Mr. Cook, Mr. .GrahamV css substantial day coaches gone Mayor Bradley and one or two oowd the embankment tho loss of others from Old Fort: those sneak- Ilf 6 would Pbably hare lccn ihg from Bluemont were Mr. b. enorraot3S That the result was not W. SpHlman, C. C. Efzeyt H. B. more disastrous was probably duo Craven, E. F. Mumford and Mr. to tho softness of the ground down C. Kerlee of Black Mountain. It th0 Dank was very evident that everyono The rails were stripped from the nrpspsrit was in favor of the direct ties for some distance, the train and short route from Old Fort to running probably 150 feet aftar Bluemont for ihe central highway the chair car broke loose from the and it was decided to go to work adjoining day coaches and tumbled at once for the road. Surveyors over. are now at work on the road and Several parties reported tho loss it is understood that they have of money and jewelry. One lady made a very favorable report as to passenger stated that somowhero grades and ease in building. .A in tho wreck wcro two valuable good roads meeting is to be held at diamond rings belonging to her. Bluemont as soon as arrangements A gentleman's gold watch was can be -made and the citizens of found lying on the outer aide of Old Fort and Black Mountain are the cnair car and returned to the to be invited. 1$ is hoped that the owner. six miles from this point to Old The train had just rounded a Fort will soon be a good broad sharp curve and must have been highway and a part of the central running at an average speed when highway. tho wreck occurred. e -r irr uonon i arm rasses. Majolica Wrkck Victim Diks. Washington, Aug. 3. Support- Salisbury, N. CM August 6. ed by all .the democrats and thirty Richard Taylor Wilson, three and insurgent republicans, the demo- a half-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. cratic cotton tariff bill, the third of Richard Clark Wilson, of New the big" tariff revision measures Orleans, who was injured in the Johnson City, Tenn., Aug. 7. brought forward by the democratic wreck of Southern Railway pas- Early this. morning near Penland, house of representatives, . passed scnger train No. 22 at Majolica, Fri N. C. , on the Carolina, Clinchfield that body early this evening by 202 day afternoon, died here this aftcr- & wnio -ttaiiroaa, jonn jyicanny, . 01 rp. v;n .e i mr,n anengmeer, met instant death and I . p , . Fireman Able sustained a broken wrin on C0lW)n manuiaciurea gooas ow wnuiu. rib, sprained foot and awful bruises, from 48 (627 percent, ad valorem, Tho other injured atthosanator- xney were in cnarge oi a ug xwr a per cent reaucuon in auiy tnai lom aro sicauuy irapruYiuj;. ton engine hauling seven or eight the democratic leaders estimate to n " T7"77" freight cars and, the truc of the eimes by about $3,000,- Combj G,ven 30 Ycars' onmnA rAfnspfl to take the curve. 1 . " ... . - S3v M,f1,W - who formerlv 000. , btatCSVllIC, H. U Aug. lU- xv--xv , . " I . , . . . I I .1 .11. lived in Lyncnburg, v a., could rer -Not an amendment was oilerea to oen ixmos, was uxiay senicncca oy verse the engine, it had turned over the bill, althouch the republicans Judgo Dadiels to servo SO years in and down the embankment into the attacked it vigorouslyonaccountof (the state prison for tho murder of TV 'Tm5Pw alleged increases in certain items his wife, Mrs. Bcssio Combs, whoa ned under the monster. Able was f, . , , . ... t -r hnrled into the stream and was able over the rates of tho Payne-Aldnch ho poisoned on the night of May tn wndft nntl : " tariff la W. 125. NEWS OF THE STATE Happenings of General Interest Condensed for Busy Reader. All trains between Salisbury and Asheville now hare ticket collect. ors. The change was made oa Aug ust 1. Gen. Julian S. Carr has accepted tho invitation to deliver the adirtsj at tho annual reunion of Catawba Confederate veterans on the 17th at Newton. Tho Seaboard and Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railways are ea gaged in erecting a union depot at Ikwticrecentlyordered by the North Carolina Corporation Commission, Hendcrsonville is now enjoying the most prosperous season in ita history. It ii roliroitid that not less than 7,000 private tourists are in the city with about as many more in the county. The first general rain the Kansas City, Mo., section has received incn April fell Tuesday morning. Ono to two and a ha'f inches fell over western Missouri, much of Kansas, Oklahoma and northern Texa. Hcndersonvillo is to have another mammoth hotel, it is said, to bo erected at Laurel Park, a private estate of wonderful natural beauty located just outside of town and o wced,by M r. W. A..S mith, p resi. . dent of tho WantcskaTrust&Umk ingCo. Tho end of the cxtraordin ary tt sion of Congress will take plac Saturday of this week, which U. August 12th, provided, of course, President Taft vetoes tho wool and farmers' .free list bills. At least such is the opinion of Congress lead ers just now. Farm lands in sixteen Southern States has doubled in value on an average within the past ten years. The increase is from 0.C 0 pcracro in 1000 to $10.71 in 101O. 7ho samo States have also do m lei their values in farm boil'ing. . Tho avcrago value of farm lands in North Carolina is $15.20, when la 1010 it was 4.2i, thus showing tho increase in this State to be US per cent. The highest average of ralco Is in Missouri, where it b $41.76 per acre. Fountain at Round Knob Will bo Restored Tho fountain at Round Knob will soon he-restored after being out of commission for year. A wealthy director of the Southern Railway has given orders for tho fountain to be replaced and that the bill bo tent to him. Surveyqri have within tho past two weeks rcsurrcyed the lino and it is understood that in a short time work will bo started on tho pipe line. After tho building of tho Wei tern North Carolina IUil- road tho fountain for a long tico was an attractive spot to traveler! but after the burning of the hotel a number of yean ago it was allowed to get out of repair and last year tho pipe was taken up by the rail road company. At one timo tho fountain was among tho highest la tho world about 2 iO fest. T. A. English, of Spruce Pine, was in town yesterday advertising an excursion to Wilmington Acg. 17. Tho fare from Marion is f L17,

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