. . cA .-v. .-.x ; I I I 1 . 1 - V . y . V ..; A ( fj WIMsMSU BEST INTEREST Ot THE PEOPLE OF- McDOWELL COUXTY. ' " JK EBmpEDl 14, 1911. ' V VOL. XVI NO. 2 OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS M ari o h G rad ed S c H bol E n rol I m e nt Now 300 School Property I m p rovem e hts : Etdfef&r Note : This column will contain each week the news of school as reported by the pupils and teachers, and any announcements that the school authorities may have to make from time to time. Editor. : .; V;,Xv x-Xt&iP ' Exactly 300 children haye en rolled in the graded sctool to date, 288 of whom ? were . present the first morning. The eorollment by grades is as follows: - 1st grade, 49, Miss HaieHudginsiSite 2nd grade 40, Miss Sarah Ander son, teacher; 3rd grade,' 37, Miss Ethel Maxwell, teacher ; 4th grade. 39, Mrs DF.CGiles;isubslitute teacher ; 5th grade, 40,i Miss Essie Morgan, teacher; t6thl grade, 29, Miss MarreSfford Jteacter; High School department: v Miss Giles, English Spelling and Gebg-. THE FAIR ATTRACTIONS BIG EDUCATIONAL RALLY Special Street Attractions Secured Last Friday a Great;. Day for the H SChjef JusticeXjaYk to Ad- 1 , Schools of Graphiteyille; BODY FOUND IN A LAKE Mysterious Death of Miss Myrtle Hawkins of Hendersonville Sensational Case. Asheville, N. C, Sept lO.-r-The mystery of the sndden disaopcar- ance last Thursday of Miss Myrtle i 1 dress Soldiers, v ; Fine-Pro e:ram. The Fair,-which will be held in 8Pec11 to oorem. ; Maribh; Oct. 19th, 20th and 21st, two schools at Graphite villo promises to be three davs of nleas- met at the school house" in the up- ure and profit to all Who 'attend. Per end'of .thd district:for an cdu- ttrw1 r5n,- nf iUnAru K The first four rooms of the Eagle tional rally -last Friday. The 0.f affcd 17 and rcmarkably pretty! hotel have been engaged as exhibit aa ior mis. com- the daughter of & prominent family rooms.a:he Jarge. store room in juo yarcu was apparently deepened this morn- the hotel will be used for arical- Present with full dinner baskets, . whfkn h- p - fn tiiral exhibiii;:rtheX lobby of the and seern enjoy -the day; very fl tlDg in tho watora of 0$m notei win oe used for Educational -u u B.jf iUu1iwiUi.M ccola, three miles from Hendcr exhibits; the hallway, back of the everybody else have a.; pleasant sonvH,0 lobby will be used for : an exhibit ruuo- : . v . : v - The disco verr wMmadu hv thr room foHDepartment E ; which is " In the morning Mr. Ged Gk$? small boys who were Gsbinxr in the tadies Work; the storage room of school gave an exercise consisting Jake. A verdict of ,dcath by means the hotel will be exhibit room for of songs arid speeches, which re- unknown" was rendered at the Department D., which is Pantry pected much credit on tetchcr and coroner'.H inqucst this afternoon. bupphes. All the live stock ex- pupus. mis was rpiiowed by an Miss Hawkins, who was tho hibiWwill be made in the lot ad- address by Supt. D. F. Giles, whoMaugbtcr of W. II. Hawkins, a lninintr t.hft nrtnl'Aw ; I .iiroVTr- ctokla I was listened to for thirtr minntp; I t :n i. rapby ; Mrs. ; Bird, . . History and Th(J secrotary T0Tts that quitJ a with tUo dosest attention. homo lust Thursd.T to do m r eT-S" number of citizens hnv written Dinner was 'spread in picnic shopninir. She never rrlorocd. matn., mr. J "r "" " notifying him of their intentions style, and everyoody partook of Despite the most ricid search 'no Science. Enroument 63.fi s ... l. ,. . ..... "W h V th t 11 the bO ks O I . uu.wuMiwwin,au vujywivtupiav,u vi iiki M UMvalll'jvl Ulltll iUU MfA criiQ f n ti ttt Tim I ryi ftnimf rt? dered wui oe one, .tnis .weeK. others who have made up their children of each school, the lower in a badly decomposed condition. Inis delay ot dooks is .not due to minds to do so who have not ;. school eMDS the ;Drizo: by six It is stated thatccrLiin evidence any fault ot the local dea.ers , but formed the Fair ' officials. . It is seconds: ' . .:' ' ; indicates that the sir! w dd be- L Li0 nnt 3 time to St ery that al 6, 'expect to Iaiheafternoonthelowerschool, foro her body had reached tho lake. ers nave not nad time to- get out nu ' k;u:.cuv 4u:-!-j --. . . . -. ! ::. it an Pdition since the State adootion mauf!ucu "" wbicb is taught by Miss Fearl iporis irom xicnacrsonvuic 10- Z T todosoatonce?. Beck, rendered a most interesting night are to the effect that hut in August... WpMt Editor Clarence Poe, of.the Pror nrorrram to the doHht of evrv developments may prove the death gressiye i Farmer, ; has been" invited one orent.: This was followpd of tho younc girl to bo one of the most sensational tragedies in tho history of the State. Lake ( Oscc- Thecee match', drcds of carnages and motor cars. Stonewall .lacksbn'will be nresent :- . - ' - "'"",ul KW1 " "W hope soon to have the bank on two on this day to meet and shake hands " U.. , t. ; ' , . "cndcrsouville, Sept. .12. Tlic sides or tne scnooi grounds , turiefl With th- -omr's of her husband. -V- 9 nou" w prooaoiy oncg and the entire lawn sowed in grass. h;inimoftal. Stone-all Jacks ?f L tho s?,uUon of th? MyrtltfHawkin, The teachers are taking up a UV -a ''wiiit-VTi lu'lw !uu Wl.ku. iwreuw murder mystery. UctecUvcs are 3ral:Tooms to S,n n-n,;n; nilnn .w;n ?nd.chlldrc.DVand wev ?red5ct for at work and it is rumored that a , . - . both, of them great, careers as yhunir man rccentlv married and a teachers. the school authorities o use the Cft ?ftir fi " - v ? TT-j.,"- . ' oueprescnu. j.nis was tiouowcu State-adopted books m order, to to address the farmers on the; first by 8n old time spelling mateh - be- pllil dayand.alsotoinspeettheexhibiu tLn the two schools? which was u u i V" 'y federate Soldiers on Oct 20th; The' upper school won th6 ' by he. laying.of:? concrete S.dc- and, it is also expected that Mrs. bat hadonly one . boyr left' waiK in iron t oi ine uunuiug. vv e collection in the several buv bulbs and plants: to; grow in aiso address the old soldiers on this 1 "le "uuumg aunne tne winter. day. On the third day, when the Already the. 6hildren are .handing school children,; the Patriotic Sons in ine Dest specimens oi tneir-wqrK of America and the school com- to oe arranged lor tne exnioit ,.at mitteemen are expected to march Sugar Hill News. Sugar Hill, k Sept. 11. Tho-showery local physician will be drawn into tho case. : ; Myrtle Hawkins did not commit suicide. This b a settled fact. The ) JiheFair. In this way it is hoped -n ntira a w w TTifm weather la not appreciated very much fnri died as tho result of a criminal to show the natrons what the chil- a., i v t.-- :n ; : by the farmers just now. operation and the body was hidden arej6ingn:school5S the barade with - them: and will l"' Every;teacher has agreed to visit Lwnjjr thn school committee- an j iU ni(i....jj each home represented in ner-room men aud teachers on the subject of the icecream supper at Glenwood school ana it is earnestly; requited that Education. house on last Saturday night and parents returntthese visits' by call- Hontrarts have bAen mndA for ported having had a fine time. . :j:iiSa!i'H-iv:W:v vontracts nave oeen made tor v n twtt vm.. iug at viDoooiapui aing,rrom thft f0now;riff snACiai attrantion: . - iirrrrrrr vr- titriA ' ' G.,W :J4. JU,t J 1 " v " a pleasant, Tisiwr tu wiw ronimnnur mo time to time. , . encourage rth the teachef and the Ocean Wave; Ferris Wheel, Mer- D. W. Crawford left last wee for ry-goround and Wild West Show, n&vei mu.wnere ne wm oe in ecnooi Quite a crowd from this place attend-1 away for three days and then car ried to the lake and placed in the position in which it was found. A second inquest will be held by the coroner. re- was three days will be most interesting with Mrs. E. M. Wilson. and , everybody i who attends will have a good - time'.'.Vv; .':, : 4 r" ,. children. There were ten tardies last week. We hope there will be none I this week. Please resolve that your child shall not jtardy) ex case of -sickness or family anliction. If fechool opens too ; ear ly let us s: A.; Hubbard, ! of 'Reidsville, know. JNp excuse for absence ex cept sickness or family affliction will be accepted.' It is most earn estly requested that parents con sider seriously thelimrtancepf , Money in Truck Farming. From 75 square rods of ground Mr. James McReo this year has tAncwr. 5. av Lut MooUr. BRIDGEWATER DOINGS. Graded School Building Hearing Completion Movements of the People. . . ; BriawaW. SepL "ll. Hnu A. . NeAt of MAriaa. frectUitMcsdjiy hr with her grandfather. D. IL Ercnrn. Mr. Ik a Cq1t asd fhlMrcti. cf nrar Marion, cat retzrsed beat after a wpcVi HH hr with her crrsU, Mr. and Mra.M P.Tate. Mr. It. A. AUraihr U rUSUsr rtU Utc4 la IHdorr. Mr. Ben Martin hai rwtr&fJ hctsa from Marion where tha had ha est m. ri&It with rtUUre. MUj Vera Ccrpenis who hxi tn teaching tor Um pt two ta-sthj at tha EdJrnt school hoUM, . cloawd her tchccl Friday and returned to her beta tear Marion. Mr. and Mr. AlUrt Hewitt of Ma. rion. atl the femer'a issther. Mr, lUwitt cf CaIiwU, tU1u1 rtUUrtt hero Sunday. Mi&wrt riormc and Kett! na;.hni;. who are in chocl at Glen Aljin. f7ct tho latter prt cf tht wtk at thtir, hoceb?re. Mix Jalla IIujI haa rt turned frcsa a' tvw wiw rru'4Tr in cTrn:ca tit wa accompanied hatat by br cociio, ir. Annie u. DeLaney. The BrUsvwAter graded achl crfn-. ed Monday with Ml Ac sis Itwii and Aoni Mcrrt. cf Unkm MiUiw i teacher- R4r. D. a IUthardicn htll at anow Hill chnrch gnday II rcauj ckd a tUslid rtTiral tar tit jf there. t t MUt Vonnx rtTsJl bc. frcra Hanbinbut wwk wherv ah baj tn tachln for two contba. Eh a tnUrrd Netx ichocl Wvlnaajr. . Mlai Pinbi TaU and Mill clecrj &dl ft'sd 3!iltfrA-dauTOtiaifr.csV tajiaricn, FrUay. . . Th graded nchool bclldin? which bu lately trm nUbUtbed near llannrny Groyc tharch. ii neiaris cocrltiUn. anvl ch3Cl will bo evened tber acna Upe thU falL ThU ichocl wiU W a great coarenienoi for the, otaaanlty in which it U located. J. X. Yelica ipnt Satnrday la IUth- erf or J toa ca bnaiowa. Mr. iL F, Ta! rrat Sttordar witb friendi in Xcbo. - . ; Wo hattf at but gotten th lcn Ulb ed of and tnnch nexied pnblic road froci Bridgwater np Xorta Mcddy crb Marbo wo ar planning to connect wiUi tho pnbHc highway near hero, Wo had a heary rain and conalderabla tcna hero Satnrday afternoon. Sctno tre3 wcro cprooUd and com Uown down. .' Mr. Mart mide brand U rii:in her partnta, Mr. and Mr. L. SIgtacn. at Xeho. ' . - ' - Kt. Tod Gihsoa cf Gaitonia prearb-. ed at tho Pmbyteriaa chnrchbtroSnn day nJght. J. D. Adams rrtnmed to bla booo in AB.iD: ant;bejnns to lotasif the . ji. o. iiuipent Ut 8waT W worth ' totnatoja. his MU. Kit Lcn.!x Daart and ' ent Monday having their children in school - on time ever;yayJr1 School Man.! Visiting inje was Mr. Dl F.tGiles, Superinten dent of Publi(nsfcuctfo Bowell;cpunt be one of the most successful coun ty superintendents of the State: : Mr Giles tin "his : cblleff e f career made reputation as a baseball nlaver and was a star of the Trinitv OoU lege team in 1902 later' taking a higli place in the State University team. He is a man of enerev and is active in his work'f or schools.-- ews &.Ubservor, Raleigh, 6th. Misses Alice i and Bertha Morris and Ella Lon Crawford spent the latter part of last week in visiting near Glenwood. . Clerk of Court Thomas Morris was a welcome visitor last week." .. . - . - Q. Q. Crawford made a bnsinera trip to Marion last Friday. J ' "Isaac'! has beard . talked , aronnd gets the position of assistant state examiner,- succeeding' Chas. V. Brown, promoted to chief .ex aminer instead of J. Kemp Dough-1 about something that .was in the paper ton; resigned. John Nichols of about him from "Symantha," but since Rutherf ordtori, a McDowell boy, yinantha"-fs so mnch of a Bible was a candidate for ; the position in his old days on and had Strong endorsement account of his eyesight: therefore it la Tint tiwAwftrv fnr him, tn adTancfl unv Howard A. Fousnee of Durham, argument aslo her ailments, for was named by Governar Kitchen he could not read what she had to say as judge of the ninth judicial dis- in her reply. Therefore If she wishes to ;:iAfiiiVAu;r confab with him she must hare n-- ' -';--Vir ''".'t-j ;- v.- -ri 'J. lit face to face. . --.- . j -r,. , , - - . j I Some folks seem to have their doubts ford Biggs,;.who ;hasi accepted ,a t week. protessorsnip in dnnity law scnooi. paper, but I don't suppose they will Judge Fpushee" will serve until the doubt it when they learn that there are next election in 1912. when his sue- men In this community who have - been cesser will be elected. Mr. Foushee almost passed going on account of soar is a native of Roxboro, Person coun- shoulders caused by shooting so much. ty, but has for many years been a R- P. Morris, who baa bad a bad ehonl- resiaent or Jjurnam, Demg a part-1 oer iox some uiue, ia ueuot. nr hf AYTnf1rrA J- S.. Mannincr.v v. v ' Isaac family has preserved nine dozen AtnJ B4bcr 01 sttoa Kallons, tho Ublo has been libcr.ll, ' who u tHs supplied and there are still some nmr DrAXTTiUe, tnt tho Uiur ran or laBi wecic wim Lena loirs nero, left on the vines. lib boys sold $C5 worth" of cantalopes fron less than half an aero and he has sold no end of watermelons of which ho kept no record. He bad a load of nice Brrrrr Low Rates to Exposition. Tbe Southern Hallway annonnor tow round trio ralro.to tho Aroalachian Ex- ones here yesterday. Other truck position at KnorriUe, Tenn., tkkcu ca was also sold. And in addition to daily f resa Scpabcr 9 to OcicW i fmrbinrr hn h 1 ' nt f I with final rtlum lixsit t4?n dara from cotton, the best corn crop bo has bnrl in rPArs. maHft 20O ho?hpL of I- . ... "T. - : . -"v i magnu-croi ua ninnoa xniawar. 01 oats ana ILKA! OI wncat. Jtnere IS-1 Orratct boro racier orcr had la liii n't a thriftier farmer in the county SoTitb.ATiaUcn and aerial CJhudaaj. and what bo has done, not only this G5 nreworkt dk-urm. Grand hip. year, bat in other years, in tbe ,. iruCKing line, is an oqjcc icssnj pcrforarra. m . 1 jLucro is ujuuuj au kuc iu vu3 -lor runner lnrormaticn. rata. etc. tion. and any general farmer can any agvnt or writo It. II. DrBc r:a. carrv truck thatches alonff with other 1T- r. A.ChaxlolU. ..C ofl.A. tf tifk t.l Anoronna inp laro irera Olaricn is II Vt a jm j j - M W V w M w v doing any extra labor1. Mr. McReo says that bo would have dono about Charlotto and Durham bare been as "much work anyway as- ho did designated as postal tivir:ir depos- with hb patches;-and therer 15 thelitories, to bcin busiLCT Octol:r clean, extra cssb for it. - ; k''.i,"f-'V,-