4 J 1 r. ft I 0 1 . i- ESTABLISHED 1896. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER S, 1911. VOIi XVI NO. 5 - . - ... i EDUCATIONAL MATTERS M'DOWELL FAIR PROGRAM TEACHERS1 ASSOCIATION Pupils of Ninth and Tenth Grades The Secretary Gives Out Advanced Meeting of County Teachers Here Form Class Organizations Program for Each Day Saturday Wa Enthusiastic School Report. Special Attractions. and Well Attended. th1 . nceision! and special attrac The members of the McDowell teachers, and any announcements that the school tions of all kinds are asking the County Teachers Association as- tofromtoetotim, privilege of attending the Mc- sembled in the graded school build The pupils of ihe Enth Grade ell County Fair for three days ing at Marion on Saturday, Sep met last week and formed a class ' iniT te?5r.3?: Tbe meeting was very organization The following are attractlve 4 Contracts for some of enthusiastic and well attended, the officers for this term- Presi- TQ made eacn day' Tne moring session opened by j0f r;iflnn. viLint and others will be made between singing our favorite national hymn fwt r. -fiLrA ftnd the time of the opening, -the song of which wo never tiro g tcm, m;oc "Poi sotnatwe are assurred that the --7"America,,. Music was furnish- teW;nS Fair will be pleasant from every I ed by Mrs. D. F. Giles, after which THE S, S. MOVEMENT A FEARFUL TRAGEDY Sunday School Workers Interested Great Dam Gives Way and Hun- will be rendered at the first meet ing next Friday: Song The Class. V Recitation Miss Effie Bradshaw. dreds Perish In Had Rush of Waters. Austin, TwLm Sept. SO. A cilia. a town of 3,200 reudcat in ihft in County Convention to be Held in Marion October 12-13. When Robt IUikes began his Sunday School in Glouster, Eng- m Tin in i iv iiTTin vnnv r 1 mm n h v n a mm. am m. mm... iu iwv, iMoiwiumwuaiu uomicni tan OJ UJO iiabft. vis of its spreading mU one of the tweptoatof exute&co todar ard DlZZtst and greatest instituUons in more than S00 of tU pcoplo were mo worm, urom a small ocfftn- killed bj a fkxxi which followed mngtbo Sunday School has de- the brtakicj; of tho lkjlcsa Pulp velopcd into a World Wide Idea Uxxl Paper cornpaaT, daa a nilla and the Modern Sunday School and a half north of the town. Al MoTcmcnt is one of the marvels of most 503,000,000 cailoss of water the age. bo sjslemizeJ b its work rushed over th plica it a will tea that the thine that is good for a fcul hih, wrecking ertry itrcc- bunday School numbennc thous- ture in iu pith. ands, as there are in many of oar In Auitln the bunlicir of scores larjio cities, can be applied wilh of natural rxs maicj as She build- equal result in the sraillest school incs were swept awmy added Ore in any township. An the County to the trenfrai horror of the flood Convention to be held in Ma rion I and hundreds of thorn imtiriiionfrt on Oct 12th and 13th all phases of the Organized Sunday School work will bo presented and discussed by the Sunday School workers in at- was the calling of the roll. There We are glad to get from the were fifty-nine members present, secretary of the Fair a partially besides a number of visitors who advanced program for each day. manifested much interest in-edoca- ooifofifMi-. KocnlroH I hot diop. r . I A . , . n i . rarmers xay. At n ociocK me various ousmess matters were tricity is more oenenciai 10 man 11 , . 44 , , . , . J A 4 ite T 1 opening exercises, addresses and next attended to, such as takmir Glenn and Frank Sweeney; nega- 2:30 p. m- free band concert from tionaUoumal, making announce tive Roland Morris and Grafton the balcony of the Marianna Hotel; ments, laying plans for the school ail- , , . 2 p. m., Hunter's Hour; 3 o'clock, exhibit at the fair. etc. iu,iru.uCuiai x cai 1 foot race, tug of war, and other Following this was a brief but tendance, and as the Contention is VTIUDS. UftKonfinnc A a'aIaaU l.JUn I !... 1 tk.L 1 - 1 . i!,aen uieuiuer ui mo .ia5a wm ffGI14.i emeng h or?fth anktnn rna mnt: mfimbor br nnA nf nnr ctt'c lie t.wvI ti rUImf frr .ft respoQU at ruuuau miu -7:30 o'clock, band concftrt and fmatest Winer Mlnutnrs unrl ftkn thn donnminmlinn, nf 11 th cht. tation rrom onaKespeare. we rnhnfinn ;n.rka TVia nnmls of the "Ninth Grade4i. w -r i.t . -- --- - . - i nnnsR. i i. m. itiipjq, niQ nmrpi inriwvi i r .t i i : .a rTu: I - i - ' I viio ui luc i rniurra oi uic vjq nave alS rgu..cu . y.u- , Friday, October 20th, Old Sol- a very interesting part of the pro- VCnlion will be the ooeuConfnco grdiii win appcai ucAi ncoa. lHirs' Tlav. 10 n. m rnnrftnincr frrflm.'fnr wa urn wnrc ronrlrund .1 r i o i. c.t . Tt i infPndftd that these class , 7, .V,. :r ,f . " V:": ... T uu. uw vrKM,lw ounuay ocuooi i ot TnA oin soiniftrs in mp. onp.ra p aa or an onnorinmiv m n;tpn rn i u r n. , ; i ii 4.1 4.u: vl. I r 1 r' " I nwiik, ouu uiu vuuicruuix uu i no organizations shall take the on6 who . So Mnt nf , t)t literary societies. jj&wt4 ud me lftcl-hv tKft McTIowpII Hhantftr comnfttent and ahltr nnalin tnl..l t -i i:i t. 1 - a aavance tncir own -a . . 7 Tl I WWW V llig UiOUttUUCUkUl UllULSt ;FV Tv uaugntersDVMrs.Jb.i. Williams, motmg tne advancement ot euuca-nt hs been thought wise to hare jpicmuw ) ivuun, - I State resident of ri. IJ. JJauhtersi I tion in lcUowell count v. I : k.- . 11TJ1 OVT. I I I fciJU UVUOVVJ (lAi HWIJJW iu m'-CH- invp.Bo Next 0Q thQ prom was an Round Tables, for then ther- will per oi a ,u, Jndge Walter Clark in the address delivered by State Super- feel as though they were really 14. 1D1S earouiueuk uura uui m- unnpf unnoft. iq.ik H nnor caaH J ri tii i- r . .u. t v . wv.. . v-v. . yiaui ui jiCLucuuirj ctuuuii, i roi. i part vuc vxuvenuon, ana Knm&is by the Daughters of the Confed- Broggins. His subject being based the idea the cooperating committee. eracy to the Veterans. 2 o'clock, 0n the prevailing standard in the having in charge the gathering, is Veterans and Daughters parade I public schools made it all the more I desirous of creating in their minds. in decorated automobiles, carriages interesting. Many helpful hints The workers hero arc expecting and buggies, directed by the mar- were without doubt gleaned from good and lasting results from the shals of the fair; 3 o'clock, races, his eloquent address and the mem- gathering and are preparing for it band concert, livestock exhibit; bers feel fortunate in boimr able with a deal of interest. parents will the class meetings The rep September tslude those who entered at first but have since moved out of town. Mrs. Craig has taken up her work in the fourth grade after rest ing for a month. Mrs. Giles has substituted for her in a most ac ceptable way. in the wirckg were burned to death. The contents of the great fltm which was Oiled to overflowing by heavy rains of two weeks, awe pi through a natural gorge in which the towns of Austin and Ccntello were situated. While many of the residents of Austin escaped to lbs hills bordering each side of tho town, the warning given by the blasts of the lUylesa mill whittles was too brief for hundreds of othe rACALLULxi) joujctow uonnn. The catastrophe oarallcled la many respects the destruction by flood of Johnstown, Pa., in 1SS0, in which over 8,000 lives were lost. The extent of the loss of life asd the destruction of property cannot be known for several days, The property lovs will surely be several million dollars. Within an hoar of the first gen eral knowledge of the calamity, special trains bearing physicians. nurses and food supplies were on the way to the seen e Hundreds of automobiles beating rescsen also toiled over the rough and tor tuous mountlin roads to lend aid. The food supplies of the town were destroyed, and immediate aid to survivors was urgent. Hun dreds of those who escaped were seriously injured in the collapse of their homes and the panic of the rush for safety. Many persona, crushed and help less in the wrecks of buildings only Work on the school grounds will 4 0'ciock, second day's horseback to secure such men as Mr. Broggins v " 1 I Lournameni: i :ou o uiock, uaoucuu- to aid in this linn of wnrir. iaia .u- ...u:. to publish the subscription list and cert and Convention and The members were now Rlad to lho dwrf lw taTOiiSb'-t selections by the MemmacMale liaten attentively to Mia Ada bodies, the primary teacher, oc- mproying 9 sc oo g , Quartette. Brown, who so ably discussed the cupyine a separate room from those find it impossible to do so this week. Satnrdav October 21st Educa- r .i j . t tu -i.-i u r,A .. barafy. V. lir,UC, Cross program or th advantaccs who were pnncipab of schools, 7T V ZaCZu tZ tlona ana ales u- VM C OQ of a properly arranged daily pro- and each department discussed sucb -- las., ana compiew mspepuou i gram. iliss Brown is one of 11c- matters as pertained to the beat V7-"7, a exhibits in each department; 10 Dowell most successful interests of their work". studvinor the history and sreosrraDny mnci'nni rrrvi ;n 1 , , , . . . .nTnrb. , v r:r;;.""7r ana agued teeners, and a Another very imporUnt part of , r uuu, ,u. great many suggesUons were made the program and one that is worthy .Rflh'nunt Invi4atinns. governor W. VV. ii.itcnin, rroi. by her which most assuredly can Lf mcntion was the discuiMon hv 'u P-"M0W! ?Pe? ,D hot fail to be beneDcial to a num- Miss Nan Guy on how to ; Prtly destroyed by the water. majur uwiwu.auu iu . court noose; i:u o ciocK, grana i- wuQ w:n onv nrftrt?A thm t i u T u t u nf Tx,.Pp9 W rArAH . .uru L7 Der wD0 wlll oniy pracucc ltiem I Latin and Algebra. Much honor r paraaeoj-scuuuicunurcu, uuiuii- ext came the reports of the .u.1BluUui,uUui.xlv.v1J.. blle?i carriages ana DUggies, lea Dy condition of cacb jjj jj, oi Asneyme to ..mh nque Governor Kitchin and managed by county where schools arc uu umui . --Mthe marsnais in regalia; ociock, session or have been taughtduring noLei auu ousmess meu ui closing tournament and attractions, this vear These reoorta ""rfcU announcement oJt premiums ana were made by the teachers of their ark Hotel Monday evening, Oc- prizes. respective districts; and we arc tober 9th, 8 o clock. A feature of interest to parents to state that without any ex- xne purpose oi use during fair week wm bef the Daoy ceptions thcse reports all proved secure the co-operation of all in- show at ''Gaston & Tate's store at ,,, terests in advertising the resources 10 o'clock Thursday morning,Octo- and attractions of Western North er 19 Carolina. v Served Them Right. After spending a few minutes in listening to Prof. I. C. Griilin, superintendent of the Marion Grad ed Schools who also gave somo The mayor and editor of The Xn ' i t i I Monroe Enquirer v,- 4.- Vi. i tl. a Axlir, A real nice looking young fellow very helpful suggestions and whose vitations to attend the dedication , A. i j t .u. t.i. u ' -j: .-rrw.; came through here a few days, ago brief lecture proved of as much r, 1 oii q.qo olfering a year's subscription to the importance as any of the above .i i x i'- u xt n' ' " I Saturday Evening Post, the Ladies' mentioned, the assembly ad journed rru ' ' u Home Journal or the Illurtrated until the afternoon session. Iy engraved and contains the names Monthly f eighteen The program of tbb session was pieces oi hne imnaware iur oueenuallv as rood as the one render- Building Commission,: the Board dollar, . veral of our citizens bit, ed in the forenoon. The most of Aldermen, th Chamber of Com- handed out .their dollar anoV the striking feature of the afternoon merce and the committee on enter- !Vwenw w. . program was the discussion of tho tamment. This goes to show how joicing. The ones who ...subscnb- . ; , . n-f - . n . mofrrpvA h things, ed would like to have a word or professional vs the unprofessional We are proud of our, capital city; two with that agent. is due Miss Guy for the .skillful way in which she bad prepared and presented this subject Prof. L C. GrifHn gave some bints on how to teach reading, after which the as-: sembly adjourned. Each member seemed to be aroused to a sense of interest Tho next meeting of the Associa tion will convene in Marion Novem- bcr 5, 1911, and while the program of this meeting was carried out successfully and proved very, very interesting and bencGcial to each and every member present can we not make our next meeting more helpful! Let's endeavor to do so and ever strive to uphold and push forward the cause and educational advancement in our own county and state Flokexcb Hunt en, Scc'y were consumed tn tue uames. Their shrieks could bo heard by the helpless ones who. awakened from their sleep, and paralyzed by the scenes about them, endeavored to save a life hero and there, where It seemed possible. But they were driven back by the deadly fumea of the gas or the heat of the (lames and half an hour alter the flood had passed, they stood from the hill side, pitiful in their inability to do anything but bemoan the fata of their friends. There is something in Jlho shako of the hand and ' the manner , of speaking that tells whether or net there is a warm sympathetic heart teacher by Prof. I. C. GrifHn, who back of it , - v DEATH U5T OfclUTUT EEDCCEB. Austin, Pa., Oct L As the work of recovering the bodies of the victims of yesterday's flood progresses, it is apparent that the figures sent out list night were greatly exaggerated in the excite ment following the bursting of the dam. It is cow rati m sled thit the death list will cot exceed 20 and may go as low as 150. Born, to Mr. and 5Ira.K,Edgit McCall, September CO, a son - I

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