TO) TO) n Hi T : ' ' ' is: ! . v ESTABLISHED 1896. MAY 10TH VETERANS DAY Crosses of Honor Will Be Awarded Over a Hundred Veterans ; Interesting Program; The President of the local chap ter of the Daughters of the Con federacy announces that the crosses of honor have been' received and will be awarded to the veterans on May 10th. - One hundred : and five crosses will be award ed that maiiy blanks having been" filled" out. At the meeting on May 10th every veteran in the county . is expected to be present; many to receive crosses, and all the others, to be present to fill out the blanks, so that crosses may be procured . for them at the next meeting. , l ' Sons and daughters of veterans throughout the county are request ed to notify every veteran of this meeting on May 10th and urge that each one be here, whether they are to receive a cross or not, explain ing to them that those who are not published in the list below - are to fill out blanks and will receive crosses at the next meeting provid ed the blanks are filled. Please see to it especially that these followers of Jackson and Lee have an oppor tunity to attend this meeting. - Free dinner will be served and the fol- " ,.'-... ...... ... : lowing interesting program will be carried out: ' Invocation Rev. Ira Erwin. Welcome-rBy a Daughter. Song Maryland The Graced .Sclioolildr-enly:!, 0$, May , 10,; Decoration Day Supt QGriffin. 7 , " Xr Song-The Bonnie Blue Flag 'The School. Becitation The Conquered Ban ' ber-Miss Edna Wells. Song The Southern Marseilles . The Confederate Choir. The Southern Ctoss of 'Honor Supt. D. F. Giles. ' Bestowing the Crosses of Honor by Daughters. ,Song The Old North State The Confederate Qhoir. - The exercises will be held in the court house, commencing at 10:30 a. m. The following veterans will be awarded crosses of honor: J. Allred, James Bobbitt James A. Bird, G. W. Bradley, Hampton Bradjey, N. Buchanan, D. R. Brown, William s Blanton; J. W. Bird, J. C. Brown, Geo W. Bates, J. S; Bradley, A. V. Bird, A. L. yBeach, C; : C. Bradley, . J. L. Burgin,. R. M. Cannon,.. T. M. Cuthbertson, S. M. Gollis, John Collis, J. M; Clay, J. ;B. : Coxy, Li, A. Chapman, - M. L. Curtis, H. W Conner, S. H. Curtis, W. B. Davis, J. J. Davis, A. J. Dula, J. H. Duncan, D. Davis, W. G. Elliott, W. R. England, W. F. Early, G. W. Freeman, John Fin- , ley, A. B.- Gil key, A. C. Gardin, G. H. Gardin, r William Gilliam, W. A. Goforthi D. M. Glenn, D. Sr Hunter, C- Y. Huffman, S. A. Hensley, W. H. Holland, W. C. Hogan, A. B. Halford, J fE . Henline, S. M. HQward," Daniel W. Haneyy E. Y. Hall, W. H Holland, Moses Hall, J. P. Norton ,;T. W. Noblitt, S.E. PoteeUM.G " Iendergfass, Andy Pangle, James A. Pyatt, J. S. Rumfelt, A. ;E Ro we, James Swann, J. L. Swann G. r.W. Seagle,' G. v Ii. Sandlin jLlexander. Silver, iP.; J. Sinclair, : W; S. Smith; William , Sheehan . "T, ,W? Snipes, John Suttles, Moses oiroupp, o. ir. xate, ii. u y augnn , i -.. . . ... ... ....... " ' A- WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED MARION, Lee Williams, - Bert Williams D. Mi w asnourn, A. Wilkerson, W. M. Wilkerson, J. O. Waters, W. C. Jaynes, T. Y. Lytle M. P. Lytle, Wj T. rLandis, W: A: Lauehridire. Georger McCommis,' J. W. Walsh, Brice McGee, J. F. Morgan, A. McGee, W: B. ' Mitchell, James Morris, B. M. Mann. J. K. Nftal. Mrs. Horton Dies at Asheville. Asheville Citizen, 29th. - ; Mrs. Anna M. Horton died yes terday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs P. U. Cansler, 76 College street; Mrs. Horton contracted bheumbnia about two weeks ago, and, on ac count of her age, her recoverv from the first-was considered doubt ful. She was 78 years of age, and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. P. U. Cansler, of this city and Mrs. George D. Tushee, of Bos ton. The funeral services will be conducted by "Bishop J. M. Hor: n6r, this afternoon at 4 - o'clock from the residence. Mrs. Horton came to North Carolina from Vir ginia a number of years ago, and, until the death of her husband, Colonel J. C. Horton, of New York, who had acquired consider able mining interest in this state, lived at Marion.- After the death of her husband, Mrs. Horton came Asheville, and has made her home.with her daughter, Mrs. P. U. Cansler for the past four years. Mrs. Horton was well known kerev,an(J during- her : residence in Marion she " made "many friends whoiwill be grieved to learn of her death. She Progress. Miss Burgin Weds at Bow, Wash. Miss Annie Lee Burgin of Buck Creek, McDowell county, who went west a few years ago to visit her sister, Mrs. ML F. Jaynes, at Bow, Wash., was married on April 9th to Mr. Gordon Hemphill of Bellville, Wash. Mr. Hemphill is a very promising and well liked young man. He" was formerly of this state, having been in the west about eight years. : . The happy pair boarded the train the same night for a short wedding tour. Visiting a. number "of points in Canada, Van Conner, B. C. re turning to Bow, Wash., April 12. Miss Burgin is a daughter of the late Merrit Burgin.'- She has many friends here who wish her much success and happiness in life. . A Subscriber. ... ; r ' . . . - Ashford News. Aehford, . April - 29.-Sunday School was organized at Concord church Sun day, April 28. Rev. 'J. L. Smith v filled1 his aDDoint- ments at Concord and North Catawba Sunday -: ' '7 -'n . ' ' ""' ' :.' ' Mrs. A: W.- Gilliam and grand daugh ter, Nell, of . Old Fort returned home after a two weeks "visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Brown 1 l - f ; M. C. Caldwell was in Marion Satur day. ': ; V..C; ' r - ' - Miss Louise Brown visited her sister, Mrs. C. EL Laughridge, at Bostic last week. : v; . - v '. ' ' '. ' . E. E. English was in Marion, Satur- r-r.. , r : -." ; .f. ; ' M. C. Caldwell has his new; dwelling almost completed... . ' v Mrs. Emma McCaH , has moved into one; of J. B. Lonon's houses. v -Amous Connelly and family of Gfbbs visited at the' home'of J. C. Connelly, Saturday and Sunday. V - Tle ' rains are , getting '.the farmers badly behind with their work. " . - r ; Prof.' James McCall,i who 'has been teaching at Old Fort, is at homo again. " : v -. Red Winq. ' I TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE 1 ' - . I i . t- N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 2, DAIRY INSTRUCTION CAR Will Be in Marion Next Thursday - Illustrated Lectures on v Subjects of Interest, Every; citizen of Marion and sur rounding section who owns a cow Should COme tO' town. Thursday May 9th, and pay a visit to the new ."Dairv Instruction ', fW which the Southern Railway is now running over its lines in the South east for the. advancement of the dairy industry. Such a visit will prove both interesting and attrac tive, for this fitted up .with a complete farm dairy and is one of the best educational features ever introduced by . the Southern Railway Lectures will begin here at 2d. m. All the latest models of dairy machinery and testers, pictures of the best dairy animals, charts tell- ink how. to feed, how to handle milk and how to make larger prof its from dairy products will bo de monstrated by experts under, the direction of Dr. C. H. Morgan, Dairy Agent of the Southern Rail way. Lectures illustrated by stereopticon views will be giyen, the subjects covering every phase of problems concerning the econo mical production of milk, cream and butter. Hours may be profi- U1n 4. i - 1 ' taujj apeui luu&mg over me ex hibits in the car. In addition to two regular dairy men who accompany Dr. Morgan on the tour, other prominent dairy men and authorities from the United States Department or Agri culture, the State boards of Agri culture and from the Agricultural Stations of the various states along the Southern Railway will be on the. car from time to time to lend their assistance, the idea of the tour being to bring about larger profits and increased prosperity for Southern dairymen through a better knowledge of their espe cial problems and how ' to meet them. - Any .farmer who wishes to find out whether or not his cow is real ly earning her board should take a sample to the car and have it tested by the experts. This service will be rendered free. From the results of the test, advice will" be given as to whether or not the cow is profi table and should be kept in the herd. Valuable literature on dairy ing will be distributed, all ques tions as to care of animals, feeding and other problems will bo cheer fully answered and every assistance be given to all contemplating start ing one of these profitable adjuncts to the farm. The car is being warmly received by the people at all points, visited and it is expected that the demon strations here will attract a big crowd." ''v' ' " , - ; Blanks for road overseers for warning hands to work tho road, as required by law, may be had at small cost at Tho Progress office. The, blanks are put up in book form with stub, and every overseer in the county shbuld have ono of these books. ' " ' -The Old Fort Brass Band will give a concert at Greenlee school house Friday night, May 3rd. A splended musical program will bo rendered. PEOPLE OF McDOWELL'coUNTY. 1912. A Card to Voters. TO Tin: VOTEPJ flp Mr?TVw-TT County; vw -m.m .f I have decided to seek tho office of treasurer for tho county and am asking tho nomination at tho hands of tho Democratic party. If nomi nated, I will make tho campaign in a clean and fair manner as a man, a citizen, and as a tax payer. I will appreciate tho support of all ouppvi ii yj l nit If elected ! will perform voters. tho duties of the office according to the exact letter and spirit of tho law. I will keen nronnr nnrl enf. r g g- w - u u - ficient records so that any citizen who has the right to can examine at any time and know for them- retary of state, has announced pas selves just what amount of money lively that bo will not bo a candi- is beinir received and for W date for the office. n - w UM V purposes expended, and for what purpose and what amounts are available for tho transaction of tho county's business. I believe a public official is a public trust, and I will so conduct myself. Tbis principle was spoken by a Bood Democrat and is Rood doctrine for any citizen. The tax payers in the county should inter- est themselves in the manner in which the business of the county is transacted. So many do not, and Hcndersonvillo is making ar they ouht not to complain if the ranceraents to entertain the North business affairs of the countv are Carolina StAt a H1tk nmr mJLn p mu- buD.Cf'H sociaUon, tho state board of medU manner. Few public officials will , ! , . . " take the trouble to tell what they cal cxamrs and the horth Caro afo doinjr, and why, so lone as the ma tedical association, which will public at large does not seem to care, or at least do not cive these matters the attention they should. lo tbisconnocuonwhocan tell me why the special Auditor's rerxirt Rotten up several months, ago has riot yet been published, though on ssSfsss: is isaiis; given next week!. Is it because the report states tht thn rmmtv stood to loose $5200 00 during the pasimrceyearsf ibis report cov- ers a period from 1005 to 1912. The law requires an itemized sUtemeut of tho receipts and dis- bursements and balances of all the county's funds each mouth, and that such statements be posted at !hU: 1 am uuuiiuaieu uuu eieciea i win go aiA . . . . . step further. I will publish this toP of lbo mountain by the Alex- reporL eacn montn m our local paper. This will afford an ODoor- tunity for all tho tax pavers of tho county to acquaint themselves with I am appealing to every voter Th census bureau has just is and tax payer for support and, if sued a statement of the number of elected, I will serve tho people of bales of cotton ginned in the vari- from any man, or set of men. raithfully yours. C F. M each am. Tho Blue Ridge Camp No. 93, trr s rt ... w. u. i.,.oi uia i?ort, win un veil the monument to Sovereign Gudgcr Fleming at Buck Creek on the third Sunday m May at 11 o'clock. Mr. Fleming died in Colo- rado. tie was a member of tho Woodmen of the World and tho orderbas placed a monument at his grave. By request of bis rela- tives Bloo Ridge Camp No. 93 will officiate at tho unveiling, MajrlO. uuwjjuk wuuiAj ttiu mviwu Estimates of flood losses in elev en parishes of northeast Louisiana set1, tho daraago at $15,0Q0,000, T"J aI ' . . t tit I. m' reruio acres or tne qeita" are inundated and will be unfit forcrop planting thb year. Suffering a mong the thousands of homeless Is intense. :. , .; . Tho Chapman Lumber Company, have just received a car load of Rock II ill buggies. VOL. XVI NO. 35 LATE NEWS OF INTEREST Interesting Reading Hatter of Local and National Affairs in Condensed Form, Representative Webb says thtt ho has littlo hope that tho Charlotte essay; office will bo continued for another year. Morganton h I pVoodrow Wilson Club and it b sa,c tnat Present indications arc lhat Burkc county is strongly for 'Vllson. Lieutenant Governor Newland, ho has been mentioned for Caleb Bolick, whilo plowing in the field near Hickorv lint Thn. day, was stricken with paralysis and fell after being taken to tho hm Rnr. tzhm J. E. S. Davidson, of Charlotte, a mcmbcr of tho board of director, of tho state Hospital at Morgutoa to Cn the b tho r t n n.n . be in annual session there in Jane. t t n n -.i. ? . Vllllf:., ?..yw- while.he was employed as teller in the National Bank of New Berne, and who at the April term, 1910. ofthe 5n, ayuwu bcrveuve years in the Federal prison at Atlanta, has been pardoned and has returned to New Berne. , .. , I , . L "0I0VU? "rres?0B.fleM lo lQC ouwcsvnio linamarK states ork has begun on tho Tay. lorsvillo-Wilkcsboro road. It will. be remembered that the road was surveyed from Taylorsville to the auuur WUUfcj commissioners ana from AVilkesboro lo tha crst of th mnnnt.m Uv L pdtr:ot tho past three years, counting round bales as half bales and ex cluding linters. North Carolina raised 1,120,276 bales last yearf of which number Davidson county is responsible for C6'2. The senate last Thursdar red Senator Overman's bill to establish- U fish hatchery to be located in uwm vrtK (miin. pv scntativeGudrcr introdcccdaKimi- Ur bill in tho house several months U. The hatchcrv is to ha cstAh, Iishcd in North Carolina because 0f tho Dure waters which arc found in tno western pan or mo stale. Tho U S. Government his in stituted suit for $10,000 against tho Burncville Telephone Co., for failure to; make a report as to tho company's earnings in the pres cribed time mentioned in tho law. Summons wcrb served upon pfH cers of the company here this week by Deputy Marshall Jarrett, of Marshall, N. C. Tho cau! vrill bo heard before the U. S. court at Asheville next month. Ena BomsTillo..