t ' V J - ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1912. VOL. XVI NO. 37 :: . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED. TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. . .. . TT" . . . " ; : ' P ) 5 GRADED SCHOOL FACULTY School-Committee Meets. aricLRe organizes and Elects Teach Wsfor Coming Year. r V; The Graded School Committee. met in regular session naay after- j $ noon. May 10, . and proceeded to reorganize the committee by the 0 election tof the- following officers: Chairman, B. B. PriceV re-elected ; 0 Secretary rTreasureri Dr. ; Geo. I. 0 White, re-elected. V j. 1 , $ The committee then went into the election of a faculty for, the Graded School for the coming year. s j.ne rquing were eiectea: . . t q .ouperintenaem, jl. u. ijrimn.. First grade, Miss Maggie ; Hud- - .if' gins. - - , Second grade, Mrs. W. P. Craig. 6 Thjrd grade Miss: Moffitt Sin- 6 Clair; , - ' . ? s " 6 jjourtn graae, Miss;iuciie I5ian- Fifth" grade, - Miss Lilly Giles. Sixth grade, Miss Edna Duke. p High Shool Department: c-Miss Sara Copeland; Mrs! J. L. C. Bird, Miss Nan Guy. t r s ; -. V Misses i Anderson; and Maxwell dioUnot apply for re-election. Miss v Anderson has accepted a position elsewhere, and Miss Maxwell, fol- lowing the adyice'bf her physician, will rest a - year; v These young 19 12 GRADUATING GLASS NEBO HIGH SCHOOL - - " - , , . - . - . - . - ' V- - " ; ; V ' 1 - ' . ' ' ; . '' , ' s ' - ' . v . Z' . x- - . ..' ; - , ,'' " " ' " ""., 1 i ' ' ""-' . i . . -v " " '. . ' ' ' , ' ' "'' " LATE NEWS OF INTEREST Interesting Reading Matter of Local and National Affairs in Condensed Form. The sum of $15,000 will be spent by the trustees of WcaTerrillecol lege in cnlarrins: and imrroTicrr the college buildings. A decision has been reached b7 the Rowan county commissioners to build tarvia roads in the futuro instead of the old style macadam. IL B. Sams, internal revcauo 9 agent, reporu 35 seizures of illicit 0 dUttllprir in VnrfV C rT. mf-A ....... .w . WI lit UliU and 25 prosecutions for tho month of April. i The trustees of Rutherford Col lege, says the Hickory Democrat, have decided not to have any more agitation for removal. Thocollegu will stay where it is. The Ashcville Citizen says Mr. r';m n r w ' ,r- f o Felix Alley, of Swain county, will EvaStacy.EameYontiff, Ada Brown. Mary Greenleo, Donnie McGimser. T t r i n nnis, Iowa Sigmdn. Valiie Wilson. Olivia Pnttea. . . , O PCC lr. Locke Craig m nomina- Top Row. (from left to right)-Winme Wilson , i.;;. .-r : ' Middle Row-Olive Annis, ; BOTTOM Row Thessa Jamison, Lillian Lonon. Margaret Steppe, Estella Wilson. v Letter fronv, "Bob" Reynolds, .; 'AshevillerN." 0., May 6 1912. To the Democratic Voters of the Tenth Congressional District: - I take this method of informing mv'frifinds thrnnohont t,Hf 'Dist.rin.t-. ladies were very popular with all that V account' of being compelled ineirscnqoi associaLes ana mey to be present in Asheville, prose will be very much missed. ; cutinff the criminal docket of Bun- Miss Edna Duke; comesj tos comljeoupty, it will therefore be - A '-ttamievxgv.-W impossible:for,me: toisiV-a:.:creat - graduate of the State, Nprmal.Col my- pfe as' I lege, ana nas, naa. tnree .years . ot: had honed to do. and mftftt and con. . successful experience ih teaching: 'L w;th manvof mfrMs bR. miss vopeiana-.js-aiso a coiiege tween this datQ &nd the day of the graduate ana jnas naa -several years primary. xi experience as principal or tne t m v-friends and the vo- High School Department of the ters generally, .that this is a great Clinton,, S. C : Graded Schools, dissabointmeht to' me;- but beinr The other.new teachers are well sensible of the duty Iowe the pub known to all' our citizens. Miss He and mindful of the trust repos Sinclair is now completing her pror ed in me a public official, I shall f essional course at the State Nor- not in the slightest neglect my mal College; and Miss Blanton will public duties, even though my attend the Summer Session of candidacy should suffer, thereby, eight weeks at the same institution. Let others do as they may think The other teachers will attend some prbper, I shall stay at my post and imitate; or summer school else- perform the duties of my office to wker( the best of myability. . :- The past year;has been a very j sincerely thank my - many successful one $r the school under friends throughout the District for the.efficient management of Prof. the hearty, generous and active I. C. Griffin who has given entire support they are giving and will sausraction 10 tne scnooi commip- me at the doIIs on the dav of tee and the patrons of the . schbdl, thft : nrimarv. : The solendia en- Ile-election willfmeet mtHgef dorsement l have received ; at the ieraMbproval as will alsthe A?re- i, j ef nnrrocf' on OCT. election of the teachers wlp; taught other aspirant for this honorablo position, whose hat is now, or may hereafter Je "in the ring." , I hope the day will never come when in the ranks , of the Democracy of North Carolina, the door for hope of advancement and preferment to high office will be closed to the youthful and ambitious. A party's strength is recruited from . the young and ambitious and they ought to be encouraged and wel comed to the ranks of the party. ConGdcntly relying upon the as surances of support from a host of my. friends among the 'old war horses of Democracy," as well as the ardent and incessant work of the "young and ambitious" Demo crats of the District, I remain, Faith fully, yours, Robert R. Reynolds. during the past yearvaudv whose Work has been eatirely;satisfactory. t General Pension Bill Passes. Washington 10. The House today agreed;43. to 5TyJtp; ' the conference report of the gener al pension bill; providing pensions xm to $1 a day for veterans of the . ' civil and Mexicaifars;; : Many v Democrats ::yptI Jfqr.Hhe; t)ili with theetmblijca ' Ken&bf Calif orhia xast the: only Republican vote agaipst it.c The bill will increase the pension rolls ubout $30,000,000 ayear. r v - d ent Taf t signed the bill Saturday, making it a law. : The Washington correspondent t)f the Baltimore Sun insits that Mr. Bryan is an active candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination and says the campaign managers of Clark, Underwood and bands of the strongest "and ablest workers in our party gives me great encouragement, and I am confident that I shall be selected as the standard bearer of the Dem ocracy of the 10th -District. . . Should the Democrats of this District place the' banner in my hands, I promise that I shall use eyery honorable means possible to bring success to our party in every county in the District, as well as in the District as a whole. I shall make such a campaign as has never been made before. I shall visit everv section, nooK ana corner, ot the District andmeet you and dis cuss, with you and with the Repub lican candidate, the issues of the day. v . :.; Jt has been and is being urged against my V candidacy that I am youthful and ambitious. I plead guilty to the soft impeachment, and for answer say: I ask no quarter. on this ground from any Hon. J. M, Gudger, Jr. Endorsed by The Trades Unionist. The following reference is made to Congressman Gudger in the of ficial organ Center Labor Union of Washington,.,May the 4tb, 1912. vHon. James M. Gudger, Jr., representing the Tenth District of North Carolina: It is very important that a great commonwealth like North Carolina shall be represented in Congress by men of ability and influence; and it is particularly so to the interest of labor that such mcn'shall be friend ly to labor. Congressman Gudger represents the Tenthdistrict, and he has always manifested a most friendly interest in the labor cause, and is entitled to the support and co-operation of all who have the best interest of labor at heart In official and political circles Mr. Gudger is prominent and pop ular. He is recognized as' a loyal friend of organized Tabor. His record in Congress shows that ho has been aconsistant supporter of all measures designed for the pro motion of the labor interests. At this critical time in tho histo- i ry of orgamzea laoor, wnen so many measures'afTecting its future are at issue, it is important to have experienced men whoso friendship for organized labor has been tested in Congress. tion for Governor at tho Demo cratic State convention. The grand lodge of Odd Fellows, Kindly Deed of Chief Justice Clark. Q 0Q In Ralefch 'this week, RAlcUh Newi and OUcrter. "W4M " w "y"m To the Editor: If you will al- Greensboro. Chas. Dewey, of low me a littlo space in your paper Goidsboro, was elected grand mas-" to relate to my , old comrades an tcr incident that occurred during our An endorsement of tho move-' Civil War, I will appreciate samelment for tho appointment of wo- very much , I men as judges of juvenile courts I was a private soldier in Com- was voted at the session of the pany A, First Regiment- North State -Federation of Worsen s Clubs Carolina Junior Reserves., Wlicn in session at Wins ton-Sal cm 1 last it was reported that the enemy, in Friday the fall of 1SG1, wcro advancing Burke, Catawba and Caldwell for the recapture of Plymouth our counties havo eacht appropriated regimont was hurried by a forced 2Z0 for a hookworm campaign in march from Tarboro. The march- each county. Tho doctors who are ing was very rapid and just be- managing the hookworm cxtermi foro reaching Williamston I was nation in the Stato will spend six forced through sickness and wcari- weeks in each of tbeso counties. ness to drop out. The captain in The grand lodge of Odd Fellows, charge of the rear-guard roughly 5n scssjoa at iuicigh last week, ordered me back in line, but Cnal- yotcd to increase tho appropriation ly seeing that I could not go, left for tbomaintccancc of the orphans' metostrugglo along tho - tcsi l homo at Goidsboro by $5,000. mak could. , Just about that time the bg total allowance $25,000, raised major of -my regiment rode up and by a pita tax on more than asked what the trouble was. 4 Find- 1Gf000 0dd Fellows in tho state. ing that my condition was sick and worn out, ho first told mo to try to get up to camp as wc wcro not going much farther, but after rid ing a few steps ho dismounted and made me get on bis horse, and he himse.lt marcnea on iooi mo rc- Tho Southern Railway is pre paring to spend about $CC0,OD in Spencer in the near future. Tho new improvements will consist of a new round-house, coal elevator, new 5,000 horso power electric Yvtr r r rttnt nr w nil Vinrt fnrn. .u....uK table and several other new build-' l was very grateiui to mm men It is said the apple crop in tho county has been badly damaged by blight. and though I have-never met him since I have not forgotten his kind ness, and I think that my old com rades and fellow citizens should know who be was. lie is now a, candicate for the United States Senate and I writo this letter with out bis knowledge. His name is Walter Clark. He was then only a boy of 17 or 18 years, major of my regiment, and the same kind ness for tho rank and file and sym pathy for those who needed assis tance when bo showed then has marked his career through all of his subsequent life. Knowinghira as a young soldier I havo natural ly observed his public career, and his record shows that he has al ways stood for tho rights of tho people, and tho protection of tho weak. Yours truly, (Signed) William II. Rnxmcw, Greenville, N. C. ings, m - The trial of A. a McCall. Be atrice McGall, his - wife, George Bradley, lkceyn Bradley and Dan McCall on charges connected with ho death of Myrtle Hawkins, whos body is said to hate been found in Lake Osceola last Septem ber, opens at Ilcndcrsonville, the home of all connected, today. Tho residence of Col. C C Ben nett was struck by lightning Satur day in Morgan ton and burned, toco of the contents being saved except a piono. bunday afternoon the home of Mr. Turner in Morjractoa was burned, all tho contents being saved. This ho-jso was also struck by lightning Saturday acd the theory is that the stove flco was damaged and that the fire cri;:;::a tcd in tho stove flue. Subscribe to Tim Pnoonrrj. Andrew Carnegie wilfgi tin Methodist church of Hcnderwjn ville $1,000 for a ptm crt;zn if :!. church will ratso a similar a mm and Harmon so regara mm.