-, t i A ; : U. . ... . ,"5 - f J 4 4 ,--' V, 1 ,;:,'':4--iK 5 e. 5 : v -:: - -v ' '" .-( ' i" " - ' " ' J, ' i , v. : . , . ' . . (Advertisement.) (r v'r: V F a yetteville Daily Observer.) . ' - The farmers do not talk much but ' , , . - ' - . - , ' ' ( ' , i : ,. i - i ". ' i- . . ' .. - .. i if . , . . - they cast 80 per cent of the votes. - I f I - I ,11. - x t Jl f I J. t . I . I I. SI'! n ; T Kl T7- - IT Tl rTA ' T n 11 I I fr-T V I i l K f 1 Si Been their consistent friend for ? 1 ) they many oinsc to stand by Mm; now. And re- . .. member that from the battle of Sharpsburg in '. 18 61 to this day. iWalter Clark has faced all kinds of enemies and opposition and fought in 4 1 i 1 11 1 :many; Dames, ana ne.nas never sur- never been market for cotton; the crowing of iraraenso numbers of cattle, horses and hos in the West creates n market for theso animals; the pa tatoo farmers of Elaine .and other sections, of " tho country require market accommodations for hand ling them; the great grain region of the country has its elevators and warehouses; tho tobacco growers in different sections of the country require the erection of great ware houses for the marketing of the cropand this will bo found to be true of every, product of the farm. Where the production of any com modity is small, and where the sur plus is not large enough to make it proGtable. for some man, or a num ber of men, to make a business out of the handling of this surolus, and ; to make money in the business of handling it, it is necessarily thrown on a glutted local market, or al lowed to waste on the farm. Take tho fruit crop of any community, and the larger portion of it goes to waste, because tho local market is not largo enough to consume it at a profitable price to the producer, and there is not enough to justify handling it on a largo scale. The peach growers of Georgia are mak ing a fortune growing peaches, but there was a time when these peach growers made no money out of their fruit: they handled their fruit on an independent or individual basis,' and the cost of transporta tion was too great for thcln to realize a profit; there was not suf ficient amount of 'fruit to make large shipments, and when it was proposed to increase the orchards and produce more fruit and for the "producers to unite in the market ing, many of the growers laughed at the idea. They said if they could not get' good prices for the fruit they were then growing how could they get better prices for more fruit. But the man who was think- HELP THE KIDNEYS i log ahead of his times Hrully rer sunded his neighbors i:o into the Georgia Peach Growers. A soda- Marion Reader: Are Learning Tt tion and the balance of the story b Vav. well known. The same is true of tho grape growers, of northern Ohio and New York, of the orange growers of Florida, and the apple growers of Oregon and Washing ton. 44Tho producers of a common crop must organize and grow this crop, or it may be truck, or live stock, butter and milk, chickens or eggs, canned goods, or what not, in large, quantities, then organize and nut the produce on the market in tho shape or condition the mar ket wants it, in the quantity the market wants it, in the quality the market wants it, and at a time when the market wants it Many canneries have failed because they Help th'n; w!h ,I-?, Hi Izty PlIU, rxz,'& h-v t-3 In V.'ztj tro::t!- for Tl ytrn, ' , Cat., ayt: "My exf-crif lc wilbDts'i Kilry Illli hav Uxs o f-.:iijfcctc?7 thAt 1 d:3 not tiut to rrcKcs:s;ft4 thra to anyese.. Mr kiilscyt "wreni dl. crtlcrr4 mrA fsy hci &chisL I bxi tit tlailtf la itrafgbtrrir: niur x;J.r. tXrar Kiiuey TUX procsrt4 sirtitt- Cia'i Drsj; H:cr HxcJ cp la could not ship in large quantities; Jr. rr?? th pa r hk creameries have failed all over the country - because of the small amount of- produce handled, and this is true of all enterprises; it is quantity and quality combined that makes a business worth while." Deafness Cannot Oe Cured by local arpiicAtioas. an .thcr caacct rvoca tbv dieftSiHl portioa-cf th& rar Thro is only one way to car t!.tfr,j, Hnd thnt is by oontitatlonal rrmoIi.i. DofnM caal by bo ict!t::i"d con ditio u of thft mucons lining of tho Ka tachlaa Tab?. When thb IqK I is flamed yon hnre a rumbling oand rr imjiorfect hearing, anil whvn It ! rn tirely closed. Deafness is thr? rrult nnd nnlM the in!limin4tic.n can b-? tAkon oat and thli tab rcstoml to Ua r.ortnivl comliiion, hrariug will tMr!ctniyrl far err; nine c&m out of tn a.rs caal by Cittarrb. which In nothing: bat an In flamed condition o tho xnacorji sarfAO-v We will kIto Out? Hnndml DolUm for any caw of DeafcrS4(caaAidbyc.itArrh) that cannot bo cared by Hall Catarrh Core.v Send for areolar, fnw, F. J. .Chf ny & Co., TolSo, Ol Sold by Drnfdit. 7c. Take Hail's Family Pills far constipation and rrstrialiss my kiisy-" For talc by all dealer. Prk 1ci Fftitrr-JIlibarn Co,, B.ii.; !Vw Yc?k. fol atg for Xl. Uni:l PaV. nmiabrf thi nan Dta ts4 takecoctLer. PRO FES S I O NAL To promote the human intercuts of wireless telegraph operators and their im ploy era an international op erators' union has been organized. DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, DtrrrriFT Will answer calls at tnj hour of the' night. :: :: ftoons 3$ 4 ccd 5 . First National Bank Building, . anon, . C, DR. R J. BURG1N DEKTIST Marion, North Carolina - Office in POTEAT BUILDH.-G. 3C ou R oin buy some , shoes J 'VV., this, season we have some Selz shoes here that we want to j ... about tell you somethinsf Maybe J ' il are guaranteed to be satisfactory to the wearer. you haven't thought what that means; but every pair has a special printed guarantee tag on it, saying it, and promises you satisfaction. that the maker stands back of it You don't see any other shoes with anything like that on them; . it's a sign that Selz believes in the shoes: he couldn't afford to guarantee a poor shoe. We'll show you a lot of good new styles, in all the best leathers. "-if. V, see; us. We're selling some mighty fine shoes men, women and children. $ . There' d bo but One Shoo if everyone kn'cv) Selz i t o 1 "1 59 - " ' T ..