6RL0MEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES ^Mmr's Uw Tom” Is Harmless To Clean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels. tJgft! Ci-lomel makes you sick. It’s ‘horr^te! Take a dose of the dangerous *dr«g Ijoniglrt and tomorrow you may lose .aday^eTPoirk. . Calomel is loercuiy or quicksilver '■rliich causes necrosis of the bones. when it comes into cont^t 'with eour bile crashes into it, breaking Ht np. This is when you feel that awful saneea and cramping. If you are slug- and “all knocked out,” if your •liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated 'Acnigtie, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just t^ a spoonful of harmless Dodsoti’a ^biver Tone toiiigb>t on my guarantee. Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dod son’s Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson’s Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vege table, therefore it xjan not salivate or make you sick. J guarantee that one spoonful of Dod son’s Liver Tone will put your sluggii^ liver to work and cleim yoiir bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your syst«n aUd mak ing you feel miserable I guarantee that a b^tle of Dodjaon’s Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your cMldi^ It is hannlees; doesn’t gripe like ita pleasiuit taste* I SAVE TIME in COOKING!” my T^HE TOUCH of a lighted match gives full heat on the instant and the flame ‘stays put’ when it’s regulat ed. It turns on and off like a gas stove!’* The New Perfection Oil Cook Stove^ the stove with the long blue chimney, is built to save time. The long blue chimney gives a perfect draft, and assures a clean, even heat and a lasting satisfaction. New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are made in many styles and sizes. They are sold by most good dealers who will gladly show them. Look for The Long Blue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps STANDARD OIL COMPANY WMliin]{toa« D. C. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE MD. Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. ITS THE lONG BLUE CHIMNEY Somebody Fooled School Board. LoweU, Mass.—A woman without au- tliorlty suspended afternoon sessions ^ the public schools of Lowell by tele phoning the central fire station to «>mid the no school signal. When Su- l9eirintendcnt Molloy heard the bells lie telephoned the fire oflElcials, who de- •darecl that the won^n had said she was jn the school superintendent’s of fice. NOTICE. Haying qualified as ezecntor of the estate of Abe McGhee, I do hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and settle same, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same to the undersigned within twelve months, or this notice will be plead in bar of same. This July 34, I9I6. J. A. Lauqhridge, Executor of Abe McG^, dec’d. 100 Dead 5,000 Homeless in West Virginia Floods. HuDtiDgtoD, W. Va., Aug. 9.— Governor Hatfield who arrived here toaisrht to attend the State Reoublican ConventioQ, has or dered special relief trains to the Coal Elver and Cabin Creek dis tricts, where, according to reports, more than 100 have been drowned and 5,000 made homeless. Two companies of the Second Regiment, West Virginia National Guard, have been ordered with tents to the flooded districts. So serious is the situation that Governor Hat> field left the city tonight to go to the scene of destruction. The Governor was informed in an appeal from Cabin Creek that the loss of life would exceed 100 and that more than $5,000 are home less. REPORT SAYS 150 DEAD. Charleston, W. Va., Aug. 9.— According to officials of the Vir ginia Power Company tonight at least 150 persons have lost their lives in the West Virginia flood. Eleven bodies have so far been re covered but many persons have been seen clinging to debris in the flood but no assistance could be given them. The Sunday school excursion train which is marooned near St. Albans, is said to have 300 persons on board. Efforts to reach them have failed. Double Tragedy—John Terry of Old Fort Killed. A double tragedy occurred at Juliaetta, Ga., last Thursday when John A. Lingle, of Hudson, was fatally wounded and he, in turn, shot and killed his assailant, John Terry, of Old Fort. Mr. Lingle was engaged in the lumber business in Georgia and Terry was in his employ. They had some difficulty, particulars of which are not defi nite, and Terry emptied the con tents of a double barrel shot gun into Lingle’s body, and then shot him in the face with a pistol. Mr. Lingle then drew his own pistol and shot his assailant twice, the second fire producing instant death. Mr. Lingle lived three hours after the duel. The bodies of both men were brought on same train to Hickory and taken to their respec tive homes for burial, Mr. Lingle’s remains being buried at Sardis church, Hudson, Sunday morning. He was about 45 years of age and is survived by his wife, who was Miss Mamie Addeholt, add seven children.—Lenoir Topic, 9th. ‘KERGHOOi’NOWON Encourage Negro Farmers to Raise Food Supplies. Washington, Aug. 9.—To help negro boys become practical farm ers, and to assist negro girls in be coming competent housewives, the United States department of agri culture, in co-operation with the state colleges, is organizing throughout the south farm makers’ clubs for rural negro-children. This activity, begun experiment ally last year by the office of ex tension work, south, has grown rapidly, and already is thoroughly organized in Virginia, North Caro lina, Florida and Mississippi. The work is also being carried on to some extent in each of the other southern states. The chief object of these clubs is to encourage negro farmers, par ticularly in the cotton sections, to raise some food instead of devoting their entire attention to a single crop. Hay Fevepites Are Facing Many Disconfiforts. LIKELY TO HOLD POPULARITY Av«rag« Number of Days Sneezers Sneeze Is Forty-two, Number of Sneezee Sneezer* Sneeze Each Day is Seventy-three—Now, Victims, Go Through Your Ordeal. New York.—The annual report of the United States Hay Fever association the official organization of the 200,000 summer sneezers In this country—was made public recently. Very few cop ies of this report are distributed. It is ■aid, and hay feverites never read It. for the stories of ragweed and golden- rod pollen will double a confirmed sneezer Into a “kerchoo!” five weeks ahead of schedule. Bethlehem, N. H., up In the White niountains, has been chosen as the Sudden attacks of Bowel Complaints need prampt treatment. SETH AR. NOLD’S BALSAM has cured thousands. Keep a £tottIe in your house. Warrant ed by Marion Pharmacy. Photo by American Press Association. HAT FEVERITE HAYING HIS TBOUBLBS. Mecca of immunity for the annual con vention of the polllnosis patients. In New York, since time immemoi*ial, Aug. 15 has been the official day for the opening of the open season for sneezes. The red noses and weeping eyes will arrive right on time this year, according to P. F. Jerome, chairman of the board of directors of the Hay Fever association and custodian, dur Ing eleven months of the year, of all the sneezes of the nation. Mr. Jerome says that bay fever promises to retain Its popularity this year, despite the drive of appendicitis as the ailment of the aristocracy. That there are 25.000 sneezers in New York state is stated in the annual re port The report adds that the aver age number of days that sneezers sneeze Is forty-two each year; that the average number of sneezes sneezers sneeze each day is seventy-three. This makes a grand total of 76.650,000 sneezes a year in New York. Rookies In the ranks of the hay feverites point With pride to these figures. DOWNWARD COURSE fast Being Realized by Marion People, A little backache at first. Daily increasing 'till the back is lame and weak. Urinary disorders may quickly follow* Dropsy and often Bnght’s disease. This frequently is the downward course of kidney ills, Pon’t take this course. Follow the advice of a Marion citizen. Mrs, Hester Arrowood, Garden St. Marion, says: “I consider Doan’s Kid ney Pills the only medicine to use for kidney trouble. I always recommend them when I have an opportunity. Mv kidneys were out of order and I had pains in my back and sides. At night I was restless and arose in the momine all tired out. Hearing about Doan’s Kidney Pills, I procured them at Street- man’s Drug Store and gave them a trial They did me a world of good.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan^s Elidney Pills—the same that Mrs Ar rowood had. Foster-MUburn CJo., Prone Buffalo, N. Y. Ladies’ and Men’s Garments Cleaned and Dyed in a Su perior IVIanner W»e do all kinds of dyeing, clean ing, pressing and repairing. PALIVI BEACH SUITS cleaned and pressed, 50c a suit. PANAMA and STRAW HATS cleaned and reblocked. Our prices are reasonable. Beaux Monde, (Under new management.) S. C. Roberts, Mgr. Eagle BIdg. Main St Forty Years Experience in DEMTISTRY STRAY DOG KEEPS VIGIL. In Five Years Has Never Deserted Grave In Ohio Cemetery. Fultonhara, O.—In the cemetery here ft homeless cur mourns on the grave of George Baker. They call her “the graveyard dog.” Five years ago the dog came to the cemetery following the funeral proces slon of Baker, an aged farmer, who died at his home, near here. Every night the dog keeps a close vigil over the grave. It sleeps for hours at a stretch during the day on the little mound that, marks Baker’.** resting place. Villagers long ago gave up hope of coaxing the dog away from there. She leaves the cemetery only long enough each day to search for food. Friends of Baker say he never owned the dog. Cemetery trustees refuse to drive it away, and she seems likely to spend the rest of her life In tMg strange manner. Bring in or phone your news items to The Progress office. SAYS FISH CAN REASON. Maine Man Says They Warn One An* other of Unfavorable Waters. Bangor, Me.—Stephen Decatur Bridges of Verona, near Bangor, who is known as the salmon and alewlfe king of the Penobscot, Is positive not only that fish have brains, but that fish reason and form dislikes and likes and tell their opinions to each other. Bridges explains the disappearance of salmon from the Penobscot in two ways. Either “salmon tell other salm- on how dirty Its waters are and how It is not fit for any respectable salmon to Uve In” or “the fish resent it because at the hatchery in East Orland they are taken from the water and stripped of their eggs.** “The fish resent that because It Is against nature,” Mr. Bridges asserts. “They decide they are not being treat ed right and stay away.** The Belgians are the greatest potato eaters in the world and the Irish come second. MY WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Plate Worl( a Specialty. Dr. R. J. BURGIN, Dentist, Marlon, N. C. THE CLINCnriELD ROUTE CAROLINA, GLINGHFIELD ft OHIO RAILWAY AND Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway of South Carolina Effective July 4, 1916 Eastern Standard Time Southbound Pass. Pass, ^ilkhom City Dp *2:10 p m Dante Dp 3:33 p m *8:30 a m St. Paul Dp 8:55 p m 8:52 a m Speers Ferry Dp 5:15 p m 10:17 a m Johnson City Dp 6:50 p m 11:45 a m Erwin Ar *7:40 p m*12:25 p m Erwin Dp |6:20 a m 12:35 pm Kona Dp 7:49 a m 2:04 p m tapass Dp 8:20 a m 2:45 p m Manon Dp 9:40 a m 3:55 p m Bostic Dp 10:35 a m 4:57 p m Spartanburg Ar f 11:45 a m *6:05 p m Northbound Spartanburg Dp +5:00 p m*ll:00 a m Bostic Dp 6:09 p m 12:07 p m Marion Dp 7:05 pm 1:05 pm ^tapass Dp 8.20 pm 2:20 pm Kona Dp 8;58 p m 3:03 p m Erwin Ar flOtSO p m *4;30 p m Br^mi Dp *8:15 a m *4;35 p m Johnson City Dp 8:55 a m 5:15 p m Speers Ferry Dp 10*35 a m 7:02 p m Paul Dp 12:17 p m 8:30 p m ^te Dp 12:38 p m *9:00 p m Elkhom City ^ *2:00 p m *—Daily. t—Mix^ daily except Sunday. Patrons are requested to apply to near est agent for definite information or to Chas. T. Mandel, GJenl Pass. Agt. Johnson City, Tenn. I