♦©♦©♦o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o Preparedness! Are you ready for Venter? Is your system dear of catarrh? Have Summer colds left you entirdy? Have you overcome all effects of Summei foods? If you haven't, restore your body to full vigor witil tlie old standby PERUNA It’s the tonic that clears away^he congestion, pmifieb the blood and invigorates your whole system. Peruna, in tablet form, is handy to carry with you. It gives you a chance to chedc a cold when it starts. Manalin Tablets are the ideal laxative. They form no hal»t and have no unpleas ant effects. Your druggist can supply you ^ TliePenma Company^ Columbus, Oiiio Pubfic Speaking Hon. Robert N. Page, 0ongressman from the 7th District, will address the people of McDowell County at MARION on Monday Night, Oct. 23, at 8 o’clock. Governor Locke Craig will also address the people at Marion on Saturday, Oct 28, at 2 p. m. and at ^ Old Fort on Saturday IMi^ht, Oct. 28, at 8 o’clock. Senator Lee S. Overman will speak at the court house in Marion on Wednesday, Nov. i, at 2 o’clock These gentlemen are among the State’s foremost speakers and it will be to the interest of all citizens to hear them. A special invitation is extended to ladies to be present. J. D. BLANTON, Chairman Co. Dem. Ex. Committee. Stop and think of the money you are wasting yearly. Look at the needy that are daily left to battle with life from lack of foresic^ht by Husband, Father or Son. Listen to the Life Insurance man, he will lead you to the “Gateway of Protection.” A. E. ALLANACH, Life Insurance. Be a Home Towii Trader! JOIN THE HOME TOWN PROCESSION This is your home town. Your interest is here The town’s prosperity is your prosperity Keep the money in town by spending it in town. In order to spend it wisely Read the Home Paper “VOTE AS AMERICANS”— FOR WILSON, SAYS EDISON No Time Now to Try an Inexperienced Man, Declares Inventor, Laud ing President. > By GEORGE CREEL. **Times are too serious to talk in terms of Republicanism or Democracy. Parties are all right, reckon we’ve got to have them with our system of government But when it’s America that’s at stake, men have got to vote as Americans, and not as Democrats or Republicans.” This is the message to the American people that Thomas A. Edison gave to flie in a recent interview. “This man Wilson has had a mighty hard time of it,” he continued, “T don’t TH0IV1A8 A. EDISON. believe there was ever a president who had as many big questions to decide. They have come in bunches. He hasn’t always pleased me, just as I suppose he hasn’t always pleased other people, but when you look the record over. It’s so good that criticism comes close to being nothing more than cheap fault finding. fool or a coward would have had the United States in aii sorts of trouble. As it is, we are at peace, the country was never more prosperous, and we have the strength that comes with honor and integrity of purpose. “Had. we' recognized Huerta, it would have served notice upon the world that the United States, while believing in democracy for home use, was willing to stand for despotism where other peoples were concerned. President Wilson’s Mexican policy has been wise and just and courageous. “Belgium? Hindsight! In the light of two years, it’s easy to say what should have been done. But at the time, not a single paper or a public man even thought of anything but keeping the United States out of the European horror. ''As I said at the start, it has just been one big thing after another with Wilson. I never have known so many dangerous questions brought up for de cision to any one President. “Look at the threatened general rail road strike. If carried through, such a strike would have thrown the whole country into confusion. ^Mn my opinion, Mr. Hughes, if President, would have found it difficult to decide on the best course for the Government to take in such matters. His capacity for hindsight, as we learn from his speeches, is highly developed, but as to his foresight, we are not equally well informed. “They say Wilson has blundered. Perhaps he has. But I notice that he usually blunders forward. “Mr. Wilson now has had about four years of experience, and I think that he has earned faith and trust. I do. not think it a sensible thing to change to an inexperienced and untried man. Therefore, I aui for Woodrow Wilson.” The Progress and New York World, one year, $1.60, Primer for Credits Inquiry. The interest of the American farmer in the workings of the new Rural Credits act has grown so keen that the Farm Loan Board at Washington is literally swamped with inquiries as to details of the new law. More than 100,000 in quiries already have been received. To meet this demand the Farm Loan Board is preparing: a farm loan primer. This book, which will be available for wide distri bution, will tell in simple language all about the Rural Credits system. It will be compiled in question-and- answer form, the questions being those which the Farm Loan Board discovered were most asked by the farmers on its recent trans conti nental tour. The book is expected to ba off the presses in about two weeks. For a Muddy Complexion. Take Chamberlain’sTablets and adopt a diet of vegetables and cereals. Take outdoor exercise daily and your com plexion will be greatly improved within a few months. Try it. Obtainable everywhere. I Ladies Coat Suits £ind Long Coats. Ladies Coat Suits $6.00 to $30.00 the suit Ladies Coats $4.00 to $15.00 the coat Childrea’s Coats $1.50 up. Winter Underwear for Men, Women and Children. Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys. J. D. Blanton, I Marion, N. C. # o o#o#o#o^o«o#o#o#o#o#o#o#o«o#o«o#o#o^o#o^o#o#o#o^o#o# * Saved GirPs Life **I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. 1 firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble, 1 shall never be without THEDFORD'S BLa»-15r^hT in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, ip reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. ^ t If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- fli Jj Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five ® J years of splendid success proves its value. Good for jjj ^ young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. S Be a Regular at the Receiv ing Teller’s Window! Make a bank deposit at least once a week. If you haven’t a bank account start one today. And, once started, promise yourself that you’ll add to it in the Evefit of ill Health, Loss of Position or Other Misfortune Your Bank Book Will Be Your Support THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Resources Over $600,000.00 THE BANK THAT APPRECIATES YOUR BUSINESS