RELIEVE HEADACHES WITHOUT DOSING By Applying Sloan^s Liniment to Forehead You Can Stop the Severe Pains. . Many headaches are of a nenralgic 'Origin. The symptoms of such head aches are intense and lingering pains in the brow, temples or back of the head. There is one certain relief that has been known and recommended for years back, Sloan’s Liniment. One applica tion and the dnll pain is practically Kone. It is easily applied without rub bing. Rubbing is unnecessary, as Sloan’s Liniment quickly penetrates to the seat of trouble. Aching muscles, rheumatism, bruises, lumbago, chilblains, sprains and stiff neck can also be most effectively treat- €fd with Sloan’s Liniment. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments; it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. At all drug stores, 25c , 50c., $1.00. Sloan's Liniment H/LLS FA/n Notes of Interest to Farmers. By W. B. Bailey, Farm Demonstrator. There is still time to plant salad crops for early spring use, pro vided the soil is srood, the seed bed firm, and the open farrow plan of seeding is followed. The record. The best of C. M. Pool’s sweet clover grew five feet Id five months from seeding. The yield of green forage was tons per acre. When thoroughly dry he will report on the hay yield. Another yield. Mr. Houston Owensby sowed a mixture of Su dan grass and peas after wheat and made tons of fine hay per acre. When sowed late in the sea son the mixture matures evenly, but if sowed early the Sudan is ready to cut some time before the peas. Professional Cards The seed bed. Make it firm, pack it down. The disc set straight and weighted answers fairly well f no packer is available. The steel harrow does good work if the teeth are put in to the head and set al most flat and weighted. The type of barrow sold generally is not the best because when the teeth are set flat they drag in the ground. Dr. J. Gillespie Reid DENTIST Will answer calls at any hour of the night. Rooms 3, 4 and 5 First National Bank Building Marion, N. C. Dr. Alfred W. Dula EYE SPECIALIST TO SEE BETTER See Dula 16 Years E;speriehoe The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Mtted Exclusively Martin Block, LENOIR, N. C. 8^ If you got it from DULA, It’s All Bight! W. A. Sweeney Plumber. Marion, N. C. Five years’ experience in the business. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your work solicited Phone 194. THE CLINCHFIELD ROUTE CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD ft OHIO RAILWAY AND Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway of South Carolina Effective Aug. 22, 1916. Eastern Standard Time Southbound Pass. Pass. pm am Lv Elkhom City *2:10 Lv Dante, Va 3:33 Lv St. Paul, Va 3:55 Lv Speers Fer^, Va 5:15 Ar Johnson City 6:43 6:50 Lv Johnson City, Ar Erwin Erwin Lv Kona, N C Lv Altapass Lv Mt Mitchell Lv Marion Bostic Ar Spartanburg, S C Northbound Lv Spartanburg Lv Bostic, N C Lv Marion Lv Mt Mitchell Lv Altapass Lv Kona Ar Erwin a m Lv Erwin Ar Johnson City Lv Johnson City Lv Speers Feixy 8:30 8:52 10:17 11:40 11:45 p m *7:40 *12:25 12:35 2:04 2:45 2:51 3:55 4:57 *6:05 a m *11:00 p m 12:07 1:05 1:59 2:20 *8:15 8:52 8;55 10:35 p m 12:17 12:38 *2:00 4;30 4:35 5:12 5:15 7:02 8:35 *9:00 Lv St. Paul Lv Dante Ar Elkhorn City *—Daily. , x Patrons are requested to apply to nsM- est agent for definite information or to Chas. T. Mandel, Genl Pass. Agt. Johnson City, Tenn. Few people properly appreciate the value of rape for salad. The Chinese consume many thousand tons annually. Besides its table value it makes great food for chickens and pigs. Properly plant ed now it will make a great yield of forage for early spring grazing. It will be almost like growing a crop of corn in April and May, the way in which it will save the crib then. Your Health Depends on What You Eat. ‘After all,” says a bulletin from the State Board of Health, ‘‘good health is largely a matter of what goes into the stomach. If a person eats heavily of rich, greasy con centrated foods, such as fried meats, rich pastries, soggy or un derdone breads, he will soon find himself seeking a relief from head ache, sluggishness, constipation, and biliousness, and the patent medicine route will be the way he will likely choosy. Pills, purga tives and most any patent medicine will find a hearty welcome and be come a warm friend to persons who so poison themselves. The trouble arising from eating food of this kind is that it ferments in the stomach, throws off poisons and creates a condition which calls for a stronger poison in the form of medicine to throw off the food poison. The patent medicine habit is not acquired and the digestive organs of the stomach are wrecked and no longer perform their natural functions. “On the other hand, whoever eats freely of fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, salads, cereals and nuts—foods prepared by nature for man—not only avoids digestive troubles but he is spared the evil effects of food poisons, such as rheumatism, headaches, sluggish ness, and biliousness. He also escapes the patent medicine habit. He eats according to nature’s de mand and needs and no medicine is required as an after dose.” Notice of Sale. By virtue of the power of sale con- iidifed in a certain deed of trust,, dated the 26th day of October, A. D., 1914, made by W. B Laughter and wife Mar tha ^Laughter to the undersigned. A A. Herman, as Trustee, to secure to T. B. l^edbetter the payment of a certain in debtedness therein described, which said deed of trust is duly renstered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mc Dowell County, North Carolina, in Book No. 18 on p^e 250, and default having been made in the payment of the debt secured in said de^ of trust, and at the request of the direditor, I shall sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Me Dowell county. North Carolina, on Mon day the 30th day: of October, 1916, at 13 o’clock noon, the following property conveyed in said deed of trust: All that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in said McDowell coun ty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. A. B. Murphy and others, de scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake and lyy pointers, third corner of said Murphy’s one hundred and fifty acre tract, and runs north 27 degrees west fifty poles to a stake three pioes and a spanish oak pointers; then noith 63 degrees east ou6 hundred and twenty- seven poles to a white oak; thence south 27 degrees east one hundred and tweuty- seven poles to a small hickory on the side of a hill; thence south 63 degrees west one hundred and twenty-seven poles to a stake and pointers in Mur phy’s line; thence with his line north 27 degrees west seyenty-seven poles to the beginning, containing 100 acres, be the same more or less. This 26th day of September, 1916. A. A. Hegeman, as Trustee. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicinfr'acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pof- son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see ^ great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. The Rev. Dr. W. W. Brays, 77 years of age, for 52 years a minis ter of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, died at his home in Charlotte Tuesday, just one month after he and his widow had celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. He had held leading pastorates in Charlotte and Ashe ville, N. C.; Knoxville, Chatta nooga and Bristol, Tenn.; Rome, Ga.; Little Rock, Ark., and sever al of lesser importance. Constipation Dulls Your Brain That dull, listless, oppressed feeling is due to impurities in your system, sluggish liver, clogged intestines. Dr. King’s New Life Pills give prompt re lief. A njild, easy, non-griping: bnwel movement will tone up your system and help to clear your muddy, pimply com plexion. Get a bottle of Dr. King’s New Life Pills to-day at your Druggist, ZUc. A dose to-night will make you cheerful at breakfast. How Catarrh Is Contracted. Mothers are sometimes so thoughtless as to neglect the colds which their child ren contract. The inflammation of the mucus membrane, at first acute, be comes chronic and the child has chronic catarrh, a disease that is seldom cured and that may prove a life’s burden. Many persons who have this loathsome disease will remember having had fre quent colds at the time it was contract ed,. A little forethought, a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy judicious ly used, and all this trouble might have been avoided. Obtainable everywhere Unprecedented migration of ne gro laborers from the South to ward the North, where the war has resulted in scarcity of Euro pean immigration laborers, has at tracted the attention of the De partment of Labcr. Reports are being received from Northern la bor organizations who view the movement with disfavor, and from employers in the South, who re gard it with some apprehension. When You Take Cold. With the average man a cold is a ser ions matter and should not be trifled with, as some of the most dangerous diseases start with a common cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and get rid of your cold as quickly as possible. You are not experimenting when you use this remedy, as it has been in use for many years and has an established reputation. It contains no opium A certain clergyman was called upon to dedicate a negro church. After service the minister called upon a negro deacon to offer the closing prayer and this is what he gave: “Oh Lawd gib this po brud- der de eye ob de eagle dat he may spy afar off. Glue his hands to de gospel plow dat he mak de far row deep. Tie heem tongue to de whiteness ob truf. Den nail his ears to de gospel pole. Bow heem head way oh Lawd tween heem knees en fix heem knees way down in some dark en lomesome valley whar prayer am much wanted to be made. Den noint heem wid de kerosene ile of salvation en set him afire. Amen.” Sale of Valuable Lands. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Iredell County, rendered in a special proceeding for partition entitled R. A Cwper, W. W. Cooper, and others, Ex Parte, the undersign^ Commission er will sell at public auction to the highest bidders at the Court House door in Marion, N. C., on Monday, Novem ber 6th, 1916, at the hour of noon, the following described real estate, in the City of Marion, to-wit: FIRST LOT: Beginning at a railroad Iron Bar on the west side Of street running from Crooked Creek road to depot; thence south 52 west 285 feet to McCall’s line on bank of ditch; thence with McCall’s line 160 feet to mouth of Culyert on the railroad; thence with the railroad to the line of depot lot; thence with the line of the depot lot to the street leading .from the depot to the Crooked Creek road; thence with the street 60 feet to the be ginning. SECOND LOT: Beginning at a stake in the center of the Southern Railway track the north west corner of the W, P. Jones Factory lot and runs south 39 east, with his line 20 poles to a stake his southwest corner; then north 64 east with said Jones’ line Bad Colds From Little Sneezes Grow Many colds that hang on all winter start with a sneeze, a sniffle, a sore thoat, a tight chest. You know the symptoms of colds, and you know prompt treatment will break them up. Dr. King’s New Discovery, with its soothing antiseptic balsams, has been breaking up colds and healing coughs of young and old for 47 years. Dr. King’s New Discovery loosens the phlegm, clears the head, soothes the irritated membrane and makes breathing easier. At your Druggist, 50c. The States in which women may vote for President next November are Kansas, Coloraro, Idaho, Wy oming, Montana, Arizona, Utah, Oregon, Washington, California and Nebraska. These States have a total of 91 votes in the Electoral College. 11 poles to a stake therein; then south 37 east 9 poles to a stake in the Crooked Creek road; then south 45 west with said road 38 poles to a stake; then south 41 west with said road 23 poles to a stake; then south 49 west with said road 15 poles to a stake; then south 57 west 27i poles with said road to a stake; then south 36 west with said road six poles to a stake and a stone, the corner of what is known as the Joe Owens lot; then south 25 west 6 2-5 poles with said road to a stake; then west 12 poles to a pine stump claimed as the old Soloman corner; then north with the old Soloman line 34 poles to a stake in the centre of the Southern Railway’s main track; then north 45 east with the said centre of said main track to the beginning, ex cepting from the lands above bounded the lands described in deeds to Mrs. Thomas Martin, Isadore Collatt, Ed. Swepson and James Morris, also the Joe Owens lot, and the land lying aboye the Crooked Creek road, extending 200 feet back, which is between the lots of Ed. Swepson and Mrs. Thomas Martin, and also excepting the land along the Crook ed Creek road extending from the Mrs. Thomas Martin lot to a stake on said road 30 feet from the southwest corner of the Collatt lot and running back from said road 200 feet, said land having been conveyed from Blue Ridge Furniture Co., a corporation, to W. W. Cooper by deed recorded in Book 32, page 99, among the records of McDowell County, North Carolina. Terms of sale i cash, i in 6 months and i in 12 months, title retained for deferred payments. September 26, 1916. R. A. Cooper, Commissioner. R. B. McLaughlin, Att’y. Furniture Factory For Salei TaM Dotioe that tbe under and by virtue of the vested in him by certain iiaed Of , _ ment executed by the Western AAxii- ture Company and reooirded ia Book>64, Page 467, of McDowell Rerords, offer for sale to tiie _ bidder for caah at the Court hons^.fl_ in Marion, N. C., on Friday. October 20th, 1916,' between the hours of 12 o’clock m. and 2 o’clock p. m., the fol lowing descEibed lands and property* to-wit: Those two certain tracts of landlyin^r and being in the town of Marion, Mc Dowell County, N. C., iipecificallf' de scribed as follows: First Tract: A cerfain piece or parcel of land adjoining the lands of J. L. Morgan, Southern Railroad Company, and others, known as the old Marion Furniture Company lot—Beginning at a stake on the Southern Railroad at the northwest comer of the culvert, a cor» ner of a tract of land conveyed to the late J. D. Bondurant by J. L. Morgan and J. S. Elliott, and runs with the Southern Railroad north 53 east 21 piolee to a stake on said Bailroad, in the l^e of the lumber yard; thence north 31 west with the line of said lumber yi^ to the line of the right of way of said Railway Company; thence same course north 31 west 14 poles from said right of way to a stake; thence south 53 west poles to a stake in J. L. Morgan’s line; thence south 56 east with said line 20 poles to the beginning, excepting and reserving, however, from said boundary of land a right of way for' Railroad switch of ft. in* width from the right of way of the main line of the Southern Railway Company to the west ern boundary of the aboye described land, which said right of way has been surveyed and locat^ by the Southern Railway Company, said tract of land being fully described in a certain deed from W. A. Conley and others to the Western Furniture Company, recorded in Book 31, page 193, to which reference is here made for more certain descrip tion. Second Tract: A certain tract or lot of land adjoining the lands of J. L. Mor gan. Western Furniture Company, and others, on the head waters of Muddy Creek, bounded as follows: Beginning on the north corner of the factory lot of said Company and running north 31 west 7 poles to a stake in Morgan’s line of another lot; thence north 87 west with his line 23 poles to a stake, 4 feet north of a pine, Guy’s comer; thence south 5 west with the line of the Blue Ridge Furniture Company 24J poles to a stake in the branch; thence down the branch south 64 east 23i poles to a cul vert on the Railroad; thence with the line of the Western Furniture Factory lot north 55 west 20 poles to their cor ner; thence with their line north 53 east 28i poles to the beginning, containing 3 acres and 7| square rods, excepting and reserving a right of way where the road now runs for the use of the general pub lie, which said tract of land being specifically described in a deed from J. L. Morgan and wife to the Western Furniture Company, recorded in Book 31, page 261, of McDowell County Deed Records, to which reference is here made. All the rights, interests and estate of the Western Furniture Company, under and by virtue of two certain contracts with the Southern Railway Company, recorded in Book 30, page 400, and in Head:Off That All-Winter Cou&h At the first sign of sore throat, tight chest or stuffed-up head take a dose of Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey. The heal ing pine-tar, soothing honey and glycer ine quickly relieve the congestion, loosen the phlegm and break up your cold. Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey , has all the benefits of the healing aroma from a pine forest, it is pleasant to take and antiseptic. The formula on the bottle tells why it relieves colds and coughs. At your Druggist, 25c. Be careful you don’t overlook our big club of four magazines which we are sending our sub- reputation. It contains uu upium ux , , . other narcotic. Obtainable every where, scrpers this year. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by E. J. Franklin and wife A. E. Franklin on the 18th day of November, 1912. and duly recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of McJ)owell County in mortgage deed book 16 at page 37, the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Marion, North Carolina, on November 6, 1916 at 12:00 m. the following described land located in Ne- bo township, McDowell County, state of North Carolina. Beginning on a stake 200 feet north of W. N. HeaffHoar’s northeast corner and runs north 4 poleo to the public road thence north 30 west 9i poles to a stake thence west on variation of 3i degreei lOf poles to a stake; thence south 12 poles to a stake 20 feet north of W. N Heaffner’s Une; thence east on a varia tion of 3i degrees to the banning. This the 26th day of September, 1916. C. T. & T. W. CUTHBEETSON, MortsjageesT W. M. McNairy, Att’y for Mortgagees. Book 32, Page 187, of McDowell County Deed Records, to both of which records reference is here made for more specific description. Together with all buildings, plant, machinery, tools and appliances, used in connection with and attached to the furniture plant of the Western Furni ture Company in the town of Marion, N. C. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The undersigned will at private sale, between this date and the above date of sale, sell the stock of furniture, lum ber, material in process of manufacture, office fixtures and office furniture, anid all other effects and property not here inbefore named of the Western Furni ture Company. Anyone desiring to purchase same, or any part of same, may see the undersigned. .Ml the stock of furniture, lumber* material in process of manufacture, of fice fixtures, and all other effects and property of the said Western Furniture Company not sold privately before the date of sale, will be sold at the plant of the said Western Furniture Company, in Marion, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 4 o’clock m., on the said 20th day of October, 1916, the undersigned reserving the right to reject any and all bids. This the 19th day of September, 1916. J. W. WiNBORNE, Assignee. Notice of Issue of Drainage Bonds. Notice is hereby giyen that in pursu ance of a resolution duly adopted by the Muddy Creek Drainage Commission at its meeting held in the town of Morgan- ton on Saturday, September 16th, 1916, bonds of said Muddy Creek Drainage District bearing 6% interest, and run ning for seven years from date of issue, and in the denominations of One Hun dred Dollars or Five Hundred dollars, as the purchaser may prefer, interest on said bonds to be paid semi-annually, and said bonds to be in the aggregate sum of $10,000.00, will be issued in pur suance of the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of North Caro lina establishing said Muddy Creek Drainage Commission, and authorizing the issuance of said bonds. Said bon^ will not be issued before Nov. 1,1916. This 16th day of Sept., A. D., 1916. Muddy Creek Drainage Commission, By J. D. Patton, President, J. A. Gettys, Secretary. A

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