MARION PROGRESS A WEEXLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1916. VOL. XXI—NO. 14 TEW PASTOR FOR MARION Pev. J. R. Scroggs Succeeds Rev. L D. Thompson—Rev. Parker Holmes is the Presiding Elder. Many surprises were afforded lihe Western North Carolina con ference of the Methodist Eoiscopal church, south, at the final session of the conference at Gastonia Mon- “day night when Bishop Kilgo read' the appointments for the coming year. Marion was particularly af fected by the changes, losing its t>residing elder, Rev. J. E, Gay, and two ministers. Rev. L. D. Thomoson, who has been pastor of the Marion. Metho dist church for the past three years, ^oes to Broad Street church, States ville, and Ref. J. R. Scroggs, pre- •sidinsr elder of the Shelby district, succeeds him. Rev. Parker Holmes is the new presiding elder of this district, and Rev. J. E. Gay goes to Central Church, Albemarle. Rev. M. W. Mann goes to Spruce Pine, and Elmer Simpson has been assigned to the Hickory circuit. The appointments for this dis trict follows: MORGANTON DISTRICT. Presiding elder, Parker Holmes. Bakersville, W. J. Hackney, supply; Bald Creek, John S. Mitch ell, supply; Broad River, C. C. Totherow, supply; Burnsville, M T. Smathers; Chimney Rock, V. Butler^ supply; Cliffside, H. L. Powell; Connelly Springs and Ruth erford College, B. Wilson; Enola, S. P. Maulden; Forest City, J. A Bowles; Green River, J. M. Bar ber; Henrietta-Caroleen, M. B 31egg; Marion station, J., R. Scroggs; Marion circuit, J. P. Morris; Marion Mills, E, L. Kirk; McDowell, J. A. Fry; Micaviile li. D. Gillespie, supply; Morgan ton station, E. E. Williamson, Morganton circuit, A. C. Swaf ford; Old Fort, R. F. Mock; Ruth- «rfordton, T. C. Jordan; SpenCer Mill, J. B. Caroenter; Spruce Pine, * M. W. Mann; Table Rock, J. B. Taborr; Thermal City, M. W. Heckard, supply; professor in Rutherford college, W. T. Uary; student Trinity college, T. E. Hig gins; Bald Creek quarterly con ference. Conference will meet in Ashe ville next year. Local Marksman Bound for Haiti. By hitting the bulls eye with un erring skill from the standing, kneeling or sitting position, Ed ward L. Steele, of Marion, has be came a marksman in the United States Marine corps, according to an oflScial report from the State Rifle Range at Jacksonville, Fla Mr. Steele, who is a cousin of James Finfey of this place, enlist ed in the United States Marine corps at its Springfield recruiting station on July 20, 1916, and he is now speeding southward on the U. S. cruiser Hancock to join the newly established American pro tectorate in the little Republic of Santa Domingo. The young man has made re markable progress while ^ith the soldiers of the sea. He became marksman by making a splendid score at “slow and rapid” fire gaining the badge of markmanship and an increase of pay. Rev. John Greenlee, of Studley, Va., was a visitor here last week. Prizes for Apple Show at Marion December 7. Owing to the fact that Mr. E. S. Millsaps could not be present on December 2, the date for the ap ple show here has been changed to Thursday, December 7, at 10 a. m. Tell your neighbor of the change of date and send this clipping to ydur teacher to announce the new, date of the mating. Mr. Millsaps is especially interested in organiz ing a farm loan association and since this is of importance to every one in the county a large crowd is expected. At every fair and show some one says, “Why, I had better than that.” Let’s net have that happen December 7. Be a sport and bring along the best you have. Then you will want to see the McDowell county apples that are now selling on the market at $1.75 per bushel. Fact. Come and see. Mr. H. Field of Taylors ville, who has been very success ful with evaporated apples, win ning first prize at the Raleigh fair, will be present and tell how it is done. Following is the premium list, most of the prizes to be in mer chandise: Best collection four varieties of apples consisting of one bushel or box and a plate of each, first prize $10.00, second prizo $7.50, third prize $5.00 Stetson hat. The following prizes will be given for plate exhibits, each plate to consist of five apples: Winesap — First prize, $2.00; second, $1.50; third, $1.00; fourth, 50c: Limbertwig—First prize, $2.00; second, $1.50; third, $1.00; fourth, 50c. Stayman — First prize, $1.25; second, 75c. Camack or Spitzbergen—First prize, $1.00; second, 50c. Dula Beauty—First prize, $1.00; second, 50c. MammQth Black Twig — First prize, $1.00; second, 50c. DECIDES AGAINST BRITT Judge Adams Dismisses Case A- gainst Buncombe Election Board—Britt Appeals. Asheville Citizen, 28tb. ^or lack of jurisdiction. Judge W. J. Adams in Superior court yesterday afternoon dismissed the writ of alternative mandamus suit brought by Congressman James J. Britt against the Buncombe county canvassing board and wi*l consider a motion for an injunction against the secretary of state and state board of canvassers enjoining them from certifying to the election of Zebu Ion Weaver as representative from the Tfenth congressional dis trict. Counsel for Mr. Britt im mediately gave notice of appeal to the state Supreme court. Judge Adams asked counsel for Mr. Britt to prepare the affidavits upon which the petition for an in junction is to be based. Judge Adams will probably consider these affidavits today. The effect of the injunction, if granted, will be to maintain the present situation in the controversy until the state Su preme court can pass upon its merits. iEilGMI T PROTOCOL PROVIDING FOR CON DITIONAL WITHDRAWAL OF SOLDIERS Fr6m MEXICO. JOINT COMMISSION SIGNS Mexican Commissioner Leaves at Once With Copy to Obtain Approval of General Carranza to Terms.— Other Problems to B« Discussed. Other varieties, $1.00, and|50c. The following prizes are offered to the ladies: Best pound unbleached dried ap pies, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 and 50c; evaporated apples, $1.50, 75c. To be entered for a prize the fruit must be grbwn in McDowell county and exhibited by the grow ers, other^Use the exhibit will be thrown out. The perfect apple should have a stem as it comes from the tree and be sound and free from cracks, wormholes, rots, spots, bruises, and , blemishes. Specimens should be nearly uni form in size, shape and color. But the perfect apple has not yet been found. Select five of your best, wrap them carefully to prevent bruising, pocket them and bring them to Marion Dec. 7. Rev. T. G. Tate Installed Pastor. Rev. T. G. Tate was intalled as pastor of Unity, Castaetiia Grove and Machpelah churches, in Gas ton county, last Sunday by a com mission appointed by King’s Moun tain Prifebytery. Mr. Greenlee is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tate of Greenlee. He is a recent grad uate of Union Theological semi nary, Richmond, Va., and has been acting as supply of these churches for several months and has been very much blessed in his work there. He was ordained to the gospel ministry at a recent meet ing of his presbytery at Mt. Holly. Renew your subscription to The Progress promptly, please. Wealthy New Yorker Buys Mt. Ida —.Will Erect Summer Home. Carroll Baldwin, a wealthy New Yorker, and a majdrity stockholder in the Marion and Clinchfield cot ton mills of this place, has recent ly purchased Mount Ida, a high mountain nearby^ overlooking the town, on which he expects to erect a magnificent summer home. It is understood that a fine automobile highway will be constructed to the top of this mountain. Mr. Bald win will very probably develop this property in a great many ways, making this one of the most beautiful estates in this section. Home-Made Breakfast Food. The wheat cereal breakfast food that he was carrying home was wrapped in nature’s own package. In other words, it was as the All wise Creator had msde it, and not the pulped, Dowdered, bleached, devitalized produc^hat comes from a modern roller mill. “This whole wheat,” he said, “wiH be washed well and soaked over night, then boiled for breakfast. It cost three cents a pound and I am told it is better than rice, which costs eight cents now.” Right. Boiled whole wheat properly chewed will make much more and better blood, bone, brain and brawn than rice as it found on the market. If Nebo News. Nebo, Nov. 27.—There will be ser vices at the Methodist church here on Thanksgiving Day. Everybody is in vited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hunter and little daughter of Asheyille are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hdnter. Mrs. T. J. Gibbs of Marion spent the ^veek-end here with her daughter, Mrs, J. M. Tyler Born, to Mrs. and Mrs. R. V. Wilson, November 19, a son. G D. Taylor visited relatives at Dysartsvill® Sunday. Mrs. Kate Bowman of Collettsville is spending a while here with her son, W. J. Bowman. Mis3 Madge Brown of Marion spent Saturday and Sunday here with her 60ster, Miss Louise Brown. Atlantic City, N. J.—protocol pro viding for the conditional withdrawal of the Am^ican troops now in Chi huahua, Mexico, and for the militar control of the border, but with th supplemental stipulation that United States troops shall be sent into Mex ico in pursuit of bandits at any time the American Government deems it necessary was signed here by the members of the Mexican-American Joint Commission. One copy was taken by Alberto J. Pani, of the Mexican commission, who left here for New York, whence he will start Monday for Queretaro, to submit it to General Carranza for ap proval. The other copy will be de livered to th€» American Government by Secretary of the Interior Lane, chairman of the American commis sion, who left for Washington. If the protocol is ratified by the two Governments, the commission will convene again «n December 8 to resume the discussion of other ques tions affacting the two countries, es pecially those related to the protec tion of life and proprty of Ameri cans and other foreigners in Mexico, ritiflcation by either Government withheld the work of the confer ence will be declared at an end. Following is a paraphrase of the agreement: First—The American troops now in Chihuahua commanded by Gen. John J. Pershing, shall be withdrawn within 40 days ‘ from the signing of the protocol by the respective Governments provided that within that time the condit ions in that part of Mexico have not become such as to endanger the American border. In such event the time shall be extended. Second—The Mexican army shall patrol the Mexican side of the border and the American army the American side but this shall not preclude co-operation be tween the two forces to preserve peace upon the border. Third—It shall be left to the commanding officers of the ar mies on the border of both Na tions to enter into such arrange ments for co-operation in opera tions against bandits whenever it is possible. The right of the American Govern- ment to send troops across the bor der in pursuit of bandits was not in corporated in the protocol, but was made the subject of a supplemental memorandum. The Mexicans bad contended earnestly against signing any agreement in which they appear ed to sanction what they termed the ,violation of their National territory. It wab the agreement of the Ameri cans finally to content themselves with stating the attitude of the United States in a separate memorandum that induced the Mexicans to sign the agreement. STATE NEWS OFTHEWEEK Items Concerning Events of In terest and Importance Through out the State. The Gastonia Ice Plant at Gas tonia was practically destroyed by fire Tuesday morning, with an esti mated loss of $25,000, with no in surance. Edgar B. Moore, for several years manager of the Selwyn hotel in Charlotte, died suddenly Satur day from the effects of a stroke of apoplexy. Robert Sigmon, aged X? years« was killed by a Southern Railway freight traip at Hickory Monday when the young man swung it to “beat” a ride. According to complete returns just available, the Democrats lose two seats in the State Senate for the approaching session while the complexion of the House remains as it was in 1915. There will be nine Republicans in the Senate and twenty-one Republicans and one Independent in the House. After all this country may be tioo big to buy. An Interesting Legal Suit h Be gun in Burke. Hickory Record, 27th. An interesting legal action, which promises to be hard fought, was instituted before the clerk of Burke county superior court last week in volving a guardian for Mr. Robert Winkler, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Bridgewater, and the custody of his property. Mr. W. E. Erwin of Morganton was ap- pointed^guardian at the instance of children of Mr. Winkler and has demanded from Mr. W. Lyerly of Hickory, agent for Mr. Winkler, all the papers and other matters and moneys belonging to the old man. The money involved is about $35,X)0. It is claimed by the heirs that Mr. Winkler is not of sound mind and not able to manage his affairs. Attorneys for Mr. Lyerly claim that Mr. Erwin was appointed guardian without due process of law and for that reason are resist ing the action of the court. It is claimed that Mr. Erwin’s appoint ment was made without the cus tomary notice being served on Mr. Winkler and that he was not given an opportunity to be heard. Mr» Lyerly as agent stands ready to comply with the order of the court the minute there is no qu^tion of the legality of the guardian, his attorneys declare. BRITISH WARN SHIPS OF PRESENCE OF SUBMARINES NATIONS IN WAR WIRE BEST WISHES TO PEACE LEAGUE. Messages of Approval for Principle of Organization From England, France and Germany Read at Banquet. New York.—Messages of good will from the Chancellories of three of Europe’s warring Powers were read at a dinner given here by the League to Enforce Peace. The -purpose of banquet was to consider a program for a permanent league of nations at the close of the great conflict. Approval of the principle proposed was given by Aristide Briand,. Pre mier of France; Chancellor von Beth- mann Hollweg of Germany and Vis count Grey, Great Britain’s foreign secretary. New York.—^The British croiMr Lancaster, frtationed 15 milee Bonttaf east of Sandy Hook, Mat oat tiy lees a general warning to all steuft* ers flyihk the flags A tbe Bntente Al lies to beware of German submarin^ on this side of the Aliaatic. The Lan* caster directed the oommanders and vessels to keep a sharp lookout for underwater boa;ts. They were told to show no more lights than were necea- sary. WILSON’S PI DRALITY IN CALIFORNIA 18 8,778. Sacremento, Cal. — President 'Wil son’s plurality in California Is 3,773 votes according to semi-official flgurea announced by Secretary of State Jor* dan. The flgures include the vote of a hitherto questioned precinct in Orange county. The Presidents plu rality represents the difference be tween the vote of 466,289 for Francis J. Heney, highest Democratic elector and that of 462,516 for J. F. Carlstorm, highest Republican. It is reported that the Colonel has not said ‘*bully” since thei night of the election.

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