R.B. NEAL Headquarters for Santa Claus. REMEMBER We will have our Christmsis Opening Friday, Dcc. 1st. We have a full line of Dolls, Toys and a variety of Gifts for Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and Sweethearts. Come and bring the children and inspect our stock. SHOP EARLY and avoid the rush. Remember the date and place. R. B. Neal’s Variety Store, I Second Door Below the Bridge. 52 Issues of TfflWnfS COMPANION and |2 Issues of Mm'SMAGAyNB Press . Ftm No Combination of Reading Like It and AU For The Youth’s Companion 52 ISSUES favorite family weekly of America. Grpt Senals or Groups in 1917, and 250 Short Stones, a thousand Articles wd Suggestions, a thousand Ftmny- isms. Special Pages for all ages. McCall’s Magaisne 12 ISSUES AND A DRESS PATIERN The Fashion AUTHORITY foUowed by muhons of American women. You jnU grt the 12 monthly issues of McCalls, making not merely a “de partment” but a fashion tnagaijuft every month of 1917. ^ $2-10 Iwnc* mad 15c. McCall Dreu Pattern for ■Mid $*.10 (^nu or ?. 0. KoiMy Ordar) to tb* pnMlihen of tbt psMr la wUoli tMi Ofl*x appMTs «a4 THE YOUTH'S COMPANION for 52 weeks, and the 1917 Home Calendar. (This Offer is to new Youth’s Companion subecnbera only.) McCALL'S MAGAZINE every month for one year; also choice of any I5-cent McCall Dress Pattern FREE for 2 cents extra to cover mailing. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION. St Paul St, BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS "fht Progress and New York World, one year, f 1.60. Kelly Was Elected from Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Nov. 23.—Represen tative M. C, Kelly will be a mem ber of the 56th congress as a Pro gressive Democrat, the vote minus the soldiers vote showing Kelly a victor over Congressman Coleman by 250 votes. The soldiers vote gave a plurality to Kelly in the district. A Clo&ged System Must Be Cleai'ert You will find Dr. King’s New Life Pills a gentle 3’^et effective laxative for remov ing impuritiefi from the system. Accn- malated waste poisons the blood; dizzi ness, biliousness and pimply, muddy complexion are the distressing effects. A dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills to night will assure you a free, full bowel movement in the morning. . At your druggist, 25c. Speechless. A colored telephone subscriber at St Joseph, Mo., called the test board: “Hel lo! Is this the chief wire? Well, say, I want you all to come right up and fix my fome. It ain’t spc^e a word since Saturday!”—Exchangk Sufferer from Imilsestlon Relieved. “Before taking Chamberlain’s Tablets my husband suffered for several years from indigestion, causing him to have pains in the stomach and distress after eating. Chamberlain’s Tablets relieved him of tlaese spells right away,” writes Mrs. Tliomas Casey, Gteneva, N. Y, Obtainable everywheie. Every Live Community Needs Live Newspaper. The average local town paper is worth* thoasands of dollars annual ly to its community for the free service it renders. As a constant booster and promoter of local news or information it is indispensable Did you ever stop to think what yo%would do without your home paper? This is not an idle ques tion. What would you do if your town paper should indefinitely sas pend publication? Having no newspapefr would mean a return to the old Roman method of posting information on public bulletin boards. A call for teachers’ examination would neces sitate posting notices at dozens of places in the county at greater ex pense than the charge in the local papers. Farmer Smith could not announce a sale to all his neigh bors except by laborious methods more costly than newspaper space. Marriage and death notices most certainly would not fitly adorn public bulletin boards. Those who are int;erested in farm or town im provements would make progress but tediously without newspaper support. No; we just have to have our town newspaper. We want to know what other folks in the coun ty are doing. The most interest ing information in the .world is knowledge of what other people are doing. Let’s help our com munity by helping our local editor in his work. We cannot dispense with his service. On the other hand, he needs more of our moral and material support.—Geo. A. Starring. Wants Rooseyelt in 1920. Washington Dispatch to Greens boro News: In a circular sent out from But ler, Pa., under date of November 10 and addressed to the delegates to the national Republican conven tion of 1916, Progressive Republi cans notify prospective delegates to the convention in 1920 that “Theodore Roosevelt is to be tho next nominee of the party, unless the Republicans desire another term for the Democratic nominee.” Circulars have been freely cir- cujated in North Carolina. In fact, it is said, nearly every delegate to both the Republican and Progres sive convention at Chicago last June has been furnished a copy of the circular and been urged to give his views now and prepare for the biggest political battle ever pulled off for 1920. Now Lookout. When a cold hangs on as often hap pens, or when you have hardly gotten over one cold before you contract an other, lookout for you are liable to con tract some very serious disease. This succession of colds weakens the system rnd lowers the vitality so that you are much more liable to contract chronic tatarrh, pneumonia or consumption. Cure your cold while you #an. Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy haa a great reputation. It is relied upon by thous ands of people and never disappoints them. Try it. It only costs a quarter. Obtainable everywhere. W In addition to 1,449 freight cars which the Southern Railway has olaced in service since July 1st and 1,891 ordered in the spring, which have not yet been delivered by the builders, the Southern has just placed orders for 2,963 freight cars and 46 locomotives for the earliest possible delivery. Do You Have Sour Stomach? If you are troubled with sour stomach you should'eat slowly and masticate your food thoroughly, then take one of Chamberlain’s Tablets immediately af ter supper. Obtainable every#bere. There must be something in that Wilson thirteen superstition after all. California gave thirteen elec toral votes to Wilson. TERRIBLE WRECK: ENGINEER VADEN TAKEN FROM CAB Raleigh Man Describes His Suf ferings and Tell of Final Rescue. C. F. Vaden, Engineer on the Seaboard Railroad and living at 614 West North street, Raleigh, said: “I suffered terribly from attacks of acute indigestion and, on one occasion had to be lifted from my cab. For over 10 years I suffered. I could not eat meats, vegetables or solid foods and bad to live on grits and^raw eggs. Nothing I tried helped me, until I got Tanlac. “I have taken 4 bottles of Tan- lac and eat anything I care to now, even cabbage, and don’t have to suffer. My sleep is refreshing too, I am not a bit nervous and feel fine in every way. I already have gained 7 oounds in weight. But that is not all. My 13-year-old daughter Hazel, has been com pletely cured of indigestion by Tanlac and has gained 10 pounds in weight and is full of health and spirits. I am pleased to have this opportunity of recommending Tan lac,” he ended happily. Tanlac is sold in Marion only by J. W. Streetman. Forty Years Experience in DENTISTRY MY WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Plate Work a Specialty. Dr. R, J. BURGIN, Dentist, Marion, N. C. NOTICE! ^ Notiw is hereby giyen that appUca- tion will be made to the next General Assembly of North CaroUna to amend the charter of the Town of Marion This Nov. 13, 1916. J. W. Streetman, Mayor. J. W. WiNBORNE, Sec’y. Notice of Summons. North Carolina, ) In the Superior Court McDowell County f Before the Clerk I. T. Avery and A. C. Avery, Jr., Ad ministrators cum testamenta annexo of I. T. Avery, Sr., deceased, vs Heirs at law of Josiah Askew, deceased, names unknown; heirs at law of Wil liam Ainsworth, deceased, names un known; heirs at law of James Ains worth, deceased, names unknown; heirs at law of R. H. Chapman, de ceased, names unknown; E M. Heno- fer. G, W: Denny, Zeb McGee-J. O. Gilkey, W. K. M. Gilkey, P. P. Ni cola, and others. To Heirs at law of Josiah Askew, de ceased, names unknown, heirs at law of William Ainsworth, deceased, names unknown, heirs at law of James Ainsworth, deceased, names unknown, E. M. Henofer, and P. P. Nicola. The defendants aboye named will take notice that a proceeding entitled as above has been instituted in the Su perior Court of McDowell County, N. C., ^fore the Clerk, for the purpose of setting up a lost deed from Josiah Askew to Waighstill Aveir for an undivided half mterest in and to a tract of land in North Cove, McDowell County, N C beinggrant No. 3746 to Josiah Askew and Waighstill Avery, recorded in Book No 56 at p^e 20 of McDowell County De^ Records, to which reference is here made for certain description, and to have the boundary of said land surveyed and adjudicated as provided bv Revisal of 1905, section 328. ^ "evisai The ^id defendants wiU further take notice that they are required to appear before the undersigned. Clerk of Su Eenor Court of said County, at the court in Manon, N. C., on the 15th day of December, 1916, at 11 o’clock, a. m and answer the petition or complaint a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Oerk of the Superior Court of said County within ten days from the date of this hummons and notice, and said defendants will take notice that they fail to answer the said petition or a^plaint-wdthin that time, the plain- t^s will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the complaint or peti tion.- Of this notice, said defendants will take due heed. Witness my hand, this the 14th day of November, 1916. _ ^ Thos. Morris, Clerk Superior Court of McDowell County. N. C. m im

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