MARION PROGRESS A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF MARION AND McDOWELL COUNTY ESTABLISHED 1896 MARfON. N. C., THURSDAY. MAY 16, 1929. VOL. XXXIII—NO. 45 J. S. GOODE NEW CIVIC SECRETARY F. R. RICHARDSON ELECTED HEAD OF MARION SCHOOLS Mr. F. R. Richardson, superintend- I ent of the Spencer Schools for the I past four years, was elected superin- I tendent of the Marlon Schools at a Succeeds L. E. Browder—L. J. i; recent meeting of the board of trus- P. Cutlar Named President |*tees, to succeed Mr. C. W. E. Pitt- ' iwan, Mr. Richardson is a graduate —Other Officers Chosen. i^f o^ke University, Class 1915, and j is a school man of wide experience. ! He was principal of the Mocksville Schools for five years where he was very successful, giving up the Mocks- L. J. P. Cutlar was picked as the new head of the Marion Chamber of Commerce, and J. S. Goode was elec ted as secretary to succeed L. Earl Browder, recently resigned, at a meeting held Thursday night. , Mr. Goode is the son of the Rev. W. 0. Goode, pastor of the First ville principalship to take charge of the Spencer Schools where he has I served for the past four years. He is regarded as one of the best school men in the state and comes to Marion with the very highest recommenda- PATRIOTIC ORDER MEETS IN MARION State Meeting Will Be Held With the Local Camp Here Next Tuesday, Wednesday. FINALS PLEASANT GARDENS SCHOOL BEE SPECIALIST GIVES DEMONSTRATION HERE Commencement Begins Thurs- j Mr. C. L. Sams, Extension special-j ist in Bee Work, State College, Ral- ^ I eigh, N. C., assisted County Agent j .-! Smarr in conducting a meeting and; ■ I demonstration in the care and man- MARION PLANS TO HOLD AIR QRCUS day Night—Graduating Ex- "“"J* ' \ , Hollifield near Marion on Thursday ercises Monday Evening. Methodtet Church here, and is well known in Marion. He comes to his new duties highly recommended. Mr. Browder has held the post for over two years, and his secretaryship has been marked by the successful mittee receitly to discuss and plan the work for the city schools for the coming year. He has visited the schools and is now making a close . , study of the situation and the needs development of many civic projects, | ^^^ools. As yet, he has made officials have declared. He goes t0[„„ announcement of his poli- Birmingham, Ala., where he has ac-i^j^.^ ^ut the school board feels that cepted a position with Hoggson Bros., architectural and building construction engineers. Other officers chosen at the meet ing were: C. F. James, vice-president and C. A. Workman, treasurer. Mr. Workman was elected for his fourth successive term in this office. The directors are H. D. Bishop, J. Q. Gilkey, J. W. Winborne; R. W. Proctor. E. H. Dysart, L. J. P. Cutlar J. M. Tate, E. A. GBeaman and C. F James. Mr. Dysart is the retiring president who has held that position during the past year. they have secured the proper man to take up the work and that the high standard of the Marion Schools is not only going to be maintained but raised. Mr. Pittman is giving up the work after having rendered four years of faithful service to the school, to en ter a broader field of endeavor. He came to Marion well recommended and has been untiring in his efforts to build up the school. He is one of the best equipped men. in the state being a graduate of the State Uni versity and having received his mas The Chamber of Commerce mem- j tgr's degree from Columbia. He has bership drive last week was success-1 ggrved as superintendent of schools fully carried out, a large enrollment 1 ^ number of years and has made having been secured. The drive will j ^ very fine record. The committee- be continued that others may have, j„en of the Marion Schools and the an opportunity to join. MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM GIVEN HERE LAST FRIDAY people of the town wish Mr. Pittman success and happiness in his new line of work. In the matter of teachers, The Progress is informed that the entire teaching corps has been re-elected. MARION MAN TO MARRY FLORIDA YOUNG LADY Memorial Day was appropriately observed here last Friday by the Mc Dowell chapter U. D. C., veterans and friends. The exercises were held in the court house at 11 o’clock, op ening with a solig by the Daughters | interest in two states will be and followed with invocation by Rev ! following announcement appear- W. O. Goode, pastor of the irs i ^ recent issue of the Times Methodist Church. The memorial ser- ^nion of Jacksonville, Fla.; vice was conducted by Rev. J. C. Sto- ] George Pierce Long announc- ry, pastor of the First Presbyterian I ^ engagement of her daughter. The annual State convention of the Patriotic Order Sons of America will be held with Washington Camp No. 40 in Mariton on Tuepday and Wednesday, May 21 and 22. From 150 to 200 delegates are expected to be in attendance. Headquarters will be made at the Marianna Hotel. On Tuesday afternoon at 1 o’clock a band concert will be given on the court house lawn, after which the convention will be called to order in the court house at 2 o’clock, when the following program will be given: Invocation, by Rev. W. O. Goode. Address of Welcome, by Mayor H. H. Tate. Response, State President Hugh G. Mitchell. Song, Star Spangled Banner. Benediction, Rev. P. D. Mangum. At 2:30 the State camp session will convene. A reception and dinner will be given at Lake Tahoma at six o’clock Tuesday evening, preceded by a band concert. At 7:30 a band concert will be given at the high school auditorium followed by an open meeting at 8 o’ clock at which time addresses will be made by state and national officers of the P. O. S. of A. and an address by Hon. Robert R. Reynolds of Ashe ville. A motor trip to lake James will be given the delegates on Wednesday morning at 8 o’clock, and a state camp session will convene at 10 a. m. to complete the business of the con vention. j The officers of the State camp are H. H. Koontz, of Lexington, past State president; Hugh G. Mitchell,of I Statesville, State president; C. B. Hoover, of Cooleemee, vice-presi- dent; Fred O. Sink, of Lexington, secretary; J. C. Kesler, of Salisbury, treasurer; J. T. Graham, of Cleve land, master of forms; and Rev. Thos. F. Trott, of Statesville, chap lain. The commencement exercises of Pleasant Gardens School will begin Thursday evening. May 16, at 8 o’ clock, with a dramatization of local history by the seventh grade. On Saturday evening. May 18, at 8 Event Slated for Next Satur day and Sunday at Francis Marion Field—2 Big Days* The “air circus” to be given at the Francis Marion Field her^ Saturday j of the bee keepers were unfamiliar. attend, and two big days of One question in which many of the | thrills galore are assured, bee keepers were interested was. Features of the two days piogram “How can I keep my bees from j are very interesting and include par- Church. Following the memorial service, i Lillian Laura, to Mr. William Wea ver Neal, Jr., of Marion, North Car- of the past week. The meeting was attended by fifteen interested bee keepers from various sections of the county. It seemed as if each and ev ery person attenjiing the meeting! and demonstration came to find outj^”*^ Sunday, May 18 and 19, ^romis- some particular thing about bees. | es to be one of the greatest shows Many questions were asked which , ever attempted in the State. The air- Mr. Sams answered, and in making I Port is being prepared and put m o’clock, the junior class will present ^is answers he told much about the | fii*st class condition to take care of four-act play, “The Road to the | j^^ture and habits of bees that many i the large numbers which are expec- City.” ... ’ Sunday morning at 11 o’clock the baccalaureate sermon will be preach ed by Rev. P. L. Elliott, vice-presi dent of Mars Hill College, and head of the English department there. Special music will be provided for the occasion under the direction of Mrs. T. A. Wilson of Marion. The program will include a solo by Mrs. T. A. Wilson; Offertory by Miss Bet ty Wilson, and Anthem by the high school. The graduation exercises will be held Monday evening following at 8 o’clock when Rev. W. O. Goode of Marion will deliver the literary ad dress. The graduating class is com posed of the following boys and girls Bruce Gibbs, Mary Rabb, Clyde Mc Daniels, Georgia Willis, Thelma Quinn, David Burnett, Clark McCoy, Cumile Biddix, Edith Lambe, Beat rice Ledbetter, Ruby Hennessee, Louise Patton, and Vernon Ellis. The following program will presented: Chorus—The Gypsy Trail — High School Girls. Welcome—Mascot—Louise Miller. Address, president of class, Bruce Gibbs. Class History—Ruby Hennessee. Prophecy—Louise Patton. Poem—Thelma Quinn. Address—Rev. W. O. Goode. Valedictory—Mary Rabb. Presentation of Diplomas. Graduating Song—Class. swarming?” Many reported two or three swarms of bees from the same hive during this season. Mr. Sams said: “You can prevent the bees from swarming themselves to death by putting the hive of new bees, the swarm, on the hive stand from which the bees came, moving the old hive to the new stand.” A very simple rem edy, but one when practiced would mean more honey for the farmer. Mr. Sams explained just what hap pened in the old hive, as well as in the new hive, when handled the way he recommends as well as when leav ing the old stand alone and putting the new swarm on a new stand. Mr. Sams also stated that very often swarming could be be prevented by putting i* new queens at the begin- achute jumpers, airplane races and other features. A large number of entries have already been made and the airport committee of the Marion Chamber of Commerce will spare no expense or time in making this the most complete air circus ever staged in the state. Thrilling stunts will be performed by “Daredevil” Burns, sensational flier and trickster, who will suspend himself in an inner tube from the landing gear of an airplane and pick up a handkerchief from the ground while in that , position. He will also perform on the wings of the airplane in his thrilling stunts. JOHN W. HALL DIES AT HOME AT EAST MARION ning of the honey flow, this practice ^ tt „ j- j i. •>« stopping the laying of eggs for a “r. John W. Hall died at h.s home few days; then with a new queen, East Marion on Tuesday evening, the bees were not so anxious to ;M«y’‘''. His passing was sudden, swarm. Mr. Sams said that it was »“'““S'*' unexpected as he had REVIVAL NEXT WEEK AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH the chapter president, Mrs. Eugene nuptials to be solemnized! Cross, in a most fitting manner intro duced Mrs. E. L. McKee, State pres ident, whose address was the out standing feature of the occasion. At the conclusion of the exercises Dr. J. L. Vipperman, pastor of I at the Holy Trinity Episcopal church Southside Baptist Church of Spar at seven o’clock on June the fourth, | tanburg, S. C., will begin a DISTRICT MEETING OF WOMAN’S AUXILIARY Gainesville, Florida. j meeting at the First Baptist Church j ‘he local chaptM. Miss Long, who is socially promin- j here next Monday, May 20th. The ent throughout Florida, is the only j series of services will begin Monday Delegates to the fifth district of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Dio cese of Western North Carolina met in quarterly convention at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Marion last just as good as the full sheet. We Thursday. They were welcomed in a, will just open one of these hives and r^val hrief address by Mrs. L. J. P. Cutlar, 11 will show you what is taking place great mistake to think that it did not | pay to put in full sheets of founda-i been in declining health for several weeks. Mr. Hall had been a resident tion in the brood chamber—that in jMarion for about twenty using the strips that the bees would j He was a “f the Ba^ very often have much one Itist Church and a regular attendant frame of drones in a hive. He told j “P®" how much honey it would take to I „ ,.0 . . feed such a bunch of drones, while if!. 68 yea.^ of age and the full sheets of foundation were ^ “f/'® used, that the foundation for worker! follows: Mrs. Maggie cells had already been made, and Crazier of Gaffney S. C.; Mrs. that the bees would go' ahead andl®'“' Mrs. Ger- “draw out the cells for worker bees”, Gladys Hall, Lawrence and Charlie though always putting in enough for as many drones as would be needed. “As to full sheets of foundation,” in the supers he said, “it is also a great mistake to think that a strip is at the court house a hot dinner was i ^j^ughter of Mrs. George Pierce | evening at 8 and continue through- served the veterans at the Methodist Church hut, after which wreaths and flowers were placed on the graves of Confederate soldiers bur ied in the cemetery here. Only nine of the thirty or more veterans in the county were able to attend the exercises, these being L. A. Williams, D. L. Welborn, A. L. Beach, S. M. Collis, J. C. Hensley, C. C. Bradley, J. M. Godfrey, James Morris and John M. Houck. Long and the late George Pierce out the week with Dr. Vipperman Long. She will be given in marriage preaching each night. by Dr. D. R. Bryson of Bryson City, Dr. Vipperman is a great Bible GEORGE BAfLEY KILLS SELF MONDAY EVENING George Bailey, 33 years old, an employe of the Clinchfield railway, took his own life here Monday night about 7 o’clock by firing a bullet from a .38 calibre pistol into his heart, the coroner found Monday night, after an investigation of the young man’s death. A number of persons heard the shot fired and shoctly afterward the body was found beside the road near the Clinchfield mill village. In his hand, Bailey held the weapon. While no definite motive was as signed, it was believed here that the man became deranged as a result of brooding over his troubles. Bailey was married about eight months ago, but it is understood he had recently been separated from his wife, who lives in Hickory. Mr. Bailey w^s * aative *f Nelx*, McDowell county, but recently had been employed as a switch engineer on the railroad yards at Spartanburg. He had been in Marion for several days visiting relatives. He has sever al brothers and sisters who live here. The funeral services were conduc ted from the Methodist Church at Nebo Tuesday afternoon. N. C. The wedding ceremony will be performed by the Rev. William S. Stoney, rector of Holy Trinity. Mrs. Joseph Dalton, of Tampa, formerly Miss Dorothy McClamroch of Gainesville, will attend Miss Long as matron of honor. Her bridesmaids will be Miss Elizabeth Broome of Jacksonville, Miss Selina Wilson of Atlanta, Ga., formerly of Jackson-j ville, and Miss Sue Johns of New I York city, formerly of Tampa. Mr. Neal will be attended by his brother, Grayson Neal, of Marion, N. C., as best man. His groomsmen will be Neal Morris, Jack Justice, Robert Proctor, of Marion, N. C. Ushering'will be Noyes and George Long, brothers of the bride-elect, Hayford Enwall also of Gainesville, Walter G. Troxler of Ocala. One of the most beautiful of the younger smart set Miss Long is so cially prominent not only in Florida but in North Carolina where she has frequently visited. She was gradu ated from the State College for Women at Tallahassee where she was a member of the Chi Omega frater nity. Mr. Neal is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver Neal of Marion date. N. C. He attended Duke University where he was a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Mr. Neal is engaged in the textile business in Marion where he and his bride will reside. student and a forceful speaker. Great throngs always attend the services wherever he conducts re vivals. The pastor, Rev. P. D. Mangum, is looking forward to a great revival and extends a cordial • invitation to everybody to attend the services. PRISONERS MAKE GET-AWAY Frank Duncan, Tom Oates, Jess Haivey, and Riley Hensley, prisoners in the ^cDowell County jail,,charged with larceny, made a successful get away last Sunday night. From latest reports, none of the prisoners have been apprehended. The prisoners in some way manag ed to interfere with the lock upon a visit of the jailer. Thinking that he had securely closed all doors behind him, the jailer went ahead about his affairs. The lock having been inter fered with, the prisoners were able to prize the door open and make their escape from the window of the | jail by means of blankets fastened together. The sheriff and his deputies are on the lookout for these men and hope to apprehend them at an early (Opens a hive and takes out a frame I Communion services were held at | from the super.) You see here that the Church at 11 a. m., followed by a we have a frame that has had the business session presided over by j full sheet of foundation. The bees Mrs. R. T. Claywell of Morganton. 1 are working ‘all over’ the entire sur- The Rev. L. A. Jahn, Rector of [face, and we see that the cells are Grace Church, Morganton, delivered | partially filled with nectar as the an able and instructive address. j cells are built up. The nectar is At 1 o’clock luncheon was served ] some 87 per cent water, while honey those attending in the Methodist j is only about 17 per cent water. If “hut”, for the use of which the ladies! the cells would be completed, then of St. John’s are very grateful to the | filled with nectar, it would spoil be- jiiembers of the Methodist Church. ! cause the bees could not evaporate After lunch, the Rev. Mr. Kent, at | the water. Thus the full sheets fur- one time Arch Deacon of Alaska and! nish a working base for a larger now in charge of the church school at j number of beeife and allow the cells Valle Crucis, delivered an interesting j to be filled over a larger area as the address on Alaska and the work of; cells are built.” the church there; Miss Burt spoke of i Mr. Sams also said: “Much honey the children at Appalachian School | is lost by not providing the bees with at Penland; and Miss Martha Justice, j plenty of ^oom. Every hive should now residing at Bat Cave, read the fi- have two or more supers. When one nancial report. ; super is nearly ready to ‘cap’ an emp- The meeting was attended by | ty super should be put under the ‘al- about thirty delegates from different j most full’ super. Very often they will towns in the district, among those | fill the two supers in the same time present being Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson ■ that they will complete one super.” and Mrs. Moore of Gastonia; Mrs. j Hall, of Marion. He is also survived by twelve grand children; one sister. Miss Nancy Hall, of Clinchfield, and two brothers, Mike and Kelly Hall. The funeral service was held oa Thursday afternoon at the East Mar ion Baptist Church by Rev. A. A. Walker, assisted by Rev. D. J. Hunt and Rev. J. N. Wise. Interment was- made at Oak Grove cemetery. LOCAL HISTORY PROGRAM AT PLEASANT GARDENS On Thursday evening at eight o’ clock the grammar grade pupils of the Pleasant Gardens School wilt present a unique dramatic entertain ment, featuring history of the coun ty and community. The purpose of presenting it is to perpetuate the memory of worthy sons and daughters of McDowell county and to stimulate interest ia local history. The scenes are based on facts vivi fied by imagination. The stage set ting is being designed and painted by the pupils. The first scene is evening in the cabin of Hunting John McDowell, who was the first settler in what i» now McDowell county. Robert Logan, will be seen teaching the first school ever taught in the community, and one of the first in the county. Samuel Andrew Kistler, Mrs. Charles Kist-| MOORE AND FINLEY „ • ^ ^ ler, Mrs. R. T. Claywell, Mrs. J. Mac- : EXCHANGE COURTS I Carson, a native^ son of the Naughton, Mrs. Leslie, and Rev and Mrs. L. A. Jalin of Morganton; Mrs. ^ community, who, one hundred years Judge Walter E. Moore and Judge | ^SO, was the most influential citizen Harris'and Miss «olmeS of Asheville; i T. B. Finley have exchanged courts western North Carolina, will not Miss Burt of Appalachian School of i during the first two weeks of June, be neglected. ^ 1 1 _ niT-._i.i-- T l: I ;+ 1ITOC TTrirlov Pinlpv In another Penland; and Miss Martha Justice of jit was learned Friday. Judge Finley Bat Cave. I court in Forsyth county for Mrs. Charles Kistler was elected district vice-president. NEW BUILDING The Builders Supply Company has broken ground for the erection of a warehouse and lumber shed on South Garden street, near the present loca ^ tion of the plant. The building will Beautiful BILLIE DOVE in -THE'be a >ne-story NIGHT WATCH”, a Sound picture, | feet. Work will at Oasis Theatre next Monday and I building ^h^e^d Tuesday. pleted within sixty days. BIG TURTLE A huge snapping turtle captured by John M. McGalliard near the Gray place on Lake James was . exhibited on the streets here Monday and at-,. j i. -j a tracted considerable attention. The >"8 ■" b"* ,*^"''.7 Saturday. He reports a splendid busi- BRYSON SALE BIG SUCCESS Mr. Fred L. Bryson, of the Bryson Store, announces the big anniversary sale starting last Friday has been a wonderful success, large crowds be- two weeks beginning June 3. Judge Moore will hold court in Henderson scene, parents of the children who take part in the pro gram will be seen and heard. And finally, a prediction that our county for one week beginning June community and county will always 3, and in McDowell county for one P»ce with the leading communi- week beginning June 10. Both judges j the state. are on the superior court bench. The pupils hope that those interes- I ted in the history of the county will A. H. Chapman, appraiser for the i be present. There is no charge for turtle weighed twenty pounds. On Friday at Oasis Theatre, an en tertaining comedy-drama, “PREP AND PEP”, with two Vitaphone acts. News Reel, and a comedy. Prices 10c and 25c. G. W. Bradley, of Old Fort, was a visitor here Tuesday. a glimpse of Pleasant ness and is well pleased with the patronage he has received during the I seeking long time farm loans sale. Mr. Bryson has been engaged low rate of interest, in the mercantile business here fori ten years and has built up a large pa-. Federal Farm Loan Bank of Colum-1 admission, bia, S. G., was in McDowell County} There i during the past week appraising! Gardena, 1929. some farms for applicants who are at a POULTRY SHIPMENTS McDowell county poultry raisers On Friday at Oasis Theatre, an en-' shipped 2,608 pounds of poultry tronage. It is his custom to hold an tertaining comedy-drama, “PREP from Marion last week, bringing anniversary sale each year. The sale i AND PEP”, with two will continue with special values be- acts. News Reel, and ing offered for Friday and Saturday. Prices 10c and 25c. Vitaphone $681.02. Fifty people participated in comedy. | the shipment. Another car will be 1 loaded here next Wednesday. ...A ■iii HI mm