MARION PROGRESS A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF MARION AND McDOWELL COUNTY ESTABLISHED 1896 MARION. N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1929. VOL. XXXIII—NO. 46 STATE MEEHNG OF PATRIOTIC ORDER Large Attendance — H. G. Mitchell Re-elected Presi dent—Other State Officers. I State President, Hugh G. Mitchell, of 1 Statesville; Vice-president, Chas. B. Hoover, of Cooleemee; Master of Forms, J. T. Graham, Cleveland; secretary, Fred O. Sink, of Leving- ton ;treasurer, J. C. Kesler, of Salis bury; conductor, W. N. Pence, Albe marle; inspector, Troy Lyles, of Jlooresxille; guard, Rufus Goin, Mt. Airy; trustee, A. V. Sloope, Kannap olis; F. B. A. Director, T. L. Kimball, Winston-Salem. Representatives to the National Convention to meet in Columbus, O., in September were elected as follows: E. A. Timberlake, Lexington; Hugh AIRPORT CIRCUS DRAWS BIG CROWD The State Camp Convention of the | P. O. S. of A. held its first business! meeting at 2 o’clock Tuesday after noon, when State President Hugh G.! tT u* Mitchell of Statesville, called the j ... J J 04. i /-II. erson, Mooresville; G. C. Smith, Shel- convention to order and State Chap- ’ ’ ’ lain Thomas L. Trott took charge of | the devotional exercises. There were j about tw^o hundred delegates present. Upon request of Rev. Trott, Dr. Vip- perman read a portion of scripture, selecting that beautiful chapter the 13th chapter of First Corinthians. Rev. P. D. Mangum, pastor of Mari on Baptist Church, offered a short prayer, after which Robert Proctor, of Marion, representing Mayor H. H. Tate, delivered the address of wel come, in a short but forceful speech, which was received with enthusiasm by the visitors. Not the least impor tant part of Mr. Proctor’s speech was that portion w'herein he emphasized the genuine necessity of taking into true account things spiritual, losing sight of self and selfish interests and rendering real service to others—all of which is exemplified in the ideals and principles upheld and practiced by the members of the P. O. S. of A. Mr. Mitchell, on behalf of the State Camp and delegates, respon ded to the address of welcome, and Rev. Trott concluded the devotional exercises, following which the gen eral meeting adjourned. Immediately following the general meeting a closed session of dele- by; C. W. Hall, Advance; Sam L. Smith, Tuckertown; N. B. Martin, Greensboro; J. A. Heath, Statesville; J. C. Kesler, Salisbury; Fred O. Sink, Lexington. The meeting place for next year will be Raleigh, on third Tuesday and Wednesday in May, 1930. MARION HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT JUNE 5 A1 Stewart of Raleigh Winner of Aerial Races—Gus Leaser Awarded Second Prize. HIGH SCHOOLS IN aOSING PROGRAMS night. Several programs by the Pri mary and Elementary Departments have been given during the past few weeks. The class play was given by members of the high school on last j Satjirday evening. Monday evening brought out a large and appreciative Commencement Exercises Held audience. It ivas on this evening that at Clinchfield, East Marion the 13 members of the graduating class gave their class day exercises and Pleasant Gardens. The following invitation has been issued: The Class of Nineteen hundred twenty-nine Marion High School Graduating Exercises Wednesday, June fifth, eight P. M. High School Auditorium The commencement exercises of the Marion High School will begin on Sunday evening, June 2, with the baccalaureate sermon by Rev. J. A. Jenkins, president of Davenport Col lege, Lenoir, N. C., and continue through Wednesday evening, when a pageant, “The World Outside”, will be presented by the senior class and others. The pageant will take the place of the class exercises and will have a large cast. The members of the class roll are: gates was held, dealing with matters Charles Stuart Sinclair, president; of business, the nomination of offi cers, etc., lasting for more than two hours. At 5:30 the delegates assembled in front of the court house and went by motor to Lake Tahoiha, where dinner was served to them in the Ca sino, and music was supplied by the Marion Brass Band. i i ^ • At 7:15 the delegates re-assembled I Vermilyn Epley, B^tnce in front of the court house, formed a jN^" A"n.e Fi^nk- line of march, and preceded by the Ifarion Band, paraded to the Marion Margaret High School Building, where an open|f‘'»' Man^m. Mar^ret Eljzabeth meeting was held. This meeting was I well attended and greatly enjoyed | Irene Spratt, Nellie Emehne Robin- Frank Bowditch, Dallas Clay Dun can, Curtis Dula Hawkins, Clyde Walton Hogan, Paul Haskell How ard, Woodrow Patrick Lemmond James Luther Mitchem, Edward Al ford Morgan, Hollis Fred Snipes, James Marvin Steppe, Charles Mc Call, Dorothy Lucille Atkins, Mabel Inez Cooper, Faye Lillie Dixon, The Airport meet at the Francis Marion field, Saturday and Sunday, was a pronounced success. The in clement weather kept several planes from participating in the races and stunts on the two gala days, Satur day and Sunday; but the planes from nearby cam and all made whoopee. A1 Stewart from Raleigh, piloting a Travelair, walked away with the stunting contest and won races on both days in the 100 H. P. motor class. Gus Leaser, of Raleigh, won second place- both days in the 100 H. P. class. Dick Hunter, of Winston-Salem,' made parachute jumps, landing on the field once and nearby the second time. “Daredevil” Burns thrilled the crowd by suspending himself under the carriage of a plane in an automo bile inner tube fum'shed by the Mar ion Chevrolet Co. Mr. Bums also per formed a number of hair raising stunts on a rope ladder—^hanging on with his feet, one arm, etc. The attendance Sunday afternoon was estimated at around 10,000 per sons coming to see the aerial show throughout the afternoon. There was plenty of room for parking the auto mobiles. The fifty acres of parking space is just another of the minor items that goes to make the Francis Marion Field the best airport in this part of the country. Music was furnished by the Mari on High school band, composed of twenty-five pieces. The winners of the races and the stunts received beautiful trophy cups All Stewart of Raleigh, winning in three events. The finals of the Clinchfield and were awarded diplomas of grad- uatiin. Following the class exercises, Rev. W. O. Goode, of Marion, deliv- for a union service in the school au-! ditorium. Special music for the occa-1 \he"'^aduites “on ’ their i success in completing the work of the hi?h school and urging that they con tinue with their education. Mr. R. B. Phillips, principal of the Pleasant Gardens School during by those present. This meeting was presided over by State President Hugh G. Mitchell. Invocation was given by State Chaplain Thomas L. Trott, after which the Marion Band gave a special musical program. Miss Julia Burton and Mrs. Alicia D. Mor ris also entertained with a number of musical selections which were highly appreciated and enjoyed. National Vice-President H. H. Koonts presented a cup awarded by the State President Hugh G. Mitchell to Camp No. 25, Advance, N. C., in recognition of its having the largest percentage of net gain of any camp in the State up to and through De cember 31, 1928. This cup was re ceived on behalf of the camp by C. W. Hall. presented another loving cup, on be- son and Helen Frisbie. WELFARE OFFICER IS INJURED IN AUTO WRECK Robt. V. McGimsey, mayor of Ne- bo and McDowell county welfare of ficer, lost his left ear in an automo bile wreck near here late Thursday afternoon. When a tire blew out, the car in which Mr. McGimsey was riding alone, turned over, and the wind shield was broken. The glass severed the ear. The Nebo mayor also suffer ed cuts about the neck and face. ered the literary address. Rev. Mr. School began with a community pro-! ^ members of the gram on Sunday evenmg. May 12thJ ,33^ audience on one of =_ ATl't!!,”? jWs favorite themes, the development of character and personality; con ! orrQ+nlafiTiof fVio trraH sion was furnished by the pupils of the school and a male quartet. With! brief and fitting remarks, Supt. N. F. Steppe introduced Mr. W. T. Mor gan, who delivered a splendid ad dress. Mr. Morgan contrasted the meagre opportunities and advantages of the youth of the older generation with the splendid opportunities offer ed the youth of today. He briefly pre sented many of the outstanding suc cessful men of today, showing that with inspiration and willingness to work, there is no limit to the possi bilities of any boy or girl. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. R. K. Davis presented her music pupils in a recital. The program was indeed well rendered. The -nftisic was supple mented by several entertaining readings. “The Willow Plate,” a Chinese op eretta, was presented by the Gram mar Grade children on Friday even ing. The setting and costumes were beautiful. Much praise is due Miss Evelyn McPheters who coached the play. The outstanding program of the series of entertainments was that given by the Seventh Grade. It was the presentation of Hale's “The Man Without a Country,” which had been dramatized by the class. The three scenes used were the court room scene in Richmond, and two scenes on board the U. S. S. Levant. The pupils were aided in painting the lat ter settings by Miss Paxiline* Tipton. Each character played well his The outstanding characters UUNCH DRIVE FOR UNIONS IN MARION Thomas F. McMahon Urges Organization at Mass Meet ing Here Saturdays Night. A definite drive to organize the textile workers in the nine mills in Marion was launched here Saturday night with the address by Thomas F. McMahon, president of the United Textile Workers Union, an American Federation of Labor organization. An enthusiastic audience, mainly textile workers, filled every available foot of space in the McDowell county courthpuse to hear McMahon discuss jthe condition of the southern mill the past year has been very success-organization, ful in the management of the school McMahon announced that the and at a meeting of the committee held on Monday evenmg, was unam- , stress the need mously re-elected for the coming I year. The entire teaching force was' invited to return but several having notified the officials of the school that they would not be candidates for re-election and their places were filled by the election of other teach ers. Those who gave up their places in Pleasant Gardens School were Miss Mary M. Greenlee, who has and advantages of organization. An effort will be made to organize the workers in Marion’s nine mills, it was announced. The speaker strongly rapped busi ness organizations, and particularly textile mills for alleged methods of covering up profits as an excuse for not paying employes higher wages. W. E. King, labor organizer of been pnncpal of the ®e>»«"tary ^ address. Department for the past two years. Hoffman, one of the three la- Under Miss Greenlee’s supervision. kidnapped from Eliza- MUSIC RECITAL GIVEN AT THE CLINCHFIELD SCHOOL I were Hauley Hicks, as Philip Nolan, The following program was given jthe Man Without a Country; Carl by Mrs. R. K. Davis and her music j Sparks, as Lieut. Danforth; and pupils at the Clinchfield School audi-1 Jennings Lavender, as Captain of torium on Tuesday evening of last jthe U. S. S. Levant. This concludes one of the most Chorus, Pretty Little Snowdrop, by j successful years the Clinchfield girls chorus. Solo, The Waltz, by School has ever known. Miss Ruth M. Presser, Wilma Sprinkle. Solo, The I Greenlee has been the efficient prin- Meadow Brook, by Krogmann, Jean | cipal for a number of years and un- Ellis. Reading, One, Two, Three, Vir-; der her leadership the school has ginia Fox. Solo, On the Boat, by! made great progress. She has been Steinheimer, Marcella Stevens. Cho-1 assisted for the past year by an able rus, ’Tis May, by Wilson, Girls Cho- teaching force, and at a recent meet- Declamation, The Old North | ing of the school committee. Miss ■ ■ " ’ entire the elementary school raised its place in the accreditd list of standard schools. Miss Greenlee, it is under stood, will take special work in edu cation at the State College for Wom en during the coming year. Miss Margaret Knox and Miss Nellie Craig, who have been faithful teach ers in the Pleasant Gardens School for the past year have made other plans and will not return. Their work has been very satisfactory to the management of the school, and the people of the community regret to see them leave. bethton, Tenn., the meeting. was also present at MRS. W. A. VESS DIES AT EAST MARION POEM BY MRS. CORNELIUS OBTAINS COVETED HONOR State, Hawley Hicks. Solo, The Court Ball, by Streabbog, Rachel Sprinkle. Duet, A Little Journey and a Little Song, by Presser, Wilma Sprinkle and Mrs. Davis. Reading, Molly, Laura Proctor. Chorus, By the Waters of Minnetonka, by Lieu- rance. Girls Chorus. Solo, The Big Bass Singer, by Rolfe, Mattie M. Laughlin. Solo, The First Recital, by Bilbro, Annie Taylor. Declamation, Greenlee and practically her faculty were re-elected. Following the accident Mr. Mc Gimsey was carried to the Marion | The Man Without a Country, Carl , Hospital where he was given treat-' Sparks. Duo, The Spinning Log, by State Chaplain Trott next j ^^d is improving, despite the j Goerdeler, Gladys Sprinkle and Mrs. fact that he lost a quantity of blood half of State President Mitchell, to S^e ognition of meritorious service to the Order of North Carolina. National Secretary Herman L. Mil ler, of Easton, Pa., addressed the convention, being the principal speaker of the evening. His subject was “Patriotism,” which, he declared, “is a virtue inborn; that it is not found growing on trees, nor bloom ing in the garden. It is within the soul of man. Where a man is born there his heart is, and where his heart is there his love is. We call that patriotism. For this virtue men and women are willing to die, if need be.” Mr. Miller further declared that our devotion to the memory of and our appreciation of the brave deeds done by our heroes in war can best be shown by our strict observance of the laws of our country in time of peace. “If the citizens of a nation will observe the laws of a nation, the question of enforcement will take care of itself,” he said. On Wednesday morning the dele gates enjoyed a motor trip to Lake James and other points of interest. The business session reconvened at 10 o’clock, during which the annual election of officers, selection of place of meeting for next year and other business matters were given atten tion. Officers were elected as follows; before help arrived. The accident occurred about three miles east of Old Fort. LEGION PLANNING BIG JULY 4TH CELEBRATION Several committees appointed re cently by the local post of the Amer ican Legion are already busy work ing out plans for what is expected to be the greatest Fourth of July cele bration ever held in Marion. The program will include a big parade in which civic organizations will take part, business floats, and music by j the Marion Band. The R. C. Lee Rid ing Devices will also be here, having been booked for a week’s engage ment. EAST MARION SCHOOL “The Cruise of the Trundle Bed” was given by the Primary- Depart ment of the East Marion School on Friday night. About 75 children beautifully costumed took part. It was well done and the little folks re ceived much applause for such an excellent presentation. Music selec tions were a part of the exercise which was attended by an overflow audience. On Sunday night the community came together in a union service. Rev. W. O. Goode, of the First Meth- i odist Church of Marion, was the Davis. Chorus, The Dixie Kid, by Giebel, Girls Chorus. Solo, Daddy’s Waltz, by Rolfe, Jean Ellis. Trio, The Village Band, by Meyer, Misses Wylie Brown and Mrs Da^s. De^ ^ lamation, Sparticus to the Gladiators ^ personality. He emphasized Jennings Lavender. Quartette, No snir- Surrender March, by Morrison; pia no 1, Misses Brown and McPheters; piano 2, Miss Wylie and Mrs. Davis. Reading, Encouragement, Marcella Stevens. Chorus, The Dutch Lullaby, by Wilson, Girls Chorus. REVIVAL SERVICES GROW IN INTEREST The revival services at the First Baptist Church are constantly grow ing in interest and attendance, the church being well filled at each ser vice. The meeting is being conducted MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE by Dr. J. L. Vipperman, of Spartan- Memorial day will be observed at burg, S. C. Dr. Vipperman is an able and forceful preacher and is preach- Drusilla Presbjrterian Church Satur day, May 25th. There will be all day services with dinner on the ground. The service will begin at 10 a. m. Rev. J. C. Story will preach at 11 a. m. and Rev. J. E. Robinson will preach at 2:30 p. m. Everybody cor dially invited. CORINNE GRIFFITH is beauti ful, and her voice registers excep tionally well. Hear her talk in “SATURDAY’S CHILDREN” at Oa sis Theatre next Monday or Tuesday. ing great sermons. The services will continue through out the week with day services at 10 o’clock and night services at 7:45. HAWAIIAN MUSIC at Oasis Theatre on Thursday, by the Caro lina Special Players. IN PERSON, not on the screen. the importance of physical and spir itual development. The religious work in the schools and churches, he said, was to develop the personality. The personality that meant for the best in the life of pvery individual. On Monday evening, “The Set of The Sail,” a play by the 7th grade was given. The stage was artistically decorated and equipped for the oc casion which proved to be one of the best programs ever g^iven by the East Marion School. Twelve members of the class were awarded certificates of entrance to high school. Miss Mamie N. Stacy, principal of the school, expressed her apprecia tion to the people for their co-opera tion and assistance iii the most suc cessful year the schoorhas ever had. A strong faculty of well trained teachers has given to the East Mari on community a very high type of service. Miss Stacy and her entire teaching force were unanimously re elected at a recent meeting of the school committee. (By Katharine Hopkins Chapman) The Literary Digest skims the cream of current magazine verse, therefore poets consider it an honor to be selected for its weekly page of reprints with comment. Alabama is gaining reflected credit through the recognition therein of Lawrence Lee, Edith Tatum and other poets. The latest Alabamian to receive The Di gest’s accolade is Birmingham’s own Mary Chase Cornelius, with her Ballad of Dead Diction.” This poem appeared in the American Poetry Magazine and was then given in full with praise in the columns of The News. In L’Envoi of A Ballad of Dead Diction the lines: “Poet, the poems I late have scanned A spurious cleverness display” .... come with cumulative force from Mrs. Cornelius because she has estab lished herself as a critic of verse, conducting a bureau ,which is patron ized by poets far and near. For near ly a decade she has doctored the halting lines of others, having clients in most states of the Union and in four foreign countries. She helps her clients sell their verse and that’s where the real test comes. She adver tised in writers’ magazines for con structive criticism work as Chilton Chase, knowing that in such matters even yet a man’s name carries more weight. She still functions as a critic under this name which, with the ad dition of Mary, was hers before her marriage. The volume of this criti cism and the conscientious perform- Mrs. W. A. Vess died at her home in East Marion last Thursday even ing. Her death came as a great shock to her many friends. Mrs. Vess had. been a resident of the East Marion community _for sixteen years. She had been a member of the Baptist Church for about thirty years. Mrs. Vess was 49 years of age and besides her husband is survived by four sons, Claud, Zolon, Cecil and Oscar; two daughters, Mary Sue of East Marion and Mrs. Zora Stuart of Asheville; one sister, Mrs. Lula Da vis- of Clinchfield, and five grand children. The funeral services were conduc ted from the East Marion Baptist Church Friday afternoon by Rev. A. A. Walker, assisted by'ilev. J. N- Wise and Rev. J. P. Hicks, and inter ment made in Oak Grove cemetery. EIGHT DAYS REMAIN FOR LISTING TAXES Only eight more days remain for listing taxes, it was announced yes terday by Mrs. Chas. Burgin, tax su pervisor. Mrs. Burgin urges 'all per sons to list their property before the last day. May 31. T. B. Conley is tax lister for Marion Township. The listing is progressing well, Mrs. Burgin said. In the rural dis tricts some of the listers are repor ted to have almost completed their work. 1 NORTH CAROLINIANS BUY AUTOS HEAVILY Raleigh, May 20.—North Carolin ians bought motor vehicles the first four months of the year at the rate of almost 75,000 per year, Sprague Silver, director of the state revenue department’s license bureau, an nounced today thar new cars and trucks bought registered from Janu ary 1 through April 30 aggregated 24,379 as compared with 16,881 for the same period last year. April sales were reported at 6,649 as compared ance of it, limits the time Mrs. Cor-j^^jj 4,994 in April of last year. nelius can give to original writing, but it augments facility and famil- MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE iarity with technique. The classes. Memorial Day service will be held she conducts in fiction and verse ^ at Pinnacle Church on Sunday, June writing also both help and hinder her 2nd. There will be preaching at 3 p^ personal output. Nevertheless, Mary Chase Corneli us is selling verse to a long list of magazines and serves on the staffs of two. Her only published collection is “Flowers From The Foothills.” Some of her poems have been incorporated in the high school English course of Maine. She was educated in private schools and has been a life-long stu- m. by the pastor, Rev. H. E. Stimson, after which the graves will be deco rated. vorite form with Mary Chase Corne lius, her essay, “The Wizardry of Work,” winning a federation prize. To successfully conduct a home (she would put this activity first), a bu reau of verse criticism, classes in There are 28 registered nurses in this country for every 100,000 per sons. fiction and. poetry, and write ballads dent and lover of literature, particu- j worthy of being quoted in a national larly of poetry. She has won prizes i weekly, sets ati example to those in nine distinct literary forms, two j writers who await inspiration. She first prizes being for short stories, j herself must know and practice the Lack of time limits her production of 1 wizardry of work. PLEASANT GARDENS [fiction, but she has the enviable rec-i (Mrs. Cornelius is a daughter of The Pleasant Gardens School held ord of having sold all she has had j the late Mrs. E. P. Chase and is well its graduating exercises on Monday.time to write. The essay also is a fa-1 known-in Marion.) Msm wm