MARION PROGRESS, MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, DEC. 19, 1929 MARION PROGRESS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE McDOWELL PUBLISHING CO., MARION, N. C. 8. E. WHITTEN, Editor and Prop. Entered at the Postoffice at Marion, N. C., as second class matter. TERMS One Year $1.50 Strictly in AdTance MARION. N. C., DEC. 19, 1929 MERRY CHRISTMAS To our subscribers, most of whom we can greet as pei'sonal friends, we extend our sincere wishes for a Mei’- ry Christmas. We hope that this season finds you healthy and happy, that the whole some spirit of the occasion leaves a lasting: imprint into your conscious ness, that peace may reign in your hearts and throughout the world during this period and for the ages to come. Crime and war, vice and poverty, dishonesty and brutality, all would cease to trouble us were mankind but capable of following the example of the Prince of Peace. We trust that you have experien ced joy in giving and satisfaction in receiving acknowledgements of af fection and esteem from your family and friends, POULTRY LOADING AT MARION Picture shows first co-operative shipment of poultry from McDowell county made at Marion on September 21, 1925-. POULTRY INDUSTRY SHOWS | TRIAL OF DEPUTIES RAPID INCREASE IN COUNTY | IS NEARING AN END Reports of the poultry business { Burnsville, Dec. 18.—The defense that has recently been compiled for' *‘ested Wednesday morning shortly McDowell county from Decemoer i, I before 11 o’clock in the trial of the 4928, to December 1, 1929, by the' McDowell county deputies co-operative car shipment method of charged with the second degree mur- marketing has just been tabulated i six men in a cotton mill strike by W. L. Smarr, County Agent, and I disorder at Marion on October 2. the results are most gratifying. I Indications were that the Yancey The total number of pounds for | county jury trying the officers might December 1928-29 was 89,850 I &et the case late Thursday. Immediately after the defense res ted the state began presenting rebut tal evidence. It was indicated that 12 or more witnesses would be called on; 'the rebuttal. j Court attaches believed that the; evidence would be completed Wed pounds of I poultry, amounting to $21,582.03. Comparative figures for the year December 1927-28 shows u 11 ^ XI- X 59,597 amounting to only $11,462.- We hope, above all, that the true 92 rignificanceofthedaymay not be; The first co-operative shipment forgotten m the merry-1 fMcDowell county was made on I -- , raaking; and may the day find you in; g^p^. 21^ 1925, and on that nesday afternoon or at the night | 4. mood, but mayit!^g|.g j 721 pounds were shipped | session Wednesday, and that the ar- ! also bring to you a few serious | xhe k^’^’ent of counsel and the charge of ougi s upon IS more pro oun second shipment was made on Dec-iC. V. Cowper could be com-: signiticance. 'ember 15th, 1925, when 3,011 i Thursday, thus making it pos- rnMMllNiTY PRorRFQC i pounds sold for only $656.46. j sible for the Yancey county jurors wviiio v,o V, + u X i ^ compiled statistical report for I "^^o are trying the case, sent here ® ^ years is as follows: ® change of venue from McDowel% ; as it considers nast achipvpmpnts . ^ . ' - - * $ 1,031.64 ! county, to get it late Thursday. 4,433.71 i Testimony for the defense ended | 8,445.50 i Taylor Green, one of the de ll,462.92 fendants, had told his story of the! o, shooting from the witness stand Wednesday. The other defendants,! Robert Ward, William Twiggs, Webb ^ TJ'ender, Charles Tate, Jim Owens, Broad Robbins, and Dave Jarrett previously had testified. ! Green spent less than an hour on the stand. He corroborated testimo ny of other defense witnesses that the officers fired in self-defense. Greene said he shot at two men who . . ., , ' tne pj of as .t considers past ach.evements, ^1535 ^ ,t would be sheer fol y at this stage, 5, 277 pounds, of .ts community dvelopment to rest 11527. 30,226 pounds, •onten. with past laurels and cease 59,697 pounds stnjnng for further advancement 11929, 89,850 pounds, 21,582.03 Manons present high standing | Rapid progress can be noted in among centers of equal population xt,. « j V V, L X - , T , comparative figures and co-op- has been won by foresight and ag- +• u- x x- • . erative shipments continue in effect gressive policies m the past. This generation should be just as eager « i j- i. i. to assure an enviable future for the: hiLTar-r ? community as were those men of ^ "eavy former generations who often '' +•«? 1.-11 1-x X hens for as much as $2.2o each, fought a stiff, up-hill fight to gain a ^ u u ^ ^ cacu. #,ose things upon which the city V ' S:«r'’lrfre if iis historv has‘ ‘I' shipment | opened fire on him, ^Tfo^^dt -t-d^±r^ToS^^y relief many relatively recent acquisitiL. But to do the things that must be ' °l "L" . ' done if the community is to pro- “"L P i? , ^‘»'„‘'’e.r own gress along desirable lines of' com- , ' ,f““‘7 mercial, industrial and residential tC'd T ,expansion and betterment, there , f”"' must be no dimunition of that spirit ! ■ merchants began medicines to relieve sore throat of co-operation and willing effort on I .'"u ® Poultry in l^ow you can get almost instant re the part of a considerable number^ express to some of thei'ief with one swallow of a doctor's! of citizens which has been manifes-' ship-1 Prescription. This prescription was ted in all its past accomplishments. !"/" about the beginning | refilled so often and became so pop- And just as men and women of J weighing and selling poultry bylular that the druggist who originally 1 - • ... the Dound. 1 filled it decided to put it up under' FOR SORE THROAT This Doctor’s Prescription Requires No Gargling No longer is it necessary to gar gle and choke with nasty tasting medicines to relieve I During the past year, the poultry | name Thoxine and make it avail- car has run on a regular schedule,! everyone. And just as men and women of j” vision and civic consciousness have' always been available in the past, so will they come to the service of the, ^ community in future hours of need.! Wednesday of every two weeks I. . remarkable thing about Thox- ■ I in Marion, and once a month at Old relieves almost instant- WELCOME SANTA CLAUS I during the fall and spring contains nothing harmful. It Santa Claus, inevitable master of j With this regular and defi- pleasant tasting, and safe for the nifo " .--...ix— — whole family, and is gruaranteed to TpHpvp CAra fViTTkofe childish hearts, is about to pay his schedule for a poultry car to be iamny, ana is guaranteed to in Marion, and with the highest mar- sore throats or coughs in 15 annual visit to the homes of Marion. Children are already writing their letters to the good Saint, making known their dream desires, and counting the days and nights until he makes his entrance into their homes. What man or woman can bear the thought of disappointed faith in the hearts of little children? What one of us would not give ’til it hurts in an effort to help fulfill juvenile hopes? Let’s make the heart of every child in Marion glad for one Christ mas day. Let’s see that every child in our community has at least one day of unalloyed happiness, of joy and gladness, a day HI ivianon, ana witn tne highest mar- c'uic tiiiuatb or ket price being paid on a “cash at or money back. Just ask the car door” basis, farmers have Thoxine, 35c., 60c., and $1.00. become more interested in growing more and better poultry. The McDowell Produce Company has also assisted in providing a cash market for the surplus poultry on the farm. During the period, Decem ber 1, 1928, to December 1, 1929, this firm paid out $6,453.48 for poultry. During 1928 this company paid out $5,562.44 for poultry, and $4382.90 during 1927. This compa ny offers a cash market six days in the week throughout the year for all kinds of poultry. Besides furnishing a day; a local market for poultry, it also their dreams shall come true. when usually has a surplus of all kinds of BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS The sale of Christmas seals, un dertaken by the National Tubercu losis Association, is now on in Mar ion and thousands of other commu nities in the United States. The proceeds of the sale of these attractive little stickers are used to fight tuberculosis, the dread scourge of mankind. It is a cause that deser ves the unstinted support of all cit izens, and we hope that the sale here will evidence our interest in the battle against the white plague. Our easy Christmas shopping: For father, mother, son, daughter, sis ter, brother, cousin, aunt, friend and acquaintance, give a subscrip tion to The Progress. Let your own enthusiasm specify the number of years. poultry for sale, thus enabling those wishing to buy an opportunity to buy a fryer, broiler or hen. Thus during the past five years the tonnage of poultry amounts to 201,949 pounds for which the farm ers have received $46,955.80 frors the car shipments. Adding the value sold to the McDowell Produce Com*- pany gives a grand total of $63,- 854.62 for poultry. Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Hubbard, of Clinton, N. C., announce the birth of a daughter on December 10th. Mrs. Hubbard was before her mar riage Miss Grace Finley, of Marion MINSTREL AT GLENWOOD Thursday evening, December 19, at 7:30 o’clock, Glenwood High School is presenting a negro mins trel consisting of two short plays, namely, “The Booster Club of Nealsville” and “The Great Chicken Stealing Case of McDowell County choruses, “Kentucky Babe”, Dem Golden Slippers”, “In Evening by the Moonlight Ago”, and several others, body is promised plenty of ment. “Oh the Long Every excite Sold by Tainter’s No. 1 and 2 and all other good drug stores. FISH! FISH! This week we are expecting a nice lot of King Mackerel. Be sure to come to us for oysters. We sel! oysters, not water. You Get The Best At THE FISH MARKET 14 E. Henderson St. neat SHOE REPAIRING The heels of women’s shoes are so small they quickly wear away where the weight is most constant and the tips of the soles suffer in the same way. We specialize in this type of work and can repair yours for you and make a neat job of it. Bring oase oi iucuoweii u-ounwy . a, neai joD of it. Bring The performance includes a group them to us and we will make your i of negro spiritualt. The glee club shoes and slippers as good as new has been working on several good We save shoe bills. Men’s half soles $1.00 Ladies’ half soles 75c. All Work Guaranteed. CHAMPION SHOE SHOP 14 E. HENDERSON ST. AT M CHURCHES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. C. Story, Pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Sermon by the pastor. Seven o’clock; a special program, The Christmas tree and Sunday School Christmas program will be given on Monday night at seven o’ clock. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH P. D. Mangum, Pastor White Gift service Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Gifts to be given local poor and to South Mountain Orphanage. Christmas sermon at 11 a. m. with appropriate music. Sermon subject, ‘The Christmas Star.” Christmas cantata Sunday night. Christmas entertainment by Sun day School Monday evening at 7:30. Program by Primary and Junior de partments. The man who looks 1930 in the eye with no debts behind him is sit ting pretty. MARION THEATRE Monday and Tuesday DEC. 23 - 24 “ LOPES» HAWAIIANS ” “The Song Birds of Hawaii” A troupe of seven native Hawaiians. Instrumental Music Singing and Dancing. Also, a four-reel picture showing the beautiful scenes and life on the Hawaiian Islands. This company comes highly recommended, and is playing this week at the Majestic Theatre in Asheville. Added Program: Vitaphone Act, two-reel Comedy, And News Reel. REGULAR PRICES. MATINEE EACH DAY. Santa Awaits Your Order for Christmas Groceries Before you make up your list of groceries for yow Christmas dinner^ drop in here and look around. You wfU find a score of suggestions for a most de lightful and enjoyable meal. CHOICE FRUITS, NUTS, FRUIT CAKE, VEGETABLES. COWAN GROCERY CO. Phone 85 Wrenn Bldgr* Season’s Greetings We take this opportunity to thank you for the business entrusted to us during the past year and wish you a Merry Christmas and a very happy and pros perous New Year. BALLEW MOTOR CO. EAST COURT ST. PHONE 225 MARION, N. &r Christmas Groceries To assure yourself that your Christmas dinner this year Will be the best ever-ordcr your groceries from this store. We are ever alert to see that our customers get only the best and finest the market Complete line best grade Fruit Cakes. CandiV«; if *'!; fruits' of all kinds. Good Florida Oranges. Try them be- fore you buy elsewhere. In our market—Fat native Turkeys Sm^Tl try pork Hams, All cuts best gradlLuve m“Ts' Pure Pork Sausage our specialty. PHOME 75 Use Our Scrvice RABB’S

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