MARION PROGRESS. MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, MAR. 28, 1940 sale DURING OUR OUR LOW PRICES MAKE BVD6ETS EASY TO BALAN^CE MARION PROGRESS I PUBUSHED EVERY THURSDAY! BY THE I McDOWELL PUBLISHING CO., ‘ MARION, N. C. ' ' ' '-i TELEPHONE 64 S. E. WHITTEN, Editor and Prop. Entered at the Postoffice at Marion,' N. C., as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: | One Year $1.50 j 8ix Months .75! Strictly in AdvaBce. North Carolina PPESS ASSOCIAT OUT IN THE FIELDS • The little cares that fretted me, I lost them yesterday Among the fields above the sea, Among the winds at play, Among the lowing of the herds, The rustling of the trees, Among the singing of the birds, The humming of the bees. The fooling fears of what might be, I cast them all away Among the clover scented grass. Among the new mown hay; Among the hushing of the corn Where the drowsy poppies nod, Where ill thoughts die and good are bom, Out in the fields with God. . —Charles M. Berkheimer. WEEKLY MEDITATION By Rev. Paul A. Boriack, B. D., Pastor St. Matthew’s Luth eran Church, Marion, N. C. MARION, N. C., MARCH 28, 1940 I THE COUNTRY TOWN { MARCH FLOWER TIPS I An American country town, where, Get the window boxes ready for ! no one is alone. front window’s or on front I Where all are friends, where One of the first essentials is to use a good window box soil. The i The Easter story demonstrates ;the important part women played at| the time of Christ’s death and resur-; rection. And rightly so. “Nothing, ^has so elevated the wives and moth- ' ; ers, womanhood, as the teachings of j 'the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All man-j kind must look to Christ for the as- ■ I surance of a saved life, now and | hereafter. There is salvation in nol I other name, the Bible states. Either j i the BiWe must be accepted as a i Book of Truth or a book of lies. We! make that decision by accepting or | denying Chrsit as the only Savior of mankind. In the Bible, the Book of ‘truth, Christ states: He that honor- ! eth not the Son honoreth not the I Father Who has sent Him. But the gospel of Christ has been ' a special blessing to womanhood : generally in a social manner. May womanhood always be aware of that of what attitude NOTES AND COMMENTS The end of the world will catch number of people promising to do • friendjiness pre- takes toward Jesus as a per- ‘ fo^ownng IS excellent. 2 parts good , o ^ n • xu better I vail, wheie each is his brothers- , f ■ sonal Savior from all sms, the curse jkeeper, where no one is alone. ^garden,loam soil. 1 part leaf mold,;^^^ Where life is simple, where there ^ ^ The best way to save money is to, refuse to buy anything until you can kindness and warmth and friejd-; i liness for all and from all. Where • I homes are abiding places of happy ! rotted stable manure. pay cash. In planting flower seed keep in | mind whether or not those planted, and pow’er of sin, in her own individ ual existence. This is of great signif- iicance in our day when the very foundations of civilization seeming ly want to topple. Who will be the next automobile i and into which all are ^el'I ® ® ^ “National security will never be: corned without distinction. lojiowing win oo wen in sucn and Peaces: cornflower, California pop- victim in McDowell county? It may I be you unless you are extremely ■ Where unselfishness prevails in doubt so long as the women of' America remain true to the Christ' careful. affection and thoughtfulness is evi.;P>'’ sweet alyssun. snap-1 ^ denced each day and hour. : dragon cosmos, annual gaiUardia,; I Whei-e Banker Brown is the friend!Mexican Are bush, Texas j I blue bonnet, crotalaria, marigold,!. ‘We depend largely upon the Every citizsn should remember to boost Marion when away from;^*^^ associate of Drayman Stine, and • mothers of the country to home. If we don’t advertise our own ^^®"^^® ^ helping hand when Mr. Stine u aca, ^ via, sea losa, vei ena, spiritual and moral direction to 1 town, nobody else will. little Jimmie Stine is ill. ^*^"^”ithe children and the household and i bachelor button. None of the cockscomb, zinnia, and annual flowers is to dense ! the dangerous hour for the church, I I the state and the home comes when • j the women oppose or do not retain ‘ Where Merchant Smith pats crip-; Most older folk will tell you that'P^ed Jerry Murphy^s tousled head the old days were wonderful but | hands him a bit of candy or j +• j i 11 d t d few of them wish to have them back.cookies, w’hich Jeny’s widowed; ^ ^ ® their active interest in the Christian ; mother could not buy, i "''“J'- fol owing w,li do well in; c„„tinued. I Our own observation is that those! Where neighbors drop in by thejP®^ ^Pur, pansj, caen-| womanhood mark these words| who keep up with their own businesson feeble Grandmother Good-; h a jssum, man many of our generation; have very little time to keep up with; man, carrying nourishing foods to; i have forgotten the meaning of re-1 someone else’s business. : tempt her failing appetite, so she > ^ ^ ^ ® ® ® ® i pentance,” It involves more than re-1 imay not feel alone. |Perenn.als do rea^sonably welh_eore-i^^_,^^ j opsis, day lily, fairy lily, A town is no better than its citi-i Where every home is open to Sam;. . » i t 'H ri I zens demand. If they don’t know Plover, the town barber, and hisi'^^^’ ° i ^ living, active, progiessive faith in | German , jj-nprovement. It must be founded on 1 tiger lily, and violets. Christ and His sin-removing cross, i how streets and yards should be small son, Willie, while Mrs. Plover | kept, it’s a cinch that they will not ■ languishes in .the hospital, that theyj r ^ add anything to the beauty of the not feel alone. I ° sun ig ^’’■(number of suicides, despondency; municipality. i Where there are no class distinc-j^^ ® carna ion, wa ^ ^^®®”'!and pessimism, mental ailments, ^ tions, no social outcasts, no one with-|^^®^"'^‘^^’ garden phlox, Shas-1drastically reduced.” ’j NATURE’S BEAUTY PARADE out friends. Where no one is alone, i j® o clock, | so-called Christians of to-; Delayed about a month by ex-1 That is the American country | | day need a heavenly injection of liv- tremely cold weather, Nature is! town, as near a paradise as this earth | ^ ^ » apanese an i jj^g loyalty and heroism by the Holy , . . ^ rianiris, regal lily, madonna lily, and' ri. * 'r j v. about to put on her annual show, can provide. hr Ghost. Too many are ready enough During the next few weeks it will To be a part of such a community | , , . -;to acclaim a dead Christ but unwil- take a very belligerent individual to ^ privilege. To perform a service j ® ° * piece o j exalt the living Savior in a keep his mind upon the fighting that I for its kindly people is the eveni^°“” ® ^ ’! godly life. The need of the is going on across the Atlantic greater privilege that comes to the i ^ ° * j « ^ ^ ^ complete, living, heroic ac- editor of a country community news! and coreopsis adapt themselves es- Some a the leading perennials | ocean. Trees, bushes and plants, appar-' paper. ently dead only a short while back, ^ He records the arrival of little will burst in bloom. Men will marvel ^ary Jones and the joy of her par- at the beauty of color and wonderients. He has a mention of her when.,, , , „ , , ^ • oi. alt the splendor that enriches thei®^® enters the first grade in school. ^ ® o y oc , pe unia, as •earth in Spring. pecially well to the vegetable garden. Also, the following will do well in a permanent flower bed in the vegeta- ceptance of Chi-ist and all His Teach ings and not a grudging, unwilling, skeptical, questioning admiration. , He prints a brief story of her parties, i ^ larkspur. Annual 1940 EXPECTED TO BE GOOD TOURIST YEAR We are not much at naming the ; He records her name as a graduate flowers that grow well in the vegeta-i species that give mankind the tonic i^^'oni the grade school, and when she j that new life affords but one can! enters the high school, again when j. Raleigh, March 25r— Inquiries the office of the Committee r 1 can^—— vegeta-1 Governor’s Hospitality hardly walk around nowadays with- she goes away to college, and then • i*- 4. • 4.u ' nf of loveliness at welcomes her home when her colljge j '“'‘"-“te ■" ‘he Sen- of the Department of Conseivation ■out an impression hand. Everybody can enjoy the'days are over. He carries in his coH^^'^ way. and Development at the rate of I bountiful exhibition that Nature of-iumns the announcement of her en-!. For producing quick blooms, ‘heUbjt 100 a day asWng gagementtoSam Coles and a column ioverlooked:,t.on about North Carohna, accord- ii, jj- J *u i Zinnia, cosmos, mangold, nasturtium, Ung to J. C. Baskervill, executive or more about the wedding and the; ... . ...» ^ j? -i. m ^ j-i calliopsis, centaurea, petunia, pinks, I’secretary of the committee. Most of fers and eveiybody should. NEWCOMERS IN BIG BUSINESS 'establishment of her new home. Mickey Mouse ?nd Donald Duck' He prepares with a loving heart a^ i and sweet alyssum. Now or within i these letters are from persons in oth- are in the ranks of big business, it 1 tribute for Grandma when she pass- i the next 30 or 40 days is the proper i er states who have seen North Caro- 1 time to plant summer and fall bloom-1 lina advertisements or read stories j I about the state and who are inter-1 -seems, with the announcement that;®® to the great beyond. i j- i. j.* .a their creator, Walt Disney, will of-1 He records the comings and go-!;"- including butterfly, ginger fer $4,000,000 of prefened stock ^ngs of the people of the community i ^ on vacations to the investing public in order tol^thout distinction as to class or so-i^ tiger lilies. this is the time i this spring or summer. Among the best flowers to use in jest in North Carolina, it is believed j secure new capital with which to i ^^al standing. They are all people of; continue the exploits of these fam-!the community, all of equal merit. | j i. • r. i ^ fV,o+ iq^ia . ' uic u-c : 1 • porch boxes and hanging baskets are, that the 1940 tourist season will be; ous film characters. His job and his privilege is to pro-i , „ „ . . . ! u i i. i +u ' + - thc following; ivy geranium, mar- even better than last year w'hen al-! Just a few vears aeo Miv Disnev^tect and promote the interests of . 4. o nnn nnn i • -a j xt ^.u V J XV I . . r T, . f o V. 1 • ui^nente daisy, Iqbeha, creeping cam- most 3,000,000 people visited North' had nothing but an idea. Put into the I such a town and such people—a job: , j ^ j_. ^ i. ■ jpanula, dwarf nasturtium, and porch film, “Snow White and the Seven | when well done that is worth having. Dwarfs,” the idea grossed, up to the { ^ay American keep and preserve end of the year, $4,677,862, which l^^er country communities where j ai3ner. “petunia. fi. A, Niven in The is not alfalfa, even according to Hollywood ideas. The common stock of the organi zation, which began as a family en terprise in 1933, is owned by Walter E. Disney, Lillian B. Disney, Roy O. Disney and Edna F. Disney. Last year the net income of the business was more than a million dollars. THE DEMAND FOR MORE WARFARE The demand in Great Britain and France for a more energetic prose cution of the war is dangerous. It il lustrates, perhaps, the ignorance of the critics who do not seem to under stand the difficulties that the democ racies face in the present struggle. Competent critics have expressed the belief that Germany is maintain ing its superior aerial position and there has not been enough lighting to deplete the material reserves that Hitler has prepared for the war. Against this position is the belief tiiat Hitler did not want a general war over the Polish affair and that his military experts warned him that Germany could not stand a long war. Just now it is impossible to know wbat is the truth. Five or ten years after the "war ends we will be able to Jtnow what the facts are. kindliness and friendships and real culture reign — where no one is alone.—Publisher’s Auxiirary. * SAYINGS FROM * SHAKESPEARE * Condemn the fault and not * * the actor of it. * * Of all bad passions fear is * * most accursed. * * A little fire is quickly trodden * * out, which, being suffered, rivers * * cannot quench. ♦ * Flattery is the bellows that * * blows up sin. * * When the fox hath once got ins’* * his nose, hell soon find means to * * make the body follow. * * A friend should bear a friend’s * * infirmities. * * The ripest fruit falls first. * * Rich gifts wax poor when the * * givers prove unkind. * * ’Tis not enough to help the * * feeble up but to support him af- * * ter. * * If I lose my honor, I lose my- * self. AIM OF EDUCATION The Student says Books. The Scholar says Knowledge. TTie Preacher says Character. The Minister says Service. The Philosopher says Truth. The Artist says Beauty. The Epicurean says Happiness The Stoic says Self-control. The Christian says Self-denial. The Statesman says Co-operation The Ruler says Loyalty. The Patriot says Patriotism. The Sage says Wisdom. The Youth says Achievement. The Soldier says Courage. The Editor says Success. The Manufacturer says Efficiency. The Banker says Wealth. The Dreamer says Vision. The Friend Mys Friendship. The Pedagogue says Personality. The Physician says Health. The Biologist says Growth. The Psychologist says Unfoldment. The Sociologist says Adjustment. But the true educator says all of I these, and more, must be utilized. Kindness nobler ever than re venge. Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. I The hardest job that the individual I has in life is to persuade himself, or ' herself, to do what he, or she, thinks should be done. Carolina and spent approximately I $100,000,000 out. Baskervill pointed POPULATION i If present trends continue it isi predicted that in 1980 the number! of persons bom in the United States j will about balance those w^ho die and our population will be stationary. Dr. Guy I. Burch estimates, however, that there will be 26,380,000 males of fighting age between 20 and 45. CCC During April the CCC will enroll 65,000 young men as replacements for men who will leave camp at the end of this month. Applications num ber 170,000. There are about 290,- 400 men in the CCC. The value of American petroleum exports in 1939 was $384,000,000. POLITICAL AAIIM0UIVCEIV1EIMTS FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Reg^ister of Deeds of McDowell County, sub ject to the Democratic Primary May 25th. Your support will be highly appreciated. JOHN M. STEPP. McDOWELL Cut Rate Drug Store Everyone soves during this Spring Cleoronce Sole because there ore big borgolni in every line of drug store merchandise. H's yowr chance to stocl up and sove. Badger hair Kood servicr NOW ONLY THEREXALL store 89 m oz. BISMA-REX 50c PAD protects, eases pain,MED removes corn 100 Little Liver Pills 19c Relieve pein by abeorbinc •boe preaaure with aoft, cushiony, Sanskin. With each treatment the MED removea aome of the corn. JUNG'S SANSKIN PADS ond MEDS 1 Pt. Mi31 Antiseptic 49c 100 Asoirin - 60c Alka Seltzer 17c 49c lOc Turns, 3 for 25c 3'Oc Sal Hepatica - 25c This combination allows you to have Rexall Milk oi Magnesia in both iorms. Keep the liquid at home. Carry the tablets with you. S' Milk of Magnesia Milk of Magnesia, TABLETS BOTH FOR TMCSC ARC PRODUCTS Remember the ? DRUG STORE FOR BEST VALUES ALWAYS mmmmmEmm See your V*G A^cnt today for your requirement*. N every bag of V-C FERTILIZERS there 1« Money—in the form of a balanced combination of plant rations to grow the quality crop* that put EXTRA dollars in yoor pockets at harvest time. Use V-C under all your Crops this Spring. DVatch it pay its own way and return you a handsome profit besidee. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation GREENSBORO, N. C. V-C FERTILIZERS For Sale By THE FEED STORE FiRTtUZKRS W. Henderson St., Mairion, N. C. ADVERTISE IN THE PROGRESS Beat Advertising Medium 1

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