.;! ':. The Max-ton- Union. r . ..; . ; , . f - : ; 1 ' : - - ' - ' " A DEMOCRATIC JOCHXAL-TUE PEOPLE AND THEIR INTEREST. VOL. III. NO, 40. MAXTON. N. C. TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1889. S 1.00 A rEAR TOWN DIRECTORY. B. F. McLEAN Mayor, ENOCH BURNS, LI. LEACIL Commit sioners. .1. I). JOWER'S, W. J. CURRIE, SMITH, Town Marshal. LODGES. KNIGHTS OT HONOR, No. 1,720 meets on freron'I ami fourth Wednesday's at 7 30 P. M. J. B. WEATHERLY, Dic tators I J. F. McLEAN, Reporter. FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE Council meets on Tuesdays after second and m fourth Sundavs iJt 7.80 P.- M. A. M-L- MORRISON. President. !Y: M. C. A., meets every Sunday at 7.30 P. 31. WM. BLACK. President. MAXTON GUARDS. WM. BLACK. Captain, nwcts first Thursday nights of each month at 8 P. M. CHOSEN FRIENDS meet on second and fouith Monday in each month. Arpus Sha'v, Chief. Counselor; S. W. Purham, Secretary and Treasurer. K1LVERSTAR RAND. W. S. NICK- Eli SON' Leader, meets each Monday and Thursday at 8 P. 31. MAXTON LODGE, . KNIGHTS OF rYTHIYS. meets everv Friday night, pxcept first in each month, at 8 o'clock. ROBESON COUNT' BIBLE SOCIETY H McEaehern, President. W W McDiormid, 1st Vie President. Dr J D Cro m. 2nd Vice President. A DBruwn, Secretary. Win Black. Treasurer and Depository. EXKCTTIVE Hpv Joppjth P'vans, Hev J S Black. Rev .1 F Fnlavscn, ' J V Wrnith, N B Brown, . COMMITTEE. Rev H G Hill, D D, Rhv i ) P Meeks, Jos McCollurn, Duncan McKay. Sr. Dr J L McMillan. AtDITING COMMITTEE. .1 1' Smith, D H McNeill, J A Humphrey. Place of next meeting Lumberton, X. C. "Time of next ineetine Thursaav May Olh, lsvt, at 11:.K o'clock a. m. BititHiid 'Vtaments can be purchased rf Wm. Black. Depository, Maiton, N. C, at cost. All eLurrhes and Bible Societies in the county invited tos nd delegates. Forward all collections to Wm Blact, reasurer, Maxton, X C." CHURCHES. PRESBYTERIAN, REV. DR. H. G HILL, Pastor. Services each Sabbath .. i 11 i r u 1 i a m l ti ii .v. .u. ouuuay ocuu.oi ni iu a.. M . -ir , j Prayer meeting every Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock .METHODIST, REV. W. S. HALES. Pastor. Services second Sunday at 4 P. 31. , and fourth at 11 A. 31. Sun day School at 9 30 A. 31. MAXTON - LITERACY SOCIETY meets every Friday cyenir gat 8 o'clock. MASONIC. MAXTON . LODGE A. F. & A. 3L meets 1st Friday night - in each month at 8 r. m. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF Robeson County. Senator. .1. E. Purcell. Representatives, Hamilton McMillan. , D. O. oRegan. ) '.I. L 3IcLean Co'itity Commessioners,. !. J H McEachen i W J Regan, IDA Buie. C. S. C, 'C. R. Townsend.' Sheriff, II . McEachen. Tax Collector, R. O. Pitman. RcpV Deeds. S. W. Bennett. Treasurer, W. W. 3IcDairmid. ) Rev. .1. S. Ivey, Board of Education r J. S. Black, S. McQueen. Supt. Pub. Iustr'n. J. A. 3IcAlister. Coroner: Supt. of Health. Dr. RF Lewis Olive culture in California is rapidlj assuming large proportions. There an orchards there of 1 ",0 n tree?, and thou sands more aie beincr set annually. Ii I that sunny clime the olive crop is a ab oluteiv sure a' anvthincr earthly cai bo. lt.'ij gathered in December an January, when help is plenty, and keep remarkably well. The trees are se thirty -five feet apart, and as ten year are required' t. bring, them from cut tings to the bearing point, grape vines are set between them. At maturity thi avctsge yield is $2u worth of fruit p vear. ' r ( , i eral ot Ireland re-! The beg stsar tie Cfntlv nrpri.irrd a uinr in which fcomi reniarkablfngures are given with refer ence to that i.uutry. In l&4l the popu lation was 8.2O0,o ), but that numbei has decreased nearly one half, the tota inls having beea ',7,000. In I84i the population was 8,300,000. Thii diminution is claimed tp be due to thi fact that Ifeland is mainly dependent upon agriculture, which ha ceasejd to be as remunerative in Europe as for merly. The number of schools is foui times what it was in 1S4I. and there ari 1,072,00 J pupils in attendance.. In 1S31 there were jO miles of 'railway in Ire land, whereas now there are 2623 miles. It is claimed that in all the arts of cir ilization and material prosperity, Ireland i i nas made a whether she good advance. , hough an equal not dis- i ! has done so at countries is rate with other cussed. ALL OVER THE SOUTH NEWS FROM EACH STATE. Farmer's Alliance Active Note3 of Acci dents, Etc, Classified SOU Til CAROLINA. Jack Wade, who wns disemboweled in I Colleton county, by Ed. Seilet?, died at j the city hospital in Charleston Wednes- I foy- uc nanesion, Cincinnati a; cnicago will erect their machine hops II 1 . I Sk. rfV s n. - 1 1 81 macKaourff. -puhvyv worm or macuin- ery nas already been purchased. The Ninety-six Manufacturing Co. has been incorporated for the manufacture of cottonseed oil and fertilizers in the trwn of Ninety-six. The capital stock is 120.000. $7J5,O00'i to be raised in South Caro lina and the same amount in Savannah, and northern capitalists will furnish the rest of the money necessary for building the Southbound Railroad from Colunv- 1 ma IO cavannan. , Northern capitalists are prospecting in I Orangeburg and Berkeley counties with a view to buying 50 000 acres of tiniber lands, and contemplate, it is said, build ing a large saw mill and furniture factory if purchase is made. A. 31. Flagler's yacht "OneiJa" ar rived at Charleston from New York Tuesday. His married .daughter, Mrs. F. II. Bennett, of Sew York, came on the yacht and die 1 during the voyage. The yach't came -in "with colors at half mast. At Charleston two negroes named John Rose and Jecob Weiress quarrelled about ten cents which one owed the other. Weiress had a shoe knife as sharp as a razor and with it he 'stabbed the neck of Rose and then. fled. A po lice man on horseback pursued him and captured him. The wounded man is now at the hospital and. will not recover. The report of tae special committee appointed by the Dioceean Convention ot the Protestant Episcopal Church to try and arrange a settlement of the color question, which led to the secession of nearly all the Charleston churches two years ago. is published. The report recommeuds a compromise which nro- c.. ... 1 " 1 -1 i.. n i woes ij auiuit, v;wiuicu ciei k viiitsu LU Hi ' nwnfinn wlm hvn fn' mnnni,tin - e n witn the church for 12 months prior to 3Iay. 1889. It also proposes a separate convocation for the colored churches under the alministration of the Bishop. No provision is made for the admission of colored, lay delegates. The Diocesan Convention meets at Anderson in 3Iay next. - " VtKlilMA. New York parties have bought the Dismal Swamp canal for $85,000, and will deepen it and lengthen the locks. Ida Shumate has been appointed post master at Covingtbn, Fauquier county, and A. H. 3lyers, at Eagle Rock, ! Botetourtcountv. ' The Richmond Locomotive and 31a chine Works will enlarge their works.to turn out 100 standard locomotives in ad dition to their present output. The Richmond Chemical Works has been incorpornttd with James G. Tinslev, Presid ent,,. aiid S. W. Travers. secretary and treasurer, to build fertilizer and chemical works iu Richmond. The cap. ital stock ii $100,000. The Iron Gate Land and Improve ment Co. will build a manufactuiing town at Iron date, near Clifton Forge. Have privilege of building iron tur naces, water works factories, etc. Cap ital stock is $2,000,000. Harry Payne, a ten year boy at Roa noke was struck on the head with with a baseball bat in the hands of a negro boy about the same age. Testimony le fore the coroner's developed that he was murdered. The youthful criminal was jailed. : . In June last Jed Pntchett outraged the person of a small white girl, near Danville, aim was condemned to (tie. His execution took place Friday at Dan ville, and was highly sensational. He fought like a tiger and refused to stand on the trap. The trap was finally sprung, and the poor wretch was pushed off the scaffold to his dbom. The services of four deputies were required to execute him. Under the ne statute the body was shipped to the University of Virgin ia for dissection. TENNESSEE. A new $20,000 jail is being erected in Athens, The American Investment Company with a capital of $500. U00 has Ic.n chartered at Chattanocga, Hon John R Neal, mtmber of con gress from the .thirt TeDnesstrt' district, u. the fiftieth congress, dlec at his home, ivhea Springs, after; an illness of two months of consumption of the bowels. Governor Proctor Knott, of Kentucky, will deliver an address at the Scotch Irish Congress, to be held m Colurab'a in 3lav. He will be the especial re pre- sentative of Kentucky. Silver, lead an alumicum ores have leen discovered n?ar 3!urfreesboro. A syndicate of capitalists have leased about 600 acres and are testing the ore. They : will purchase mining; - machinery for de- ; veloping the mine. At an election held in Chattanoogs, the insurance of $700,000 in lKnds insurance of $700,000 in lKrids for J streets and sewers was approved by a I vtue imny limes as mauy ior as hltuium lit. The c-itv is wild with excitement i I over the almost unanimous vote- Work wi'l commence immediately upon two miles of asphilt pavement and several miles of sewerage . t 3Iuck Franis and James Turney were hanged at Lebanon Wednesday after nron for the murder of Lew 3Iartin last summer. They showed a great deal of bravado, and confessed their guilt after mouitinr the scaffold. Francis strug gled much but Turney died instantly, ins neck beins: broken. Thr execution was private, but a large number of peo pl.s ?,t col around the gallows. CKOKCU. Prospects are good for a big fruit crop throughout the state. Fifteen hundred acres will be planted in watermelons between Fort Gsinesand Coleman station. The Atlanta and Florida Railroad Co. have arrarged for tr.e extension of their road from Fort Valley to Cordele. Little Aurelia Brook, aged seven, was burned to death in Wilkinson county, Tuesday, at her father's home. Her clothes had caught fire. An East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia southbound passenger train, running at a speed of forty miles an hour, collided with a freight train twenty miles south of Atlanta. Engineer Gillon of the pas senger train was Killed. FLORIDA. The recrctary of the treasury has awarded the contract for the construc tion of a sea-wall at Key West to Dennis McGhee at $23,000. New York parties have bought 14,000 acres of land near Eagle Lake and will plant largely in tobacco. They will cure their tobacco by a new (steam) process There entered the port of Pensacola during the month of February sixty-nine vessel 6, having an 'aggregate tonnage of 46,713; cleared during the same period were fifty-six vessels, with a combined tonnage 39.368. The exportations con sisted of 12.006,000 superficial feet olSsjoon miHs savyea umoer. i.ou4, uuu supernciai itet oi ncweci timoer, ana lo,Slli,000 super- nciai leet ot lumber, all yellow pine, i I tie value ot the exportations was $3b4; 539? OTIIIIt .STATE". The n ji thbound passenger train from the City of 3Iexico, on the 3Iexican National railway, was wrecked at 3Iali vato, Tex., acd the engineer and fireman were killed. In the senate of the Aikansas legisla ture, a bill was passed last we,ek fixing the license in each county at $500 lor the privilege 'f selling proprietary medi cines, if the proposed act becomes a law, it would prohibit their sale in the i state. At 3fount Vernon, Ky., James Baker shot and mortally wounded Moses Gat liff. Gatliff's wife had run away with another man. Gatliff pursued and re captured her at the depot where they were to take the train. He began be,at in her. Raker remonstrated, and Gat lill shot at him. Baker shot Gatl'ff, wounding him fatally, and surrendered to the sheriff. NOKTIi CAROLINA. J B AVilkinson has been elected presi dent of the 3Iaxton & N V Railroad. The A!antic-Coast Line may extend the road, now building from Scotland Neck to Kinston. to Wilmington. Gen John A Young, postmaster at j Charlotte, died Friday at 1:00. o'clock, lathis home in that city, in the 7oth y.ar of his ago. The contract for track-Iaing on the High Point, Randleman, Ashboro Southern Railroad has been awarded to the Greystone Granite Construction com pany, of Henderson. i Lumber .Mill and Tramway The Cape Fear Shingle Co., has b-en organized in Harnett county, with J E Tayior, presi !'iient, and W E Murchison. secretary, for ' the manufacture of shingles, lumber and i laths. They will build a tramway four 'it miles long and a transfer across " Cape ; Fear liver. The capital stock is $10,000. i In Granville county, Spencer Weaver, , a halfwitted white min, killed his sister in la v by striking hrr on the neck with a stick of wood. The victim was Mrs .31 Longwis, who, h iving no home of j her own, spent a portijn of her time1 I w:th her sister, 31rs Weaver. She often j quarreled and fought with the man who ha ow slaia her. All the parties con-J i cernel are very low ia the scale, mental- ; ly and morally. ' Weaver is in jail. News has -b en received from Fraok- j lin of the shooting of Lee Lvod, a des- perate necro. who has served a term in the penitentiary, and who has been a terror to that community since getting ; out of prison. A warrant was issued for his arrest for stea'ing. When officer , IVrtcr, with several issistants endesv i ored to arrest him, he attacked them with a pitchfork. wLereupon he" was shot, six bullets being rlred into him. At the inquet a verdict of justiSed j homicide was rendered. I A Hew Southern Route. I I Philadelphia. Pa. Thp Pennsvl- Railroat Company, it is said is negotiating for a new route to the south. The contemplated plan provides for the j extension of the New iork, Philadelphia and Norfolk into the western part of Nerth Carolina, thence to Charleston and then to arrange a traffic contract with the Seali.rd and Roanoke, the Raleigh ani Gaston, the South Carolina, the Augusta Air Line. and. other and smaller lines. The nirreement, it it stated, is no- Wing considereil by the uireoiorA. wun fCnv pro pe ct of t ijcrf m - j l fu termination, Industrial growth. THE 80UT1TS BOOM HAS O0ME, Nearly Birty Millions Capital Organized or Enlarged 8inbe Jan. 1. The Manufacturers' Record publishes its quarterly report of the South' indus trial vrogress, giving the name, location and character of business of 1.259 new industrial enterprises that hare b?en or ganized since January 1st. The amount of capital and capital stock represented by this list of new enterprises and the enlargement of old plants during the lat three months, as compared with same time in 1888, was as follows : State. 1889 1888. $4,093,000 1.950,000 1,313,000 2,793,000 5,466.000 1,233,006 2,069,000 491,000 3,006,000 1,844.000 3,519,000 Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana 3Iaryland Mississippi N. Carolina S. Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia $10,078,000 3,652,000 764,000 4.955,000 8.551,000 1,926.000 4,118,000 769,000 2,122,000 8i,6,000 4,839,000 6,045,000 5,296,000 3,396,000 6,424.000 2,990,000 1,477,000 Total $58,227,000 $38,668,000 These figures show a gain of near $20, 000,000. The comparison of new enter prises organized or projected duriug the last three months, as com pared with the corresponding time in 1838, gives the following: 1889. 1888. Iron furnaces 19 3 3Iachine shops & foundries 41 36 Agricultural implement factories 4 39 33 22 6 25 14 65 141 325 31 40 1 52 21 o 16 4 35 32 16 10 26 27 42 139 253 12 103 2 38 Flour mills Furniture factories Qas works Water works Carriage and wagon fac tories ' Electric light companies 3Iining and quarryiqg en terprises Wood working factories, etc., Ice factories Canning factories Stove foundries Brick works 31iscellaneous iron works, rolling mills, etc., Cotton compresses Cotton seed oil mills Miscellaneous enterprises not included in fore going 354 T Total t 1,259 1,070 "The bare recapitulation of minor en terprises and industries outside of mines, railroads, furnaces and factories under taken or enlarged in the South during the past three months is a task in itself but what with the projects that are forming, many all but executed, and the building outlook in almost every city and town, the industrial record for the year promises to be the "greatest in the South's history. The range of enter prise is vast and really embraces the whole field of industry. Scarcely a week has passed since the opening of the year that has not witnessed the for mation of companies backed by millions of capital to prosecute great enterprises, while the number of smaller but none the less important ventures has surpris ingly multiplied. The fact is that the South '8 real boom has come." FOREIGN NEWS So far this year there Have been flf ten duels and sixteen tuicides at Monte Carlo, the treat Italian gambling resart. It is estimated that the loses due to the collapse of the French copper ring amount to J30,000,000. A Frixch torpedo boat his foundered off Cherbourg in a hurricane. Her captain and fourteen of her crew were drowned. 1 Count Piter Schuvaloit. tae distin guished Russian diplomat and Genera', died at St. Petersburg, aged aixtjr-one. The town of Pinsk in Russia ha been de stroyed by fire. Six persons were burned to death. 7 tie Government has taken steps to pre vent the introduction into Mexico can lard, owing to the official announcement that it is detrimental to health. ( oust Peter Scbxtaloft. tb distin guaihed Russian diplomat and General, died at St. fetersbnrg. aged stxty-ooe. The town of Pinsk in Russia has bean de stroyed by fire. Six persons were burned to death. A Yzxscn torpedo boat has foundered off Cherbourg in a hurricane. Her captain and l oar tern of her crew were drowned. Minister Hez3CSKEx has been appointed i:e;eot of Holland. , - - -holba has broken oat at Zamboanxa, y the PhilippuM U lands. Thera hara been iira hundred deaths so far. E.vglaxd has demanded o? Morocco 12-V),-.GO indsranity for th maasirre and ptla a: th 3. Mackenzie lactory at Cape Jnby ii The karracks ia the citadel at HiUIas. 2ora, Scot, were burned, and tae city udAacered for a krae by the proximity ou to fire to toe powder maginne. As expedition of 0000 JIahdiata proceed in r earner and bargea against Emm Faba. Kiun defeated toe dervhhes n-r Bohr, kiu iog most of them and capturing , their ksmers and moch ammunition Theue have latelr been sixty sadden .!tbs in a hospital at Florence, Italy, ail proceeded by intestinal disturbance. Som n-wsp&ers attribau the deaths to bad Toot, ot-jers to cholera. Emoticns, it is held, come to perscni ar of teoer by cootaioa than they spring Moot Uznjsjre is the Jjumaa breast, HEWBY ITEMS BY TELEGRAPH. 2frrf?!THE 0K5ATO0IJSH LEADER DEAD.' Tuk probaUlitie were ttut tcui4iip Cooswva. which sailed from New Vor to become a gunboat in the servic of Ilippotvte, thelea!er of the Htytian , in air r it wai wrec-ed bj.coll.aioo aol Uiat not oa Ihl t goto the bottom, bat also the unknown craft which st rack Iter. The Commander ot the steamer was John .etry Awfcer. of Hroof lyi. Hie crew wm compoi tw-nty three Malays ami Ia&car. The exploooo of a ban u( .u, jij .1 stroyed a hat factory in Willtamaburg. H. Y. and there bein? no other escape for th i eighty workpeople, they )eapl from the win dowa. About twenty wrr nty fn jure I, two fatally. E. Ccmuinos & Co., Boston leather deal firs, hare failed for W W,000. Eight tramps were publicly fiogge 1 on their bare balks by a Citizens Com nitteo in Fairbory, Neb , for imp'Hn an I bo;trom conducL A fire at Kauuy, 111 , diroyaJ lOO.O JJ worth of property, including. more; than twenty stores ani busicess houses. A train near Dunlap's, loi , sUaa a buggy containing Robert McCaffrey. ael twenty, and Miss Delia Love, aged eighteen! of Elkhart Both were found on the pi loo of the engine deaA McCaffrey's head was ousbed, and the yoan wm-n" nk bro ken. Harvey Johksoa. a th i yo.r old Itoy. and a playmate found a small keg of pow derrina barn at Sioux City, Iowm. The Johnson boy dropped a lighted cigarette into the keg, and an exp''n fq'iw 1, which killed them both The Central Wareiiou? at Chicago, witn its valuable store of teas ani WoTew, waJ burned to the trrouni, n'tiilin; a loi of L,KK IjYONs, a coiwrji m cm.kt. wt driven to bay at Frankltnton, N. C, ami a he refused to ourrenJer. th Sheriff and his deputies tired six bullet info him an-line hi4 life. Pstma:?tkr-Gcnb.kai. Waaamakhi nn. the Hawaiian Mlnlnter have signe1 a co;i vention increasing the emount of money orders between the two to. fhi. Postmaster-General W anamaki.ii has appointed the followinjr division superin tendents of the railroaii mail service: First Division, W. H. iu'gelow, Boston, Mass. Second Division, R L. Jackson, New York Third Division, C. W. Vfckery, Washing ton, D. C; Fourth 'Division, I M. Terrell Atlanta, Ga,: Fifth Division Heorsre W, Peppor, Cleveland, Ohio The two Spanish ciatui tieauibipi Mm ,ao and Visayas coUide'l off Manilla. The former sank with th'rtr of her rrv nn' passengers. Ex-P.tKsiDt.Ni Cv'tLA.u wam euter lained at dinner in Ilwvjine by the Governor pf Cuba. Kino Charles's nephew, Pruiee Ferdi nand, has leen pro'aimd Crown Prince of " Xloiitnania. The Don. Guy DAwnay. Member of the British Ptrhament, has be?n killed by a buf falo while bunting on Ma.- island, Zanzibari Africa. He was member for North Yorkj hire, served io the Zulu war and was just irty years of age. . j The steamer Ccotlan fouaJered on Lake Chapala, near Guadalajara, Mexico." A large excursion party was on board at the time. Fifty bodies were recovered from the wreck. Many more were known to be rbfl . .n the wreck. The Funeral Service, Vnrernl wrvirM over tli remains of the) Ute A9Hriat Jii:ic Sunley Matthew ; were held at the famllv residence, roreer of Connectictit avenue and ' street. Washing , tou. Tfce remain lav in the music room, a 1 o.nin the r-ptiou room on the south, and the apartment was almost filled with flowers. The c-as et was c.otu oeverexi, with siiver raiis and handles, and n the cover war a silver plate bearing the inscription: StAhJey Mattoewj. born July 21, ".824, died March 2v I The face and b isi of the decel were ex posed to v4ew and presented a lifelike aspect. v;n the casket were buncbei of .faster lilies and li ties of the valley. I Tor re wfre in atteniane a large number of proainent pervms in all ranks of official hf bes de many tmmV.y trivafa in the priv ate waks of life Amon g the earliest am vale were th memner- of . the Haprerae Court, who bad teats in tiie room where the bier stoo 1. In tuts room were also the President and Vi'-e-Pri"lnt. members of the Cabinet end the lam ly. ! ite rrvu. which were coodnctsd by 4 lv. T. J. H :il n. of the Church of the Covenant- pvr toe dc-eaaed. and Rev. I t. leonrd. rector o' trt 8s. John's Epiaco pal Churcn. were bnet. Tbe rsoiaias wrs t5rn to tje r4t.35' and Ohio station, mk.nr thV Wr Oil V Ted SO GlSOdSje. i hirv for in'.ernient in fcpring Grove Cemetery. A Triple Murder. W. H. Harvey, bookkaepar for W. i. Lyo. of Guetph. Canada, wm arrHi. cbarced w.th tabtaUag I4)XI from his sav plorer, and was shortly aUrward bailed oat by Dr. I etc. During toe forenoon JWvey piirchaaed a revolver. . The Chief of Folk uad rcreAioa to vUit Harvey's reakSeao dur ing the afternoon and found the hooe -ckvL I wrdnr an entrsoce be found Harrey sUt t e g rl of twelve years lying dead oo the floor of the front bedroom with a boUet ho in her bexL l urniag from the awful sighs he foind the aVleat daagbter lying beskls a bel tlMkd. To chief UMa wvntdown stain aol found Mrs Harvey with a simOar bsulet mil. . j Harvey was ea-u drlv-Bg toward Schaw station. at wa purud ani arrested. Harvey was SoperinWdeat of bt. George's Chur.b Sunday-echooi He al tempted to mnrUer bis an ani commit suicide before being arraated. Boston hat half a dozaa anccesifu JOHN BKIGHT. A Sketch I of the Sutesznan,t Long and Ereatfal Chrecr. Aftr a Ion? illie. John Big'it, the Eng- V lish statesman. s da I. Hi eid was peaos f ul and paiuleW Hit Ur touud three daughters wera all present at his bedside. As soon as b s deata wa unnounc! tbo, church tells of London beau tolling. . in toe House of Co nraous the Ki;at Hots. . William IL Smith, the i.'oremment leader, witn much emotiun referred to the death of Mr. John bright. He si id that ba wooht postpone h.s remarks on Mr, iBriut until Mr. Gladstone would be present Mr. Bright represented th$ Ontral Diris. ion of Birmingham in the Houe- Mr.; Brian's Career. . John Bright, the secoud &-in of MartLaani Jacob Brightj was born at (Jrembnk, near Rochdale. Incashire. November t iSIL . Far back in his stock there wt Jews, but his near ancestors were stanch Qutkers. His hatred of civil and religious oporrseionf bad its birth in the experiences of his own family As a Quaker, his father persistently refused to pay church rates and was hs.b;tutlly be victim of distress warrants, waicn were satis fied by seizures of the cotton goois be dealt in. , The circumstance of his toy boo I strength ened John Bright in the entimeots which in spired his political career. His earlier years Mtnntit Rorhdala. which was toe thee Ltre of a constant agitation for t'ariiam-otary' reform. : l ne nrsc exercise ik aim t i iv talents was in a literary and phi5osjphicai society that had lieen organize t at Rorb dale. He read milch, and was waci Hy fowl of Milton's 'Paradise Lost"- and the Bible). He had become a load ciebntr. when, at 1 the age of tweutv-six. be formed an ac quaintance with Richard CoMen that did much, no doubt, to direct his inte'Jectual en ergies into the roars tbey toox. In he took part in open air Anti-Corn law m-st ings, and against thjsrCorn. lawa t and the church rate be suosequently delivered a se ries of powerful speec he . In 1843 be was elected to the House of Commons as member for Durham The rich harvest of the following year dslayed thv success of his crusade against the Cam law. but the enthusiasm of his to',omri was not abated. Money poured in. tricts wer circulate-i. and trained speakers visited every vdlsge in the country. F.natly. in IHVi. the ImporSi doty on corn was repealed upon t it.propo-T sition of Sir Robert pe-:. the P. due Minis ter. On the last night of the debate Mr. Bright eulogiied Peel for tie sUrsd be bat taken in terra? that aTected fie Prefer to tears. I ' . , . , . In ISdl Bright was akotiat.l with Cob den in the negotiation of the conrairjial treaty between France and Kogrand. 4is supported the rape 1 1 of the p-iper dutie. which mad the penny newpapor preMOf Englsnd paestble. During tb-Amvricsn Civil Wsr be was a friend of the N'Jrtb. botl in sud out of Pariiammt. la j a too : av prominent part n tnj aitt oo in favor of the extension of the elective inurnuM. waicbi ended withl th paa;e of the iUform Mil i , Of Aug. 15, 117. He al urged rfsrm dp Ireland and the distat:ihm-nt of the Irlsti Church. Hie Utt?r wa ac.-cropuuei id IfeAi. . . . , Mr. Bright bad now reacoed tbe-zeta1 of his fame. He comn imlel the coofldenc of the Liberal party iu no ss dgre than Mr. Gladstone himself, ani lit name. had beea linked with every great oopu'-ar movemeoa of his time. It ws toerfori nattrrai. when Mr. Gladston- wa aommotl to IwtuS Ministry in ll. that Mr. Hrtzbt should b invited to occupy a pUc- in it. itv vss natural. tM. that public st:nethookl , , require a tart of bis amiitf to f ram-, toe leg islation that be had so kmg advotted. These considerat.oos inttuvoced him to ee cspttheproffreJ pou of. President of too Board ofTrade. lie ws the firrt Quaker to bold office in the Br.tsh Cbmt. intro spect of achievement bU jo iii-al career sol ed with bis acceptance of ofl?r. President of the Bmrd o! Trade onta W4 when be was appoted Chaa-e?lor of tho Duchy of Lancas-r. To: this xt be was again assigned wlieii Mr. XrUisWe f rs storsd to power after the six years Interval MheBelconild Min.stry. Jle ed in 1K82 because bet d-roveJ x,f' roenfs Egyptiaa poh sr.- yrhish ruiisexi la the bombardm?nt of AlsxandrU. Am an orator J jhn bright p.oaoce4 with the simpleH side toe are1 nett mind was free from tae dani -al av-tiooe that bav exeroa-d !an inftoencn opoa diction of other great Eng.ln apsakera. asvl his speeches are rp'end d ezampe possibintie of in A3g-o-xoi toassev was able to modolate ois vote toaaJttossett tonespreswed. yet his decaunei wmm I. Ikarral H i SVOrOS aSSSOSn SO reach the hearts as well as to those wko Deird niai. He kn- w.li ho-V. makO wit and humor p-rf-rw to- "fJT."? pathos and tragedy and was almost as jics as Disraeli lacoinmg apt Phrasis- J -. Dunn? bus later year, be sat in Far.ia taaat for the mortpsrt in - WJJ eatly living moch ia the peat, when bm rossi. eoosW a-Ins on u his own tr.tunpos nWred the effect of bto imartn.nrn iuTmaxly sympathy with tae iruo. heteU into the advocacv of cos,Da' When be took his stand against Horn itn the frieodship that exiat-1 betweea IU. , OladAooe aod aumlf for aeartf half cttttory soSsred a stoci wo-i-e tffJI!J SSiTrpairwl. Srf ut mSmooatm oak at refreJ- W . former sasocuue. . " msdast 'treat speech was Brtnn&m aSacidiMr. GUlstones mmchin the Corn moos wa a sae Speakre SSoa in It A. H lass j.ovz Pfh tattiTcommoos wa on the frso , Tjlj wmsTa f iilure, showing sgns of - mratsj decay. A young woman at Ostend, CelffioB, Is said to take a sea bath every day la tfca year. : remain id g ia the water about fifttta obatea,

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