The Maxlon Union. PUBLISHED EYEST TCXRD-AY BT B. W. KNIGHT, dior and Propria or. A Mistaken Idea. Onr rmiiment last week in jjard to tbc arrest made for ille gally selling whiskey seems to have made tbe iuipressiou on the minds of some of oar citizens that w are disposed to uphold tbe viola tors of tbe law. There was never a more mistaken idea. We heart ily endorse every legitimate means that may be used to suppress tbe sale of liquor in 31 ax ton, aud we have all along urged tbe rigid en forcement Sf tbe law. TVe Abaft emphasize that upou all occasions. Our criticism last week was in tended to apply only to tbe meth ods cmplojed in those particular cases. If there are those who dis sent from us in that why, we can't hHp it. THE UNfON will never stultify itself by publicly en dorsing what it privately condemns. CONGRESSMAN NrEDREfGHATJS, of St. Louis, was tbe foremost champion of tbe tin plate tax in tbe House aud be bas been tbe foremost spokesman of tbe alleged American lin plate industry. He has been telling all along of tbe j numerous factories that were about re. t to start up, and now be bas fixed Aognst 1 as tbe date wbeu bo is going . to start a big factory of his own to turn out 600 boxes af tin a day. Meanwhile, it is gratifying o leain that Mr. Niedringbaus bas uot lost anything by his devotion to American industry. It bas been found out in St. Louis that in antic ipatiou of the McKinley duty he imported some fifty carloads of Welsh tin plate, or say two and a half luillkui pmurfs. On this be paid tbe olddtU, but as tbe new duty is added to the price Mr. Niedringhaus will do pretty well with this pauper tin, however bis American tin pans out. Pbilal delphia Times. President Polk, ot tbe Farm ers' Alliance, made this declara tion in bis recent speech at Golds boro : "Those who wish to oppose any principle of the Alliance will have to get out and join the enemy." Whom does Cousin Leonadis consider "the enemy Surely not the Democratic party, for it has endorsed every demand of tbe Al liance except the sub-treasury plan. If Col. Polk attempts to read out of the Alliance every member who is opposed to that impracticable scheme, tbe ranks of tbe order will be greatly decimated. Tbe Al liance is not sti oug, enough just yet to "go it alone," even if all its mem bership could be held together in the formation of anew party. But that cannot be done. Fully one half probably two thirds of the .members of tbe Alliance have a . strong predilection for and an abiding faith in the Democratic party, and they will not jeopardize their best interests by cutting loose from it to secure tbe enactment of a law which many of tbe wisest amongst them regard as dangerous aud infmical to the public welfaie. There is no fight between the Dem ocratic party and the Alliance, and but little difference in .the ends to be attained. What differences that exist can be easily settled by reas onable concessions on tbe part of both, and we are sure the Demo cratic party will meet the Alliance more than half way. Tbe States ville Landmark very pertinently says: "To be sure, turfmen who go into tbe Democratic conventions next year must go iu as Democrats, else Democrats cannot fellowship wit h them. It will not do for aliens to be allowed to capture tbe organ ization aud pervert it by declara tions for sub-Treasury and other anti-Democratic schemes; but an understanding, we aro quite sure, leaceable if uot satisfactory, will bo arrived at in due time, by which Democrats will hold their conven tions aud Third party men theirs, though if all men heretofore Dem ocrats are not in the Democratic conventions next year, prepared to renew their allegiance to Demo cratic principles aud pledged to support Democratic nominees, it must not be tbe fault of tbe party. It is reported tbi.t Mr. Eamsay, who was at one time associate ed itor of the lrogressiy6 Farmer, is to assume editorial management with tbe next issue. Tbe Char lotte Chronicle says "he is but lit tle short of an anarchist and if be can create a Third Party or raise tbe devil bo will do it." During bis former connection with tbe Farmer Mr. Hamsaj made many enemies by bis severe criticisms of Senator Vance, aud bis immoder ate expressions on many public questions. The fact is, be wrote himself dowu an ass, aud justifies tbe estimate placed upou by tbe Chronicle, Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The befit Salve in the world for Braises, Cats, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itheam, Fever So rep, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and all Skiu Eruptions, and positively cares Pile, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. D. Groom, druggist. Tobacco, Snuff and Ciprars cheaper than anybody. A. J. McKinnon & Co. Candy, Crackers and Cheese, fresb. A. J. McKinnon & Co. Pure Hog Lard, any size bucket A.J. McKiknon & Co. Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Corn. Just received a fresh lot . A. J. McKnraoN & Co. Lion Roasted Coffee, tbe best yet A. J. McKinnon & Co. Try our green Coffee cheapest and best. A. J. McKinxon & Co. Best town. stock lamnv Urocenes in A. J. McKinnon & Co. Here we are Again With TWENTY Tears experience and tbe tares and beat : Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS, SHOES, etc, etc, eter of fered in thia Bection. To the Ladies, I can offer a Tery handsome selection of Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres, "Flannels, Teazle Cloths. Outings, Ginghams, Calicos, White and Black Dress Goods in endless rarieties. My stock of Gents Goods, consist ing of Clothing, Underwear Neck wear, etc, etc, is complete. Remember, I am .always headquar ters for tbe Best Shoes. ' I can truth folly say thai T-eto not offering any old goods. Ily entire stock is Jreeh and new, anfirs&klass; in eyery. par ticular. I wifr ranUe to. sell as' lowfor 'pasb atft& wne goods can ' be bought -elsewhere. : . r -, f hflTikinff my friends -and custom era for their past patronage, ai d top ing for ,a continuance of the same, I ing remain, YCtrS 10 P1FASE JQHm A. TiIcLKIlItl. FIGURES DO NOT LIE. I advertise tbe largest toek of Fu'bNITORE in the State, and the lowest prices of nny dealer North or South. I shall prove it by FIGURE. READ THESE PRICES: A. Rattan-body Body Ca rage-Wire wheels-only Gecuine Antique Oak Bed Boom Suit -10 pieces Waluut Frame Wool Plush Parlor JSuit-6 puces Antique Oak feideboard, with large glass Standing Hall Backs, with glass Antique Oak High Back Wood Seat Rockers Mexican Grass Hammocks laage eize Mosquito Canopied with Frame ready to hang Bamboo Easels 5 feet high . Ladies Rattan Bockers Antique 0 k Center Tables, J6 inch square top Holland Window Shades. Dodo Fringe and Spring Boilers Platform Spring Bockers (Carpet seat) Sterling Organs, 7 stops. Walnut Case Sterling Pknos, 7 octaves , Ebony Case $7 60 25 00 3o 00 16 00 5 75 1 50 1 50 2 00 200 2 50 1 50 65 3 5 50 0 225 0 I Offer unc uane JUin cneaner tnan can be bought from regular dealers. JOHN LEACH. eBftTlllJllVfflTIIfE tALSO loreoiLiimijwoip IIPPAUNBR05.5avanHaH.G. 1 - Sole jQEHTo IN THE U. JS. se I have just put in the Fnrnitnre for three large Hotels and am receiving orders from all orer North and South Carolina daily. One Piice to all, ami that the lowest known, is my wvy of doing business. If yr-u buy an article from me and it does not come up as represented, return it at my expei so and get your money back. f&? Write me for catalogues. 'KM. ANDREWS, Leading Furniture and Music Dealer, 16 and 18 West a$aJStref t, CHAKI-OTTE, N. C 1891 FINDS arte V Equipped with the following, viz: ACME GUANO. POCOMAKE, ZELLS. PUBE GERMAN KAINIT, ACID PHOSPHATE A Urge Line ol FABMEBS GRASS WEAPONS, TOBACCO, CHEESE, SUSPENDERS CALICO, ' HAME STRINGS, "BRACE BUTTONS. NECK WEAB and MOLLASSE& JLGTWEm DISTRIBUTORS The Best He who foiling mrable, snfTrting with Pysppik and ludigestion and ofientimeo with dizuess, vonhl do veil to take P. IV P. At nf P. P. V. (Prickly Ash, Erti Utiot and Potassiom) mill cure you and ar rrt tbe iTittfe in ipdpiepcy. S D) Dj lSolSocSo CURES SYPHILIS 1 for mmd mm at fHiry, Mumtrnt m4 Tmttmw HHRtSBi !m fnl fnl T UI lUI IUI tl M CURES ALARIA I r. r. p. rmur a. 7ZL T.1V1 tttzUnuohliaAi S1TAS7HLQA. For sU by IXaxtOQ Pn Oonmy HEALTH CORSET in town. Call in and see us before all are sold. feh. 391tf CAETEK& WEATHEBLY, Maxton N. C ONCE AGAIN f - I come to the front tind offer to the public a foil line of Good and wfll BtU this aeaionifei lollomng well known Brands of Fertflizera; SEA FOWL, HNrTlSLAND, OLD DOMINION and NATIONAL. Thanking a generous public for their past patronage, I respectfully solicit continuance of tbe same.' Mf LEASH. t i i: t at : i WM. IJX-iCX to Nets. A. J. cKinnon & Co, NOTICE. Notie is hexvbr giren that application will be made to tbe next meeting ot tbe Board of County OotnrnwriontTB in July to change tbe name of Shoe Heel Township to Maxtoo Township. ..,)-- J. S.McRAE, f Broker for FLOUB, MBAIi':COBN and OBLEANS MOLABSE V V4V- UVMI v : BLACK & PATTERSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAXTON. N. C. Will scsoriot is any of th comrte oi ths State. . FOR SALE- Ut dwelling boos and lot In WtTfow Terms oasn. Apply to i A. C. COTIHGTOX Ktw Oop, Fresh Batter, Bwcst Con Prss. Tomatoes, SneooUsb, Pasts reaches ana cChtf Csnned FroUs at HsytSt The New York Racket System involves o risk whilst it embraces all chances to buy your goods for cash, and only twenty per cent, margin. The Twenty-per-centcr turns his capital everynday, increasing in volume and mo mentum, while the old regular, under the old plan, turns his time values but once. This is a svstem more than the calibre of the man. though the svstem must have for its champion the iron nerve to say no to the one wtfo wants credit, ana plenty oi pluck to cut close and quick. Manv a time the imitation KacKeier geis left because he demands Fifty pr cent. when he should have sold to: only Twenty, instead he errabbs at the Fifty per cent, profit, and the confidence of the people 13 gone. Place not your Faith and money to a man who sells for Fifty per cent, if you do you will be eaten up before you know where you stand swallowed up and destroyed like the ancient Assyrians in the Val ley of Tophet, or like the prehistoric race that lived flourished and perished a million years back in the dead arcades of time, leaving no trace, no landmarks or monuments to perpetuate their history a it lay buried beneath the dust, the mould and waste of eternal life. In reading the above you can readily see that we sell for small profit and no doubt that you will call and see for yourself the cheap Lwwi. fri.ot OM Mtnintr in and coin 2- out all the time. I think it use rrio nnpoa nf Mi a cpzo coodi. as every one who comes to the iiBW YORK BACKET see for themselves. But for the benefit of those who live at quite a distance, ana tuose wno nave, not as yet called in to see our prices, will quote a few. , t- ..v rtn win find ftinffhams 6 3-4 to 8c Calico, BEST oc Challies 4 3-4c, White India Lawn 8 to 14c, Check Muslin 9 to 13c, Hose 4 to 49c, Half Hose 5 to 14c, Corsets 23 to to fcoc, Dress But tons, metal, 4c, Paper, Writing, per quire 4c, Envelopes pack 4c, Gents and Ladies CoUars 6c, uans t w . , . we have a large lot aad will sell less than New York cost. We bought these coods at 25 per cent discount wnica enauica ua w txu. Cui from 1 to 14c per yard. ti uBtifln to our bsts, Ws bocght m krgs lot oi goods st25 percent off which gires ths atatfagi UmthM oos. There is do two likQ7 stjlc sad color, prices 18c to X23c Insboeswt csn do joar hesrt good, also yoar pocket tx moss rrom o up. Hsximss we bsre s trv sets UA st jttt MO u www w uw ' bridle, collsr. linet sad sfl somplste, for $7.88. Onr line of PoUring it complete. 8ttiii from $2.23 op, Psats Cc up. HAMMOCKS 73o and $L89. . Kow we iaTiis the pfclic to eons sad get prion belors boyix elsewhere, ss ws srs stisftsd ws aiff P t hPer M aoyow cxxfor Bed F,0s- Thanking ; tfie people fori; past patronage, lam Yery Respectfully,

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