THK IM N K H U Rb 1 UUil-UUK. ROUTES & FROM THE NORTH TO j j PINEHURST, N. G, AND COST OF TRIP. There are various ways of reaching Pinkiiiust which may lte chosen according to individual preference by boat or by all rail. For one whose main object is to get to bis journey' end with as little expenditure of time as possible the best route is by rail. An evening train leaving New York (Pennsyl vania railroad) at !l o'clock reaches .Southern Pines at r.r." the following night. A train leaving Now York at 11 a. in., by Penn sylvania railroad, reaches Southern Pines at 4 a. in., which is somewhat early for comfort and convenience. The Old Dominion Line of steamers from New York, the Pav Line steamers from P.allimore, the Norfolk and Washington steamers from Washing ton, and steamers on the Cape Charles route, all stop at Portsmouth, Ya., and connect with the trains for Southern Pines. The fare for round trip from New York City to Southern Pines, via Pennsylvania mi I road, on any of these routes is s?-2i;..r) and are limited fiom Nov. 1st to May 31st. single fare $l(i.0'. Passengers having through tickets, who desire to go bv train and avoid night travel, can leave New -York at 11a.m. (Pennsylvania railroad), checking baggage through to Southern Pines, reach Richmond same evening at S..r(i, spending the night there, leaving Richmond at SMi a. in. and arriving at Southern Pines at '.:" p. m. One can go by the Cape Charles route, leaving New York (Pennsylvania railroad) at S a. in., reaching Portsmouih at s.l." p. in., spend the night at Portsmouth or Norfolk, leave Portsmouth the following morning at 11.20, reaching Southern Pines at f)..r5 p. m. An afternoon may be spent in Washington be taking train from Sew York at S.OO a. m. (Central itailroad of N. .J.), leaving Washington on the evening boat (Norfolk and Washington steamer) at 7 p. in., making close connections with train which leaves Portsmouth att).20 a. m. and reaches Southern Pines at 5.1)5 p. in. BOSTON PASSENGERS. Passengers from Boston can procure round trip tickets, including transfer with baggage across New York City to Pennsylvania railroad, for .:57.5(. The train for this route leaves Boston at l.o:i p. in., and Southern Pines is readied at .r.r5 p. in. the day following. Round trip tickets from 1'oston by' Fall River Line are includ ing transfer with baggage in New York City. The line steamers of the Merchants & Miners Company leave .1 lattery wharf, lioston, at 2 o'clock (In Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting at Portsmouth, Va., with the Seaboard Air Line railroad, lly this route a passenger leaving lioston, say on Tuesday, would reach Southern Pines Thursday at 5.5"! p. in., having forty hours at sea. Round trip tickets, s?!51.7f, including meals and berth in stateroom on the steamer." The Plnehurst Electric Railroad con nects with all trains at Southern Pines after Nov. 1st. Aberdeen & Asheboro R. R. timi: taisli:. In effect o. -to her 1, ls7. koktiiimu:ni. soitiii5oi;ni. No. 42. No. 41. Lv St 20 a. m. Aberdeen Ar 4 25 p. m. ! 50 Piuehurst Lv 4 05 10 15 West Knd :i :J5 10 45 Eagle Springs 3 00 11 15 Candor 2 30 Ar 11 45 liiscoe 2 00 Lv 1 20 p. in. liiscoe Ar 12 55 150 star 12 40 2 05 Kther 12 20 2 20 Steeds 12(15 2 45 Ashbury 1150 a. in. 3 05 Seagroves 1130 3 40 Pres nails 10 55 3 50 Ulah 10 45 Ar 4 20 Asheboro Lv 10 15 Lv Ar 1 15 p. 1 55 YROY BRANCH. liiscoe Trov Ar Lv 12 40 p. in. 12 00 m. A. F. Pa;k, President. .1. It. IA(i K, Superintendent. Carthage Railroad TIME TAIILE. In effect October 1, 181)7. EAKTP.OIM). No. 38. Lv Curriesville, Ilannon, Ar Carthage, Lv Carthage, Kelly's Ar Cameron, 15 a. S27 !) 00 No. 5. 2 40 p. m. 3 00 4 00 4 20 4 32 5 00 Lv Cameron Kellv's, Ar Carthage Lv Cartilage Ilannon. Ar Curriesville, No. 41. 5 40 p. in. (i 30 (i 45 m. YVKSTllOCNI) No. 4. ! 55 a. l 10 20 10 40 12 20 p 1 50 Schedule trains on r.-n tiimn. ...... .1 .....i i connections at Cameron with R. V A. trains , mg north and south. V. C. PETTY, Manager. 1 FAMOUS OLD DOCUMENT. SEABOARD AIR LINE VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS. Double Dailv Service to Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Athens, Wilmington, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nashville, ami New York, lioston, Philadelphia, Washington, Norfolk, Richmond. N.lM'ilnh' in Effect Feb. 7. 1SU. Lv New York, Penn. U.K., Philadelphia, " Baltimore, " Washiingtoii, " Richmond, A. C. L., SOUTHBOUND. No. 403. No. 41. IKMlani i)00pin 112pm 12 05am 3 15pm 2 .Via in 4 40pm 4 3 !am H.Vipin '.) 05am Norfolk, S. A. L., Portsmouth, " 8 35pm S 45inn ) t!5am !) 20am Weldon, Henderson, 11 2hpm 2 5t am U 55pm 1 3.)pm Durham, Durham, 17 32am f5 2:ipin 4 (top in til 1 am Raleigh, San ford, Southern Pines, Hamlet, Wadesboro, Monroe, 2 ll;am 3 35a in 4 22a in 5 10am 5 54am (I 43am 3 34pm 5 03pm 5 55pm (i 5;!)in 8 llpin J 12pm Charlotte, S 30a in b) 25pm (Chester, 8 loam lti47pm Columbia, C. N. & L. R. II., f(i 00pm Clinton, S. A. L., lJ45ain Creenwood, " 10 35a in Abbeville, " ll()5ani Elberton, " 12 07pm Athens, " 1 15pm Winder, " 1 oSipm Atlanta, (Central time) 2 50pni 12 loam 1 07am 1 40am 2 41am 2 45ani 4 31)ain 5 2()am NORTHBOUND. No. 402. Lv Atlanta((,fiit time)S.A.L.,12 OOn'n Winder, Athens, Elberton Abbeville, Greenwood, Clinton, 2 40pm 3 lOnin 4 15pm 5 15pm 5 4 1 pm (i 34 pm No. 38. 7 50pm 10 42imi 1 1 2opm 12 33am 1 40am 2 (Wain 3 05a in Ar Columbia, C. N. & L. R. R., 7 ooain Lv Chester, S. A.L., 8 13pm 4 33a m Ar Charlotte. 10 25pin 8 3)am Lv Monroe, Hamlet, !) 4i)plll 11 23pm 05am 8 15a in Ar Wilmington J5 3!iani 12 30pni Lv Southern Pines, " 12 1 lam '.) 20ain Raleigh, " 2 ICain 1135am Ar Henderson, " 3 2Sam 1 00pm Ar Durham, Lv Durham, t7 32a in to 201H11 t4 Oipm til loam Ar Weldon, " 4 55ain 3 00pm Richmond, A.C. L., 8 15am (50pm Washington, Penn. H. K., 12 31pm 11 lOpni Baltimore, " 1 43pm 12 4s'ani Philadelphia, " 3 50pm 3 45am New York, " G 23pm (5 53am Portsmouth, S. A. L., Norfolk, " Daily. fDaily Ex. Sundav. 7 2()ain 7 50am 5 50pm C Oopni I Daily Ex. Monday. 's. 403 anil 402. "Tim Atlanta !; ial," Solid Yestibuled Train of 1 ullnian Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Ches ter, S. C. 'os. 41 ami 38. "The S. A. L. Express," Solid Train, Coaches and 1 ullnian Sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleepers be tween Columbia and Atlanta. lloth trains make immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon, Florida. F. St. John, jr. w. II. Ulovkk, ice-Pres. & Gen'l Mgr. Trallic Manager. V. E. McRkk, T. J. ANDKKSOX, Cen'l Superintendent. Gen'l 1 ass. Agt. (;eekal offices, Portsmouth, va. PINEHURST ELECTRIC RAILROAD. On and after November 1, 1807, the Piuehurst Electric Cars will run as follows: LKAVE PlNKIU'KST 7.30, 0.3), 11.00 a. in.; 1.45, 3.15, 5.00, 8.00 p. m. Lkavk Southern Pinks 8.15, 10.15, 11.45 a. in.; 2.30, 4.00, (5.0;), !).()() p. m. The 8.15 a. m. and (i.00 p. m. trips will make connections witli trains from the north. Piuehurst Post Office. MAIL SCHEDULE. Arrival. Departure. 10.20 A.M. U() A.M. 4-'50 I'.M. 3.-50 r.M. Officio Ilouus: 7.00 a.m. to 7.00 I'.M., Sundays excepted. Domestic Money Orders issued and paid. Let ters may be registered to nearly all parts of the worM- K- M. COUCH, Postmaster. Duplicate List. Unclaimed letters advertised at post olliee, Pinehurst, Moore county, North Carolina, Oct. 4, 181)7 : Mrs. Hose Mosely, Daniel MeKeim, J. II. Stanley. K. M. Corcii, rostniaster. Mecklenburg Declaration of Iiuioppndeiu'C Adopted 31a 20th, 1775. The following interesting article is clipped from an ancient volume owned by Suit. Benbow : In the spring of 1775, the leading char acters of Mecklenburg comity, North Car olina, stimulated by that enthusiastic pat riotism which elevates the mind above considerations of individml aggrandize ment, and scorning to shelter them selves from the impending storm by sub mission to lawless power, etc., etc., held several detached meetings, in each of which the individual sentiments were: "That the cause of Boston was the cause of all; that their destinies were indis solubly connected with those of their eastern fellow-citizens and that they must either submit to all the impositions which an unprincipled, and to them an unrepresented, parliament might impose or support their brethren who were doomed to sustain the first shock of that power, which, if successful there, would ultimately overwhelm all in the common calamity." Conformably to these prin ciples a convention met at Charlotte, vest ed with unlimited powers, and on the 20th day of May, 1775, uiianmously adopted the famous declaration. NAMES OP DELEGATES PRESENT. Col. Thomas Polk, John M'Knitt Alexander, Ephraim Brevard, Ilezekiali Alexander, He.ekiali .1. Balch, Adam Alexander, John Phifer, Charles Alexander, James Harris, Zacheus Wilson, Sr., William Kennoii, AVaightstil Avery, John Ford, Benjamin Patten, Richard Barry, Matthew M'Clure, Henry Downs, Neil Morrison, Ezra Alexander, Robert Irwin, William Graham, John Fennikeii, John Queary, David Reese, Abraham Alexander, Richard Harris, Sr. THE DECLARATION. Abraham Alexander was appointed chairman, and John M'Kitt Alexander, clerk. The following resolutions were oh'ered, viz: 1. Hetiolred, That whosoever directly or indirctly abetted, or in any way, form or manner, countenanced the unchartered and dangerous invasion of our rights, as claimed by Great Britain, is tin enemy to this country, to America, and to the in herent and inalienable rights of man. 2. Hcsoh-ed, That we, the citizens of Mecklenburg county, do hereby dissolve the political bands which have connected us to the mother country, and hereby ab solve ourselves from all allegiance to the British crown, and abjure till political connection, contract, or association, with that nation, who have wantonly trampled on our rights and liberties, and inhuman ly shed the blood of American patriots at Lexington. 3. lletuteed, That we do hereby declare ourselves a free and independent people, are, and of right ought to be, a sovereign and self-governing association, under the control of no power other than that of our God and the general government of the congress; to the maintenance of which independence, we solemnly pledge to each other our mutual co-operation, our lives, our fortunes, and our most sacred honor. 4. Hntolced, That as we now acknowl edge the existence and control of no law or legal ollicer, civil or military, within this count, we do hereby ordain and adopt as a rule of life, all, each and every of our former laws, wherein, neverthe less, the crown of Great Britain never can be considered as holding rights, privi leges, immunities or authority therein. 5. Hesohnl, That it is further decreed, that all, each and every military ollicer in this county, is hereby reinstated in his former command and authority, he act ing conformably to these regulations. And that every member present, of this delegation, shall henceforth be a civil olli cer, viz: a justice of the peace, in the character of a "Committe-nwn,"1 to issue process, hear and determine all matters of controversy, according to said adopted laws, and to preserve peace, union and harmony in said county; and to use every exertion to spread the love of coun try and lire of freedom throughout Amer ica, until a more general and organized government be established in this prov ince. After discussing the foregoing resolves, and arranging bylaws and regulations for the government of a stalling com mittee of public safety, who were selected from these delegates, the whole proceed ings were un.tnimously adopted and sign ed. A select committee was then ap pointed to draw a more full and definite statement of grievances, and a more form al declaration of independence. The dele gation then adjourned about 2 o'clock, a. m., .May 20. MINERAL SPRINGS TOWNSHIP. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Culdek Pkkshvtkkian CliL' itcil. Pastor, Rev. C. II. Dobbs, of Carthage. Preaching ser vice next Sabbath, at 11 a. in. Jackson Simunus Pkkshytkuian Ciii ucii. Pastor, Rev. . R. Coppedge of Rockingham. Preaching service the third Sabbath in each month, at 11 a. in. Bkulaii Hill Baptist Church. Pastor, Rev. Hugh Ingrahain of Candor. Preaching ser vice at '2 j). in. the fourth Sunday in each month; other Sunday s, prayer meeting at 3 ji. m. Dkkp Cukkk Baptist Cimucii. I'astor, Rev. Hugh Ingraham of Candor. Preaching ser vice every fourth Sabbath in each month, at 11 a. in. Pink Ridok Union Sunday School. Meets, every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. in. Superintend ent, M. A. McDonald; Secretary and Treasurer, Charles Wicker; Teachers, Duncan Black, J. R. Hawley, Etta Wicker; Choirister, Alexander McDonald. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Pink Riimjk Farm Kits' Akkianck. Meets at the Pine Ridge school house the lirst Saturday in every month, at 2 p. in. Ollicers: President, Dan iel Blue; Secretary, C. L. Wicker; Lecturer, 1. R. Bunnell. Pink Ridgk Intkllkctual Imphovkmknt Society. Meets at Pine Ridge schoolhouse every Friday at 7 o'clock p. m. Ollicers: President, M. J. Wicker; Secretary, C. L. WTicker; Monitor, J. I). Fry; Marshall, I). A.Currie. Little Bob: "Aw, I could walk the rope just as well as the man in the circus, if it wasn't for one thing!" Little Willie: "What is that?" Little Bob: "I'd fall off." Harper's Bazar. A wealthy Irish lady, whose summer home is situated near a garrison town in Ireland, once sent an invitation to Capt. Armstrong to take tea with her, saying "that the pleasure of Capt. Armstrong's company is respectfully requited," etc.' To her astonishment she received by an orderly the following note: "Enlisted men Jones and Smith have been detailed to do guard duty, but the remainder of Capt. Armstrong's company accept with pleasure Mrs. Weyler's polite invita tion." Anjonuut.