DDK. VOL I., NO. 12. PINEHURST, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1897. PRICE THREE CENTS. 11 YULE-TIDE FESTIVITIES, Pinehurst Celebrates the Great est of Holidays. Christmas Tree for the Villagers and One Provided for the Colored People. The People of Pine Ridge and Yicinity Enjoy Their First Christmas Tree. TIip YillasPiV Christmas Tree. The present dwellers in Pinehurst might he classed us sojourners and abiders; the guests who are here for the season and they who hold the fort the year round. But all classes are homo geneous and are closely united in any and every measure which is for the public weal and enjoyment. An event like that of Christmas eve is of such general interest that the new hall wel comed an audience twice as large as was anticipated. The committee on decora tions, consisting of Miss Gilbert, Miss llopkinson, Dr. .Tones and Messrs. Vale and Poole performed their laborious part of the 1 (reparations in a satisfactory man ner. It devolved upon the committee not only to procure and arrange the dec orations but also to adorn the tree with the Christinas gifts. They received many compliments on the artistic effects of the hall decorations and those of the tree. The entertainment committee, Mrs. Adams, the Misses Carrington and Messrs. Redding and Lindsey, provided a literary and musical treat which was greatly enjoyed by the company present. Much credit is due to them for their painstaking efforts with the children, and they and the appreciative audience are greatly indebted to the friends who so freely tendered their services. The following is the program of the evening: ) wHon, Holly inn Orchestra " H('(,i,;itin, John Hlghtower T Miss Mabel Hall Kwitatlon, Miss Gladys Bradbury ' '""f Miss Eugenie Uphain 1 Citation, Miss Avis Tobev J J.UT,Jan, Norman Goodrich p"' Mr. Oehnilcr "'""K. Miss Eugenie Uphain p""' Mr. Oehmler im itation, Miss Katherine Jones ' ' The Children ' 'sH'n, Orchestra slvial thanks are due the Holly Inn iHstru for their valuable assistance. lllf' all the participants acquitted themselves admirably, it will not be in 1,1,ou to mention Miss Upham's solo 1 wding. Her selections were pleas- and well suited to the evening. It as a g,.eat pieagure tQ listen to Migfj J1'11 uU Mr. Oehmler. The children the audience the fruits of the train ing of the entertainment committee and their renderings were very much en joyed. Santa Claus, owing to pressure of other duties, was detained, and was un able to be present ; but he sent his scion and probable successor, Santa Claus, Jr., (Johnny Hightower) whose unique Kriss Kringle suit set him off to excellent ad vantage. The old gentlemen was also represented by his aids Drs. Bradbury and Jones and Messrs. Deaton, Baxter and Arthur Goodrich. Parents and friends had responded to the request that family presents might be placed on the Christmas tree, and the distributors were kept busy bestowing the gifts where they belonged. It is still a mystery among even the elect how Mr. Adams' gift crossed the 1'ubicon. Did it have a physician's certilicate; or Mr. Tufts' duced to hard conditions ; but when the rough husk of the germ of development was removed they entered upon the largest possibilities. Not so these loyal Scottish Americans. In their present environment the limits are gradually but surely contracting. Once the pine for ests provided abundant labor and ample support. But a "one crop investment," or any commercial condition where "eggs all in one basket" is an imperative, admits of no alternative. There can be but one result. How do we find these people today? Of rugged character as of old. Burns in his charming pastoral poem "The Cotter's Saturday Night" says, "From scenes like these Old Sco tia's grandeur springs." And while the picture may not be exactly reproduced hereabouts, the same spirit reigns su preme. Their intellectual endowments p r i t r 3 j 1 - l s 11 1 m Si 1 0 V: - ."! - PINE RIDGE SCHOOL, DEC. 8, 1897. special permission ? The whole affair was voted a success, and before the curfew hour the gathering broke up. Pine lllrige and Vicinity. Pinehurst is fortunate not only in the attractions within its own limit, but also in its surroundings. And if the pathetic element in our neighborhood interests us, it will also prompt us to manifest more than idle curiosity in the near-by settlements. A half-hour's ride will take us into the midst of social con ditions which bring us face to face with the eighteenth century, as it were. In 1740 when at the battle of Culloden the power of the Stuarts was irreparably broken, there came from old Scotia to the shores of North Carolina a body ot immigrants. The historian says : "Some came voluntarily, but the most through compulsion." What is now Moore county offered a refuge to a portion of the new settlers, and it is the descendants of these Scots who are our neighbors. We think the Pilgrim Fathers were intro- may class them with Cowper's cottager who "knows and knows no more her Bible true," but in conditions where others might be morose and morbid they are cheerful, because, still like the cot tager, they "In that charter read with sparkling eyes Their title to a mansion in the skies." This article is a communication and is safe from editorial supervision. We can therefore safely say that the pub lisher of The Outlook and his good wife have introduced themselves in such a way to the community of Pine Uidge and vicinity that the latch-string is always out to them, and they have broken the ice for others. Our acquaint ance with this people is through them, and meeting them on a friendly footing and not as a scientist studying speci mens, a larger fund of knowledge and greater pleasure have resulted. They have inherited from their ancestors the Lest of their national characteristics. And that they are a law-abiding folk is because the uplift of their heredity more than counteracts the depressing tenden cies of their environment. They hold to their religion with greatest tenacity, yet are not bigoted. There are no "auld lichts" and "new lichts;" but though some are Hard Shell Baptists and others mild Presbyterians, the lion and the lamb lie down together; and the little child leads them to a union Sunday school held in the Pine IMdge school house. All sentiment has not been eliminated from their natures. If you have the open sesame to their hearts you may be shown the clan tartan, a family heir loom ; and with a feeling of pride you will be told of the old grandsire who could speak only Gaelic. But though you may meet the "Macs" at every turn and an "Alexander" here and there, no sound of "Sandy" is heard; they have lost that and all which it suggests. We have refrained up to this point from using a certain adjective lest it should creep too often into our writing. But there is no good synonym for primitive, a word which aptly expresses their man ner of living, their household furnishings and general surroundings. The spin ning wheel with its necessary adjuncts is an evidence both of their dependence and independence. You need not think you are dreaming if you find yourself back in "our grandfathers' days" as you see living beings garbed in homespun; and witness other signs of primitiveness. Looking over the ground with a view to expressing our friendliness in a tangible form, it was suggested by the Outlook publisher that the testimonial be a Christmas tree. Immediately the plan took shape and as it was too good a thing not to let our northern friends in "on the ground floor," the Wollaston, (Mass.) Congregational Sunday school was invited to a share in this great privi lege. The "Whatsoever Ten" circle of Kings Daughters of the same place asked for a block of the stock, which was granted. We are not blowing the publisher's horn, but it is only fair to say that both he and she (the editorial "we") did the lion's share of the work, in addi tion to a contribution of Christmas tree fruit. -Where should Santa Claus hold court? The Culdee Presbyterian kirk was placed at our disposal, but alas ! the architect's faith was so large as to exclude a chim ney from his plan ; hence no fire ; and this offer labelled "N. G." (in the lan guage of the street) was placed on file. The Beulah Hill Baptist church could have been had for the asking. But Christmas comes late in December, and only a salamander with subterranean flies to warm his feet could keep com fortable in the "Arbor," so-called, where this congregation worships. Picture to yourself the airiest campmeeting pavil ion you ever saw, and imagine how long you could enjoy Christmas exercises with the wind drawing in from the six quar ters of the earth and heavens, around,