look 1 1 3 v Jt VOL. I, NO. 14- PINEHURST, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1898. PRICE THREE CENTS. ill ns HENRY WARD BEECHER. The Celebrated Plymouth Pas tor's Summer Parish. Services Conducted by Him in the Parlors of the Twin Mountain House. Interesting Recollections ol His Special Reporter, T. J. Ellinwood. For ;i number of seasons it was my pleasant duty to report the discourses of Mr. Umber at the White .Mountains. During a large portion of his vacations he preached regularly on Sundays at the Twin Mountain House, whither lie re sorted from year to year on account of hay fever, with which he was alllicted. The services were generally held in the great parlor of the hotel, and were so largely attended that many were obliged to occupy seats or standing-room in the halls or on the piazzas. The towns and vil lages around about were not so generally reached by railroads as they are now, and the people, in all manner of vehicles, from the "Crawford," from "Faby-an's," from the '-Profile," from Jefl'erson, from Bethlehem, from Littleton, and from other places, came to listen to the preach ing. A part of the time the accom modations for the audiences were so inadequate t lia t an immense lent was procured under which the services were held. The discourses were reported in full for Tin' Christian Uniony and con densed reports of them were sent by telegraph to The Xno York Tribune and The AY ylirk Herald. 31 r. Beeeher was then passing through the greatest trouble, of us ijfe; and the lml). lie were eager to read, if they could not hear, alibis utterances from the pulpit nd the platform. hi addition to his Sabbath discourses Mr. Beeeher g:IVe to the guests of the htel week-day morning talks, which were very i,u,cli prized, and were often Wended not only by the inmates of the A win Mountain House but also by people distance. The exercises con front sisted of readings from the Scriptures, "Hi's, singing, and brief lectures, "e lectures were entirely familar, ques lous (, the subjects under consideration Jme ahv:,.vs in order, and any topic Persons present wished to suggest was fre dismissed. Mr. Berber took a lively interest in vcU'are of the inhabitants in the vi- an y.' .Twin Mouutain House. If Ja- 1' distress or need among them to rer mi"-ht t0 hiS ntiee he endeavorcd ti.efICVC ir' and ou certain occasions at ounday meetings he solicited con tributions for this purpose. At the close of one of his sermons, in asking aid for a family that were in straightened cir cumstances, he said: This year we are attempting to release a widow from the thrall and bondage of a mortgage. Now, mortyaya is only an other name for devil. It sits astride of the poor and weak, and rides them to death. When they cannot pay, it is piti less and remorseless. This woman has four children, and only two of them are old enough to do any work. She has a little farm, but it is encumbered with debt, and will be swept away unless we redeem it. You enjoy Saratoga and the grace of genuine kindness and love. More than once I have gone there when the house was full, and found that there was some little question as to who should be leader, and whether this family or that had the right to hold their head's highest. There was considerable whis pering, and there were little cliques formed; but I found that after the tirst Sunday, when they had sung together, and prayed together, and talked with one another on the theme of the sermon, their whole tone was changed. They became more familar, more genial, more sympathetic. There were no bickerings nor baekbitings at any rate, none that came to my knowlege. There is noth- HENRY WARD BEECHER. From "A Book of Prayer." By Courtesy of Forth, Howard A Ilulbert. White Mountains; but the remembrance, when you go home, that by your com bined sympathies and charities you re leased a large family from distress will be more to vou than anything else. We have a great deal to enjoy here, but we will delight in the memory of the good we do especially if it costs us some thing. This appeal was liberally responded to, and the aforesaid mortgage was duly paid. At one of the Friday evening meetings in the Plymouth Church Leeture'-li 00111 Mr. Beeeher, in alluding to his White Mountain experiences, remarked : I have had an opportunity of seeing, during five seasons at the Twin Moun tain House, people from every direction; and on the whole I think the families who have gone there have manifested most beautiful Christian lives. I have seen them mingling together, promoting one another's welfare, and growing in the ing in an assembly of comparative stran gers that will so quickly bring them into acquaintance with each other as a com mon religious life. 1 noticed another thing namely, that the habit of morning prayers, daily de votion, in the most familar form, fol lowed by questions and conversations, making religious life and the Scriptures subjects of inquiry, led to a series of se quences the most delightful. Where there are two or three Christians at a hotel it is not necessary, in order to make everybody happy, that they should obtrude on all in the house matters of religion. Sing with them. Look after the children, lie kind to the servants. Sympathize with those who take care of the house. Fulfill the command, "Hear ye one another's burdens." Fill the house hold with sunshine. Shed happiness upon those around about you, and be happy yourselves. Lessen somewhat the length of the face. Enlarge the periphery of the heart. Create a social warmth that will make everybody run towards you. There is nothing so attractive as genuine moral feeling. Nothing is so luminous, nothing so draws men to itself, as Chris tian character when it is divested of all technicalities, and it takes on the form of persuasive kindness and gentleness. On another occasion, in a Leeture 100111 Talk, Mr. Beeeher spoke as fol Ioavs on the same general subject : Those who resort to the mountains are usually people that, by reason of their skill, their strength and their enterprise, are able to travel. They have achieved such a competence as gives them leisure, and the means of enjoying that leisure. This brings, of course, to such vacation places, persons of a good deal of intel ligence ; and more or less of them are intelligent without being religious. It also brings to the mountains people of all shades of religious belief, dews are there in considerable numbers ; and dur ing the years I have been at the Twin Mountain House they have been among the most refined, cultivated and agree able people there. Then there are the Catholics and the Protestants. Of Pro testants there are some of about every denomination. All of them, without ex ception, have joined in the Sabbath ser vices, singing together, and uniting with each other, outwardly at any rate and I suppose inwardly, in the solemn service of prayer. And they have all listened to the truth with growing interest. I think it would be the testimony of the hun dreds and thousands that have been there, that while Christendom had a fair representation in our assembly, there was never a bicker or dissension, and there was as perfect unity and sympa thy as could well be attained upon earth. Such a state of things is a foretaste of the final sympathy and unity of Chris tian people, which is to come, not by all having the same forms or the same doc trines, but by their having the same spirit of love to God and men. I am, you know, a firm believer in the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ ; and yet, some of the most tender, fervent and spiritual people that I met at the White Mountains were Unitarians. If you present that doctrine to them in its con troversial form they will oppose you; but if you present it to them as applied to practical life they will accept it re joicingly. Among the persons who seemed the most thoroughly at home were our Jew ish friends, many of whom said to me that they would rejoice if they might sit from Sunday to Sunday under just such presentations of the truth as they had heard at our hotel services. We had there a good many people of the world, who were not habitual at tendants at church, because, as they said, religion was ordinarily presented in a way that violated their common sense, their observation, and their highest reason. I have ground for believing that there were some among them who en tered into the Christian life under the influence of the preaching in the parlors of the Twin Mountain House. Then there was another interesting feature that came out during the services of the morning week-day prayer meet ings. A great many some in feeble health, some who had lost their children or companions, and some who were other wise alllicted and yearned for comfort received consolation that in some in stances was quite remarkable. I need not say to you that under such circumstances 1 look with very great in terest on my summer parish. In recalling these occurences of more than twenty years ago I am strongly reminded, not only of the wholesome