PINEHURST, N. C, APRTrTim UNION HOME SCHOOL EXHIBIT Prof. .1. K. Kelly Visits lMiielmrst with the Art mid Industrial Exhibit of Ills School. On Thursday afternoon of last week Prof. John K. Kelly of the Union Home school, arrived in our village with the ii rt .iiid industrial exhibit of his school Thursday evening the exhibit was dis played in the Village Hall, after which it was removed to the music room at I loll' Inn, where it was viewed by a large number of our villagers on Friday and Saturday. The Tnion Home school is situated in the town of Victor, about fourteen miles northeast of Pinehurst. It is in the cent re of a tract of land comprising 1,200 acres, containing nearly every variety of soil found in this state, upon which grows nearly every kind of timber found in this rejrion. The institution is a co educational college, preparatory and finishing, for whites, with art, music and manual training or industrial depart nitwits. The exhibit consists principally of paintings in different media, etchings, embroidery, and wood carving, of local plants, flowers, fruits, birds, fish, ani nials, etc., from nature. There is a great variety of wood turnings, plain and face plate work, mallets, gavels, goblets, Itoxes, hats, dumb-bells, cake plates, darn ers, etc.. from many kinds of beautiful hard woods, showing great skill in the art, though executed on lathes im pro vised on the grounds from the ruins ol burnt saw, shingle and planing mills A special feature of the exhibit is a three-panel screen manufactured by the school from eighteen kinds of timber cut on the grounds. The left panel consists !' an oil painting 18x38 inches of the cotton plant, set in a frame of black walnut, with a panel of eatalpa wood xlS inches hand carved to represent a branch, three leaves and two bolls of cotton. The centre panel is an oil paint uig of the same size representing the opossum in the persimmon tree, showing 'nut and foliage. This is set in a frame ol quartered oak, with a panel of cedar :"''ove hand carved to represent the fruit '"id foliage of the persimmon. The "iglt panel is an oil painting of the to Iwuvo plant and thorn-apple, showing 'doom and foliage, set in a frame of wild cherry, with a panel of mulberry hand arved to represent the different styles of "a nufactured tobacco the hand, twist, I'h'g and cigar. Above the panels is an '!en work containing spindles of a great variety of woods, the entire screen pre siding a harmony of colors and finish decidedly pleasing. It has "the blue rib ,M,," eertificate of the highest premium ! warded at the late State fair at Raleigh. i'bere is a beautiful oil painting from ,1:lure, of a branch of the orange tree with fruit and foliage, framed in cedar; !l,s a Cape Fear shad on a cedar board :"1 excellent piece of art. There is a Wider color painting of a fox "Victim of the Steel Trap"fr0m nature, framed witn eeaar, hand carved to represent wall ivy. This also bears the blue rib bon, having received the highest premi um at two fairs. There are water colors of a bunch of gray squirrels, a water melon, musk melon, and other fruits, framed in black walnut, quartered oak and holly ; also fish and game in crayon. There is nothing in the exhibit copied ex cept an oil painting 2x4 feet, represent ing the battle of Manila, copied from a magazine cut, and framed in quartered oak with a border of holly. All the frames, turnings, hand carv ings, etc., were cut from wood grown on the school grounds and manufactured at the school. Quite a number of articles, including paper knives of holly and cedar, were purchased by our villagers, and copies of several of the paintings have been ordered. The man pointed to a place in the Horizon to which distance gave a purpU hue. "What makes you think that is North Carolina?" Xye asked. "Oh, we know by the direction and the conformation of the mountains there,' the man replied. "Well, 1 know that's not Xorth Caro lina," Xye declared, with some vehe mence. "And you'd know it. too, if vou would stop to think. Here is a map of the United States, and you can see that Xorth Carolina is pink. Besides, I know it is pink. I live in that state consider ably, and I have helped to paint it red, but of course I go away sometimes, and it fades a little, leaving it pink. Xo, sir; you can't stuff me. The place you are pointing at a color-blind man could see is purple." Xye said those things so seriously that LEVITT xfriii nil nr 7 fiww w j -5 e f "THE CEDARS," PINEIIUKST. The exhibit is a fine one and wns viewed with interest by our Northern iruests. For originality of design and execution and its tendency to develop local talent and resources it is indeed sui Veneris and has been pronounced by com- ..ii . . petent judges one or rare excellence. The school is doing a great ana gooa ork and should receive all possible aid and encouragement. The exhibit re vived a handsome diploma from the Xorth Carolina Agricultural society for best display of art work by school. the man was almost dazed. He gave Xye a puzzled look, and then went on pointing out other sister states in the late confederacy. Xye Knew North Carolina. While standing on top of Lookout mountain a few days ago, says W. L. Visscher in the Chicago limea-uermu, i was carried back to the memories of dear old Bill Xye, for we nau scoou uiu that same spot some years before, ana a fi.i us that we could see seven umv nw'u . f.,fna f,.m that noint of view; namely, OUHla -ii i Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, Xortn Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Where's North Carolina- .Nje w- ed. quin Sick of Oyster Soup. It was the head of the household do ino the talking in the direct manner that men have with their wives. "I like oyster soup well enough. It's satisfying for the time, and I suppose that it's healthy, but I'm opposed to making an entire meal of it, as I was required to do for lunch. Milk and butter and salt and pepper and oysters may constitute a variety, but when you mingle them all in one concoction, and then have crack ers for a side dish, my imagination is not equal to maintaining the fiction of varie ty. His wife placidly informed him that he would be lucky if he never made a meal on anything worse than stewed oysters, and incidentally asserted that she did not allow any interference in her sole management of the culinary department. That afternoon he called on a friend to have a friendly game of cribbage, and PRICE THREE CENTS. the game became so warm that he was invited to stay for the evening meal in order that the exciting contest might be carried to a finish. Word was tele phoned to his wife, who agreed to come in the evening. "I know why he stayed," she began as soon as they were seated for a four handed game. "(), you needn't kick me," as she looked laughingly at her husband. "I'm going to tell on you. We had nothing but oyster soup at noon and he was so put out about it that he thought he would stay here in order to get a good square meal. I'm glad he did." The husband was blushing and the host and hostess were laughing inor dinately. "What in the world is the matter with vou people?" she Inquired, with a puzzled expression. "O, nothing, nothing at all," from the host, between explosions. "We didn't have a thing this evening but oyster soup, not a thing." Then there was a long and animated discussion as to whom the joke was on. K( n n ebec Jour mil. 500 WityN of Cooking KlCK A certain man made a display of dense ignorance the other day when he went into a resturant and asked the waiter if he had any eggs. "Yes," said the wait er, "we have." "Well, bring me some." "How do you want them cooked?" "O, any old way." "My dear man," said the waiter, "that order will hardly do. We have over five hundred different ways of cooking eggs, and you will be pleased to make a suggestion or mention a choice." This astonishing fact had the effect of paralyzing the customer's tongue for awhile, but he finally recovered enough to whisper in awe: "Scramble 'em." "Ves sir," replied the astute waiter still lingering, "which way?" "O, any old way." "Sir," said the waiter in a deter mined voice, "I must insist you will make a choice there are seventy differ ent ways of scrambling eggs in this es tablishment." "Well, then, fry them forme." "Which way? we have iorty ways of frying eggs here." "All right," said the customer slowly as he reached for his hat and arose, "you have one wav here that I can find myself, and that is straight out of that door. Good day." Vh iladi'lphia Inquirer. Whoever is collecting examples of (iiieer typographical errors is invited to record the fact that in the proof of the notice of the Episcopal church entertain ment, sent in from the Xews composition- room Monday night, the Second est Virginia Band was announced as having on its program Mozart's "Twelfth Massachusetts." We are so military here now that no compositor could be expected to consider "Twelfth Mass" as meaning anything but "Twelfth Massa- 'husetts." Greenville Xeirs.