IfolPinplbl OIL VOL. III., NO. 21. PINEHURST, N. C, MAR. 23, 1900. PRICE THREE CENTS. TO A. W. It. (Tn reply to "Can toe enter the promised land heref" "The Kingdom of God is within you.") Heaven is begun, if Love supremely reign Within thy heart, and God's most Holy will Doth every fibre of thy being fill. Our Lord's command, "be perfect" were In vain Might we not wisdom from above attain As seeking this injunction to fulfil, We learn to triumph over mortal ill, While present, past and future are made plain. 'Tis thus God's kingdom dwells within the heart : 'Tis thus we reach the promised land below, To learn that heaven and earth in harmony Divine, of all creation are a part. Thus too, we find that all things we shall know, When, freed from error, truth doth make us free! Anna IIubuakd Mkkcuk. ON THE LINKS. Tournaments Will lie Held Every Week I'nlil All Ilie Cups Have Ileen Won. Tournaments to decide who will he the fortunate winners of the heautiful prize cups offered for different events on the Pinehurst Golf Links will commence at once and will he continued until all the cups have been disposed of. Tomor row (Saturday) is the tiit day and play will commence at 10 o'clock a. m. The events will he the ladies' handicap tourna ment, 18 holes medal play; and the gen tlemen's handicap tournament, 18 holes, qualification round, best eight net scores to qualify. Mondaj', Tuesday and Wednesday, March 2Gth, 27th and 2Slh, match play. Entries must he made in writing to the greens committee before G p. m. March 2.'M, accompanied by three lowest scores. Any player not entering as above specified will not be allowed to contest for ladies' or gentlemen's cups. Any pliyer not handing in three lowest scores will be placed at scratch. Players not in the tournament must give way. Play may lie postponed on account of weather, at the discretion of the greens committee, such postponement being posted in club house. We publish on this page an illustration of the beautiful cups to be competed for. These cups are on exhibition at Ilolly Inn. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. Ir. Ilersey Seventy .four Years' Young" March 17, 1900. Cicero says there are no days sweeter than our birthdays, because the joy that underlies them is the soul's intuition of and longing for happiness, not only during this brief life but also during the unending life to which this leads. The genial Autocrat of the Breakfast Table used to love to speak of being so many years young. These two thoughts of the essential happiness and unimpaired youthfulness of a, well ordered life found a hearty expression in the celebration of the birthday of Dr. Mersey at the Berk shire last Saturday. Not only did his fellow guests at the Berkshire conspire in an expression of their love for the Doctor, but all his friends throughout the community each year of his age and beyond these were vases containing roses and smilax which saluted him with their beauty and fragrance. One large vase of Dowers was received from .Judge and Mrs. Robin son of Goldsboro. Hidden beneath the mass of flowers lay a booklet which Dr. Ilersey will probably cherish as among the choice gifts of the day. It will be to him a memo rub ilia of his friends in Pine hurst, as it contained more than eighty leaves bearing the names, in autograph, of those who love and esteem him. In most eases selections in quotations went with the names, and now and then a dainty sketch of some familiar bit of Pinehurst nature, the long-needled pine, pixy moss, a spray of laurel and so on. In the evening Doctor and Mrs. Ilersey received informally and the hours passed delightfully in conversation and music, ; "... ,, r - - ' . ' ,- '. 4. r i.- j it'A StMumti finnan twiawMtf " . I II" em . Sir "In j m ' Mrtdfmsomkmmmeiit. .for Hit Iwwit ftntkmM's scort I niLrei fonimt tournament: . I UBkU frizes qfjwefl by the Pinehurcfc Golf 0!ub orthe season of mo and woo- A l'leasant Kvenlngr. A large number of our villagers gath ered in the Village Hall last Monday and passed a very pleasant evening with whist and dancing. Whist occupied the time from 8 to 9.30 and fifteen tables were filled by the players. At the conclusion of the games dancing was enjoyed, the "insic being furnished by ilolly Inn orchestra. During the evening refresh ments consisting of fancy crackers, cake and lemonade, were served. The affair was in charge of a committee composed of Messrs. F. II. MeAlpine, T. Barber, J. W. McArdle and C. E. Kennedy, who ;ne to be congratulated on the success "ttending their efforts to provide an enjoyable entertainment. Subscribe for Tiik Outlook now. became willing co-conspirators in the benevolent plot. For once at least St. Patrick shared the honors of the day here in Pinehurst with another. It was decided to entrap the Doctor at dinner, when the ilav was half gone, and any suspicions on his part would be allayed. Through Mr. Tufts' kindness the Ilolly Inn orchestra played while dinner was being served. As Doctor and Mrs. Ilersey entered the dinning room to the music of k4Hes a Jolly Good Fellow" the guests enthusiastically greeted him, rising and giving the Chautauqua salute. Then Dr. Abercrombie briefly congratu lated him in behalf of all his Pinehurst friends. Though surprised, the Doctor found a ready and effective antidote for the dose that he was forced to take, and very feelingly and wittily responded. As he took his seat his eyes fell upon a. profusion of flowers, as charmingly arranged as if Flora herself had shaken them from her bountiful lap. Disposed in a semi-circle about his plate were seventy-four carnation pinks one for "the crowning glories of the feast of life.' The music was by Miss Carpenter and Miss Cummings. k'Aul(l Lang Syne" and personal kind wishes to the good physician brought the d i v to a happy close. The sequel to the above celebration took place last Wednesday evening. The Doctor and his estimable wife determined to gather their legion of Pinehurst friends about them once more, and issued invita tions to a munical social to be held in the Berkshire parlors, last Wednesday even ing. The responses. were numerous, the number being limited only by the room available for the reception of their guests, and the parlors were filled with a repre sentative gathering of our villagers. In addition to the guests at the Berkshire, the Inn and the boarding houses and cot tages sent large delegations, showing that the popularity of Dr. and Mrs. Ilersey is not confined to the limits of the Berkshire, but embraces the whole village as well. The Ilolly Inn orchestra was in attend ance and rendered exquisite music which was fully appreciated by all present. Miss H. E. Carpenter sang several solos which were very happily chosen and charmingly rendered, and called forth a generous measure of applause. At the conclusion of the musical pro gram ice cream and cake were served, after which a short time was spent In pleasant social converse. The company then repaired to the large dining hall and enjoyed a season of dancing. The party broke up at a late hour and the guests returned to their homes well pleased with the evening's entertainment. Dr. Ilersey came here last season in very poor physical condition but rapidly regained his health and strength under the influence of our grand healthful climate. With returning strength his interest in the health and happiness of others increased, and long before the season ended he had endeared himself to his fellow guests by his successful efforts in ministering to their bodily ills and promoting pleasant social interests. The return of the Doctor and his wife to Pinehurst this season was hailed with pleasure by their many friends here and their popularity has steadily increased. That they may live to spend many more winters in our village is the wish of all. Holler KxploNlon. Last Monday morning the boiler at the lumber mill and crate factory of I. F. Chandler, located near the trolley track at Southern Pines, exploded and killed one man and injured two others, one of them fatally. The cause of the explosion will never be known for a certainty. A large amount of steam was being used that morning and the safety-valve popped off several times. It is thought by some that the fireman, in order to hold the steam, had over-weighted the safety valve and thus caused the boiler to be over-loaded. The explosion completely wrecked the engine house and badly damaged the mill connected. One end of the boiler was blown completely through the crate fac tor and was found about two hundred feet away. Other parts of the machinery and debris were scattered over a large territory. The man in charge of the boiler, Robert Taylor, was blown nearly one hundred feet and was picked up dead, lie was horribly mutilated, especially about the head. Another man, John Monroe, who was standing near the boiler, was blown about twenty feet and was found among the in ichinery. He was badly burned and otherwise injured, and died the next morning. Both these men were unmarried. Angus Kelly was slightly hurt about the head, but is doing well. A free sample copy of The Outlook will be mailed on receipt of address.