7HT7 7 Sa til 9 XT 0 JpiDD OB 1 1 VOL. IV., NO. 4. PINEIIUliST, X. C, NOV. 30, 1000. PI? ICE TII1IKK CENTS HOLLY INN OPEN. Thoroughly Renoyated and Re furnished Throughout. A Successful Season Predicted For This Home-Like Hostelry. The Holly Inn will open for its sixth season to-morrow, Saturday, December 1, under the management of James K. Hyde, of Sudbury, Vt. A short descri p tion of the Inn, past and present, may be of interest to the readers of The Outlook. The Holly Inn was erected in the fall of 1895, and fust opened to the public January 24, of the following year. Since that time the aim of the owner has constantly been to make this one of the leading hotels of the South. Early in the season of 1896-97, it became apparent that the Inn was too small to accommodate the large number of people, who were attracted to Pinehurst by its liea It h ful surroundi ngs, modern com forts, excellent management, and the pure water which has benefited so many of the visitors to our beautiful town. Early in the spring of 1897, plans were drawn to increase the accommodations of the Inn to more than double those of the original building. The building was arranged in the form of n hollow square with a large open court in the centre, making it possible to have all the rooms in the house receive an abundance of pure air and sunshine. This court has been beautified by plants and flowers, with neatly kept walks which serve to make it an attractive resort for the guests. In making these improvements it was expected that the manager would be able to accommodate all who would apply. The season of 1897-98 brought many new guests as well as a large num ber of those who had learned that Pine hurst was the best winter resort in South by past experience. The Inn was again filled and it was found necessary to make another addition of thirty-two guest chambers during the following summer. The Inn is now, without doubt, one of the most attractive and best managed hostel ries in the country outside of Pine hurst. The main entrance to the Inn opens directly into the lobby which is a large, handsomely furnished, well lighted and ventilated apartment with two large open fire-places. The office is located at the back of the lobby on the left. Directly opposite the entrance is the grand staircase and on either hand are corridors. The corridor on the right leads past the coat room, smoking room, billiard room and parlors, and through the conservatory to the music room. This room is an elegant apartment octa gon shaped and forty feet across with fourteen feet studding, and is finished to where the roof comes to a point at the top, twenty-eight feet from the floor. On three sides are bay extensions, that on the north being filled with a chimney containing a huge old fashioned fire place. The extension on the east is filled with a stage for the accommodation of the orchestra, while that on the south lias numerous windows to admit the sun light. The inside is finished in natural wood, the cornice and wainscot being of beautiful curly pine running from the floor to the ceiling. The walls and ceil ings have been newly decorated by Mr. Chivers, the well known artist. A per fect floor of our native pine provides an excellent surface for dancing. The room is well lighted with its jiumerous win dows of pretty design, is heated with steam and the fire-place, and contains a profusion of electric lights. The music room was one of the additions of the sea son of 1897-'98, and has proved very players were among the guests and many friendly tournaments were held during the long w inter evenings, which were a source of pleasure, not only to the parti cipants, but to all the guests. A large number who were guests of the Inn last season have signified their intention of returning again this season and the billiard room will undoubtedly prove more popular than ever. Close by the billiard room is the writ ing room, a large well lighted apartment, containing convenient writing tables, pens, ink and stationary. Just beyond the wilting room is the dining hall, a large well lighted room with accommo dations for fully two hundred people. It is finished in curly pine, a handsome natural wood. A large open fire-place is located at each end of the room and large windows on three sides provide ample light. The ceiling is handsomely deco rated in flowering designs and the walls are tinted to harmonize witli the natural color of the wood. Electric lamps of many beautiful tints and choice designs SS it... . t ti j ;r- sain ?' r " " 4, THE HOLLY INN. popular with the guests. Here the orchestra give its concerts morning and evening, with a hop every Saturday night and a social concert Sunday even ings. Card parties and other entertain ments at the Inn are also held in this room. To the left of the corridor is the smok ing room with billiard and pool room connected. Both are tastefullj-, even elegantly furnished and fitted with every convenience. The tables are first-class in every respect, and against the walls are comfortable chairs for the aceoininc dation of spectators. These rooms have been thoroughly renovated since last sea son, the ceilings decorated and other improvements added. They are well lighted by large windows by day, and the numerous electric lamps by night serve to make these the most pleasant rooms in the house. The rooms are finished in native pine which adds much to the beauty of the rooms giving them a bright, cheerful appearance. Great interest has always been taken in billiards and pool by the guests at this house. Last season a number of expert are placed at convenient intervals across the supporting beams, which diffuse a soft light over the silver and glass on the tables below. The effect, whether by day or night when the lights are on, is grand beyond description, and one could hardly imagine a prettier or better planned apartment. Many of the guests who annally come to 1'inehurst on account of their poor physical condition, require a higher degree of temperature than those in good health, and for these people the management has provided a warm cozy apartment, just off the lobby, where easy chairs, writ ing table, a book case and everything that could add to the comfort of the guest has been provided. The kitchen is always one of the most important rooms in a hotel. In this house the kitchen is as neat and well furnished as any room in the house. The room contains a large French range, stock pots, tables, and all the most modern appliances for the proper preparations of the food for the guest. The walls are light and wood work is covered with an enamel paint. This room, in so many houses overlooked, has received here the same careful attention which has been given the parlors. A neat serving room containing steam table and other modern appliances, opens from the kitchen. The manager says, "my kitchen and serving room will be as open to the guest as any room in the house. In the rear of the basement is located the cold storage plant where meats, vegetables, and other perishable articles are kept. The three upper floors are given over entirely to bedrooms with toilet rooms conveniently located to each apartment. The rooms are mostly en suite, on the first floor, with private bath rooms con nected with the most desirable apart ments. All the chambers are furnished luxuriously with heavy tapestry carpets, rich antique oak chamber sets and line china toilet sets. The sleeping rooms in all parts of the house have been thor oughly renovated and are in first-class condition. The beds are all fitted with first quality hair mattresses, and each room is heated by steam while many have open fire-places. They are fitted with electric lights and electric call bells. The hotel contains all the modern improvements and conveniences. The entire building is heated by steam, lighted by electricity, and many of the rooms have open fire-places. The cuisine is unsurpassed and the the table waitresses are all white girls from the North. For the security of both invalids and pleasure seekers, cases of pronounced consumption will, under no circum stances, be admitted. The hotel has, since last season, been thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom, and many improvements have been made to add to the comfort of the guests. The carpets have been cleansed and the Inn is now in first-class condition. Among the prominent attractions this season will be the orchestra which will be under the direction of Mr. Trev. Sharp, the talented leader who gave so much satisfaction to the guests last sea son. Mr. Sharp has been at Beach Bluff the past summer where he has added to his already enviable reputation with the music loving public. Orchestra concerts will be given morning and evening, and music will also be provided for dancing. Mr. James K. Hyde, who was con nected with the Holly Inn last year as clerk, where he won the good will of all with whom he came in contact, will manage this house this season. Mr. Hyde has been in the hotel business all of his life. He is associated with his father in the management of Hyde Manor, one of the best hotels in Ver mont, a state famous for good hotels. Under his management the Inn will undoubtedly become more popular than ever. The house has a good reputation among the traveling public. Many of the rooms are already engaged for the season, and this bids fair to be the most prosperous season in the history of the Inn.