THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK. 5 THE LENOX THE CONCORD XMHEIIIJIIST, X. C.t By providing home comforts, giving personal attention to detail, and en deavoring to suit the tastes of guests, we intend to maintain the reputation estab lished during the past four years. T. M. ROBINSON, - Manager. GOLF AND SHOOTING! CHISWICK INN Located on a high hill, overlooking the town of Littleton, N. II. In the heart of the White Moun tain region. ' Unsurpassed view of the White and Franconia Mountains from piazzas of Hotel. l'ui'tt Siiriiis- Water. For particulars, address until May 15, J. M. HOIBIXSOX, IVlaiutg-ei', l'iiM'Iiiii'wt, X, C. The Magnolia PINEHURST, N. C. OPEN NOVEMBER 1st, to MAY 1st. Steam Heat, and Open Fires, Electric Lights, Bath with hot and cold water. FOR RATES ETC. ADDRESS, J. L. POTTLE. 'the pine grove house, PINEHURST, N. C. Will be under the same management as last season. The house is pleasantly located near a large pine grove, has pleasant rooms, good beds, steam heat, electric lights and baths with hot and cold water. FOR RATES ADDRESS, FRANK B. POTTLE. Miss Laura Agnes Walker, Expert manicurist ant) masseuse Will be located at The Carolina During the Season. Prepared to give Massage Treatment, Shampooing and Chiropody, aiJAIL, Tl HM i:V, IOX, ItAIllIMT Ai ii:i:n m ri(., A Treserve embracing 14,000 acres with birds in abundance. Comfortable new shooting lodge, located six miles from railroad station or town. TERMS: Board, lodging, guide, dog and shooting privilege, $6.00 a day. I am prepared to furnish saddle horses and shooting wagons. Fox Hunting a specialty, with one of the finest packs of hounds in the South, l'ack of Beagles for rabbit hunting. Application should be made in advance as accommodations are limited. Send for circular, II. II. lowell. Prop., Aberdeen, X. C. DENTIST. Dr. J. ERNEST JUDD, Crown and Bridge Work Specialist, Appointments made by Mail or Telephone. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. Fall List of The Stated Fixtures and Events for Season. The l'rog-ram is an UniiNually Elabor ate One and tlie Trophic are IBeautiew. events; putting, driving and approach ing contests, special matches and tournaments. The seasons program of stated golf and trap shooting events is an unusually attractive one, and the dates and events announced below, are printed for the convenience not only of the participants but others who will be interested to watch the events as well. Stated Golf Fixture!. The full schedule of stated handicap golf fixtures and a list of the trophies is as follows: January 31st Men's Inauguration Open Tournament. Cups for best net and best gross scores. Feb. 7th Men's Open Tourna ment. Cup for two best scores. Women's Open Handicap Tourna ment. Cup for best net score. Feb. 14th Men's Open Tourna ment for Holly Inn Cup, offered for the best net score. Second prize for next best net score. Feb. 21st Tournament for the Presbrey Cup. Open to any man or woman who has never played eigh teen consecutive holes in less than 100. Feb. 28th Men's Open Tourna ment for the Priest Cups, offered for the best net and the best gross scores. Unique Tournament. Eighteen holes for the Harvard Cup. Com petitors in this tournament can use but two clubs; the putter and driver. The putter must be used for strokes except putting, and the driver for putting only. Open to men and women. Mar. 7th Men's Tournament for the Berkshire Cup. Open to any player who has never played golf prior to January 1st 1902. Women's Open Handicap for the Tufts Cup offered, one each for the best net and best gross scores. March 14th Men's Open Tourna ment, for two handsome trophies: The Carolina Cup for the best net score, and a cup for the best gross score. Mar. 21st Consolation Tourna ment, for the Pinehurst Cup. Open to all who have taken part in one or more previous tournaments, but have won no prizes. Mar. 28th Grand Annual Match and Medal Play Tournament, open to all golfers in the United States, for the United North and South Championship Cup. This is a mag nificent Sterling trophy, made by the Gorham Manufacturing Co., and becomes the property of the winner. Magnificent Sterling Gor ham Cups are also offered for the runner up, and the best net and best gross scores. This Tournament is also open to women. Magnificent Gorham Sterling Cup for the best net score, and a handsome Gorham Cup for the best gross score. U. S. Golf Association rules to govern all tournaments. No player eligible to entry who has not been a guest at Pine hurst for three days or more prior to date of tournament, except by concur rence of Handicap Committee. No com petitor can take both the gross and net score cups. In addition to the series of stated tour naments there will be many informal Ai:U MAVfiOTIlAl HEADY. Firnt Event in Stated Trap Mhoothig Fltturt'N Mill be Nliot WedneMlay. The new Maugotrap at the Trap Shoot ing Grounds, is in position and working finely. Half a dozen sportsmen met Monday morning to try the machine for the first time, and there was more or less shooting during the week. The first event in the program of stated trap shooting fixtures takes place next Wednesday. A committee is ar ranging the various details. An interesting series of contests is as sured and the contests bid fair to be hard-fought. An AddreNM for Women. Dr. Mary E. Sellen of New York City, delivers an address on subjects of interest to women, in the parlors of The Carolina, next Thursday morning. A general in vitation to the women guests of the Vil lage is extended. Questions in which the company may be interested are in vited. They should be sent to Dr. Sellen at The Carolina previous to the meeting. More NmiMliiiie Than Xv York. On Sunday next, the sun will rise at Pinehurst at 7.14 a. in., and set at 5.4 J) p. m., Eastern time. Pinehurst is getting half an hour more sunlight every day than New York City. The latest sunrise here this season was that of January 8th, 7.22 a. in. ; and the earliest December 2d, 5.10 a. m. Heart Iarty at The Carolina. A series of informal card parties were inaugurated at The Carolina Wednesday evening with a hearts party in which forty participated and a delightful even ing was the result. The mens prizes were won by Mr. John V.Craven and Mr. M. C. Parshall. Miss Florence Bradbury and Mrs. Montgomery A. Crockett won the womens trophies. The arrangements were in the hands of Mrs. M. A. Crockett and Mrs. M. J. Tab raham as matrons, assisted by Mrs. II. W. Priest. l'rog'rewwive Enclire. A progressive euchre party at The Berkshire, Friday evening was a pro nounced success, and a large number of visitors from the hotels and cottages joined with the guests in the evening's pleasure. The men's prizes were won by Mr. James Mitchell and Mr. J. O. Cummings, and the women's prizes by Mrs. Charles Webb and Mrs. Arthur C. Ketcham. The lone hands prizes went to Dr. F. W. Bradbury and Mrs. J. O. Cummings. The affair was arranged Mrs. Annie Hughes, assisted by Mrs. E. H. Lake, Mrs. Arthur C. Ketcham and Mrs. O. G. Piobinson. Special ftunday Jluaic. Special music is being made a pleasant feature of the regular Sunday Union service in the Village Hall. Last Sun day Miss Ella Josselyn of The Lenox sang, and next Sunday Miss Jessie Thompson of the Holly Inn, will sing and Mrs. Elsa von Grofe, of The Caro lina Orchestra, will play two 'cello se lections : "Air, by Bach," and "Larghet to by Mozart." V A Golden Rule of Agriculture: 1 Be pood to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty of Potash in the fertilizer spells quality J and quantity in the har i m vest. Write us and ...:n i aa free, by next mail, SI our money winning books GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. mm Ira PINEHURST PRIVATE SCHOOL. fteaNon of lOOl-.l. The school enables pupils to continue the courses of study begun in the North and to rejoin their classes without loss. Its scone provides for all grades through the High School, Including the languages required for college examinations. TIIUIN. For pupils entering before January, TJ03, and intending to remain members of the school through the entire season : Pi imary Grades, per week, $ .f0 Grammar " " " 1.00 Secondary " " " U0 (Payable in advance.) For pupils entering after January 1st: Primary Grades, per month, $3.00 Grammar " " " 6.00 Secondary " " " 7.00 (Payable in advance.) No deductions for absence or holidays; pupils not received for less than one month; Primary and Grammar pupils taking French or German will be received at Secondary rates; books and other school supplies will be furnished to pupils at catalogue mailing prices; Private Tuition, $2.00 per hour. HELEN KING SPOFFORD. SAKAII E. I). IJUFFINTON. Pinehurst Steam Laundry, First Class work in all Departments. Done with Neatness and Dispatch. MRS. L. E. SAVAGE, Manager. Pinehurst Nurseries Green House Department Well-stocked with fine pot plants and bulbs, offered for sale at reason able prices. Cut flowers to order. Nursery Department. Sixty-live acres of choice and rare hardy trees, shrubs and perennials. Visitors are Welcome. OTTO KATZKNSTEIN, Manager. Telephone Connection. JACKSON SPRINGS MINERAL WATER, Cures and Prevents Dyspepsia, RHEUMATISM AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. :.00 per Case, Gross, or $1.50 if Cases are returned. Hay be ordered through Mr. C. L. Baxter, at the Depot, Pinehurst, or direct from JACKSON SPRINGS MINERAL WATER CO. ABERDEEN, N. C.