THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK. 5 THE LENOX THE CONCORD 1MIEIIUIIST, W. CM By providing home comforts, giving personal attention to detail, and en deavoring to suij the tastes of guests, we intend to maintain the reputation estab lished during the past four years. J. M. ROBINSON, - Manager. CHISWICK INN Located on a high hill, overlooking the town of Littleton, N. IL In the heart of the White Moun tain region. Unsurpassed view of the White and Franconla Mountains from piazzas of Hotel. Pure Spring- Water. For particulars, address until May 15, JT. THE. ItOIlINSOtf, manag-er, l'liieliuiDt, W. C. The Magnolia PINEHURST, N. C. OPEN NOVEMBER 1st, to MAY 1st. Steam Heat, and Open Fires, Electric Lights, Bath with hot and cold water. FOR RATES ETC. ADDRESS, J. L. POTTLE. THE PINE GROVE HOUSE, PINEHURST, N. C. Will be under the same management as last season. The house is pleasantty located near a large pine grove, has pleasant rooms, good beds, steam heat, electric lights and baths with hot and cold water. FOR RATES ADDRESS, FRANK B. POTTLE. Miss Laura Agnes Walker, Expert flDanicurtet atttHEraeseuse Will be located at The Carolina During the Season. Prepared to give Massage Treatment, Shampooing and Chiropody. 4VAIL, TUllKJEX, FOX, ItAJUIlT AND HUNTING. A Preserve embracing 14,000 acres with birds in abundance. Comfortable new shooting lodge, located six miles from railroad station or town. TERMS: Board, lodging, guide, dog and shooting privilege, $6.00 a day. I am prepared to furnish saddle horses and shooting wagons. Fox Hunting a specialty, with one of the finest packs of hounds in the South. Tack of Beagles for rabbit hunting. Application should be made In advance as accommodations are limited. Send for circular, II. II. Powell, Prop., Aberdeen, N. C. DENTIST. Dr. J. ERNEST JUDD, Grown and Bridge Work Specialist, Appointments made by Mail or Telephone. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. A RED HOT CONTEST I Shoot for the Leonard Tufts' Trophy is a Rattling One. C. A. lockwood Wins with Si&ty-Fiv With Arthur C Itetchaiii only one Heliind"Soiue Excellent Shooting:. The fifth shoot in the winters' stated program of handicap trap shooting fix tures, fifty single and twenty double targets, shot Wednesday afternoon, for the Leonard Tufts cup, developed what is best described as a red hot contest. C. A. Lockwood, of New York city, who had a handicap allowance of twelve birds, won the cup with a total score of sixty-five, and Arthur C. Ketcham of New York city, who had a handicap al lowance of eighteen birds, was a close second with a total of sixty-four. M. II. Wilson of Cleveland, O., who had a handicap allowance of twelve birds, was third, with a total of sixty-one, and C. II. Stanley, of Cleveland, O., and A. E. Lard, of St. Joseph, Mo., scratch men, finished with sixty-two and sixty birds, respectively. Frank Presbrey of New York city, who had a handicap allowance of eighteen birds, finished with a total of sixty, tieing with Lard. Lockwood secured ten out of his handi cap allowance of twelve; all of his singles, eight birds, and two of his doubles, four birds. Ketcham broke eleven out of twelve in his single bird allowance, and four out of six in his double bird allowance, or in other words he broke fifty-three out of a possible fifty on his string of singles. Wilson broke seven out of eight on his handi cap allowance of singles and three out of four of his allowance on doubles. Presbrey broke ten out of his handicap allowance of twelve singles, and three out of four of his handicap allowance of six doubles. It will readily be seen that something in the way of a surprise came when the handicap men shot at their extra allow ance of birds. The detailed scores of the five leaders were as follows : Lockwood, SINGLES. 100111011111 1111101101111 20 111101111111 1110101011001 19 Hdp. 11111111 8 47 DOUBLES. 111010111111 ill 11001 16 Hdp. 0 0 11 21805 Ketcham, singles. 011110101111 1111110110111 20 011111111101 1111111111101 -22 Hdp. 11111111101 11153 doubles 101111000000 00001010 7 Hdp. 1110 0 1 41164 Wilson, singles. 100101011111 1111110111111 20 111110111111 1100011110110 19 Hdp. 01111111 746 DOUBLES 001111010110 11110001 12 Hdp. 1110 31561 Stanley, singles 111111101111 1110011111111 22 110111111111 1111111111111 2440 DOUBLES 1111111 l'l 110 11101010 161662 Lard, singles 110111111111 0111101010111 20 111111110111 1111111111111 2444 DOUBLES 101110110 111 1110 1111 1010-60 Presbrey, singles 001111101100 0011010011110 14 111101011011 0100110111111 18 Hdp. 11101111110 11042 DOUBLES 101101101111 11011100 14 Hdp, 1110 0 1 41860 Other sceores were as follows : Singles Hdp Doubles Hdp Burroughs 30 4 12 450 Baker 32 8 242 Randolph 14 10 0 30 The participants and their handicaps were as follows : C. II. Stanley, Cleve land, O., A, E. Lard, St. Joseph, Mo., scratch; C. A. Lockwood, New York city, 8 singles, 2 doubles ; Arthur C. Ketcham, New York City, 12 singles, 3 doubles ; Chas. W. Baker, New York city, 15 singles, 4 doubles ; Frank Pres brey, New Y'ork city, 12 singles, 3 doubles; Philip Randolph, Jr., I'hila delphia, Pa., 15 singles, 4 doubles; M, II Wilson, Cleveland, O., 8 singles, 2 doubles; II. Nelson Burroughs, Phila delphia, 8 singles, 2 doubles. Euchre at The Holly Inn. Mrs. William G. Bassett of Northamp ton, Mass, ; Mrs. S, S. Tribou of Balti more; Mr. Howard C, Morse of Boston, and Mr. Charles S. McQuinn of Boston, were the winners at a euchre party at The Holly Inn, Monday evening. The consolation prizes were won by Miss Bessie Otis Hinckley of Chicago, and Mr. E. Sumner of Boston. Special Golf Tournament. Two special golf features are announc ed, two tournaments on the 9 hole course for the Pinehurst General Office cups, one for adults and the other for children, March 13 and 19th, and a kickers handi cap tournament for the A. I. Creamer cups March 21. Til E1K TO JFJIIILM. Copies of The (Special Clirintma dum ber will he sent on Itequeftt. A limited number of copies of the Special Christmas Number of The Pine hurst Outlook, remain in this office, which the editor will be glad to mail, free, upon request. This number is one of the handsomest papers of its class ever issued, having a three-color first page design in holly, and containing two beautiful full page half-tone prints of Pinehurst environs printed on plate paper, suitable for framing. Copies of the opening number of the present vol ume will also be sent on request. A Golden Rule of Agriculture: Be good to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty of Potash in the fertilizer spells quality and quantity in the har k J tijfUjt vest. Write us and fWWM we will send you, free, by next mail, our money winning books GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. I A, ' .Mm PINEHURST PRIVATE SCHOOL. Naon of HM-:i. Tlin Hcliool pimhloH Dunlin to continue tlifl courses of study begun in the North ami to rejoin meir classes wimoui jobs, jis scone proviues ior nil LTiwles thrmiirh tint lllirh Scliiml. Incliiillnir th languages required for college examinations. TEIIJIN. For pupils entering before January, 11M)3, and intending to remain members of the school through the entire season : l'limary tirades, per week, $ .50 Grammar " ' " 1.00 Secondary " " . 1.50 (Payable in advance.) For pupils entering after January 1st: Primary Grades, per month, $3.00 Grammar " " " 6.00 Secondary " " " 7.00 (Payable in advance.) No deductions for absence or holidays; pupils not received for less than one month; Primary and Grammar pupils taking French or German will be received at Secondary rates; books and other school supplies will be furnished to pupils at catalogue mailing prices; Private Tuition, 12.00 per hour. HELEN KING SPOFFOUI). SAKAIl E. D. 1JUFFINTON. Pinehurst Steam Laundry, First Class work In all Departments. Done with Neatness and Dispatch. MRS. L. E. SAVAGE, Manager. Pinehurst Nurseries Green House Department Well-stocked with line pot plants and bulbs, offered for sale at reason able prices. Cut flowers to order. Nursery Department. Sixty-live acres of choice and rare hardy trees, shrubs and perennials. Visitors are Welcome. OTTO KATZENSTEIN, Manager. Telephone Connection. JACKSON SPRINGS MINERAL WATER, Cures and Prevents Dyspepsia, RHEUMATISM AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. $3.00 per Case, Gross, or $1.50 if Cases are returned. May be ordered through Mr. C. L. Baxter, at the Depot, Pinehurst, or direct from JACKSON SPRINGS MINERAL WATER CO. ABERDEEN, N. C.