THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK. 5 THE LENOX THE CONCORD posui;ni, nr. c, By providing home comforts, giving personal attention to detail, and en deavoring to suit the tastes of guests, we intend to maintain the reputation estab lished during the past four years. J M. ROBINSON, - Manager. CHISWICK INN Located on a high hill, overlooking the town of Littleton, N. II. In the heart of the White Moun tain region. Unsurpassed view of the White and Franconia Mountains from piazzas of Hotel. Pure Spring: Water. For particulars, address until May 15, X. Itt. 11011I1YS0, Itlaiiag-er, liiicliiu-Nt, N. C. The Magnolia PINEHURST, N. C. OPEN NOVEMBER 1st, to MAY 1st. Steam Heat, and Open Fires, Electric Lights, Bath with hot and cold water. FOR RATES ETC. ADDRESS, J. L. POTTLE. "the pine grove house, PINEHURST, N. C. Will be under the same management as last season. The house is pleasantly located near a large pine grove, has pleasant rooms, good beds, steam heat, electric lights and baths with hot and cold water. FOR RATES ADDRESS, FRANK B. POTTLE. Miss Laura Agnes Walker, Expert flDantcudet ant flDasseuee Will be located at The Carolina During the Season. Prepared to give Massage Treatment, Shampooing and Chiropody ftUAIL, TCRKEY, FOX, RABBIT AN H IIITlVTIlSCt. A Preserve embracing 14,000 acres with birds In abundance. Comfortable new shooting lodge, located six miles from railroad station or town. TERMS: Board, lodging, guide, dog and shooting privilege, $6.00 a day. I am prepared to furnish saddle horses and shoo tine waerons. Fox Hunting a specialty, with one of the finest packs of hounds in the South. racK oi Beagles for rabbit hunting. Application should be made in advance as accommodations are limited. Send for circular. II. II. Powell, Prop., Aberdeen, W. C. DENTIST. Dr. J. ERNEST JUDD, Crown and Bridge Work Specialist, Appointments made by Mall or Telephone. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. SOME BOOKS HAVE 'READ Song's and Stories from Tennessee. "Songs and Stories from Tennessee" by John Trotwood Moore, published by Henry T. Coates & Company, Philadel phia, is a pleasing little collection of stories and poems, picturing forth nature, man and beast as found in that beauti ful strip of country, the Valley of the Tennessee river. Race track episodes and darkey dialect form the bulk of the stories with one or two little love tales and some amusing incidents in the life of an amusing old race track veteran, "Old Wash," to complete the list. Those wlio are interested in the future of the dark race might not approve of Old Wash in his views, of "de bes' way to wak'n dis degenrit race ob vipers up on de importance ob equekashura," but Mr. Moore has given good occasion for laughter in his account of the school master's solution : "plenty uv good second growth hick'ry, an" now and den er spellin' match." Mr. Moore strikes a more serious vein in his poems and reveals himself not only a lover but also a good student of Na ture. His little poem "To the Blue Grass" is especially dainty and apprecia tive. Mr. Moore also reveals himself as a philosopher, and while his poems are simply what might be called "pleasing" the note which he strikes in some is deep and denotes a philosophy to the forma tion of which the wood3, the earth, and the sky have contributed to no slight ex tent, Mr. Moore has some poems on in cidents in the Civil War and some in dialect again, showing himself to be versatile in subjects and in methods of treatment. Altogether, it is a very readable little volume, one to provoke laughter and one to invoke thought. The volume is daintily bound in pale green with a landscape cover design in color. Itent fort manor. "Kent Fort Manor" by William Henry Babcock, published by Henry T. Coates & Company, Philadelphia, is a ' novel built upon the hypothesis of inherited memory having for its setting the region about Chespeake Bay and for its time the turbulent years of the Civil War. It is in no sense an historical novel, how ever, the author having seemed to select this period of time rather with a view to giving his characters greater scope for action and his lovers greater opportuni ties for loyality. Roderick Claybourne "Marse Head long," owner of Kent Fort Manor, flavors the book with his genial and rather unusual humor, and if not the hero of the story at least its most likable character. The hero Ithaca Claybourne, a distant Northern kinsman of Roder ick's, a man who has ever carried below the threshold of his brain a shadowy ellusive memory of a something done centuries ago, and who comes to believe that when the war is over and time given him to search, he will find a treasure hidden under a certain tree at Kent Fort Manor, put there by a former Clay bourne. His search for the treasure, his growing madness, and his death when the treasure does not materialize makes a gloomy ending to a story whose theme, if somewhat crudely handled, is rather an interesting one. The story is relieved and made more readable by the introduction of a funny, genteel, treasure-digging maniac, an uncle of Rodericks; two delightful darkies; and Judas Maccabeus Jones, who laments the time already gone When "a po' man used to could pick up a risrht smart o' chance ' money a votin' his sentiments at 'lection." The volume is bound in deep red with a design in gold. The JLove 8try of Aimer Stone. "The Love Story of Abner Stone" by Edwin Carlile Litsey, published by A, S. Barnes, New York, is a wonderfully attractive book in make-up with a cover of soft gray cartridge paper bearing simple design in white, and a backing of green. The printing is in large type with wide margins, on deckle edge paper inakinff a book that is a delight to CD (Continued to fourth page) The Yellow Jessamine. O lovely, fairy, golden bells! Swing high, swing low, when breezes blow; Each wooing zephyr softly tells Your sweetness so, I long to know More of its wealth within your cells; Some for the bee, .and some for me, Still unrcvealed forever dwells. O'er lowly bush and tree-top tall You climb and cling, you shine and swing: O'er cabin poor and palace wall, Low murmuring, your love-chimes ring, Unheard by mortals held in thrall; Birds on the wing, or wee nestling, May hear and understand them all. You are so sweet, so bright and fair, Would you could stay with us alway, To lend your glory everywhere. You live a day, then pass away, Our common lot, alas! to share; Out of decay, bring back a ray To shine in this dull world of care! Margaret May. Fat Field JJT makes a fat purse. f A fertilizer without ( Potash C J is not complete. Jl I Our books are complete treatises I on fertilizers, written by I men who know. . I Write for them. - XV f GERMAN SS Jfift&P'i&S I KALI ZM$Zt&Y I WORKS, yJs. I 93 Nassau A L I I Street. fiT yf W I J I New York jfc yfc f A PINEHURST PRIVATE SCHOOL. Season of 10023. The school enables pupils to continue the courses of study begun in the North and to rejoin their classes without loss. Its 6cotc provides for all grades through the High School, including the languages required for college examinations. ri:iiii4. For pupils entering before January, 1903, and intending to remain members of the school through the entire season : Piimary Grades, per week, $ .60 Grammar " " " 1.00 Secondary " " " 1.60 (Payable In advance.) For pupils entering after January 1st: l'rlmary Grades, per month, $3.00 Grammar " " " 6.00 Secondary " " 7.00 (Payable in advance.) No deductions for absence or holidays; pupils not received for less than one month; Primary and Grammar pupils taking French or German will be received at Secondary rates; books and other school supplies will be furnished to pupils at catalogue mailing prices; Private Tuition, $2.00 per hour. HELEN KING SPOFFORD. SAUAIl E. D. UUFFINTON. Pinenursr Steam Laundry, First Class work In all Departments. Done with Neatness and Dispatch. MRS. L. E. SAVAGE, Manager. Pinehurst Nurseries Green House Department Well-stocked with fine pot plants and bulbs, offered for sale at reason able prices. Cut flowers to order. Nursery Department. Sixty-five acres of choice and rare hardy trees, shrubs and perennials. Visitors are Welcome. OTTO KATZENSTEIN, Manager. Telephone Connection. JACKSON SPRINGS MINERAL WATER, Cures and Prevents Dyspepsia, RHEUMATISM AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. $3.00 per Case, Gross, or $1.50 if Cases are returned. Say be ordered through Mr. C. L. Baxter, at the Depot, Pinehurst, or direct from JACKSON SPRINGS MINERAL WATER CO. ABERDEEN, N. C.