THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK lHAIIi SCIIEI1UM3. MAMZEILE riFIXi:. Published Saturday, Twenty-five Weeks In the year, at Flnehurst, Moore County, North Carolina. (Founded by James W. Tufts ) Herbert L. Jillson, .... Editor. The Outlook Publishing Company, Publishers. One Dollar Annually, Payable In Advance; Five Cents a Copy. Address Communications acd make Remit tances Payable to The Outlook Publishing Company. Entered in the Post Office at Pinehurst, N. C, as Second Class Mall Matter. SATURDAY, JASVARY 30, 1004 Events of The Coming- Week. SUNDAY Religious Services: Six A. M., Cath olic Mass, Itev. Fr. Harrington ; Eleven a.m., Union, Rev. D. W, Fox; Four p. M., Episcopal, Rev. H. T. Gregory. Evening Sacred Concert at The Carolina. A general invitation ex tended. All day Birthday Party at the Poul try Farm. MONDAY Evening Card Party at The Holly Inn. TUESDAY Evening Subscription Card Party at The Berkshire. A general invitation ex tended. WEDNESDAY Evening Subscription Card Party at The Harvard. A general invitation extended. THURSDAY Morning Trap Shooting Tournament. Evening Dance at The Holly Inn. FRIDAY Evening Dance at The Village Hall. SATURDAY Morning Golf Tournament. Afternoon Tea at Golf Club House. Evening Dance at The Carolina. A general invitation extended. Iler first Ueau. He always had been cold and stiff, Nor love's great passion felt; But when he saw the pretty maid His frigid air would melt. She won his heart by kindly acts, With merry jests and quips, And with her own fair hand she placed A pipe between his lips. Beneath her window he would stand And brave the midnight breeze, And then one sunny afternoon He got upon his knees. In vain he begged embrace or kiss, For Fate had said him nay; So, wasted by his hopeless love, The Snow Man passed away. McLandburgh Wilson, in N. T. Sun. Winter's Arrivals and Departures are Announced. DEPARTURES CLOSE, 5 :40 A. M. To all points North, East, South, West and local. 8 :40 A. M. To North and local on A and A. R. R. (Registered,) 2 :45 P. M. To Aberdeen (Registered.) 5 :00 P. M. To all points, ARRIVALS OPEN. 7 :45 A. M. From North and South. 10:00 A. M. (Registered from all points) ordinary mail from South and West. 4:00 P. M. (Registered from all points) ordinary mail from North and local. 7 :30 P. M. From all points. r Registered articles must be given in the office at least fifteen minutes before mails close. All mail not addressed to hotels will be he held at the Post Office unless the address is supplied. International and Domestic Money Orders issued from 8 :00 A, M. till 5 :00 P. M. and from 7 :30 P. M. till 8 :00 P. M. The above schedule must be observed. ITEardi-Cras Festivities. The remaining program for Mardi- Gras Festivities at New Orleans, which began Jan. 6 and continues until Feb. 16, is as follows : Monday, Feb. 1 Ball of the High Priests of Mithras, French Opera House. Thursday, Feb. 4 Annual Ball of the Elves of Oberon, French Opera House. Tuesday, Feb. 9. Ball of the Atlan- teans, French Opera House. Thursday, Feb. 11 Night Parade and Ball of Knights of Momus, always one of the most attractive and beautiful of the street procession. Monday, Feb, 15 River Excursion and arrival of Rex, mid-day Naval and Military parade. Monday, Feb. 15 Night Parade, Tab leaux and Ball of the Krewe of Protens, at French Opera House. Tuesday, Feb. 16 Mardi-Gras, Rex Parade, Tableaux and Ball at Carnival Palace. Tuesday, Feb. 16 Night Parade, Tab leaux and Ball of the Mystic Krewe of Comus, at French Opera House. Miss Walker at The Carolina. Miss Laura Agnes Walker, manicurist and masseuse, is again located at The Carolina for the season. Miss Walker is a general favorite among her many patrons. Concert Uy Colored Singers. The pupils of St. Augustine's School, (colored) Raleigh, will give a concert in the Village Hall, Wednesday evening. The visit of a company of singers from this school last year, is pleasantly remembered. A Narrative of the Girlhood of Empress Xosephine. "Mamzelle Fifine" by Eleanor Atkin son, (D. Appleton & Company, New York, publishers), purports to be a narrative of the girlhood of the Empress Josephine, in the island of Martinique. The story has a very picturesque back ground, and no one can complain of the lack of action in it. The life the youth ful Josephine led was sufficiently strenu ous to satisfy either of the present rulers who are the apostles of the strenuous life. What with a hurricane that wipes out her father's estate and nearly the whole island when Josephine is but four years old; a Voodoo priestess who prophecies while she is still a little girl in the convent, that an imperial crown awaits her ; a giant slave who saves her . .1 K : i ELEANOR ATKINSON, Author of Mamzelle Fifine. from the flood and afterwards attempts to fulfill the Voodoo prophecy by kid napping the girl, to make her the Empress of a negro empire in the island ; a journey through the tropical jungle with the lover of her youth in an escape from such a fate ; the death of her giant slave from a snake bite while carrying her; and finally her escape from the island on a French warship ; with these and other like incidents time can scarcely be said to hang bravely upon her hands. The story is interestingly told. Many of the descriptions of the strange scenes of that tropical island are very beautiful. But why does the author make her characters converse in a broken English with many French words and phrases untranslated, when their language was pure French? It is an affectation which is a great blemish upon her style. The book is tastefully printed and bound, with a miniature of Josephiuefor a frontispiece. With greater experience in the technique of writing, the author may hereafter produce some much bet ter works. Mrs. JT. A. Sherrard Presides. Mrs. J. A. Sherrard of The Berkshire presided at the tea at the'Golf Club House Saturday afternoon. The occasion was a very pleasant one and well attended THE Pinehurst Pharmacy Carries a Complete Line of Drugs, Druggist Sundries, Toilet Articles, Con fections, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Compounded by a Registered Pharmacist. SUNDAY HOURS: 10 to 11 A. M., 7 to 8 P. M. Miss Laura Agnes Walker, Expert Manicurist and Masseuse Will bs located at The Carolina Daring the Season. Prepared to give Massage Treatment, Shampooing and Chiropody Superfluous Hair Removed bjr the Electric Needle. Francis Batchelder. P. S. Snyder. Francis Batchelder & Go. Proprietors of the Capitol Creameries of Vermont. Egg and Poultry Station, Fenton, Michigan Office and Cold Storage, Smoke Houses and Factory, Boston Slaughter House, Brighton, Mass 55, 57, 59, 61 and 63 Blackatone St., BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. DENTIST. Dr. J. ERNEST JUDD, Crown and Bridge Work Specialist, Appointments made by Mail or Telephone. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. E. L. MERROW, Photographer. Brlc-a-Brac, Burned Wood and Leather Novel ties, Jewelry and Art Needle Work. Photographic Supplies and Films. Finishing for Amateurs, a Specialty. PINEHURST, - - N. C. THE NEWS DEPOT An up-to-date Bookstore. Fine line of Stationery, Toys and Novelties. Large stock of Souvenirs and Sporting Goods. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. Dr. HERBERT J. HALL, Resident House Physician, Office at The Carolina, Room Q,. Hours : 9.30 to 10.30 a. m.; 2.00 to 3.00 p.m.; 7.30 to 8.30 p. m.