THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK At the leading Clubs or Hotels you will find that "E. & E. Invincible" is one of their best selling cigars, It i8 a large generous smoke, consider ing it is the best imported tobacco that is being consumed. Packed 25 in a box. You will have to pay more for its equal in any other cigar. It is one of the crack productions of Estabrook & Eaton. SOLD AT THE PINEHURST HOTELS. PINEHURST DOES NOT TAKE CONSUMPTIVES; WE DO. We have the largest and most thor oughly equipped institution in Eastern North Carolina, for the treatment of all diseases of the throat and lungs. Write for our illustrated booklet showing testimonials from Governor Charles B. Aycock, U. S. Senator F. M. Simmons, U. S. Senator Lee S. Overman, and others. Southern Pines Sanitarium, Edwin Gladmon, Prop. HAYES & THOMAS, Fine Millinery and Ribbon Neckwear, Wools and Fancy Work Materials Near Bookstore, SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. MISS ESTELLE DUDLEY, Southern Pmes, N. C INSTRUCTION IN MENTAL and PHYSICAL POISE as a result of CORRECT AND SCIENTIFIC BREATHING. Pupil of Mile Marie de Palkowska. Appointments may be made by mail. JACKSON SPRINGS WATER Cures Indigestion, relieves rheumatism and the milder forms of kidney diseases. The spring Is a freak of nature bubbling forth at the rate of a gallon a minute from the only large solid stone In the sand hill section. It should be seen. There Is a first class hotel immediately at the spring kept by Mrs. Baxter, formerly of Pine hurst. For the bottled water and train schedules (ten miles from Pinehurst) see Mr. Berry at the depot. The Jackson Springs Co., N.C. r Corn must have a sufficient supply of Potash in order to develop into a crop. No amount of Phosphoric Acid or Nitrogen can compen sate for a lack of potash in fertilizers for grain and all other crops. We shall be glad to send free to any farmer ourlittlebook which contains valu able information about soil culture. GERHAN KALI WORKS, Atlanta. a.S So. uroad t. AT fOniUESS nOKIlOE. Farewell Dinner to General Story Many Guests are Coming-. Fortress Monroe, Va., Jan. 28, 1904. The most interesting of recent social events at Old Point was the dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Adams, at The Cham berlin to General John P. Story, in honor of his appointment as Chief of Artillery. The table was elaborately decorated with scarlet carnations, and the name cards at each cover were in the form of a shoulder strap, with a star in the center indicating the rank of the guest of honor. Among the guests were Mrs. Wise, wife of Admiral Wise, General Carlton, General and Miss Sullivan, Major and Mrs. Eafferty, Major and Mrs. Cummins, Major and Mrs. Weaver, Captain and Mrs. Bartlett, Captain and Mrs. Towns ley, Captain and Mrs. Davis, Captain and Mrs. Gilford, and Mrs. Kimberly. Miss Marjorie Warren and maid, Mr. II. J. Greene, Mr. Williard Welch, Boston ; llobert A. Southworth, Brookline ; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hill, Mrs. B. II. Dayton, Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Peek, Providence; Joseph Kugan, Wo burn. Mr, James Stokes, Mr. Chas. Tatham, Mr. A. L. Wehther, Mr. J. E. Johnson, Mr. Fred. Bookman, Mr. B. W. Smith, Mrs. J. Weiber, Mrs. J. R. Rainbow, Miss Eva Bishop, Miss Annie Winner, Miss Lillie Blyer, Miss Jennie Graham, New York ; A. S. Parker, East Orange, N. J. : Mrs. I. M. House, Miss S. House, Troy, N. Y. ; II. C. Ilayden, Long Branch, N. J.; L. McEmery, Jersey City. George B.Donnelly, W. P. Hawarth, C. S. Eldridge, Isaac Kershaw, S. Reich man, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Richbald, Jr., Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Mil ler, Reading, Pa. ; Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Miller, Mrs. Reuben Miller, Jr , Mr. W. K. Osborn, Pittsburg, Pa. FOR AN IDLE MOMENT. Find the rascal who stole Dr. Quack's umbrella. A.T XII JE XOUI.TIlY lAHJI. The Newport News German and the Saturday evening dance were well at tended and some handsome gowns were seen. Five o'clock tea, which is served every day in the sun-parlor, affords a good op portunity to observe the magnificent sun.ets, which are such a striking feature here at all times of the year. A class in "bridge" has been organ ized under the leadership of a competent instructor. The management of The Chamberlain, with its usual kindly thought for the pleasure of the guests has also provided backgammon boards, chess, drafts, etc., for use of guests. Among the recent guests were the fol lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Fiske Warren, Miss Evelyn Carter, Eliot A. Carter, Mrs. Hamilton Osgood, VUttora View Emltryo Chick in Vari u Stag-es of Incubation. An especially interesting feature is now found at the Poultry Farm in view ing the embryo chick in various stages of incubation by the aid of a powerful egg tester. Artificial incubation has now reached such a state of perfection that the care ful operator can tell ahead, within a few hours, the time the chicks will hatch. The healthy condition of the poultry at the Farm is the cause of much com ment. This is due to the exceptional conditions under which the poultry are reared, having as it does, one of the finest ranges in the country, to be found on distinctively market poultry plant. Chicks are now being hatched weekly, to-morrow being the next birthday. Visitors are always welcome at the Farm. THE KEARSARGE NORTH CONWAY, WHITE MTS., N.H. In the heart of the Summer Itenori region of the White Jloun tains. ,. ... fj Golf, Pure Mountain Spring Wucer, Delightful Drives, Magnificent Scenery, Located Near the Cathedral Tine Woods Accommodates 2G0 Guests; Many Suites with Private Bath. A. I. CREAMER, MANAGER. THE LENOX . . . . . . . THE CONCORD PIIVEIIUIIST, HT. C. By providing home comforts, giving personal attention to detail, and en deavoring to suit the tastes of guests, we intend to maintain the reputation established during the past five years. J. M. ROBINSON, Manager. THE MAGNOLIA PINEHURST, N. C. Open November 1st, to May 1st. Steam Heat and Open Fires, Electric Lights "and Baths with hot and cold water. J. L. POTTLE, Manager. The Pine Grove House, FINEIIUllKT, IV. C. Pleasantly located near a large pine gove, sunny rooms, good beds, steam heat, electric lights and baths with hot and cold water. 1FBANK B. POTTLE, - Manager. EAGLE INN, ORWELL ... VLItTIOXT. A delightful summer hom, located on high ground in the beautiful Lake (Jham plain valley, between the Adirondacks and the Green Mountains. Superb climate f)ure spring water. Correspondence solic ted. For information and booklet address, F. B. KIMBALL, Proprietor, Orwell, Vermont. Mas THE IBEIfllOW, GREENSBORO, N. C. Telephone in every Room Bath in every Suite $2. 50 to 55.00 per day Pinehurst Steam Laundry, First Class work In all Departments. Done with Neatness and Dispatch. F. W. BRADBURY, M. D. Resident Physician, PINEHURST, - - - N. C.