THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK AT fORTIlKSS HOUnOE. Published Saturday, Twenty-flve Weeka in the year, at Plnehurst, Moore County, North Carolina. (Founded by James W. Tufts ) Herbert L. Jillson, .... Editor. The Ontlook Publishing Company, - Publishers. On Dollar Annually, Payable in Advance; Five Cents a Copy. " Address Communications ar d make Remit tances Payable to The Outlook Publishing Compaky. Entered in the Po6t Office at Plnehurst, N. C, as Second Class Mall Matter. SATURDAY, JFJEBIIUAIIY 2,100 Events of The Coming- Week. SUNDAY Religious Services : Six a. m., Catholic Mass, Rev. Fr. Marion, Rev. Fr. Har rington assisting; Eleven A. m., Union, Rev. D. W. Fox ; Four P. m., Episcopal, Rev. Henry T. Gregory. Evening Sacred Concert at The Carolina. A general invitation ex tended. All day Sunday and other days, guests are welcome at the Dairy Farm, Market Garden and Poultry Farm. MONDAY Afternoon Base ball, Carolina vs. Village, ou Village Green. Evening Card Party at The Holly Inn. TUESDAY All Day Tennis Tournament, mixed doubles for The Carolina cups. Evening Subscription Card Party at The Berkshire. A general invitation ex tended. WEDNESDAY Evening Subscription Card Party at The Harvard. A general invitation ex tended. THURSDAY Morning Trap Shooting Tournament. Evening Dance at The Holly Inn. FRIDAY All Day Target-Pistol Club Tourna ment. Evening Dance at The Village Hall. SATURDAY Morning Golf Tournament. Afternoon Tea at Golf Club House, with music by the combined orchestras. A general invitation extended. Evening Dance at The Carolina. A general invitation extended. Three Thing's. I. We should Be good. II. We might Be right. III. We must Be just. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Thin Sig-n Would be in Order at The Ilerkshire These Days. The Berkshire is filled to the doors and the demand for accommodations is far beyond the supply. "I believe I could fill one hundred more rooms if I had them," said Manager Sherrard, Tues day morning. The company gathered has never been a more congenial one and informal so cial pleasures are being made much of. AMONG THE GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Chase, Master Rus sell P. Chase, and Miss Laura E. Chase, Melrose, Mass., come for the season. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hubbs, Brooklyn, are located here for an extended sojourn. Mrs. Clinton L. Conkling and Miss Katherine Conkling, Springfield, 111., will remain until April. Miss Edith Hutchinson, Builington, Vt., comes for her second season, wel comed by former acquaintances. Miss Amelia P. Welles, Tovvanda, Pa., joins her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Thomas VVorroll, East hampton, Mass., are here for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Ames, New Hamp shire, were recent guests. Mrs. Walter K. Gregory and Miss Beatrice II. Gregory, Danville, X. Y., are among the guests. , Mr. Gordon Hill, Boston, will make a long visit. Mr. H. A. Waldrou, Providence, is here for the season. WAixucj ion noojis. Guests Hooked in Anticipation of De partures. Manager Abbott of The Harvard has been obliged to establish a waiting list upon which he is placing the names of guests who will come as soon as de partures of guests make room for them. The house has been crowded for several weeks past, and at present, rooms in the annex cottage, Franklin Chambers and Casino are being brought into play to provide for the overflow. AMONG THE GUESTS. Mrs. Herman Wendell, Mister Doug las Wendell and Miss Frances Cary Wayne, Pa., are Here for the season. Mr. James C. Furst and Mr. E. II. Chidsey, Bellfonte, Pa., come to remain some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Moran, Brooklyn, are located here for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. II. U. Howes, Philadel phia, were recent visitors. Experience Teaches. Jerry "Is the world getting better?" Jack "It is getting wiser; I have an awful time trying to borrow money" Detroit Free Press. Ilrilliaiit Social Functions are a Fea ture of Xiife There. Fortress Monroe, Va., Feb. 16 Old Point is taking on an air so gay and festive under the influence of the bright sunshine, that we are admonished there is "no need to journey further South to meet the Spring." The sun parlor and the great south piazza of The Chambelin which command such an extensive view of Hampton Roads, are both favorite re sorts in the early morning, as well as at tive o'clock tea when every one finds it just the place in which to loiter for an hour. Social pleasures are many, Mrs. John Kimberly gave a delightful card party which was followed by a sumptuous supper. Seven-hand euchre was played. A progressive dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. George F. Adims was one of the most elaborate functions of the season. Eight tables were used with covers for thirth-two were laid. The decorations, consisting of violets, lillies of the valley, sweet peas, carnations and smilax were very effective. A dance in the Adminis tration Building followed. Mrs. J. E. Johnson of Longdale, Vir ginia, entertained at dinner recently, Capt. and Mrs. Clarauce P. Townsley. Recent New York guests include : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Fraade, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. lloughtaling, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hoffman, Mr, and Mrs, Frank A. Kensing, Mr. and Mi s. S. II. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. George Autourith, Mr. and Mrs. Davis Townsend. Mrs. George II. Wooster and maid, Mrs. Katherine Murtaugh, Mr, and Mrs. F. S, Cookwan, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Sanger, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Holden, Mr, and Mrs. M. Gug genhein, Mr. F. W. Lyons, Mr. J. Pow dermaker, Mr. R. T. Scarburgh, Mr. II. S. Bitner Mr. .0. J. Woodley, Mr. George C. James, Mr. J. Bene King, Master Davis King Mr. Thomas W. Kohlsatt, Mr. C. R. Woodward. PINEHURST WATER. A pure soft water taken in large quantities is as essential to the health of the body as is pure air. The Management takes pleasure in submitting the following analysis made by the highest authority obtainable, which shows conclusively that Pinehurst Water may be taken by anyone with advantage and that owing to its freedom from iron and lime salts, it is especially valuable to anyone suffering from rheu matic or gouty tendencies. The chemical analysis of the water is as follows: Free Ammonia .0254 Albuminoid Ammonia .0016 Nitrogen as Nitrates .1400 Nitrogen as Nitrites Absent Chlorine .38 Fixed residue 1.40 Volatile residue 0.80 Total residue 2.20 Hardness 0.33 The following is a letter from Dr. Charles Harrington of the Laboratory of Hygeine, Harvard Medical School: The water referred to contains about as little lime as ai y water I have ever exam ined; in fact, all of the mineral matters together amount to 1.40 parts per 100,000 and in that respect the water is extraordinary-Hardness is due chiefly to lime salts, but I cannot recall a water in which 1 have observed so slight a hardness as 1-3 degree and hence so little lime, with one exception, and that was in my mind when I wrote the opening sentence a specimen of fresh rain water. As to iron, if there Is any in Pinehurst Water, it cannot be detected in the amount submitted. THE Pinehurst Pharmacy Carries a Complete Line of Drugs, Druggist Sundries, Toilet Articles, Con fections, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Compounded by a Registered Pharmacist. SUNDAY HOURS: 10 to 11 A. M., 7 to 8 P. X. Miss Laura Agnes Walker, Expert Manicurist and Masseuse Will bt located at The Carolina During the Season. Prepared to give Massage Treatment, Shampooing and Chiropody Superfluous Hair Remored by the Electric Needle. Francis Batchelder. F. S. Snyder. Francis Batchelder & Co. Proprietors of the Capitol Creameries of Vermont. Egg and Poultry Station, Fenton, Michigan. Office and Cold Storage, Smoke Houses and Factory, Boston. Slaughter House, Brighton, Mass. 55, 57, 59, 61 and 63 Blackstone St., BOSTOJ, MASSACHUSETTS. DENTIST. Dr. J. ERNEST JUDD, Crown and Bridge Work Specialist, Appointments made by Mail or Telephone. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. E. L. MERROW, Photographer. Bric-a Brae, Burned Wood and Leather Novel- ties, Jewelry and Art Needle Work. Photographic Supplies and Films. Finishing for Amateurs, a Specialty. PINEHURST, - - N. C. THE INEIAS DEPOT An up-to-date Bookstore. Fine line of Stationery, Toys and Novelties. Large stock of Souvenirs and Sporting Goods. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. Dr. HERBERT J. HALL, Resident House Physician, Office at The Carolina, Ilooin Q,. Houus: 9.30 to 10.30 a. m.; 2.'0 to 3.00 p.m. 7.30 to 8.30 p. m.