THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK At the leading Clubs or Hotels you will find that "E. &E. Invincible" is one of their best selling cigars, It te a large generous smoke, consider ing it is the best imported tobacco that is being consumed. Packed 25 in a box. You will have to pay more for its equal in any other cigar. It is one of the crack productions of Estabrook & Eaton. SOLD AT THE PINEHURST HOTELS. PINEHURST DOES NOT TAKE CONSUMPTIVES; WE DO. We have the largest and most thor oughly equipped institution in Eastern North Carolina, for the treatment of all diseases of the throat and lungs. Write for our illustrated booklet showing testimonials from Governor Charles B. Aycock, U. S. Senator F. M. Simmons, U. S. Senator Lee S. Overman, and others. Southern Pines Sanitarium, Edwin Gladmon, Prop. New York Styles for February Our agent is now in New York and we are receiving daily, the latest things in Neckwear, Laces, Ribbons, Waist Sets etc. Our Spring opening of Millinery will be about March 1st. HAYES & THOMAS, Southern Pines MISS ESTELLE DUDLEY, Southern Pines, N. C. INSTRUCTION IN MENTAL and PHYSICAL POISE as a result of CORRECT AND SCIENTIFIC BREATHING. Pupil of Mile Marie de Palkowska. .Appointments may be made by mail. JACKSON SPRINGS WATER Cures indigestion, relieves rheumatism and the milder forms of kidney diseases. The spring is a freak of nature bubbling forth at the rate of a gallon a minute from the only large solid stone In the sand hill section. It should be seen. There is a first class hotel immediately at the spring kept by Mrs. Baxter, formerly of Tine hurst. For the bottled water and train schedules (ten miles from Pinehurst) see Mr. Berry at the depot. The Jackson Springs Co., NX. The flavor of TOBACCO may be in jured by the- use of stable and rank organic manures. Potash in the form of sulphate produces an improved flavor and a good yield. Tobacco must have Potash. Our little book, "Tobacco Culture," con- tains much valuable information, and every tojsacco grower can obtain a copy free of ; c-rge by writing for it. GERMAN KALI WORKS 1 Mew York 98 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Ga.-S2! So. Broad St. WINTER SEEMS UNREAL Another Pinehurst Lover Pays Tribute to Beauties of Village. Klri, Jaime H. IB r own of Manchester, If. II., Writes) Enthusiastic Letter to Friends at Ilouie. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Brown of Manchester, N. H., who is spending the winter at The Pine Grove House are most enthusiastic in their f praise of Pinehurst. The Manchester (iV. II.,) Mirror and American prints the following extracts from a letter by Mrs. Brown to friends at home, "concerning the climatic con ditions and the present season at that celebrated resort," as the Mirror ex presses it : is just the same at sunrise. We are leading a very lazy life. We have breakfast at nine o'clock, and then go out and feed the deer in the park or stroll over to the golf links and watch the players, return ing to the house to write letters or read the news of the day, for which we have time before dinner, which is served at one o'clock. We have the afternoon for such enjoyment as appeals to our fancy and supper at six. There are concerts, dances, card-playing, amusements, etc., in the evening. We have about made up our minds never to spend another winter in New Hampshire. The Color of feeling-. A man feels blue with trouble, red with rage, white with fear, yellow with envy, and green with jealousy Balti more American. T FOR AN IDLE MOMENT. The elephant and tiger laugh at the efforts of the three hunters to capture them. Can you find the hunters and also the tiger? Ilig- Trees of Florida. "We like here very much. The climate is all that our fancy painted it and more too. As I look out now, and see the clear blue sky the bright sunshine and the birds flitting about, I cannot realize that there is snow or cold weather anywhere in the world. Outside doors are kept open nearly all the time, and as I write I see men on the piazza, bareheaded, smoking their after-dinner cigars. We have only had one cloudy day since we came, and one or two showers which makes me think of April. I wish you might behold the sunsets. The sky is bathed in a sea of glory for an hour or more after the sun disappears. My pen fails me in any attempt to describe the wondrous beauty of the scene, and I only wish everybody could see it. It It is difficult even to guess at the age of the ancient live-oaks, says County Life in America, but some of them must num ber centuries and the oldest and greatest of them all is a monarch of the forest, with its outer branches sweeping the ground in a circle one hundred and twen ty feet across, with limbs as great as or dinary trunks of trees and bearing a gar den of aerial ferns and air-plants upon their bark. This venerable tree is sup posed to be the largest live-oak in Flor ida. Enormous grape-vine trunks rise sinuously from the ground and lose themselves amid the quarter-acre of foliage that crowns this tree ; the sap lings that once gave them support have disappeared long years ago, their only record being the angles and ciuves of grape-vine stems to which they lent their transient aid in climbing skyward. THE KEARSARGE NORTH CONWAY, WHITE MTS..N.H. Golf, Pure Mountain Spring Water, Delightful Drives, Magnificent Scenery, Located Near the Cathedral Pine Woods Accommodates 2G0 Guests; Many Suites with Private Bath. A. I. CREAMER. MANAGER. THE LENOX . . . . . . . THE CONCORD rxnEiiuiisx, ar. c. By providing home comforts, giving personal attention to detaij, and en deavoring to suit the tastes of guests, we intend to maintain the reputation established during the past five years. J. M. ROBINSON, Manager. THE MAGNOLIA PINEHURST, N. C. Open November 1st, to May 1st. Steam Heat and Open Fires, Electric Lights and Baths with hot and cold water. J. L. POTTLE, - Manager. The Pine Grove House, iii:iiuiist, w. c. Pleasantly located near a large pine gove, sunny rooms, good beds, steam heat, electric lights and baths with hot and cold water. FRANK B. POTTLE. Manager. THE GARDEN HOTEL Atlantic City, New Jersey, Has no Equal. White Service throughout, High Class Patron age; Famous Cuisine; Sea water baths. Amer lean and European Plans. Write for booklet, W. I. FINCH. BEULAH TRYON, N. C. Southern slope of the Blue Ridge, grand mountain scenery, beautiful drives. Climate mild, dry and wonderfully Invigorating. Pure spring water, excellent table. Rates $7 to $10, K. FERRIS. EAGLE IJNN, OHWELL - - 1 - VEIMIOAT.. A delightful summer home, located on high ground in th beautiful Lake Cham plain valley, between the Adirondncks and the Green Mountains. Superb climate )ure spring water. Correspondence solic ted. For information and booklet address, F. B. KIMBALL, Proprietor, Orwell, Vermont. THE IIEXIBOW, GREENSBORO, N. C. Telephone In every Room Bath in every Suite $2.50 to $5.00 per day Pinehurst Steam Laundry, First Class work In all Departments. Done with Neatness and Dispatch. F. W. BRADBURY, M. D. Resident Physician, PINEHURST, - - - N. C.